Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • CatL1911
    CatL1911 Posts: 50 Member
    I hope I'm not too late in the thread to join in! I would love some group support :) My biggest challenge is that my office is full of amazing snacks, and having some accountability during the work day would really help me! I would love to cheer others on as well!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @CatL1911, not too late at all, glad to have you in the group!

    @SweatsOnSunday Great job on the workouts this week, let us know how the cardio goes!

    @Eavamutt Those chocolate cheesecake cups sounds delicious! I'll exercise if it's a cold, but if it's any more serious I let my body rest. And Chance did like the new dog. He's always more cautious around new dogs but I think in time they'll become best friends!

    @JenHul Great job hitting your goals this week and having the scale show it! My new furbaby will be a 2 year old American Bulldog. He's about 80lbs and ADORABLE! I'll post pictures once the adoption goes through (we're doing our home visit today).

    Welcome @aimeescott1251!

    Happy Tuesday! I had my pole dancing class last night and it felt amazing to get back into the studio and dance it out for an hour. I didn't sleep well Sunday night and was absolutely exhausted going to class, but the class gave me a ton of energy that I needed and I slept HARD last night so I'm feeling a million times better today.

    The fosters are doing our home inspection today so that we can move forward with finalizing our fur baby's adoption. I'm sad that I'll be at class during the home inspection, but I'm sure we'll pass with flying colors so I'm not worried. It does mean I need to tidy up the place before I leave for class though!

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    welcome catl1911, beautiful dog, I'm a total dog lover, here's all minej6b9f0u1nqqn.jpg
  • CatL1911
    CatL1911 Posts: 50 Member
    @Evamutt and @Rachel0778 thank you so much!

    @Evamutt what a pack you have there! Too cute! Dogs are so great for helping to get activity in. I wish I was half as fit as ours! I love hiking with ours and get a lot of running around in during training.

    Last night I had Krav Maga training, so this morning I'm a bit stiff and sore. Totally worth it though!

    Good luck with the home visit @Rachel0778 !

  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    CatL1911 wrote: »
    I hope I'm not too late in the thread to join in! I would love some group support :) My biggest challenge is that my office is full of amazing snacks, and having some accountability during the work day would really help me! I would love to cheer others on as well!

    We don't have amazing snacks. Well, they aren't amazing at 10am. But by 3pm, they do start to look good. The afternoon is my downfall.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt I love seeing pictures of your pack, they are such cuties! They seem to all get along so well together too!

    @CatL1911 That's so cool that you take Krav Maga classes, how long have you been training?

    The home visit went well so we are full steam ahead on the adoption! We'll likely get to pick him up this weekend!!!!

    Change and uncertainty always makes me anxious so I'm trying to work through my feelings and NOT eat them! Even exciting change has me waking up in the middle of the night in a panic. What if he's not as charming as we thought? What if I can't leash train him? What if he has a ton of medical issues I can't afford? Etc. Etc. Anxiety is a *kitten* Once he's in the house I'll feel a million times better.

    I'm also feeling anxious since I feel like a lot of bills are due at once and now we're adding adoption fees and vet visits on top of them. Rational brain knows I can afford it, but irrational brain is still freaking out that a huge chunk of my savings went into the house so I don't have as big of a cushion as I used to.

    On top of that, my SO's work schedule has not settled down like we hoped in January, which means that I'm basically flying solo through all of this, and when he is home he's just super exhausted and crabby. This just makes me feel lonely and even more anxious :/

  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I'm sorry about your stress and anxiety, @Rachel0778 . As you say, even exciting change is a stress. I don't know about you, but exercise actually helps with my anxiety. I hope this passes soon.

    I'm excited- I finally found an exercise class I like, that really gives me a workout. I've just been to my second step aerobics class, and I love it so much, I'm thinking about getting a step to use at home and maybe just giving up on the other classes I've been going to, which don't even make me break a sweat. The only bummer is, I was so set on going to my step class this morning, I missed the one day since Christmas Eve that I could have gone on a run. (I'm in Maine, and it's been subzero or snowing since Christmas.) Oh well. I had a great time at class, anyway.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
    @SusanDSME I use to do a step class as well! So much fun, good music and laughs. I don't like things like "Boot Camp" I like things that are fun, like "Color Run" or "Zumba" you get a good work out and really enjoy it too. If it's not fun, why do it? :smiley:
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @SusanDSME Exercise definitely helps, I can only imagine how anxious I would feel if I didn't exercise! Glad you found a new aerobics class!

