JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    So I went out with my friend and her son this morning and now I have no desire to really do anything else. Lol. I went over my finances and wrote down all of the debt we owe so that I can see it all in front of me. It's not terrible, but it's still a decent amount. It's mainly my student loans and his medical bills. But at least all of my stuff we've been paying on time. I am a follower of Dave Ramsey and one of his things is paying off debt by doing the smallest bill and when that's paid off you use that money and whatever you have left in your budget to pay the next one off and up it goes until everything is paid off. Most people can pay it all off in about two years if they budget right and actually follow the steps. I think that once I have a job again we are going to do that. I also have a large check coming in and I can't decide if I should invest all of it so I dont have to pay taxes on it or use some of it to pay off debt and then invest the rest of it. I think I need to sit down with an accountant. Lol.

    I was supposed to go get my DH's car looked at today but I just dont feel like doing it. I might go to the gym later but my couch is really comfy so I think I'll sit here for a bit longer. Lol!

    We do DR also...have for many years. (live like no one else, so one day you can live like no on else, lol) In fact, I taught it at the high school level for a couple of years. It is so freeing once you are debt free! Good for you to be proactive in that area...it certainly helps my mental and emotional health. And it caused some of our biggest rows as a young married couple, lol! Do you use his EveryDollar online budget?
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited January 2018
    toaljasa wrote: »
    So I went out with my friend and her son this morning and now I have no desire to really do anything else. Lol. I went over my finances and wrote down all of the debt we owe so that I can see it all in front of me. It's not terrible, but it's still a decent amount. It's mainly my student loans and his medical bills. But at least all of my stuff we've been paying on time. I am a follower of Dave Ramsey and one of his things is paying off debt by doing the smallest bill and when that's paid off you use that money and whatever you have left in your budget to pay the next one off and up it goes until everything is paid off. Most people can pay it all off in about two years if they budget right and actually follow the steps. I think that once I have a job again we are going to do that. I also have a large check coming in and I can't decide if I should invest all of it so I dont have to pay taxes on it or use some of it to pay off debt and then invest the rest of it. I think I need to sit down with an accountant. Lol.

    I was supposed to go get my DH's car looked at today but I just dont feel like doing it. I might go to the gym later but my couch is really comfy so I think I'll sit here for a bit longer. Lol!

    We do DR also...have for many years. (live like no one else, so one day you can live like no on else, lol) In fact, I taught it at the high school level for a couple of years. It is so freeing once you are debt free! Good for you to be proactive in that area...it certainly helps my mental and emotional health. And it caused some of our biggest rows as a young married couple, lol! Do you use his EveryDollar online budget?

    I do! I love it. I structure my budget a little different then he does though. Mine is much more detailed. I type mine out into a spreadsheet as well because I pay my bills and do my envelopes bi weekly. As in I pay half of every bill every two weeks. Same with the envelopes. It's easier for me to keep track of everything. When I was working as well the DH and I got paid on different weeks I broke it down to weekly. It just gave me a sense of peace when I do it that way. For a while I was a whole month ahead in my bills. Lol. That made me feel so good. We don't make enough to start paying down our debts yet because I'm not working but we're hoping I find something soon.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    So I went out with my friend and her son this morning and now I have no desire to really do anything else. Lol. I went over my finances and wrote down all of the debt we owe so that I can see it all in front of me. It's not terrible, but it's still a decent amount. It's mainly my student loans and his medical bills. But at least all of my stuff we've been paying on time. I am a follower of Dave Ramsey and one of his things is paying off debt by doing the smallest bill and when that's paid off you use that money and whatever you have left in your budget to pay the next one off and up it goes until everything is paid off. Most people can pay it all off in about two years if they budget right and actually follow the steps. I think that once I have a job again we are going to do that. I also have a large check coming in and I can't decide if I should invest all of it so I dont have to pay taxes on it or use some of it to pay off debt and then invest the rest of it. I think I need to sit down with an accountant. Lol.

