January 2018 Running Challenge



  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I meant to run today. I really did. I set an alarm to get up early and get to the gym before we went to a family party this afternoon. But insomnia/cranky toddler made sleep difficult last night, and my flannel sheets just held on too tight this morning. I told myself I would run after the party.

    I think we all know I lied to myself. The fatigue is real. #firsttrimesterproblems #illneverbelikejessicamcb #ilikepretendhashtags

    I think it’s awesome that you are running at all. I felt terrible my first trimesters, then too fat in my second and third trimesters. I took 6 years off from running while I had three babies. I wish I would have ran a little bit... I think I would have controlled my weight gain better during the second and third pregnancies.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    01/01/18 - 3 miles
    01/02/18 - 4 miles
    01/03/18 - 4 miles
    01/04/18 - 3 miles
    01/05/18 - Cross train
    01/06/18 - 6 miles
    01/07/18 - REST
    01/08/18 - 3 miles

    MTD: 20 miles
    JAN GOAL: 80 miles

    YTD: 20 miles
    2018 GOAL: 1000 miles

    Upcoming (and hopeful) Races:
    02/10/18 - Mardi Crawl 10k
    04/14/18 - Rattler Mad Moose 10k (Trail)
    06/02/18 - Gluten free Gallop 5k (hubby and daughter have Celiac so this one's personal)
    06/23/18 - Slacker Half Marathon
    07/xx/18 - Something on a trail TBD
    09/23/18 - Xterra Mountain 8k (Trail)
    10/28/18 - Kooky Spooky 10k
    11/xx/18 - A Turkey Trot 5k of some sort TBD

    Question for early morning runners: Do you eat anything before your runs? Mine are so early (and pretty short, actually between 3-5 miles), I don't bother, but I wonder if I would "run better" if I had a little fuel before? I noticed that when I run an hour or so after having a meal, my pace tends to be quicker than my jump-out-of-bed-and-run runs. I'm not all that worried about--just wondering what others do mostly.

    I eat a snack before bed, then in the morning drink a cup or two of black coffee (well, my mug is pretty large...). Running with food in my stomach makes me feel gross. If I’m running long (9+ miles), I sip low sugar Gatorade.
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    01.01.18 - 10 m. TM @ 8:30.
    01.02.18 - 9 m. TM @ 9:15.
    01.04.18 - 8 m. TM @ 9:22 / Bike Trainer for 60 minutes.
    01.05.18 - 8.1 m. TM @ 9:10.
    01.06.18 - 9 m. TM @ 8:40 / Bike Trainer for 60 minutes.
    01.07.18 - 7.4 m. @ 8:31. 51.50 running miles for the week.
    01.08.18 - 8 mm. @ 9:00 pace. / Bike Trainer for 45 minutes.

    January Goal - 220 total running miles. Begin IM 70.3 Bike Training program.

    Tentative Race Calendar:
    1.27 or 1.28 - Scheduling.
    3.4.18 - Little Rock Marathon
    4.7.18 - Yakima River Canyon Marathon
    5.6.18 - Flying Pig Marathon
    5.20.18 - IronMan 70.3 Chattanooga
    7.14.18 - IronMan 70.3 Muncie
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I sort of half kept up with today's discussions but didn't have time to reply while working. In no particular order:

    1. I prefer to run fasted in the morning but that doesn't always work out especially on weekdays. I need 2-4 hours between eating and running or I will cramp up, either during the run or immediately afterwards. Post run I will either eat a meal (once any cramps have passed) if it's meal time, or a small snack (especially if I'm running at 9PM or later).

    2. I don't drink much alcohol regardless of whether I'm training or not.

    3. I like anywhere from -5 to 10C for running. Colder than that and I have to worry about layers; hotter than that and I can get pretty warm. I don't like running in cold wet wind though. If it's raining I like it a bit warmer.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @fitoverfortymom Here is my TOP SECRET RECIPE for my after run drink.

    6 oz of cold brewed coffee concentrate
    19gram of Hershey's Dark Chocolate Syrup
    6 oz of cold whole milk
    2 oz of filtered water

    Boom. 120 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat and 6g protein.

    Right around that 3:1 number. :smiley:

    Great info. Now to get it to 4:1 like my nutritionist wants. She wants me getting 60g Carbs and 15g protein. I bet I can tinker with your recipe to get close to that.

    Need more carbs? Add sugar. Really easy. :)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2018
    @fitoverfortymom Here is my TOP SECRET RECIPE for my after run drink.

    6 oz of cold brewed coffee concentrate
    19gram of Hershey's Dark Chocolate Syrup
    6 oz of cold whole milk
    2 oz of filtered water

    Boom. 120 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat and 6g protein.

    Right around that 3:1 number. :smiley:

    Great info. Now to get it to 4:1 like my nutritionist wants. She wants me getting 60g Carbs and 15g protein. I bet I can tinker with your recipe to get close to that.

