JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,519 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    I had a thought earlier. If I were to actually get up when the alarm goes off instead of hitting snooze three times, I could do a 20 minute yoga video before anyone else is up.
    I am so guilty of this! If I got up when the alarm went off instead of hitting snooze 2-3 times, I wouldn't have to rush to get to work on time. :D

    junodog1 wrote: »
    • Stay in the green - but be flexible due to training class & forced socialization
    • Terrorize cats & dog = a.k.a. Vacuum downstairs
    As an introvert at heart, I love the "forced socialization" reference. When I used to attend conferences, being with people all day (aka networking) would completely wear me out and I couldn't wait to escape to my room.

    As a fellow doggy / kitty parent, can totally relate to terrorizing the kids. LOL --- Thanks for my laughs today. :smiley:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Had my scan and appointment!

    Baby has grown again so all good news again!

    Consultant has referred me to an endocrinology specialist? To find out if there’s a problem with my thyroid or if it’s not been absorbed because of being sick.
    I have been given tablets to stop sickness.
    And a sample pot to poo in.. yes, I have to poo in a pot! I was mortified lol!!!!
    Feel more sorry for the person who has to check it though!

    So pick up my tablets tomorrow and hopefully start to feel human again!!

    I'm glad that the doctor was able to give you something that will hopefully settle your stomach and that baby seems to be doing okay! I love that you got a poo pot! I hope they can find something from it, and I would hate to have to be the person in the lab that has to pick through it! Lol

    I hope you were able to keep food down today!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Had my scan and appointment!

    Baby has grown again so all good news again!

    Consultant has referred me to an endocrinology specialist? To find out if there’s a problem with my thyroid or if it’s not been absorbed because of being sick.
    I have been given tablets to stop sickness.
    And a sample pot to poo in.. yes, I have to poo in a pot! I was mortified lol!!!!
    Feel more sorry for the person who has to check it though!

    So pick up my tablets tomorrow and hopefully start to feel human again!!

    I'm glad that the doctor was able to give you something that will hopefully settle your stomach and that baby seems to be doing okay! I love that you got a poo pot! I hope they can find something from it, and I would hate to have to be the person in the lab that has to pick through it! Lol

    I hope you were able to keep food down today!

    So far so good! No sickness as of yet!
    Have to pick up the tablets tomorrow because hospital pharmacy was shut.

    A question for all you USers..
    Do any of you use cannabis under medical grounds seeing as it’s been legalised over there?
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Had a real victory tonight. Worked late, had my buttons really pushed by my younger daughter at her bedtime but held it together, put two happy kids to bed and didn’t succumb to the sugar monster!

    Recap Goals for 25/1:

    - exercise before kids wake up ✅
    - 15k+ steps ✅
    - 2ltr + water ✅
    - Print amazon returns label ✅
    - Get eyebrows threaded nope - hairy beast :#
    - Arrange parent meeting ✅
    - Finalise assembly prep: still working on it :/
    - Pay curtains remainder done ✅
    - Email my childrens’ school re contact numbers ✅

    Got to get so much done tomorrow! And going to bed later than normal tonight so I imagine I will be tired and “snack vulnerable” tomorrow.

    Goals 26/1:

    - exercise before kids up
    - Stay within calorie goal - no fri evening sugar binge (so want to tick this at bedtime tomorrow!)
    - 2ltr + water
    - Finish assembly stuff
    - Print for next week
    - Buy party bags
    - (maybe) yoga after work
    - Early night

    Have a good Friday all x
  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. Stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Do yoga class :)

    A good day. I think I’m getting back on track after the flu slowed me up a bit. Great to feel well- you forget to appreciate it when you have good health.

    1. Stick to calorie goal
    2. For meal out order Tandoori Macchi curry and 1 beer (i.e just about the lowest calorie option)
  • azkabanned
    azkabanned Posts: 79 Member
    Jan 25, 2017

    Just for today I want to get back on the elliptical. I haven’t had the motivation to all week, even missed yoga last night. Just for today I want to get the exercising back on track.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Had my scan and appointment!

    Baby has grown again so all good news again!

    Consultant has referred me to an endocrinology specialist? To find out if there’s a problem with my thyroid or if it’s not been absorbed because of being sick.
    I have been given tablets to stop sickness.
    And a sample pot to poo in.. yes, I have to poo in a pot! I was mortified lol!!!!
    Feel more sorry for the person who has to check it though!

    So pick up my tablets tomorrow and hopefully start to feel human again!!

    I'm glad that the doctor was able to give you something that will hopefully settle your stomach and that baby seems to be doing okay! I love that you got a poo pot! I hope they can find something from it, and I would hate to have to be the person in the lab that has to pick through it! Lol

    I hope you were able to keep food down today!

