Clean Eating Club ~ February 2009



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to clean eating (didn't even know there was a name for it :laugh:) and was recently referred here by jessmomof3, thanks!

    I just want to introduce myself. I am 28 and an associate attorney at a law firm. I work a lot and am really busy, so I have the bad habit of scarfing down whatever free food they offer me at work (often pizza, cake, donuts, etc.) or grabbing something on the go. Lately I have realized that I need to eat healthier. I am a runner and I work out consistently -- usually at least 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week. That helps me feel good physically and I would like to apply that same kind of dedication into my diet and make healthy food choices. It's been a struggle to lose the last 7 or so pounds I have to lose, and I aloso know I will feel better if I eat better.

    So I just made the decision to eat as healthy as possible and to avoid processed, fatty, fast foods. This will be hard because of my busy lifestyle but I am committed. I'm glad to find a community like this that will inspire and support me! And I hope to contribute too.

    Glad that you joined us! Planning ahead works well for not being *stuck* with the donuts, pizza, and other *free* foods around you! I am a runner also. I am sure that Cheryl will chime in and give some advice. She has some backpack coolers that she uses to carry her food.

    Hope you enjoy sharing your foods and getting ideas!

  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks jess. I am really excited to be here. I do find that when I have pre-prepared food to eat, I'm not nearly as interested in the free "temptations." In fact, I feel strong, like, go me!, I have healthy food to eat, and am not interested in that junk no matter how "free" it is. :wink:

    This morning I was so busy that I ate a Powerbar Harvestbar on my way to work instead of the normal bowl of cereal I usually have before leaving the house. Breakfast is the one meal I *usually* do right, I think... I have a cup of Kashi Go Lean with a chopped banana and half a scoop of whey protein powder. Totally healthy, right? Or could I do better?

    Stuff kept coming up at lunch so I ended up eating *another* bar... a Powerbar Triple Threat bar, which I usually only eat before I run or work out. That's what got me thinking about all of this, because even after eating those two bars, with 500 calories, I was absolutely starving and I felt like I hadn't eaten anything.

    I ate an organic whole grain bagel for lunch/snack when things finally calmed down. I buy them at a local co-op and keep them in my desk, so, that's one way I've tried to be prepared. I put chunk light tuna on it although I usually put reduced fat peanut butter and regular jelly on it. I sometimes have tune with crackers for snacks. I'm pretty good at keeping snacks in my desk but I need to work on the lunches.

    I'm about to go work out with my friend, we do the Making the Cut workout together, and after that I hope to have the time/ energy to grill some chicken and make some veggies to go with it. :) I'll make enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow. :smile:

    Thanks for the inspiration!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I'm new to this, so be gentle, but I'd love to hear all of your comments on any way I can be "cleaner". :smile:

    Started off the morning with 3.5 miles on the treadmill...burned about 450 calories...yea me!

    coffee, half and half, turbinado sugar
    2 eggs
    1 slice of whole grain toast

    AM Snack:

    Campbell's Healthy Request - Chicken Tortilla Soup
    Light String Cheese
    Strawberry/Banana Yogurt

    PM Snack:
    Iced Oatmeal Raisin Luna bar

    chicken sauteed with 1 slice of bacon, asparagus, squash, green onions
    Nature's Path chocolate granola bar

    Total: 1587 cals, 54 fat, 180 carbs, 105 protein, 23 fiber

    So I know the soup probably wasn't totally clean, but I knew what everything was on the ingredient list. This isn't bad for a day's worth of it?? :huh:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Hi everyone! How is everyone doing? I have been super sickl and i have been eating junk for the most part since i was too tired to cook! But it's a new start! I have a doctor's appt in about 3 weeks and i'll find out exactly what's wrong with me! so wish me luck and pls continue to inspire me!

    Hi, Jawaria! Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, and I hope you feel better soon. :heart:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    It could be that you're not eating enough. But I'm confused that your bf went down too? How can you lose bodyfat AND lean mass? Definitely check your cals and see if you need to up them a bit!