    I was supposed to go get my DH's car looked at today but I just dont feel like doing it. I might go to the gym later but my couch is really comfy so I think I'll sit here for a bit longer. Lol!

    We do DR also...have for many years. (live like no one else, so one day you can live like no on else, lol) In fact, I taught it at the high school level for a couple of years. It is so freeing once you are debt free! Good for you to be proactive in that area...it certainly helps my mental and emotional health. And it caused some of our biggest rows as a young married couple, lol! Do you use his EveryDollar online budget?

    I have been following him lately and getting his newsletter. Just read his book not too long ago. I cannot for the life of me seem to get a good budget figured out on his EveryDollar online budget! Seems like our bills always outweigh our income. I know that's not correct or I'd be behind in bills! So....after seeing this from you two, I might have to give it another whirl! I want to get our debt paid so I can retire early! :wink:
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Happy happy this evening. Pushed really hard and stayed positive all day and it totally paid off. Ticks galore but the most important thing was not diet or exercise but a much needed mood boost. Have a super nerve-wracking event first thing tomorrow but feel like I’ve put myself in the best place for dealing with it today.

    Recap 30/1:

    - exercise first thing ✅
    - Water 2ltr + ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Try not to take on too much. Can only do so much for each of the 30 kids in my class. Try not to let one pocket of negativity affect everything else. ✅ Had a couple of wins with some kids in my class who have been struggling and it was just great to see the progress!
    - If not too tired try and get to yoga after work to decompress while my own kids are with their grandparents. ✅

    Goals for tomorrow (keeping it minimal)

    - exercise before kids get up
    - Water 2ltr
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Yoga after work
    - Send out party reminder for daughter’s birthday
    - Early night

    Have a great evening x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I know, it’s like in my head I know it’s easier to keep on top of it and have a “do it now” approach. I always do this with the table after the girls have ate. I clean it an hour or so later after getting them to bed and it’s much harder trying to scrub off dried on bean juice than if I just wiped it straight away!!
    And I know this and I know I feel better when it’s all clean.

    So why the feck can’t I do it all the time haha! :lol:

    I was like that for the longest time! I would just put them in the sink and leave them. It's easier for me because it's just me and DH. But I've found over the last few days that doing the dishes as soon as we are done eating gives me such a sense of accomplishment. And if something has to soak I make sure that I do it before bed. I get depressed if I wake up to dishes in the sink. Lol. I do have to clean off the table next to where my DH sits. It's always so cluttered. Lol

    Haha it gets worse for me.. I have a dishwasher. And still. Still I leave pots til the morning! Although the damn thing hasn’t cleaned anything properly the last two days and I’ve just hand washed everything :scream: nightmare.
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Yes. Linen closet generally holds sheets, quilts, towels, etc. And here in the states many/most(?) people sleep with a top and bottom sheet, with the duvet used as a covering whereas I believe people in Europe oftentimes sleep with bottom sheet and duvet only, correct? So, if we use a duvet we only have one duvet cover (or a couple to switch out between seasons), as there is a sheet between the person and the duvet! Make sense? And some people don't use duvets. They have a quilt, bed spread or comforter on the top of the bed.

    Now, aren't you sorry you asked, lolol (I can't answer with a simple, "yes!")
    I've seen the sheet/pillowcase combo...never think to try it...thanks for the reminder!

    You lot sleep weird. :lol:

    Had to read a couple of times but yes I get it haha
    Thought back to the time I went to America for holidays when I was younger and I do rememver the extra sheet!
    Yep we just have bottom sheet and duvet. But sometimes we put “throw cushions” on haha
    And also a quilt to drape over the end of the bed. But that’s purely decoration not for any sort of practical use haha
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 How bad is it that I had to Google "what is a duvet"? and I STILL don't know! BWAHAHAHA! :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I didn't get on here today again because i was so busy at work. My bad! I really didn't do anything I planned, so good thing I didn't write it down, right?

    I did get permission to leave work next week for the MRI and they were really understanding about it, so I feel really blessed to have a kind-hearted boss. Being new to the job, I was afraid to ask for the time off.

