December 2017 Running Challenge



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I think I need to go 'enjoy the climb out of the river valley' during my long runs over the next 3 months...
    @sarahthes I would suggest either Groat Rd or the Emily Murphy Park Rd Hill from Hawrelak Park, as they offer good parking at the bottom and a slope that is not monstrously steep. In fact the Running Room on 109 St commonly does their Hill Repeat Training on the Emily Murphy Park Hill.
    If you can run/power walk it you are good to go for Jasper. Right now in the dark days of winter I would probably have to powerwalk the top 1/2 of it.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    penko47 wrote: »
    I made my December Goal! It was not much, but I know it is more than I would have done had I not announced it to you all. I am going to set my January goal for 62 miles. Thank you all again and Happy New Year!


    Well done!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Some good reading here...

    How to Read Race Elevation Maps
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,746 Member
    On our last fartlek interval I totally face planted on the boardwalk in front of two ladies and a dog. The dog was very concerned about me. I have been thoroughly licked. I wish I could say just my pride was hurt but my patella also really hurts! We went back to where we started the interval and ran it again, and the second time past I saw the loose board which tripped me in the first place. Darn it! I need to get better at picking my feet up over uneven surfaces. It was a beautiful face plant though, I could win the Olympic face planting competition. Since we were sprinting and the boardwalk is a nice smooth surface (except for that one board) I must have slid on my stomach about twenty feet before coming to a stop! :s
    Ouch! Hope your knee is ok!
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    8.3 combination of elliptical and treadmil. Had to try out my new forerunner 35 on an inside run. Seemed stringy on miles on elliptical and generous on treadmil but not crediting me with as many calories burned. Ok, I had an inkling that I was overestimating calories burned so its time to adjust. 160 definately in sight.


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @Teresa502 - Goal! WTG! That's a great pace for the 5 miler! I bet because it was Christmas day it was mostly hardcore runners that were there. If it was a normal Sat/Sun 5 mile run and there were a ton of people there, you wouldn't be at the very end. But even if you were, who cares. As they say ... you still beat everyone else on the couch!

    @penko47 - Goal! Awesome!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    December goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 120?? I really don't know. Going for like 70% trail

    12/1- 7.2
    12/2- 8.2
    12/3- 9.5
    12/4- 5.8
    12/5- REST
    12/6- 6.5
    12/7- REST
    12/8- 8.4ish
    12/9- 9.1
    12/10- 6.6
    12/11- REST
    12/12- 4.1
    12/13- 6.6
    12/14- 4.9
    12/15- SW-LJ Rest day
    12/16- 6- ugh, so slow
    12/17- 8.1
    12/18- REST
    12/19- 7
    12/21- REST
    12/23- 10
    12/24- 8.3
    12/25- REST
    12/26- 6.6
    12/27- 6.7
    12/28- 7.1

    Total: 150.8

    Today's notes: Assignment was 5x800m intervals at 3:20 per interval. The roads were just a little slick,not icy, but compacted snow isn't exactly as nice as running on bare pavement. Anyway, enough with the excuse making. Splits on the intervals were:

    As you can see, I was slow my last 3 intervals. I'm pretty sure that with dry roads I could have gotten them in under time but that's just vanity and excuse making on my part.

    Temp this morning was -20F (-28C)

    Have a runderful day all!

    2018 races
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    On our last fartlek interval I totally face planted on the boardwalk in front of two ladies and a dog. The dog was very concerned about me. I have been thoroughly licked.

    @rheddmobile I hope you are ok. But this sounds like something I would totally do!

  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    :) Not used to cold weather here in Texas, have been running in the gym lately. People look at my sweat-soaked self like I'm crazy!
    @cyber_running, there are a few of us here in Texas. Where ya at?? LOL. It has been cold and about to get colder. People across the street from the track where only 3 of us showed up last night were looking out their windows like we were crazy!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Just a quick catch up with everyone and I will post miles later...
    @RespectTheKitty - Love the math and that it came out to Pi!
    @Elise4270 - you can be proud of your miles for the year especially what with surgery and all that you have been through. It is still way more than most people do at all, ever....
    @amymoreorless - Yay on being cleared to run again! Love that you actually wore running clothes to the appointment!
    @Stoshew71 - love the meme!
    @rheddmobile - ouch! Hope your bruises heal quickly along with your pride! Having done it myself the dog's reaction while sweet is almost more embarrassing! I think that 20 ft you slid should count toward your overall distance covered :wink:
    @penko47 - Great job hitting that goal!
    @abutcher2122 - Nice pace improvement! No one cautioned you when you started that running is addictive? :lol:
    @Teresa502 - 10:32 is a great pace and it will likely keep improving over time as you keep running... and you got out there and ran a race on Christmas morning - how many people do that? Awesome job!
    @CiaraRebello - awesome running for 30 mins straight! You will be awesome in that 5K in May!!