

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rori either bedazzle that Fitbit or cover it up with your long evening gloves ;) Just have the best time ever, you both deserve it. Parasailing, dancing and don’t forget some spa time!!!

    Beth. DD goes back to school on the 15th, I know what you mean about mini-mourning about it

    Well it’s mealnprep Sunday—gotta use up some kale!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,364 Member
    Did a Pilates Intermediate DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Tone Trouble Zones DVD (one segment), hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Score.....I found a DVD that has some short programs on it, I'd completely forgotten about it. I would like to find the DVD that I was sure I had, tho. Oh, well....

    Barabara - thanks for that video of folding the sheet. Actually, I was quite surprised that I usually do most of it, only I don't fold it in thirds. I'll start doing that. He also had a great personality for doing it.

    Lisa - janetr is right. I would so miss you if ever you left

    Put the chocolate cookies out for Vince and have some to take to the extremepump class. At least they won't be calling my name any more

    I'm thinking of changing gyms -- just have to check out what I can get at other places. Right now I'm paying the Y membership. Really, the only thing they have that the other place doesn't have is a pool. Now I do take an extremepump class and have to pay for that. Now if I change to her, I'd be paying her membership, for the class for the extremepump and for the water class (either at the Y or at the Hospital). I have to check out if I can use the pool at the hospital on my own. As I recall, their classes are later and I need earlier classes. I guess I could use the extremepump-type equipment at the other place and just use some of my DVD's. But I don't know about the pool. Also, I found by using the pool on my own for a time at the Y that I need motivation (music). Do they have a CD player. I know that I've brought my own CD's and played them at the Y, only now they don't even have a radio. It's just that I don't see this Y going anywhere. I just have to check things out.

    Re - many times I have leftovers from dinner the night before for breakfast! I do like batch cooking and putting things in the freezer for me. Like yesterday I made pumpkin soup. I have a recipe for pea soup which I want to try only right now I don't have enough peas in the house. I'll just have to get some.

    Evie from IL - welcome. I'm so very sorry about your husband. Come in here lots. We're all here and more than willing to help

    barbie - I really only have one set of sheets for the bed. I wash it and put it right back on. I'm putting my recipes on the computer, too. Trying to get rid of as many cookbooks as I can

    Michele in NC
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    Rita and Barbara Discarding things. I find it SO very hard to do. Two main reasons.

    1. I look at the thing and see all the uses/reasons why I acquired/kept it. I fear (and this often happens) that if I discard it I will have need for it soon and have to replace it. Frugality and lack of mobility (can’t drive) are the biggies. Now that I have a job and Amazon delivery of most everything in existence- I might be able to force myself to discard stuff. It would be nice to get rid of SOME clutter.

    2. Sentiment! If the item has no use, it is likely it has sentimental value. Just looking around my living room I realize I have a story (maybe long, maybe short) I associate with everything in the room. So I don’t know how! Even stuff I don’t really want, my mother’s Beleek China pieces for instance (pretty, but so not my style) sit there in a bookcase because my mother loved them. When I take them up to figure out if I can sell or donate them it is like my mom is standing next to me loving each piece. Dang, I even know most of HER stories for each piece, who gave it to her or when and where she found it...

    I did get better when I turned 40ish and we moved into this home. Decorative items like that pretty black and white bowl I purchased when I was about 7 years old got put to use - out so I could enjoy them instead if packed safely away in a cupboard or something. Of course, Irony struck as soon as I made that decision and started using that pretty bowl from childhood. A cat -exploring the top of the refrigerator in our new home jumped down and knocked it off the counter and broke it. So ultimately I carted the bowl around for 25+ years to enjoy it for only one week. Irony sucks. But I did take the right lesson. Enjoy those things NOW - if you liked it enough to keep it and move it across country then it doesn’t belong in a cabinet unseen and unenjoyed.


    (Oh, KJ - I have had two opportunities in 12 years to shovel here in TX, but truthfully one of them was really just breaking up ice with my shovel. Still enjoyed it tho.