    Today, I have only eaten a grapefruit, 2 oz of cheddar cheese and 12 mini pretzels. So I haven't gone over my calories by any means. I also have not even come close to drinking enough water. Not even 8 oz I'll bet.

    I've been stuck at my desk all day in teleconference meetings. So, not many steps today either. I plan to walk on my treadmill tonight. I need to get rid of some anxiety and I think walking will help with that.

    I'm leaving work in the next few minutes. So, for the rest of the day, I will:
    1. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    2. Update my Beck's index cards
    3. Read next chapter of Beck's Diet Solution, next reading in Simple Abundance and gratitude journal
    4. Walk on treadmill in basement
    5. elevate my arm and wear the compression sleeve until I can't stand it anymore! (Hate that thing! Itches)
    6. Bed early. Was up too late last night. I couldn't fall asleep. Was obsessing over "what if's"... Have to stop that right now. Does no good and prevents nothing.
    7. Write out some birthday cards for the grands...

    I'll hop back on later! Hope you all had a great day!


    Don't keep looking back....You're not going that way!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Haha, it gets worse for me... I have a dishwasher. And still. Still, I leave pots til the morning! Although the damn thing hasn’t cleaned anything properly the last two days and I’ve just hand washed everything :scream: nightmare.

    My little house is too small for a dishwasher. I thought about getting one of the ones you can put on a counter but I simply dont have enough counter space! Lol. My parents have one but for the longest time the one they had broke so we all had designated days that we had to do the dishes and the sink would be so full that we would have to pile the dishes on the counter just to have room to clean them in the sink! Lol. But my dad got my mom a new one for Christmas a few years ago and I got married and moved out so now it's usually my dad's job to fill it and empty it. Lol

    @OConnell5483 When I took my little break for a few months I didn't do anything with the budget and I wasn't working so we blew through our savings pretty quick. We have a little left but if I dont get a job soon there will be trouble. Lol. But his principles have always helped me in the past. I took the course before I got married but didn't implement anything I had learned. It wasn't until the August before last that I started really getting into it and finding a way that worked for us. It's usually pretty tight but we somehow make it through. Lol. We're waiting to see if my DH is getting a promotion with a pay raise so that will help.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    You lot sleep weird. :lol:

    Had to read a couple of times but yes I get it haha
    Thought back to the time I went to America for holidays when I was younger and I do rememver the extra sheet!
    Yep we just have bottom sheet and duvet. But sometimes we put “throw cushions” on haha
    And also a quilt to drape over the end of the bed. But that’s purely decoration not for any sort of practical use haha

    I spent years just sleeping with a bottom sheet and a duvet. My parents do it as well. When I was younger I had the loose sheet and a comforter, but when I got a waterbed when I was 16 my mom got me a duvet as well and I used it for years. Now me and my DH just use a bottom sheet and a comforter. We've found that we cant use the loose sheet because it just gets tangled in our legs because we move so much when we sleep and the DH finds it very restricting and he has claustrophobia so he freaks out if he cant get out of it.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @OConnell5843 Was obsessing over "what if's"... Have to stop that right now. Does no good and prevents nothing.

    Ain't that the truth!!! Just brings on more anxiety for me...we are praying...many hugs.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I've seen the sheet/pillowcase combo...never think to try it...thanks for the reminder!

    You lot sleep weird. :lol:

    Had to read a couple of times but yes I get it haha
    Thought back to the time I went to America for holidays when I was younger and I do rememver the extra sheet!
    Yep we just have bottom sheet and duvet. But sometimes we put “throw cushions” on haha
    And also a quilt to drape over the end of the bed. But that’s purely decoration not for any sort of practical use haha[/quote]

    And I suppose your sleeping pillows are square?
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2018
    toaljasa wrote: »

    I have been following him lately and getting his newsletter. Just read his book not too long ago. I cannot for the life of me seem to get a good budget figured out on his EveryDollar online budget! Seems like our bills always outweigh our income. I know that's not correct or I'd be behind in bills! So....after seeing this from you two, I might have to give it another whirl! I want to get our debt paid so I can retire early! :wink:

    Don't give up on getting your budget worked out. You are welcome to PM me and I will be happy to try and help you out. I tweak it every single month because some months I may have gifts to purchase, etc.