    Happy Friday everyone! My casual happy hour at my house with coworkers has now turned into an 8 person dinner party with 5 puppies! I think it'll be a good time but it is exhausting getting the house together. Thank goodness I have a three day weekend to recover from all this craziness.

  • RachelJCarter
    RachelJCarter Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m just starting to record my food, water and exercise and need to form some sort of accountability with others. I’ve signed up for a 10 mike race in April and want to ensure my food intake and exercise routine are both in sync. If anyone wants the success and challenges share, let’s get moving!
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome, @RachelJCarter ! A ten mile race... I'm impressed! I'm still trying to work up to 10k!
    @JenHul I am having fun! I like it so much I may wind up buying a step and dropping the other couple of classes that aren't as much fun, and just working out at home. It's hard though, because there's a social aspect to the other classes that I'll miss, even if the workout isn't as fun or challenging.
    @Rachel0778 Wow! that's a lot of dogs! Sounds like fun. Hope you have a great weekend.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    Rachel0778, I'm so excited for you with the new pup, just remember to be confident once he arrives & nip in the bud any negative issues that may arise. What ever you don't address is ok to them. All mine get along because of my zero tolerance, lol. I went to see my new dr, with my new Kaiser insurance today. I loved it! I've been sick for a week so she gave me antibiotics. Haven't exercised for about 2 weeks. Week before I got sick, my dtr came to visit. I have lost another pound or 2 tho, yay for me. I've been eating in a deficit again & doing it a little differently, I have just a few Tbl of yogurt in the morning instead of eating breakfast(which I never liked to eat), then a medium lunch & my biggest meal at dinner plus snack. seems to be working. After Dr today, I spent afternoon with my best friend who is over weight & she was asking me about losing wt, instead of giving me tips. I'm hoping she will give it a try.I finally got a new phone. It's my 3rd phone since 2002. I had an iphone 4 forever, but it started to have problems plus I kept it full with all my pics, so this one tracks my steps. I don't plan to record them & it's probably not very accurate, just curious how many I take. Yesterday I took the dogs for a good walk. we did 2 miles in an hour, which was good since we walked a lot faster than letting them smell every few yards. Haven't been volunteering at the rescue for the same reasons as not exercising, so I've been feeling kind of useless, but hope to get back soon as I'm better. I know about not having much of a $ cushion. I hate it but had to pay property taxes plus new parts for my car to pass smog etc(now hubbys going to drive it 80 miles on freeway to hopefully reset computer in it) Not easy to live on social security & a small pension & 6 hour/wk job, but God's always been faithful & we always made it thru
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, everyone! Happy 2018!

    Had a rough patch mentally and still working on myself, so been MIA here.

    So far in January I have moved to CA and that took 2 days of flights, about 3 days of jet lag and a weekend of initial touristing around.
    Today marks 1 week of consistent gym routine, healthy eating with optimal caloric deficit and actually feeling a tad bit happier. On days when I don't feel like gyming, I take a longer walk to the ocean. If anything, getting back on track physically and losing weight feels easy again!

    I wish you all the best for this year xx

  • CatL1911
    CatL1911 Posts: 50 Member
    @Rachel0778 sorry, I just figured out how the notifications work here! I started a while back doing the basics with my husband who's very experienced, but I just started this class a few months ago. I definitely recommend it if self defense is something you're interested in!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    Where in Ca did you move to gymprincess? I live in the central valley. I haven't exercised at all since Jan 1. The first week my dtr was here then I got sick the day she left on Jan 4. I keep getting a little better but it was very bad. Today I did home exercise. It was an easy 30min low impact cardio. Before it was so easy, sometime I added it on to my harder exercises as a cool down but today it wasn't easy at all plus I gained 3 lbs because I've just had more of an appetite, but today it stopped & I'm determined to get back on track
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Evamutt Vancouver! So we are pretty close! :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    I did real good food wise yesterday & this morning the 3 lbs i gained were gone! Do any of you experience similar? after you lose wt then gain a few lbs but go back to under deficit, it goes back down quickly?
    gymprincess, you are in California?
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Oh, no, when I wrote CA I meant Canada, Vancouver in British Columbia.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    I was looking up Vancouver in Ca & couldn't find it, lol. No wonder. How long are you there for? I had a great dinner today. roasted pork loin with sweet potatoes & I made a blueberry pie. Put in 3/4 of 1/4 cup sugar to make it & it's just 170 calories per 8th slice. I had 2 with cool whip. It was really good