    And Michelle I think, no we did not get a break on rent. But our rent was ridiculously low and our landlord decided to hold on to the property two or three extra years because we took over some of their property chores. It was a win win situation. )
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,270 Member
    Welcome Evie and HarvestSue! Nice to see some more older folks on here! There are a few of us. I am 68 and lost 57 lbs over 18 months, finishing 4 years ago this month. I have been maintaining ever since and I am currently up 5 lbs and trying hard to get rid of it. I am more active than I ever dreamed, even more than I was when I was young! I was someone who scoffed at exercisers! I always liked dancing and could swim well, but I certainly wasn't consistent. Ten years ago I was starting chemo for breast cancer and my weight climbed from then on until I realised it was now or never. By then I was almost crippled with joint pains and breathing difficulties.
    I now do a LOT of exercise every morning on my home machines, yoga/pilates on my mat in front of the TV, and weights. Occasionally I swing a kettlebell and I have just taken up the Couch to 5k programme in the afternoons. I love my food , so I have to exercise a lot, but I eat very healthily. I go to a wonderful yoga class once a week. Full of women over 80!!! They are amazing. :D

    Today I went out for my week 2 run on my c25k app, only to find they had discontinued the app and it was stuck on wk1. Grrrrrrrrrr! I did the week 1 one again and came home and downloaded their new one, which I don't like as much. :#:/;) I will bear with it and hope I can get used to it. I really loved the old app. :'( With this new one you use your own music, so I will be using my dance tracks.

    I better be losing some weight after all this! Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Barbara - Thank you for the encouraging words. Baby steps is right. My goal is to develop these into habits. Posting here helps me be more mindful. I think about getting to report good progress here and it motivates me. I'm not too worried about a perfect score. Still working on the habit forming part.
    ✔Habit Cycle:
    Trigger--> Behavior-->Reward.

    Lou - Yes! I'm a Flybaby. Since 2013. I'm so easily distracted... I need the routines. They keep me from pivoting from one thing to another - leaving a trail of unfinished tasks. The routines keep my perfectionist self in check - and help keep our home tidy. Less guilt. "I see you clutter... and I have a plan for you. I'll get to you in the next round." ;-) Now... If only I could get my inner brat on point.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,891 Member
    Decluttering- my DH has a lot of trouble with downsizing when we went to the RV. We ended up renting a PODS container and filled it with “stuff” he wanted to keep but couldn’t take ib the RV. Almost a year later, he is now looking at the cost of storing the stuff opposed to buying it when we need it. His eyes are opening! Lol. So maybe declutter and store everything in storage. Then after a few months decide if you really needed it and is it worth the cost of storage.

    Growing carrots— I never had luck with them. I hated to thin them out to give them room to grow. I felt like I was wasting the little plants! Lol

    Sheets— my mom ironed them too. I like ironing but am too lazy to do it. Never ironed sheets after going out on my own though. Now just fold or smoosh to fit in my linen closet. ( yes, I have one in my RV!)

    RV Rita in NM
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Alas, I let the Virgo Moon pass without any decluttering or organizing. Instead, when Joe invited me to walk on the
    beach then ride bikes nearby I said YES! More important to me to be receptive when Joe suggests activities. ;) He was surprised I wasn't "too busy". A little wakeup call... ;}

    Barbie I'm really enjoying listening to "Better Next Year" while driving. Have put a hold on "Happiness Project". After I read it, and go through the exercises mindfully, will want to revisit Better Next Year. So much of what she says about good habit success depends on self knowledge, I look forward to clarifying that ;}
    Lou love your approach to NY resolution.
    Penny 500 g of raw veggies whole not juiced? smh ;)
    Machka I'm with you about Penny's life . . . and the month without sun. I don't think I'd be merely weeping, think I'd be catatonic. The cherries look beautiful! A long time 'til cherry season here... ;{ Strong winds and fire near you? Oh no! The Chetco Bar Fire here that started in July put our "soon to be" neighborhood under "go now" evacuation.We had to put off our move for a week and when we got here the heat and smoke were terrible. Fire wasn't out completely until the mid-October rains. Sure hope the fire doesn't come near you and that it's quickly extinguished.
    Lanette you inspire me but I won't let myself look at seed catalogs, til I've walked 20 mins for 6 out of 7 days. Motivation! Do any of your seed catalogs carry parseley root?
    Karen in UK Is your line dance social evening a weekly event? Any special faves? Here the Tues pm class starts next week after a holiday break, the Thur pm class continued throughout. I'm struggling to learn "clap happy" but enjoy "chain smokin', whiskey drinkin' summbeyatch" ;)
    Okie two sizes over the holidays! VERY well done!
    Lenora hope the sheet folding works out. Here's a YouTube demo but my arms are too short to do it his way so I need the chair :} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QXrZtXfo58
    Rye you don't sound crazy, just a natural born rebel.