    Also, I listen to him through you tube, for inspiration, keeping me on track and sometimes for entertainment purposes, lol...he can be pretty harsh sounding sometimes but he's trying to get your attention!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    Don't give up. You are welcome to PM me and I will be happy to try and help you out. I tweak it every single month because some months I may have gifts to purchase, etc.

    Also, I listen to him through you tube, for inspiration, keeping me on track and sometimes for entertainment purposes, lol...he can be pretty harsh sounding sometimes but he's trying to get your attention!!!

    Thank you! I'll give it another try and pm you if I have questions. I know his plan works wonders if you follow it. I've just never been a "math" person and get frustrated really easily with it! :wink: I do really like listening to his radio show. I haven't been able to since starting this new job though. I have to really concentrate since I'm learning so much, and it distracts me to listen to podcasts now. My old job I barely had to think about to do!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT 1/30/18

    1. Up by 8 :)Actually 6
    2. Coffee with R :)There wasn't actually any coffee involved but it was a good time. Lol
    3. Get stuff done at the library :)I borrowed a couple of books on writing. I'm excited to start reading them.
    4. Look over finances :)Did this as well. Going to fill out the Debt Snowball tomorrow
    5. Call tire place :/It's been snowing on and off all day so I decided not to
    6. Lunch with the DH :DHe slept until after I was done eating. He's been sick so I let him sleep in
    7. Go to tire place :DSee #5
    8. Call neurologist about test for DH :)Need to get a test request from his doctor and then we can schedule the test
    9. Look into blogging :)Did this. I can't decide if I want to use a free one or buy a domain name and try and make money off it
    10. Gym :)I did this! It was a leg day. It felt really good to be there. It was freezing outside and snowing pretty hard. But I made it there!
    11. Dinner/dishes :)Dinner has been eaten and cleaned up
    12. Hockey with DH :)Doing this now. It's been...interesting.
    13. Bed by 11pm :)Probably way earlier.

    Have a great night everyone! See you in the morning!

    It was a pretty good day. I'm surprised I did so well. The only thing I didnt do was the tire stuff. I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow. It needs to be done. I really want my car back. Lol. Although my car is making an odd noise. So we'll have to get looked at too. Lol.

    JFT 1/31/18

    1. Up by 7
    2. Quiet time/journal
    4. CLEAN SHOWER!!!!
    5. Gym
    6. Finish setting up printer
    7. Print out tax forms
    8. Work on Debt Snowball
    9. Dinner/Dishes
    10. Hockey/Quality time with DH
    11. Wash face/brush teeth
    12. Bed by 11

    Have a great night everyone! See you in the morning!
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    edited January 2018
    @MLHC1 I now work in regulatory affairs in pharma, and spend a lot of time reading clinical data. Lots of stuff tickle my memory, and it’s frustrating knowing I knew this once upon a time.

    @OConnell5483 I hope the scans are clear next week. Happy thoughts coming your way.

    It’s been a busy day, and I actually forgot to eat! That doesn’t happen very often for me. I did prelog today and yesterday and I think that it’s helping.

    1/30 Report
    Log :)
    Fast til noon :)
    Walk :) couple of turns around the building. But still lots of meetings. And I’ve been standing more.
    Do my newly assigned presentation :/ reprieve til next month. They didn’t get to me
    Take breaks at work since I have two hours of meetings tomorrow night. Ugh :/ no breaks at work too busy
    Read to my daughter :) actually she read to me, and composed songs in her head. At least, until her older brother made fun of her.

    JFT 1/31
    Weigh in for Jan
    Pre log
    Stand during meetings
    Relax tomorrow night. It’s been so busy! Nothing on the calendar for tomorrow night.