    So far so good! No sickness as of yet!
    Have to pick up the tablets tomorrow because hospital pharmacy was shut.

    A question for all you USers..
    Do any of you use cannabis under medical grounds seeing as it’s been legalised over there?

    Not all states have it legalized for medicinal purposes and only two states have it legalized for recreational use. Colorado and California, although my state governor wants to legalize it here.

    I hope that the food stays down tonight! And I used to use the hospital pharmacy when I didnt have insurance about ten years ago, so I understand how much of a head ache they can be. Lol

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Had a real victory tonight. Worked late, had my buttons really pushed by my younger daughter at her bedtime but held it together, put two happy kids to bed and didn’t succumb to the sugar monster!

    Recap Goals for 25/1:

    - exercise before kids wake up ✅
    - 15k+ steps ✅
    - 2ltr + water ✅
    - Print amazon returns label ✅
    - Get eyebrows threaded nope - hairy beast :#
    - Arrange parent meeting ✅
    - Finalise assembly prep: still working on it :/
    - Pay curtains remainder done ✅
    - Email my childrens’ school re contact numbers ✅

    Got to get so much done tomorrow! And going to bed later than normal tonight so I imagine I will be tired and “snack vulnerable” tomorrow.

    Goals 26/1:

    - exercise before kids up
    - Stay within calorie goal - no fri evening sugar binge (so want to tick this at bedtime tomorrow!)
    - 2ltr + water
    - Finish assembly stuff
    - Print for next week
    - Buy party bags
    - (maybe) yoga after work
    - Early night

    Have a good Friday all x

    You did great today! Be proud of yourself! I know that we are! Good job staying away from the sugar monster! You'll have a great day tomorrow.
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Yesterday was crap. that's all there is.

    I second this.
    Today was better calorie wise, but I didn’t write goals. And it was awful work wise. I feel like can’t do anything right at work these days. My new boss has very high standards and is ALWAYS right. Don’t try to argue with her. I am becoming resigned that I just need to do exactly what she tells me, and not to think a t all.

    JFT 1/26
    Get back on here and be accountable
    Read in the afternoon many many documents to learn my new job
    Fast til noon
    Weigh in!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2018
    JFT, THursday
    1. go to the gym. No excuses :)
    2. log ALL food :)
    3. drink water - remember what that red cup is for :)
    4. read 1 chapter in the new book I bought today -- about emotional eating! I KNOW this is what I do .... need to overcome this! :)
    5. work on business taxes .... hopefully will be able to finish tomorrow. Don't divorce hubby ;) (We both hate doing our taxes... so I'm in a grumpy mood, and so is he!) :):) and hubby and I are still married LOL!!!! I guess after 41 years, I put up with a lot!! But business part of the taxes are ready to take to the accountant!! YAH!
    6. try out my new indoor grill with a new recipe -- trying t o get more protein, so we are hoping this will help me find more ways to "grill" during these cold months :) Really like it -- we just cooked hamburgers, but it was so easy to just do this inside (even though today would have been a OK day to grill outside!)
    7. go outside and get some vitamin D -- suppose to be in the 60s!!! :) Sat out in our patio room -- can't wait for spring!
    8. work on quilt :s I am working on this now, and I only have 6 more blocks to do. Got in a hurry, and sewed 2 of them wrong -- so I've been using the seam ripper tonite a lot!
    9. declutter something - try for my side of the closet :) This was something I just dread, and even though all I did was "straighten" and "Reorganize", I am about half done!!
    9. get back on here - be accountable :)

    A much better day today - I thought of all you guys watching me LOL!

    JFT, Friday
    1. work on pc boards some
    2. log all food
    3. try and find a new recipe to maybe cook tomorrow nite - something different
    4. concentrate on water!!
    5. go to the gym
    6. declutter one more thing -- maybe underneath the bathroom sinks!
    7. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

    Can't believe I have 4 pages back just to find my post from yesterday - so many posts! Love it! I may not have time to respond tonite (and to finish ripping out and resewing my blocks), but from skimming over them ... you guys are all doing great!

