Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    @Bex made me realize yesterday that success is NOT about what the scale says. SUCCESS is measured in so many ways. (thank you Bex!),
    SO I am doing what @Bex suggested -- list FIVE things I HAVE accomplished this year. I would love to have you guys all do the same --- we have ALL been so successful, and again, I cannot thank you guys for the help in all of us improving our selves!

    My FIVE things accomplished in 2017:
    1. I started writing in a gratitude journal every night...5 things I'm grateful for that day. This has actually become a habit and I can't go to sleep without doing it now! :smile: Sometimes the things I write are a big deal and sometimes it's things like having hot water and a roof over my head. I live in a place of gratitude now.
    2. I began reading daily chapters out of the Simple Abundance book, which helped me realize that less is sometimes more. I have found a way to be content with my life. I have begun simplifying life and letting go of stress.
    3. For several years now, I have struggled with sleep due to stress and anxiety. I just couldn't turn my brain off. I was exhausted and feeling physically ill. Now, I have a wind-down bedtime routine and sleep like a rock.
    4. I have met new friends in this thread whom I look forward to checking in with every day! I rarely go on Facebook anymore. I have learned to pursue positive people and cut the negativity out of my life. I now walk away from negativity.
    5. The biggest best thing I changed this year is jobs. I left an organization after 24 years of employment and took a leap of faith, taking a job at a different organization in order to get away from stress that was making me physically sick. I have been there for 5 weeks now and went from working 60 to 65 hours per week down to a straight 40 hr/week! 8:00-4:30 and I'm out the door leaving work at work! My stress is gone and I am truly happy every single day now.

    So, although I was on a journey in 2017 to take back my life, which I thought at that time meant losing weight, I took my life back in other ways. Goodbye stress. Goodbye anxiety. Goodbye working during 12-14 hour days and on weekends! ...and Hello 2018, Part 2, of taking back my life!!!! Body, Mind & Spirit! It all works together.

    Thank you all. If it weren't for you, I would have quit MFP a long time ago! You've helped me more than you will EVER know!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    PS - what mystery are you currently reading?

    I'm just starting a book by Blake Pierce called "Once Hunted". :smile:

    And I agree with you that baby steps are best! I'll just keep adding minutes to my time and work my way up to where I want to be. Just think, by this time next year I might be able to jog a few minutes even! :mrgreen:
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    5 Accomplishments of 2017
    1. I wanted to make wedding gowns for each of my children before I wasn’t able to. This year I made the last one for my youngest daughter.
    2. Since March I’ve slowly lost 24.2 pounds. I’ve found it much slower and more difficult now that I’m older but I’m stubborn (sounds like committed).
    3. Speaking of committed, I decided that I’m worth doing the things I want to do so this fall I placed a deposit on next year’s craft retreat, without guilt.
    4. I’ve challenged myself to get into my studio at least twice per week. I am happier when I can do this, not to mention
    5. I didn’t give up my search on MFP until I found an incredible bunch of people that are so supportive of each other. Thank-you to each of you.
    bcTRAI wrote: »

    JFT Friday
    1. Water :smile:
    2. Recycling :smiley:
    3. Groceries :smile: That was close. There was an uncalled for freak snow storm while I was in town. It took me twice as long to get home as it should have.
    4. Walk if hubby gets home at a reasonable time :neutral: see #3
    5. Pool :smile: see #3 wasn't planning on going back out
    6. Brush and floss :smile:
    7. Bed by 10:30 :smile:

    JFT Saturday
    1. Water
    2. Laundry
    3. Studio time
    4. Brush and floss
    5. Bed by 10:30
  • mamaof3boys18
    mamaof3boys18 Posts: 8 Member
    My life is super super busy with three preteen boys in sports, I am always on the go and workout time for mommy isn't even a consideration right now. This is tough b/c I LOVE working out, but I'm up at 3:30 each morning and finally crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night. Let me mention, I teach first grade, which helps me get my steps in...lol..but accounts for some of my exhaustion! So my goals will seem small and silly, but one step at a time, one day at a time. I'm hoping this accountability will help with my journey. So since working out is out for this portion of my life, I can "easily" focus on food. Here are my simple goals for today:

    Friday 12/29. Drink 48 oz of water or green tea❌
    Stretch 2x today❌
    Eat sugar ONLY with lunch (not all day long like usual!)✅
    Finish the valley loop on fit bit 3x this week=17k a day✅
    No pop for breakfast✅
    5 - 1 minute wall sits❌
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30✅

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    My life is super super busy with three preteen boys in sports, I am always on the go and workout time for mommy isn't even a consideration right now. This is tough b/c I LOVE working out, but I'm up at 3:30 each morning and finally crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night. Let me mention, I teach first grade, which helps me get my steps in...lol..but accounts for some of my exhaustion! So my goals will seem small and silly, but one step at a time, one day at a time. I'm hoping this accountability will help with my journey. So since working out is out for this portion of my life, I can "easily" focus on food. Here are my simple goals for today:

    Friday 12/29. Drink 48 oz of water or green tea❌
    Stretch 2x today❌
    Eat sugar ONLY with lunch (not all day long like usual!)✅
    Finish the valley loop on fit bit 3x this week=17k a day✅
    No pop for breakfast✅
    5 - 1 minute wall sits❌
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30✅

    You know when you’re making dinner? Could you do stretches and wall sit then?
    I used to do it whilst cooking because no one bugs me when I’m cooking hahah
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    Morning everyone! I Completed most of my goals yesterday, except I still haven’t folded all my laundry and I binged a little last night :/ Anyway I’m getting right back on track today. So today I will.......

    - Stick to my pre planned meals
    - Workout for 30 mins
    - Clean the bathroom and fold laundry
    - Be kind to myself
    - Get off my damn phone by 9 (this is such an issue for me *eyeroll*)
    - Get to bed by 10:30
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Friday:
    1. Gym at 9:30 for strength class ✔. Treadmill to 8k ✔. Get to 10k by 6 PM around the house.
    2. Prelog food ❌. Eat only what's already been logged into MFP ❌. Stay within calorie goal. ❌ (but I post-logged and was close!)
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔. Run lines ✔. Practice piano 20 min. ✔
    4. Get in touch with B and see about making plans to get together. ✔
    5. Grade late work from the end of the semester. ❌
    6. Request unofficial transcript. ❌
    7. Call Disney to add a person to a dining reservation. ❌
    8. Check pantry; update the grocery list. Semester 2 starts next week. ❌
    9. Begin re-reading Ready Player One. ❌
    10. Put dishes away. ✔
    11. List 5 things I'm thankful for. (stolen from @OConnell5483)
    12. Clean the small bathroom. ✔ Make the bed in the guest room. ❌
    13. Teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 10. ❌

    JFT Saturday:
    1. Gym at 10:00, do weights. Treadmill to 9k. Get to 11k by 6 PM around the house.
    2. Prelog food. Eat only what's already been logged into MFP. Stay within calorie goal.
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo. Run lines. Practice piano 20 min.
    4. Lunch/coffee with B.
    5. Grade late work from the end of the semester.
    6. Request unofficial transcript.
    7. Call Disney to add a person to a dining reservation.
    8. Check grocery list with husband to what I've missed/forgotten. Pick up groceries.
    9. Begin re-reading Ready Player One.
    10. Contact Lifetouch about portraits.
    11. Write a Five Things for today - I'll try to think of five things I'm glad I've accomplished.
    12. Make the bed in the guest room.
    13. Teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 10.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    Jan 1 goal: 169.6 - 7 lbs, should be ~1.5/week

    Today: 175.4. Minimal change, but hey! PROGRESS. :D

    So I posted yesterday's five things to the blog that MFP gives you. Gonna see if I can't keep that up. And I made it to bed by 11, but I really wasn't tired by 10. Need to try to get up earlier tomorrow because school is going to start again soon.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12/30 Saturday JFT:

    ▪Put up Christmas Decorations
    ▪Finish organizing office
    ▪Prenatal Yoga
    ▪Dinner by 7:30 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    (I cannot find my last post but I did everything but my elliptical yesterday :disappointed: I actually decided against it so I could finish organizing my closet. I just had to get my prepregnancy clothes out of site!)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. drink water :)
    2. eat as healthy as possible, but focus more on getting over this cold :) Feel SO much better today!!!

    JFT, Saturday, Dec 30
    1. go to the gym. :) Already done. I can't believe how much I enjoy this now. Got in 60 minutes on the treadmill - a great start after missing the gym for a week!
    2. drink water
    3. go to the grocery store
    4. clean up the guest room - rearranging furniture, and putting old TV in there
    5. finish cleaning up the LR. Hubby got a new tv, so everything is torn up and a mess!
    6. Get groceries/plan new years eve snacks
    7. do laundry
    8. log all food - concentrate on healthy choices
    9. aim for 8 glasses of water today!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Today is your day! Improve just ONE thing today. Take ONE more lap around the office, go up those stairs just ONE extra time, drink just ONE more glass of water. JUST ONE. You can do this! It's YOUR day!

    Love this -- thank you for the reminder, to do just ONE more thing each day. A great way to look at this! SO that is my goal ... to drink ONE more glass of water!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    1. I wanted to make wedding gowns for each of my children before I wasn’t able to. This year I made the last one for my youngest daughter.

    OMG - you sew wedding gowns! How exciting! I used to sew all my own clothes, but now I mostly just sew quilts. I don't think I could ever tackle a wedding gown. That is so great that you can do this! I would love to see a picture of it if you have one!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited December 2017
    crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night.
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30

    @mamaof3boys18 Welcome. This thread has really helped me. I just have an observation and a question with no judgement at all involved. :)
    You have an incredibly busy day and may I say wow!? I notice you're up at an insane time yet you only eat between 11:30 and 3:30, so basically during work hours, and then bed at 9.
    Does that mean every day you're eating 4 hours and fasting 20? Is that correct?
    When I don't eat or drink often enough I find it contributes to tiredness. I see you're only sleeping 6 hours as well on top of busy but wondered if that might be happening for you.
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited December 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Anyone else have them days where everything is just hard?
    Even changing Marley’s nappy is hard.
    My older daughter keeps asking a billion questions and I’ve just had enough for the day.

    YES! It makes me cherish the rare days I feel somewhat “normal” and energized. I had a small anxiety induced binge last night that just set the tone for the day. I got my workout in and my laundry folded though so that’s a plus. I will probably clean out my bathroom tomorrow. I really suck at life :neutral:
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I really suck at life :neutral:

    Nope, you're just having a rough bit. :)
  • mamaof3boys18
    mamaof3boys18 Posts: 8 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night.
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30

    @mamaof3boys18 Welcome. This thread has really helped me. I just have an observation and a question with no judgement at all involved. :)
    You have an incredibly busy day and may I say wow!? I notice you're up at an insane time yet you only eat between 11:30 and 3:30, so basically during work hours, and then bed at 9.
    Does that mean every day you're eating 4 hours and fasting 20? Is that correct?
    When I don't eat or drink often enough I find it contributes to tiredness. I see you're only sleeping 6 hours as well on top of busy but wondered if that might be happening for you.

    No judgement taken
  • mamaof3boys18
    mamaof3boys18 Posts: 8 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    My life is super super busy with three preteen boys in sports, I am always on the go and workout time for mommy isn't even a consideration right now. This is tough b/c I LOVE working out, but I'm up at 3:30 each morning and finally crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night. Let me mention, I teach first grade, which helps me get my steps in...lol..but accounts for some of my exhaustion! So my goals will seem small and silly, but one step at a time, one day at a time. I'm hoping this accountability will help with my journey. So since working out is out for this portion of my life, I can "easily" focus on food. Here are my simple goals for today:

    Friday 12/29. Drink 48 oz of water or green tea❌
    Stretch 2x today❌
    Eat sugar ONLY with lunch (not all day long like usual!)✅
    Finish the valley loop on fit bit 3x this week=17k a day✅
    No pop for breakfast✅
    5 - 1 minute wall sits❌
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30✅

    You know when you’re making dinner? Could you do stretches and wall sit then?
    I used to do it whilst cooking because no one bugs me when I’m cooking hahah

    Great idea! Thanks!
  • mamaof3boys18
    mamaof3boys18 Posts: 8 Member

    Saturday 12/30. Drink 48 oz. water/green tea