Loose 10lbs in august red team support-



  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I didn't realize that strength training burned more calories than cardio either, I will definitely have to look into this. I also had a tough time fitting in workouts today. Its very time consuming for me to try to get 3 walks in each day plus a little something extra. I am worried about how I will keep this up when school is back in session in a month. Today I had my granddaughter who was up at the crack of dawn, so I never did get to making up that extra walk in the morning. On the upside, though I at back my calories, I did not end the day by eating more than I earned - so to speak. I plan on doing alot over the next 3 days!

    It doesn't necessarily burn more calories WHILE you're doing it, but the calorie burn afterward lasts much longer. Most women are afraid of weights because they think they'll bulk up, when in reality, we're just not made that way. Most women would have to do a lot of strength training and take a lot of supplements to reach body builder status. That's one of the things that is so dangerous (and counter-productive) about most fad diets. You lose a lot of weight on them, but it's usually muscle mass because you're not fueling your body properly. Then once you go off the diet, since you've depleted your muscle mass, you have nothing (or very little) left to burn the extra calories and fat that you're putting back in your diet - that's why most people gain back all their weight and then some. Do some research on strength training vs cardio when it comes to weight training, and I think you'll be surprised.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259

    Yoga has some pretty fun aerobic/strength training (depending on the instructor)...and it's also great for when you're trying to get toned. :)
  • sveltelady
    sveltelady Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for that information, I have MS and I am unable to do cardio. I am also in treatment 2 weeks a month. I swim when I am feeling well and have started doing those 10 min workouts from tv for strength. I am going to focus a little more on yoga because i need to build my strength for when my health isnt at its best.

    I also have to do steriods once a month and struggle with losing weight. I havent been able to work for about 1 1/2 years and needed to take charge of my life again. Soooo I am not participating in MFP and LOVE it!!

    Because of this challenge I did not eat the muffins that someone brought into my house today!! I knew I have to weigh in Fri am. Thank you all!
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hey Spartans!
    So todays the day! I lost 2.4 lbs! this week! pretty chuffed with that! :D
    I'm not sure i'll be able to get much exercise in today but i'll do my best.
    Do you guys believe in treat meals/days?
    I'm thinking seens as i'm not getting to the gym as much as i'm use to that i'm going to have to do my weight training at home as best i can, There are a few things i'll need heavier weights for but for now i'm just going to have to make do, as all money is going towards our holiday in sept!

    Have a good day guys! and very best of luck the WI day!

    Edit to say: that i checked my calorie burn for the 5days of the challenge and i've managed 3313!! Not bad going i think! thats an average of 662 over the 5 days!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey Reds, or as I prefer... SPAAAAAAARTANS!!!! AMazing name.

    I was doing amazingly well on the exercise- did 2160 between Monday to Wednesday, but then spent all yesterday and today ill in bed (well, I say in bed, mostly running between bed and toilet, but I'll spare you the details...) Both me and my housemate have some horrible bug. Not nice. IT also means that although I've lost 4.2lb then I don't believe I can possibly keep it off, think it's just from the vomiting! My aim is to try and not put all of it back on next week... Good luck everyone else!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    (not exactly sure what a stone equates to in lbs).

    Haha...I was just about to ask this question, as it has been on my mind for a while.

    According to my converpad app on my phone, 1 stone (US) is 12.5 lbs. 1 stone (UK) is 14 lbs. :happy:

    natijade, you're so close!!! :drinker:

    Haha, do Americans not tend to use stone then? I had no idea they were different in different countries...random! Thanks! I actually just hit my last goal before Healthy BMI! And I'm officially the lowest weight I've been since I started taking note, this is how far I got last time I dieted! Soo happy! Can't help but think it's thanks to the 500 a day challenge!!

    I used to be afraid of weights before I joined this site for the reasons you said! And then I realised how hard people try to bodybuild and realised that was ridiculous! It doesn't happen by accident!

    Thanks for the link to your blog will be checking it out. ;-)
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey everyone. My name is Jess. I started MFP last Monday and found this challenge. I am stoked. I lost 2 pounds this week. I think I need to increase my water though and then I could probably lose more:) Would love to make new friends too, so friend request me. Good luck everyone:)
  • Great week! Finally broke away from my the darned 20 lbs loss that I have maintained for month!!

    Down 2.4 lbs for Week 1 :drinker:

    Team RED has totally got this!!!!
  • Hey Reds, or as I prefer... SPAAAAAAARTANS!!!! AMazing name.

    I was doing amazingly well on the exercise- did 2160 between Monday to Wednesday, but then spent all yesterday and today ill in bed (well, I say in bed, mostly running between bed and toilet, but I'll spare you the details...) Both me and my housemate have some horrible bug. Not nice. IT also means that although I've lost 4.2lb then I don't believe I can possibly keep it off, think it's just from the vomiting! My aim is to try and not put all of it back on next week... Good luck everyone else!!