    Need more carbs? Add sugar. Really easy. :)

    Lol... yeah!

    I'm actually going to try 200 cal of no flavor tailwind with my protein powder tomorrow. Here's hoping it doesn't suck.
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I meant to run today. I really did. I set an alarm to get up early and get to the gym before we went to a family party this afternoon. But insomnia/cranky toddler made sleep difficult last night, and my flannel sheets just held on too tight this morning. I told myself I would run after the party.

    I think we all know I lied to myself. The fatigue is real. #firsttrimesterproblems #illneverbelikejessicamcb #ilikepretendhashtags

    I think it’s awesome that you are running at all. I felt terrible my first trimesters, then too fat in my second and third trimesters. I took 6 years off from running while I had three babies. I wish I would have ran a little bit... I think I would have controlled my weight gain better during the second and third pregnancies.

    Thank you! And thanks @JessicaMcB. I've never been a runner and it's hard to believe that I'm one now. I was practically sedentary during my first pregnancy and gained 50 lbs. This time around, I've got a decent base built up (decent for me), and I've got MyFitnessPal to log all the Oreos I eat.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    I meant to run today. I really did. I set an alarm to get up early and get to the gym before we went to a family party this afternoon. But insomnia/cranky toddler made sleep difficult last night, and my flannel sheets just held on too tight this morning. I told myself I would run after the party.

    I think we all know I lied to myself. The fatigue is real. #firsttrimesterproblems #illneverbelikejessicamcb #ilikepretendhashtags

    I think it’s awesome that you are running at all. I felt terrible my first trimesters, then too fat in my second and third trimesters. I took 6 years off from running while I had three babies. I wish I would have ran a little bit... I think I would have controlled my weight gain better during the second and third pregnancies.

    Thank you! And thanks @JessicaMcB. I've never been a runner and it's hard to believe that I'm one now. I was practically sedentary during my first pregnancy and gained 50 lbs. This time around, I've got a decent base built up (decent for me), and I've got MyFitnessPal to log all the Oreos I eat.

    There's no way I would have run while pregnant! I was a lazy turd!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @fitoverfortymom Here is my TOP SECRET RECIPE for my after run drink.

    6 oz of cold brewed coffee concentrate
    19gram of Hershey's Dark Chocolate Syrup
    6 oz of cold whole milk
    2 oz of filtered water

    Boom. 120 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat and 6g protein.

    Right around that 3:1 number. :smiley:

    Great info. Now to get it to 4:1 like my nutritionist wants. She wants me getting 60g Carbs and 15g protein. I bet I can tinker with your recipe to get close to that.

    Need more carbs? Add sugar. Really easy. :)

    Lol... yeah!

    I'm actually going to try 200 cal of no flavor tailwind with my protein powder tomorrow. Here's hoping it doesn't suck.

    Honestly, that sounds like it will suck :) But give it a shot and report back. :)
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    Follow up question for early morning runners: What and when do you eat after your runs, if anything? How long after your run do you eat? Experiences related to this helpful...

    I’m terrible. I almost always run in the morning and don’t eat until lunch, and sometimes I even skip lunch depending on how busy I am and just wait until dinner. And weirdly, I usually don’t even feel hungry after a long run. It’s the next day when I’m a bottomless pit.

    OMG - now I don't feel so guilty! I do the same thing on my days off. Work days, I tend to be a little more consistent with eating, but off days....I get too busy to eat! lol

    Personally, I prefer to "run on empty". I just feel better when I do, and it seems to reduce my runners trot/gut issues Its not a guarantee that I'll be able to run without problems, but reduces it some.

    @teresa502 Maybe we'll see each other there, my next scheduled goal race is Gasparilla 8K!

    Monthly Goal: 23 miles

    1/8: 2.22 - 2.22 done, 20.78 to go

    Year goal: 200 miles - 2.22 done -- 197.78 to go
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    When I was a teen and worked the midnight shift at a gas station, we used coffee instead of water when making hot cocoa. Poor man's mocha we called it.

    I had a boss that got me hooked on a packet of hot cocoa added to coffee instead of creamer. And sure as heck beats powdered creamer if that’s the other option.... (in my defense doctored coffee has got to be better for me than my former Mountain Dew addiction)... someone saw me do that a while back, and they suggested it was a “ghetto mocha”. I think I prefer your term.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    January Goal....do something

    1/1 gobsmacked
    1/2 3.35
    1/3 3.20
    1/4 couldn't
    1/5 3.27
    1/6 2.50
    1/7 wouldn't
    1/8 3.58

    Total 15.90

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and progress to date:


    Upcoming races:
    Phoenix Women's 10k 1/28/18
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I have protein, carbs, and fat for breakfast before every morning run, which is nearly all my runs.

    If my run is longer than 2 hours, I make sure I have protein and carbs afterwards too (Gatorade and usually chocolate milk.)

    Generally speaking, I don't think you need protein 30 minutes after a run if you've had protein up to an hour before it.