

  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am Rachael newest member of Curvettes. I am 27 years old. My birthday is October 25. Scorpio :devil: :wink: I have lost 31 pounds since April and plan on keeping that going with all your support!!

    Awesome, good to have you aboard and welcome!

    We got this.
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Week 2 looks re-donkulous....but doable. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said beast mode. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    Done for the day!!
  • sweetsapphire85
    Week 2 looks re-donkulous....but doable. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said beast mode. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    I was thinking the same thing! And I am so glad you said re-donkulous, my family looks at me like i belong in a mental institution when i use that in a sentence! :laugh:
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373

    ****Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 50 Globe jumps + 100 Jumping Jacks + 100 Stair Climbs (jog or run) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )

    Okay so of course most of us don't have access to stairs so the modification for this will be Knee Lifts...

    We have about 25 members I believe lol, so I need to know from each member how many miles you can commit to doing for next week. The Team challenge is to walk/run/jog 100 miles and that in addition to the daily exercise challenges and your regular workouts....I feel like this should be pretty easy because each member should be able to do 5 miles within the week. But also if you would like to submit more than 5 to help with any member that may not be able to complete all 5, that's great....

    Please send me an email with the number you can do next week.
  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
    Gd morning. Checking in. Welcome ladies to a great team. Off to get my workout on(including the challenge). Hitting hard. So have urself a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    I have to say i LOVE to walk lol so i can help out a few of you who wont have the time etc .... for the past 4 days i walked 5+ miles each day so ............... You can count on me to do a good 15 miles in 1 week ill do my best to get in more then that though =) Let the walking begin !!!!
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member

    Welcoming all the new Curvette's.... JRena will push you to the max, so PREPARE yourself for this journey.

    This week's challenge is a mucka, but i'm going to enjoy every minute of it. I can contribute 5 miles minimum, and I'm going to try to do more.
  • brightycc
    Week one almost done! Good job Team Curvettes!!

    Count me in for 5 extra walking miles this week!
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    Wow, these are going to be some challenging things for me but I will try to get them all in. The rule is that you don't have to do them on the day as long as they are done by the end of the week correct? I may have to take my time or skip a day until I can get my hypothroidism in check. I have an appt Monday & I'm hoping if they up the meds it will kick in right away but I'm not sure if it will or not or if they will even up them. If all goes well I can commit to 5 miles towards the 100. I'm scheduled for a 5k on Sat, can I count that as 3 miles of the 5? It's not my usual exercise:-)
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Wow, these are going to be some challenging things for me but I will try to get them all in. The rule is that you don't have to do them on the day as long as they are done by the end of the week correct? I may have to take my time or skip a day until I can get my hypothroidism in check. I have an appt Monday & I'm hoping if they up the meds it will kick in right away but I'm not sure if it will or not or if they will even up them. If all goes well I can commit to 5 miles towards the 100. I'm scheduled for a 5k on Sat, can I count that as 3 miles of the 5? It's not my usual exercise:-)

    Melanie I hope you feel better soon. You have to take care of yourself first of all. I did check with gary in regards to if a person could not do the challenge on that specific day and he stated that is fine. Of course we want to encourage the teams to do each challenge on the specific and do not try to combine them all to one day. But I think we can make an exception for you of course...Please keep us up to date...
  • cutelashawn
    25 lunges done....check...lol
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    Wow, these are going to be some challenging things for me but I will try to get them all in. The rule is that you don't have to do them on the day as long as they are done by the end of the week correct? I may have to take my time or skip a day until I can get my hypothroidism in check. I have an appt Monday & I'm hoping if they up the meds it will kick in right away but I'm not sure if it will or not or if they will even up them. If all goes well I can commit to 5 miles towards the 100. I'm scheduled for a 5k on Sat, can I count that as 3 miles of the 5? It's not my usual exercise:-)

    Melanie I hope you feel better soon. You have to take care of yourself first of all. I did check with gary in regards to if a person could not do the challenge on that specific day and he stated that is fine. Of course we want to encourage the teams to do each challenge on the specific and do not try to combine them all to one day. But I think we can make an exception for you of course...Please keep us up to date....

    Great will do, I'm usually wiped out by 2 or so if I take my meds early in the morning. I seem to be ok to do a little in the morning so I'll just work around it as I can. I did get the 25 squat lunges in today before things went haywire so check! Under my cals & got all the water in:-)
  • TamTamLove88
    Next week, gonna be rough
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Next week, gonna be rough

    yeah buddy (in my pauly d voice)
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Next week, gonna be rough

    yeah buddy (in my pauly d voice)
  • sweetsapphire85
    How are we weighing in tomorrow morning? On this forum or on a post to JRena's page?
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    How are we weighing in tomorrow morning? On this forum or on a post to JRena's page?
    I was wondering the same thing. I know I'm not happy with my numbers this morning.
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    How are we weighing in tomorrow morning? On this forum or on a post to JRena's page?
    I was wondering the same thing. I know I'm not happy with my numbers this morning.

    Just shoot Rena an email.
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member

    I just printed out the routine, and i'm going to place it on the fridge.

    GOOD LUCK ALL! I may get a lil dizzy from the globe jumps.... I'm looking foward to this week.