    Just remember how great we will all feel by this time next year --- so no giving up!!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited January 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thursday
    1. Water :)
    2. Finish quilt, take picture/document, post :D x3

    3. Call Mom :)
    4. Brush and floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Friday
    1. Water
    2. Mom's 9:30
    3. Pick up packaging for shipping quilt
    4. Call Mark
    5. Hubby's specialist appt.
    6. Dinner with D & A
    7. Brush and floss
    8. Bed by 10:30

    All the blues in the quilt are from my stash, the grey I used because it's for a man. The backing is flannelette because I love flannel backs and I figure it's great in a quilt for someone who's I'll.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2018
    I am really struggling this week. Gone from 298.5 - 255.5 since October and been pretty positive the whole way but this week I just want to curl up and sleep. I am convinced I haver SAD disorder as things feel so much easier when it's sunny lol

    I am the same way! I weighed 187 in October - just 10 pounds from my first goal weight. I also suffer I think from SAD - even though not really diagnosed with that .... I get so down with all the gloomy days, and especially around the holidays. I just need sunshine!
    But welcome --- we will all help you get back on track! And congrats on your great losses so far! That shows you that you can do it, and you will!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member

    Thank you! I am in a great mood! Things just seem to be going well the last few days. And a weight seriously has been lifted! I feel a thousand times lighter! I'm glad I could make you smile! I'm a firm believer that if I can make at least one person smile a day then I have done my job! I love spreading joy and happiness around me!

    I also love reading your posts - they sound so upbeat, and I can tell you are in a good place! So happy for you! You are definitely spreading your joy and happiness around!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »

    :D Woo that your quilt is coming along. I'm trying to keep my mind centered as while I'm working on something all these other project ideas barge right on in. I have a small UFO in line next and then back to finishing the borders on the large pink and blue. Trying to keep everything in line.

    I have so many UFOs also - I am hoping to get several of them pinned and actually finish them this year! But I also do a lot of charity sewing ... and really need to get going on more chemo hats! And the problem the only time I get to sew is in the evenings!
    But then I think of new projects! My niece's husband suffered cardiac arrest .. so he is in the hospital on dialysis, waiting for both a heart and a kidney transplant. So I may switch, and try and find a quick pattern so I can make her a nice comfy quilt with a tote to carry it to take with her while she is at the hospital with him. Any suggestions for something quick! I think I'll take a look at Missouri Star Quilting youtube and see if I can find something. So many things I want to sew ... so little time! I see where you belong to a guild! So do I! I was going to go to the meeting tonite, but with the flu going around, decided to just stay home and sew!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Had my scan and appointment!

    Baby has grown again so all good news again!

    Consultant has referred me to an endocrinology specialist? To find out if there’s a problem with my thyroid or if it’s not been absorbed because of being sick.
    I have been given tablets to stop sickness.
    And a sample pot to poo in.. yes, I have to poo in a pot! I was mortified lol!!!!
    Feel more sorry for the person who has to check it though!

    So pick up my tablets tomorrow and hopefully start to feel human again!!

    Bex - hoping your tablets are helping, and you are sound asleep right now :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all that I eat :)
    2. Weigh myself! :) I actually lost 1.5lbs in the last few days. It was probably water weight but it's definitely encouraging!
    3. Food shopping! :) Got there bright and early!
    4. Make DH's lunch :) He enjoyed it! It was the first time I had made him food to take to work and he was really appreciative
    5. Finish cleaning bedroom :) Did this! Now I have a stack of books with nowhere to put them. I think I might go and buy a cheap bookshelf from Walmart or something
    6. Text R and M to set updates to meet :) Having breakfast with R and I'm gonna text M again tomorrow since she didn't respond today.
    7. Bed by 12 :) Possibly. It's 11:37pm right now
    8. Work on budget :) Gonna finish it tomorrow
    9. Update checkbooks :) Got this done finally!
    10. Clean bathroom. :) Everything but the shower. It smells so nice now!

    Wow! I got a lot done today! No wonder I'm so tired! Lol. I'm so happy that the DH is done working the night shift for a while so I can really get a sleep schedule set. I wasn't going to post a list until tomorrow but I realized that the DH has an appointment and I didn't feel like having to wait until after 12 to put up my list. So I'm going to post it now!

    JFT 1/26/18

    1.Up at 8:30
    2. Quiet time
    3. Stretch video
    4. Call D for birthday
    5. Put food in crock before leaving for appointment
    6. DH's therapy appointment
    7. Have a sit-down lunch!
    8. Pick up groceries
    9. Finish budget
    10. Look for cheap bookshelf
    11. Pay a few bills
    12. Dinner/dishes
    13. Spend quality time with the DH
    14. Bed by 10:30

    Wow...that's a lot. But a bunch of the stuff is pretty easy so it won't take me long at all. I hope everyone has a great night! I'll see everyone in the morning.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »

    All the blues in the quilt are from my stash, the grey I used because it's for a man. The backing is flannelette because I love flannel backs and I figure it's great in a quilt for someone who's I'll.

    BEAUTIFUL QUILT!!!! I have never used flannel on the back --- might have to try this! You did a beautiful job, and your brother will love it! Thank you for sharing!