    Still 2 pages to go but way past my 20 mins.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    I've always folded my fitted sheets that way, I started to look at the video until he started to do what I always do, then I stopped. I'm 58 and mom always taught us to fold it that way, so I've been right for about 45-50years :0)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) My mother ironed sheets and was very fussy about how they were folded. My feeling about sheets is that if you can get them into a compact bundle and put them in the linen closet, that is enough. The nice thing about decluttering our lives is that there is sufficient room in the linen closet for the things that we need.

    :)Re, It is good to hear from you again. I always enjoy what you have to say.

    Katla, I usually check a suitcase when I fly because there are so many things I want to take with me and I don't want anything more than my backpack in the airport with me while I wait for my flight, but I wouldn't like the idea of being told to bring an extra suitcase just to transport "stuff". Stick to your principles and do what works best for you. Just because someone asks you do something, doesn't mean you have to do it.

    :)Lanette, I brought my knitting with me to the meeting yesterday so I had something do while I sat. I sat in the back of the room so if I was fidgety, it wasn't so obvious.

    :)Michele, My reason for getting rid of books is to have more empty space. Since I go online for answers to the "how do I cook this?" questions, my need for cookbooks has diminished. Also, I have my favorite recipes in a file on my computer.

    :) I finished making my list of 18 things to do in 2018. Several of them will take all year, some will take an hour, and the others are somewhere in between. Now I'll put the list on the computer and print a copy to put where I can see it. I have already started several of them.

    :) I recorded all the US figure skating championship episodes and have been watching them a little at a time when I ride my bike.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington

    we had to iron pillow cases only and the boys t-shirts and a very particular way of folding t-shirts, that's probably on u tube too
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 853 Member
    I don't ever remember even Mom ironing sheets, but I do remember ironing pillowcases and my father's hankies. Yes, he was a hankie guy, no disposable kleenex for him. When my dad hurt his back (again!), he finally was able to convince worker's compensation to send him to school to learn something else. That was fine, he went to school and had an income then, but then when he started his own business, he didn't have much of an income so my mom went to work. That meant that I got to do a lot of chores (oh yippee....) I was 12. I cleaned the house on the weekends, did the ironing and started dinner most nights also. My mom was very particular about how the house was cleaned, too. Everything had to be dusted every week, now I hardly ever dust! Not good, I know, especially with a hubby that is a bit allergic to dust, but I figure he could pick up the duster too. That doesn't happen. I do vacuum the furniture every now and again, I have a dusting attachment, it isn't as good as actually dusting with a cloth or swiffer, but it's better than nothing. I do not iron unless the item really needs it. And since live hubby lives in t-shirts and jeans and I'm in yoga pants and t-shirts, not much of our stuff needs it!
    Evie from IL, threw me off when I saw your name! lol My full name is Evelyn, but my family always called me Evie and it is my "screen" name. Welcome, this is a great group!
    Welcome to the other newbies too, stick around, this is a very supportive group. I started here in Oct, it took me til late Dec to come up with a solid plan, but I have it in place and I'm doing okay with it. Coming here and reading about others experiences and different planning strategies has helped!
    Dreary, drizzly day here on the west (wet!) coast of Canada, but I'm so glad I don't have to deal with the cold and snow that the rest of the continent seems to be getting! Reading about the east coast, both Canada and the US... Oh my, what a nightmare that must be for those living there! Hope you all are keeping warm and dry!
    That's it for me for now. Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member