30 Day Shred Group- August



  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I completed L1D2 today. For those of you who have completed it in the past, did you take any rest days at all from the video?
    And those of you doing it now, are you planning on having a rest day or two ? =]

    I just finished Day 11 today, so far no rest. I'm not planning on taking a DOR unless something comes up....
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    did Day 3 today of Level 1.

    at one point through the cardio i thought i was gonna die!

    i thought this was meant to get easier. !??

    the easiest day i found was day 1. is that odd??

    hoping to do a day of C25k tonight, so i hope my body is up to it!!

    For me, I did find that it got easier, by Days 5 and 6, I was humming along through all the sections BUT the anterior raises. (dislocated shoulder years ago...)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    OK, Day 11, L2D1, is in the can! WHOA BABY!!! LOVED IT!! a Little more intensity, a little higher heart rate, a new challenge. For those who aren't there yet, I think you're going to like it There seems to be more of a focus on back and shoulders. For me, the back isn't the problem, but developed the shoulders is... My Delts could use some work, dislocated one shoulder throwing shot in college. I don't want to spoil what's coming, so when more people get to L2, we'll talk more.

    I did have a 7 mile run before it, and I do seriously find that I do better when there's some kind of workout BEFORE 30DS.

    ROCK ON!! :tongue:
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    The last time I did it, I gave my body a day or two of rest sporadically based on how I was feeling and filled it with a day of turbo jam or even yoga if I was feeling really run down. I didn't have a plan...nor do I have one now :laugh: in regards to days of rest. I just listen to my body and throw in something different to try. I only let myself go 1 day and don't get down on myself. I look at it as a good thing, that Jillian is working and changing my body so much so fast in these 30 days that it needs to catch up to her and my determination.
  • ronjaa
    ronjaa Posts: 65
    I've done the level 1, day 1 about a 100 times. I always take days off because I feel so sore the day after:S But I'm determined this time. 30 days - no days off. I did my 1. day, level 1 today. hope it stays the only 1 day, and no more starting over:)
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Just finished L1D6 and I really hate jumping jacks. Out of all the Cardio why jumping jacks? I am still having to take 1-2 second breathes during the cardio but can managed all the strengh. Its crazy, I hope the next four days get easier before L2. I hope I am not the only one still having to take a breath. lol

    I think tomorrow will be a rest day. Maybe just go for a walk
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Didn't do Day5 yesterday, so I'm going to do it this morning, and then doing it this evening also. That way i'm back on track =)

    Favorite exercise of L1: Anything on the floor (makes me feel like I'm getting a break)
    Leave Favorite exercise of L1: Side lunges with arm raises!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Day 6 done! I found some of the exercises to be easier! Yay
  • BHealthyBeHappy
    BHealthyBeHappy Posts: 19 Member
    Day 2 level 2 today. Does anyone have knee problem for doing 30ds?? I am wearing knee braces but still feel pain, any suggestion??
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    L1D6 done! Feeling more comfortable with it now. I still have to wipe the sweat out of my eyes and I'm still panting for breath by the end but I no longer feel like I'm going to die...

    I still can't get through both sets of anterior raises without missing a couple of raises. I can just about get through both sets of shoulder presses now. I can get through the first set of press ups before doing lady press ups for the second set.

    I'm using the 5lb weights but then I'm a guy so...
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 3 complete!

    Welcome newcomers! I posted a Q & A Thread you may want to read when you have a chance: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/310080-what-is-the-30-day-shred-q-a-thread

    Still a little sore today but made it through. Level 3 HRM calorie count = 240. I usually do a 3 minute walk on the treadmill as a warm up and make it an even 30 minutes. Didn't do that today so I feel like my calorie count is lower than normal on this level.
    Day 2 level 2 today. Does anyone have knee problem for doing 30ds?? I am wearing knee braces but still feel pain, any suggestion??

    I don't have knee problems but when I started my first round of the 30DS, there was all kinds of popping and cracking...it freaked me out a little. Eventually as I strengthened up, it all went away and I no longer notice it. I would say take it as easy and slow as possible and talk to your doctor if it's not getting better.

    Have a great weekend everyone - keep up the great work!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I did 10 minutes of it today... So I won't start 'counting' until I can do all 20... :)
  • BlahBlahPounds
    I just started today. I am really excited because after doing level one I really felt it. Mainly in my arms because I am using 5lb weights. I will post my progress every 10 days. However my results may vary from others because I am combining the Shred with Insanity.
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    Day 5 is in the books. Rock on everyone! Knowing there's so many other people sweating and pushing through these 30 days adds more motivation as I push through circuit 3!
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    L1D5 for me this morning. Still frustrated by the lack of weight loss + "weight" (water) gain, BUT! I did measurements this morning for the first time in a week. I've lost an 1" off my waist, a half inch off my arms, and an 1" off my thighs. My husband said "Well, duh, look at yourself! You're sexy!" :D

    Exercises are getting easier. Almost making it through all of the pushups, even though they are "lady" push ups. The last set of strength is killing me, though. I can barely do half of the anterior raises/squats. Oh well, it is still much easier than it was 4 days ago!
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry for the double post! Not sure what happened there.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 Complete

    Strength training is all good but I feel like I need more cardio in my life...I may have to do some cardio separate from this workout.

    Tis all...
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Ronjaa, Xarra, and BlahBlahPounds: Welcome and good luck! We are all rooting for you, and hopefully our collective determination will keep us on this thing. We can do it!

    Kimtpa: I just finished day 6, and yep, I'm still having to take breathers! I am also worried about the next four days and starting level 2 :ohwell:

    Myiceisonfire: I 100% agree. Side lunges with the arm raises KILLS me. I still have to put the *$%# weights down during them.. :grumble:

    AiJahya: Great answer from the hubby! Have you been training him? :wink:

    I finished L1D6 today. Did ok, except for the upper body stuff. Also, I was a little more tired because I had done my D5 last night, so there were only about 12 hours between the two. I've decided that for now that doesn't work for me so I'll just have to make myself get up earlier on Fridays.. :tongue:

    Fantastic job everyone! You should be so proud of yourselves! GO TEAM AUGUST! :drinker:
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    L1D5 for me this morning. Still frustrated by the lack of weight loss + "weight" (water) gain, BUT! I did measurements this morning for the first time in a week. I've lost an 1" off my waist, a half inch off my arms, and an 1" off my thighs. My husband said "Well, duh, look at yourself! You're sexy!" :D

    Soooo jealous, I wish i got those results after 5 days! So lucky! Great job, you must be working hard, and it's paying off!!!

    Also jealous of the answer your hubby gave you. It's amazing that he talks to you like that =) You're very lucky!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Evening all, man I feel pooped!

    I did d3 L1 today. I've got 1 kg & 1.5 kg weights so alternating on the sets I feel fits best.
    I can feel the work in my arms and abs, so I guess it's working.

    I also did c25k this afternoon so my body is feeling tired now so trying to find motivated to do D4 tomo but reckon that will come with the sun rise!!

    Anyone using an HRM? I'm only getting between 140-160 cal out puts!! Thought I'd be getting at least 200+..... tut.