    Yikes....hope you're feeling better!!!!
    Great job on what you did when you could :) Who knows...maybe it wills stay off and you'll hit the 1/2 way mark next week?1?
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    NatiJade--nope! Us colonials don't use "Stone." :) But there's enough of us anglophiles out there to know what your talking about. We welcome all our friends from "across the Pond."

    I lost 2.4 lbs this week! Yay! I'm gonna crank out the exercise today and see how the 500 cal challenge goes.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    2.5 lbs for me. didn't quite make the cal challenge. I am at 2900ish. does the challenge end today or sunday? I may make it by sunday. But not worried either way. a loss is a loss & 2.5 pounds is awesome. I was stalled for a bit & then Uncle TOM came in to mess things up, so hoping back on the losing streak.

    Good luck to all
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Lost a pound this week and am around 3100 cals burned. Will keep on truckin'
    This is SPARTA!
  • LauraC_NH
    LauraC_NH Posts: 5 Member
    Hi fellow Spartans! 2lbs down for me this week! This challenge is helping me to stay motivated.

    I need to up the exercise though. I walk to/from the train every day which takes me about 30 minutes (I'm working on increasing my speed to decrease the time to closer to 20 minutes). I have a 2 1/2 yo that I love to spend time with in the evenings and find it hard to pull myself away to spend time on the elliptical...and I find it kind of boring. We usually take a family walk in the evening after dinner.

    Does anyone have any recommendations? I need something fun that will help me to want to keep doing it...
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    NatiJade--nope! Us colonials don't use "Stone." :) But there's enough of us anglophiles out there to know what your talking about. We welcome all our friends from "across the Pond."

    I lost 2.4 lbs this week! Yay! I'm gonna crank out the exercise today and see how the 500 cal challenge goes.

    I don't think we should use stone anyway tbf, just makes it more confusing!! Means there's more maths! But if you say 169lbs over here people have to convert it to know what you're on about! Arrgh! But if you say I've lost 27lb, you have to convert it to lbs to take the 27 off and then back to stone again to know how much it makes!! Stupid!

    Yay, congratulations, that's brilliant!! :-)

    Well done to all us red-teamers who have lost- no matter how much, it all adds up! And to anyone whose stayed the same too!!!

    And well done everyone whose done the challenge,hope you all enjoyed it!!
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    I definitely didn't make the calorie-burn challenge, due to not having time AT ALL on Tuesday. But I did my best to get 500/day the rest of the week. My appetite has been WEIRD this week so I haven't really eaten enough - which thankfully means I am down 3.1 pounds this week! WOOHOO! But I'm a bit worried about just HOW low it's been, particularly given that a lot of it has been junk. I really want to try to eat more healthfully this week. That's my own personal challenge, I guess. (She says, at 10:30 local time, not having eaten a thing yet.... d'oh.)
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Hi fellow Spartans! 2lbs down for me this week! This challenge is helping me to stay motivated.

    I need to up the exercise though. I walk to/from the train every day which takes me about 30 minutes (I'm working on increasing my speed to decrease the time to closer to 20 minutes). I have a 2 1/2 yo that I love to spend time with in the evenings and find it hard to pull myself away to spend time on the elliptical...and I find it kind of boring. We usually take a family walk in the evening after dinner.

    Does anyone have any recommendations? I need something fun that will help me to want to keep doing it...

    There are some interesting sounding "mommy and me" exercise dvds out there you might try. Get your child active and fit NOW to build the habit for a lifetime, and you'll have fun bonding and "playing" while you do the dvd.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I definitely didn't make the calorie-burn challenge, due to not having time AT ALL on Tuesday. But I did my best to get 500/day the rest of the week. My appetite has been WEIRD this week so I haven't really eaten enough - which thankfully means I am down 3.1 pounds this week! WOOHOO! But I'm a bit worried about just HOW low it's been, particularly given that a lot of it has been junk. I really want to try to eat more healthfully this week. That's my own personal challenge, I guess. (She says, at 10:30 local time, not having eaten a thing yet.... d'oh.)

    Hey there! THAT IS MY CHALLENGE TOO this weekend!!! I lost 2.8pds and want to keep it or have more of a loss come Monday!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Do we weigh in on Mondays or Fridays? I forget...
  • Lost 1 lb this week! Woo hoo!
  • Lost 2 pounds this week. Yay for good choices and awareness of portion size!

    Didn't get up to the exercise challenge level, but I *did* work out 3 days in a row, which has happened exactly zero times previously in my life.

    The big challenge for me is going to be the next two weeks while I'm on vacation. 2 days driving each way; 10 days staying with my folks, comfort food and eating out. No wii to structure & track my exercise with - but bringing our bicycles, so hope to get out there and burn some calories that way. Hoping my willpower mostly comes on vacation with me!