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday
    1. Accurate log. ❌
    2. Revise Week 5. ✔ Get computer cart. ✔ Input late work. ✔ Call 5 parents. ✔ Arrange for official transcript. ❌
    Write part of weekly blog post. ❌ Comment at COP; ❌ check comment at HE. ✔ Talk to DK about book orders (Mindset and Lessons That Change Writers). Email W about tickets for BCSS. ❌
    3. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). ✔ 5k steps at school; aim for 6. ✔
    4. Gym for strength class and cardio. ✔ Steps to 11k; aim for 12. ✔✔ 5 min run @ 5.5-6.0. ✔
    5. Kickboxing at 6:00. ✔
    6. Meds at 7:15. ✔ Dinner - Soup Plus or Plated? Prep breakfast and lunches for tomorrow. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45. ✔

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Accurate log. Chop more celery.
    2. Write Week 5 plans. Get computer cart. Input Reflection 8 and grammar worksheets. Call 5 parents. Arrange for official transcript. Write part of weekly blog post. Comment at COP. Reply to HE. Talk to DK about book orders (Mindset and Lessons That Change Writers). Email W about tickets for BCSS.
    3. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). 5k steps at school; aim for 6.
    4. Gym for Day 1 and cardio. Steps to 11k; aim for 12. 5 min run @ 5.5-6.0. Flexibility video at home?
    5. Groceries: Soup, protein shakes for D, gum, frozen spinach.
    6. Meds at 7:15. Dinner - Soup Plus or Plated? Prep breakfast and lunches for tomorrow. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Jan 31 goal - PREVIOUS: 169. That's a 1.5 lb/week drop from a start of 175, which makes the math a little easier!
    Jan 31 goal - REVISED: 172. *sigh*
    Goal for 1/29: 173. Today: 174.4

    Soooo it'll be interesting to see if I get a gain, loss, or stall tomorrow. While it actually hasn't completely sucked to get back to exercising, I'm not looking forward to the frustration and discouragement that happens when the "loss" from last week goes away as my muscles puff up with water again.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    JFT, TUes
    1. GO TO THE GYM!! I find I miss it when I don't go :) And took my first "spinning" class!! It was so hard, but I stuck with it the entire 60 minutes - just didn't peddle as fast as most in the class. But it was a lot of fun. My legs (and my butt!) still hurt LOL!
    2. get back to decluttering .... tomorrow ... the linen closet, and "start" on the closet in my daughters room. (I still call it her room, even though she has moved out ... so much of her stuff still there!) :/ Nope, watching the State of Union speach while trimming quilt squares.
    3. drink water :)
    4. work on quilt :)
    5. review and read my beck diet solution cards!! Need to get back doing this :)
    6. read 1 chapter simple abundance :) -- hope to do this later
    7. read 1 chapter on book on emotional eating ..... be aware of my triggers! :)
    8. get back on here - be accountable! :)
    A better day today, protein wise. Ate 118 gms of protein!

    JFT, Wed
    1. try and go to the gym - even though I know I'll be sore. But just do a litte
    2. finish working on pc boards
    3. get back to decluttering .... tomorrow ... the linen closet, and "start" on the closet in my daughters room.
    4. drink water - remember what that red cup is for!
    5. get back on here - be accountable
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    1. Water :)
    2. Chill out :)
    3. Brush and floss :)
    4. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Water
    2. Chill out
    3. Month end, unfortunately even though I'm not working this still needs to be done so a quick stop after close. I don't want to get anyone else sick.
    4. Brush and floss
    5. Bed by 10:30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I've seen the sheet/pillowcase combo...never think to try it...thanks for the reminder!

    You lot sleep weird. :lol:

    Had to read a couple of times but yes I get it haha
    Thought back to the time I went to America for holidays when I was younger and I do rememver the extra sheet!
    Yep we just have bottom sheet and duvet. But sometimes we put “throw cushions” on haha
    And also a quilt to drape over the end of the bed. But that’s purely decoration not for any sort of practical use haha

    And I suppose your sleeping pillows are square?[/quote]

    No rectangle!! Who has square sleeping pillows! Sounds awful lol :lol: