
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
    Morning peeps
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - Wendy has another good idea of things you can take to eat to school with you, hard boiled eggs!

    Good idea, and I do like hard boiled eggs, but unfortunately they don't like me. I can eat the occasional one, but two in a week would give me a bad night of gall bladder pain. :(

    I saw PB & J suggested too ... I haven't eaten peanut butter in about 25 years. Back then, I discovered that peanuts and peas did not sit well with me at all. And then just a few years ago, tree nuts joined the list. :(:(

    There is a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard which my husband uses, and sometime I wish I could too. But I know I'd be in agony. About 3 years ago, he was eating peanuts and they smelled so good that I had some. Big mistake!

    I can handle a very small amount like maybe 6 or 8 peanuts (like what you might find in a granola bar), but even that is just borderline OK.

    And milk is another bad one for me. I can do hard cheeses, but not soft unless it is something like paneer or cottage cheese. I can do yogurt and hard ice cream, but butter and soft ice cream are questionable. And milk itself ... I can do a bowl of cereal with a little bit of milk 2 or 3 days in a row, but that's it. I cannot eat chocolate pudding - the kind you make with the pudding mix and lots of milk, and I can't drink a glass of milk.

    It would make life so much simpler in many ways if I could eat those things, and I try now and then ... but nope.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
  • loumoon5
    loumoon5 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Still bitter cold here in Chicago. I'm wearing layers at work because our heat went out (repairman has been called) but can't do much for my poor toes. Does shivering count as exercise?
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Good morning, lovlies!

    Lanette The first muffin in a cup recipes I saw used the microwave. Finally found this, how much ground flaxseed/coconut flour do you use? https://elanaspantry.com/ratio-rally-quick-breads-almond-flour-muffins/
    Machka spiders in bed? Eeeeuuuuuwww! Yes, time to put out the preventative scents. DoTerra's TerraShield (Ylang Ylang Flower, Nootka Wood, Cedarwood, Catnip, Lemon Eucalyptus, Litsea, Arborvitae, Vanilla Bean) on our sheets seems to help. Have no idea what Nootka or Litsea are ;} but maybe you have some cedar and eucalyptus essential oil handy?

    Dang, there goes that timer!

    Time to prep for T'ai Chi, catch you later.
    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    - the original muffin in a cup recipe I used (alas, microwave!) used 100% ground flaxseed meal. I sub about half almond flour and it works fine. Coconut flour needs a lot more liquid so when I add up to 1/3 of that, I add water or just expect a much drier product. The oven-baked muffin you show sounds great and more muffin-like. I'm going to try it with the almond/flaxseed meal combo. Thank you for sharing!!

    SW WA State
  • loumoon5
    loumoon5 Posts: 31 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    On spiders. I’m not terribly afraid of them but don’t want the in my house. I posted this pic before, but wanted to do it again with all the spider talk. This was just strutting down the street in front of our camper.

    RV Rita in NM

    Just waltzing around in broad daylight? I thought tarantulas were nocturnal. Maybe he was sleepwalking.

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Rye.... Like your idea of having a variety of soup available for quick healthy lo cal meals. I will have to try to get organized and have some available. On fast days I drink lots of water and tea and usually have oodles of roasted vegetables, especially cauliflower, peppers, celeric root and broccoli. Breakfast is usually steel cut oats with almond milk because it sticks with me all day. Soup would be a nice addition to my fast days.

    Heather....smart to plan three parts... and somehow that seems more doable. I think for me it would be enjoyable but probably painful to process through a memoir. The most difficult times are many years past and so it might be good (and safe) to face them in a safe writing environment, for my own growth.

    Kelly, welcome and good for you not to gain weight through the holidays. Wish I could claim the same. :-)

    Betsy in NW Washington... slightly wet from walking Ella by the river.