    It is possible to lose both fat and muscle at the same time, if you're not eating enough. This is what happens to people who eat 1200 calories (or less) a day all the time (and then their metabolism plunges because they've lost muscle). But of course that's no longer me, and hasn't been for a while! The BFFM book suggests adding an additional 100-200 calories a day and see what happens. So I'm increasing AGAIN! Up to 1650 base level. Gotta love it. :bigsmile: To think that I used to eat 1200! :huh: And I'm now eating hundreds more calories per day and not gaining body fat. :noway: :happy: :heart:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My husband and I are trying to eat a lot cleaner. What a difference in the way I feel. My skin is softer too!

    We have been doing this for about 6 weeks now and love the difference!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello everyone! And glad new people are joining in, I love getting new ideas!

    I'm off to the Y for my speedwork run so I will check back in later!

    Mela Access bar (110)
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to clean eating (didn't even know there was a name for it :laugh:) and was recently referred here by jessmomof3, thanks!

    I just want to introduce myself. I am 28 and an associate attorney at a law firm. I work a lot and am really busy, so I have the bad habit of scarfing down whatever free food they offer me at work (often pizza, cake, donuts, etc.) or grabbing something on the go. Lately I have realized that I need to eat healthier. I am a runner and I work out consistently -- usually at least 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week. That helps me feel good physically and I would like to apply that same kind of dedication into my diet and make healthy food choices. It's been a struggle to lose the last 7 or so pounds I have to lose, and I aloso know I will feel better if I eat better.

    So I just made the decision to eat as healthy as possible and to avoid processed, fatty, fast foods. This will be hard because of my busy lifestyle but I am committed. I'm glad to find a community like this that will inspire and support me! And I hope to contribute too.

    Hi, "fast girl" neeterskeeter! :bigsmile:

    It is definitely possible to eat well when you're busy. You just need to find a few foods that are easy to carry with you, get a good cooler, and pack it any time you leave the house. Foods that I pack:

    * Protein bars (I prefer homemade)
    * Peanut butter sandwiches
    * Tuna wraps
    * Fruits like apples, bananas, grapes
    * Salads and cut vegetables
    * Nuts
    * And water, of course!

    As far as having pizza, cookies, and donuts available, I don't even consider those types of things to be food anymore, so I am barely tempted! If it doesn't nourish me, it isn't edible, as far as I'm concerned. Besides the fact that those "foods" just make me feel gross (or even terrible), and the better I feel, the better I want to feel. If you are eating those types of foods on a regular basis, and you quit cold turkey, you will see some water weight drop off almost immediately. I generally lose three pounds right away if I go on a junk-food binge (still happens about once a month :blushing: ) and then stop. (Conversely, I gain them when I binge.) That's half the weight your are looking to lose right there!

    My recommendation is to commit to not eating any sugars or processed foods for just three days and see what happens. That's all it takes for me to feel the difference in my body, and to feel leaner almost immediately. And that's enough success to motivate me not to give up clean eating for anything. :bigsmile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm new to this, so be gentle, but I'd love to hear all of your comments on any way I can be "cleaner". :smile:

    Started off the morning with 3.5 miles on the treadmill...burned about 450 calories...yea me!

    coffee, half and half, turbinado sugar
    2 eggs
    1 slice of whole grain toast

    AM Snack:

    Campbell's Healthy Request - Chicken Tortilla Soup
    Light String Cheese
    Strawberry/Banana Yogurt

    PM Snack:
    Iced Oatmeal Raisin Luna bar

    chicken sauteed with 1 slice of bacon, asparagus, squash, green onions
    Nature's Path chocolate granola bar

    Total: 1587 cals, 54 fat, 180 carbs, 105 protein, 23 fiber

    So I know the soup probably wasn't totally clean, but I knew what everything was on the ingredient list. This isn't bad for a day's worth of it?? :huh:

    Looks great! You got lots of protein for the day! Personally, I don't like to call anything I eat a "snack." Every time I put something in my mouth, I try to make it a meal and include some form of protein with it. An apple would have peanut butter or nuts with it, for example. That way I make sure everything always contains as much nutrition, and satisfies me, as much as possible.:happy:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Cherapple, it's only been a couple of meals and I already feel great. I've done this before (although I didn't know it was called "clean eating") and like you say, I experienced a weight drop right away, as well as feeling a lot better. So that's a good idea about the 3 days and hopefully I will keep sticking with it this time and make it a way of life. I did that with running/ exercise so I *know* I can do it with eating if I'm just discliplined enough!

    Last evening after I worked out at the gym with my friend, I grilled chicken and made spinach and carrots. I have some left over for lunch today. This morning I ate oatmeal with organic skim milk and a chopped apple and some whey protein powder. I'm trying to drink a lot of water.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    LMR, you had a really healthy day yesterday! That's what I'm aiming for. Keep it up! :smile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    What is everyone's take on coffee? Healthy or not?

    I've really been wondering about this... I used to drink 2 cups every morning but I thought I should give it up and see if it helped with a sleep disorder I have. It didn't really seem to make a difference but I did notice that my skin felt much softer (probably from drinking more water/ tea instead of coffee!) and I felt more natural -- like, actually awake when I was awake, and sleepy when I was tired, instead of the unnatural caffeine high/crash.

    I stayed off of it for a month but I read that it's actually good for you and has antioxidants and can fend off diseases. Plus I missed it -- mostly the pscyhological comfort of that warm cup of coffee sitting by my desk as I worked -- so I started drinking it, some, again. Now I have maybe a cup a day, sometimes not at all. I like to drink it with the Coffeemate creamer and I know *that* has to be a no-no as it is basically all sugar.

    So I'm thinking I should go back off of it and no coffee/ strong caffeine just seems to fit a healthy/ clean lifestyle better. What do you guys think?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I gave up coffee a month ago. Now I have hot water with fresh lemon in it. If I want a change, I have peppermint or ginger tea ( both organic)

    I have not missed coffee as much as I thought but the coffee maker is still on the counter staring at me accusingly!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Why did you give up coffee, havingitall? The caffeine?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My husband and I changed a lot of things in January. We had read an amazing book called You Are What You Eat and it really hit home how much garbage we were putting in our bodies.

    We have been eating a lot of organic foods, lean meats, fruits, veggies and whole grains. The processed food has been cut pretty much out.

    Caffeine was one of the "evils" according to this book, so I thought I would see if I could still function without it. I went from 2 cups, to one cup to half a cup and then off over the course of about a week. I feel so much better without it. I don't have the ups and downs during my day.

    Now instead of getting a coffee at work, I get water or a cup of tea
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    As far as having pizza, cookies, and donuts available, I don't even consider those types of things to be food anymore, so I am barely tempted!

    I should clarify on the pizza. I do eat homemade, whole wheat pizza, but not the fast food type! You don't have to completely do away with everything "bad." :wink:
  • ldsupergirl
    Hey everyone I would love to join you! I lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 2 years. A few pounds have crept back on during an illness that lasted for 8 months. I have lost 8 pounds and have 15-20 more to loose. I am a vegetarian, haven't eaten meat for 22 years. I love clean foods but I admit I love nonfat yogurt which is over processed not clean food. I try to stay away from sugar and fats that are not plant derived. I admit I do falter sometimes!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Havingitall- that's interesting, I am going to have to check out that book. I really do feel like a healthy lifestyle does not include coffee, but I'm not sure why!

    Welcome ldsupergirl. :smile: I just joined too!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The author is Gillian McKeith. She also does a TV show by the same name as the book
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks. I'm looking at it on Amazon and it says to cut out meat for 8 weeks first. I don't think I could do that -- I love me some chicken!!! Does it mean just red meat?