JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    JFT 1/31/18
    log everything :) a little too green, actually. MFP was giving me frowny faces because i didn't eat enough, but then i remembered i ate a cheese stick.
    stay green :)
    drink 80 :)
    swim 1000 :)
    knit/crochet group tonight
    decided that knitting is not my craft. I have never tried so hard to learn something. Also, it made me feel stabby when i had to start over for the zillionth time, and i had pointy sticks. bad combination. Yay crochet!

  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    JFT 2/1
    Log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    something for me....coloring, crochet...hmmmm
    delivered testing passes again, got 7 floors and 1.29 miles!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    Recap T 1/30
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:25 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,150 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 34 floors :smiley:
    3) Net calories green / monitor the usual = Net calories & sodium green, sugar red, protein good, fiber low & 14c water :smile:
    4) Mail bday package to ex-roomie & bday card to E / bake & frost cake = all done! :smiley:
    5) Off computer & phone 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 = don't remember :blush:

    Recap Wed 1/31 = I was off work and drove 3hr round trip. Spent afternoon at my parents' to celebrate mom's 81st birthday. I baked a cake for her and of course ate some with her, dad and two of my brothers. I'm fine with that. Dad, who's an excellent cook, made lasagna for our noon meal. Not sure how accurate logging was, but I tried. Net calories & sugar red, sodium green, fiber ok, protein excellent and 11c water. :neutral:
    Before driving, walked dog 2.73 miles in snowburst, so had to go slow (I like to walk fast) because fresh snow covered icy patches. Happy dog :smiley: Fitbit 10,425 steps, 250+ steps 5/14 hours :# & 13 floors.

    JFT R 2/1 = Skipping workplace hike at lunch b/c wind chill is -21F, so...
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:39 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Not sure of meals today, probably leftovers again...at least I'm only eating 1/2 pieces of hubby bday cake / net calories green / monitor as usual
    4) Update Jan goal results / post Feb goals on JFT
    5) Evening: choir & >2 things on to-do list
    6) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Well, I had a huge fight with my wireless printer/computer! Lol. The software I was given to connect it froze my computer twice so I had to manually shut it off twice. It was until I decided to just download the software as a wired connection then internet that it actually worked. I figure I can connect it to the wifi at a later day. So an hour later it's finally all done and all the tax stuff/budget stuff is all printed and looks great. I haven't tried the color ink yet. I'll try that later. Lol. I think it may be time for a nap before I hit the gym since I've decided to follow @cschmitz110515 example and just have leftovers tonight since my original dinner plan got shot down because I didn't know I didn't have an ingredient. Lol. I am not going to go to the store for one thing. I'll just adapt. Lol.

    I hope everyone's day is going well!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    January Goals / Results:
    • Scale goal 1-5-x.x = Every Sat. w-i at 1-5-x & 1/31 at 156.0 :smiley: Even though hubby and I splurged on food & beverages on New Year's Eve, and I did not log. Yahoo!
    • Take measurements 1/31 W a.m. before work = Since starting MFP, have lost 14.5" [waist -7" hips -6" neck -1.5"]. Also lost inches in thighs based on fit of pants & jeans. :smiley: Forgot to log, will do that 2/1/18. :p
    • Win MapMyWalk Challenge 12/29 - 1/28 with friend M...of course, she's retired and walking her dogs in AZ, while I'm walking on a treadmill in snow-covered Green Bay = me 45 miles & M 29.1 miles :smiley:
    • Earn > 2 achievement awards in MFP Pure Start Challenge = Earned 3 awards / 2 awards remaining. Also joined Fuel Your Resolution Challenge & earned 4 awards / tried new cereal high in protein & liked it. :smiley:
    • Participate in Frenzy on the Fox 5K ??? = Registered last minute on a whim for evening event on paved trail along river. Finished in 47:26 & pace 15:19. :smiley: Wore layers since temp 10F & wind NNW 12mph, and I was fine. If I do same event next year, wear my headlamp b/c part of the trail is rather dark. B)
    • Walk on treadmill / alternate workouts 5x per week = First week of January, battled lower back pain and limited my walking, then eased back into. Walked 2x/wk once, 4x/wk twice and 5x/wk once. Total of 48.3 miles. :smiley: Also set up Wii again & looked up YouTube videos. :neutral:
    • Log all food & beverages every day, including hubby's bday / net calories green or w/i 100 = Surprisingly, I logged food every day in January! :astonished: Over 1/2 days net calories were red but not a lot. :#

    February Goals:
    • Scale goal 154#
    • Take measurements 2/28 W a.m. before work & remember to log
    • Walk on treadmill / alternate workouts 5x per week
    • Walk Seroogy's 5K on 2/10 < 46:00
    • Win Feb MapMyWalk Challenge I started w/ M
    • Earn 3 awards in MFP Quaker Oats Challenge & remaining 2 awards in Pure Start Challenge (means I have to do strength training)
    • Log all food & beverages every day / net calories green or w/i 100
    What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    :lol: you sound like me atm! Sleeping everywhere!

    I fell asleep halfway up the stairs the other day. I think I only sat down for a moment.

    It scared the €rap out my partner when he found me thinking I’d fallen or something :lol:

    Oh my word, that was me on my fourth child. We homeschooled and I remember giving a spelling test. I would literally call out the word and immediately go into a deep sleep. The kids would write down the word then wake me up. I'd startle out of a sleep, call the next word and zonk right out again. Those kids could have crept away and I wouldn't have known it...or just completed the spelling test and tell me that I'd given the last word.. I was just so tired. My husband was gone during the week and home only on weekends...no doubt that contributed to the weariness.

    Haha, then a few weeks after the baby, I took the kids swimming at the city pool. I was holding the baby on the steps in the wading area feeling worn out. A lady sat down next to me and oohs and ahhs over the baby. She asked me when he was born. For the the life of me I could not remember the date! I just looked at her for several seconds and then said, "I've got no idea." She quietly slipped away, lololol
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new to this thread, just discovered it, but I love the idea. I've been logging daily blog posts as a way to check in every day but I like the idea of checking in with others who are actively doing the same.

    JFT 2/1
    Drink 80 oz. water
    Log all my calories
    Complete C25K Week 2 Day 1 this evening after work
    Go over the daily meditation excercises I'm supposed to be doing for a group I'm involved in, and DO THEM this evening after work.

    Welcome! This is a very encouraging community. Just so you know, on this particular board, a woo means woo-hoo, way to go! Unlike other places on MFP where it means "sounds too good to be true." So a woo is good here!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Well, yesterday was another terrible day, as you've seen. Despite that though, I stayed on track with my food. Go me! :)

    - log everything I eat :smile:
    - stick to food plan :smile:
    - drink 3 water bottles across the day :/ Genuinely have no idea, which probably means no
    - read Response cards twice today :/ Not even once. At the moment this isn't stopping me staying on track though. Maybe I should be realistic about what will work for ME and take it down to once (plus extra readings at times I know I may struggle).
    - 30 minute lunch break :'( No. barely five minutes. This is getting silly now, I KNOW that lunch break is crucial for me.
    - exercise class after work :)
    - leave by 7 LATEST :/ No...

    Great job tracking your food and eating well! Wonderful. Read the response cards one little ol time (have no idea what they are but they seem important!!!) Are they short enough to tape a couple to your dash, bathroom mirror, etc?

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Wednesday

    PROTEIN POWDER There was a commercial on TV today for boost protein powder with no additives or fillers. I wondered if that wouldn't be awesome for many of us. Has anyone seen it in stores yet?

    Have you heard about pancakes made from protein powder? I haven't tried them..kind of waiting for reviews, lol.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @Joan6630 Wow! You did fantastic with your January goals. Fantabulous! You inspire me to do my best. Remember: Operation Red Cup!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Thursday, February 1, Day 21

    I completed my daily goals yesterday.

    Log all food
    Stop eating by 8pm
    Drink 7 glasses of water before 7pm
    Ride 5 miles on the bike
    Complete next session of online program
    work on memorizing this week's scripture
    Stand Firm!

    What I've learned: It's a brand new month! Many of us began the year or mid-month with either new or renewed intentions. I think we've done marvelous! I am looking forward with great anticipation at what our progress will be at the end of the year! We are a heave-ho gang of gals (so far) and I love our unified effort of pulling us all along together.

    Monthly Habits:
    At the beginning of January I set out to gain three new habits to help me reach my health goal:
    Log all food on MFP
    Drink 7 glasses of water daily
    Exercise 3-5 times a week

    With the help and continued help of JFT, I feel that these are indeed now habits. But I have to be intentional and not let life's distractions pull my eyes away from them.

    February's habits: Although these aren't physical health related, I am on an overall health journey.
    1. Reduce Social media time to 4 hours a day. (I watch, maybe an hour of Netflix but the pull of FB, etc., UGH)
    2. Memorize one Scripture each week that will support this health journey.
    3. Write in my prayer/gratitude journal at least 3 times/week.

    Peace and joy!
    Together we are going to reach the mountain top!! Whomever reaches the top first, let the rest of know how it looks!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    :lol: you sound like me atm! Sleeping everywhere!

    I fell asleep halfway up the stairs the other day. I think I only sat down for a moment.

    It scared the €rap out my partner when he found me thinking I’d fallen or something :lol:

    Oh my word, that was me on my fourth child. We homeschooled and I remember giving a spelling test. I would literally call out the word and immediately go into a deep sleep. The kids would write down the word then wake me up. I'd startle out of a sleep, call the next word and zonk right out again. Those kids could have crept away and I wouldn't have known it...or just completed the spelling test and tell me that I'd given the last word.. I was just so tired. My husband was gone during the week and home only on weekends...no doubt that contributed to the weariness.

    Haha, then a few weeks after the baby, I took the kids swimming at the city pool. I was holding the baby on the steps in the wading area feeling worn out. A lady sat down next to me and oohs and ahhs over the baby. She asked me when he was born. For the the life of me I could not remember the date! I just looked at her for several seconds and then said, "I've got no idea." She quietly slipped away, lololol

    :sweat_smile: !!!!!!

    I always forget my kids birthdays!
    I feel like im trading in my brain cells for kids haha!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited February 2018
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Have you heard about pancakes made from protein powder? I haven't tried them..kind of waiting for reviews, lol.

    I saw on Jan 31 saragirl2 posted a recipe on this thread. Not sure if it's on my agenda to try at this point, I'm not a big fan of some of the ingredients.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    MamaKaz79 wrote: »
    MamaKaz79 wrote: »
    I like the idea of daily commitment. I was doing great staying on track and getting my workouts in them wham....Monday it was like I had an elephant on my chest. Still I get winded so easily, my heart keeps doing odd things. Plus some other symptoms, I dont think it’s the flu cause I have none of those symptoms. The nurse in me kept going back and forth, but I’m waiting on a appt. as I type this. So fingers crossed.
    But I’ve tried hard to still log my food even though I’ve been out of sorts. Since the walk to the mailbox winds me I haven’t done much exercising
    Doc thinks I’m just fighting something wicked. All vitals and EKG look good, thankfully. He said I need to just keep resting like I am. He said “people are dying cause they try to push through it like any other cold. You can’t push through the flu.” Makes sense. Hopefully I start to get better soon

    Thank goodness it's not the flu! I hope you feel better soon! We're all pulling for you.
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    2/2 JFT:
    No pop
    Log food
    Feb. challange
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hey everyone! So many positives on here. Great job everyone!

    I'm posting tonight for tomorrow since I am struggling getting on at work. My new job is getting busy and I really am loving it! I definitely made the right choice there... :smiley:

    Just for Friday
    1. Eat breakfast - I need to start eating before noon.
    2. Log every bite
    3. Increase water intake. Really pay attention to this.
    4. Use the Miracle Timer app to remind myself to get up every hour and move.
    5. Listen to Optimal Living, Optimal Health and Half Size Me podcasts
    6. Read Simple Abundance for the day, next Beck's chapter and write in gratitude journal
    7. Take the day as it comes. Deal with one thing at a time. No stress allowed! :smile:

    I'll check back in tomorrow. xoxox
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,264 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    Great job tracking your food and eating well! Wonderful. Read the response cards one little ol time (have no idea what they are but they seem important!!!) Are they short enough to tape a couple to your dash, bathroom mirror, etc?

    The "response cards" are from a book that I was reading, called "The Beck Diet Solution: training your brain to think like a thin person. This book is really good -- last years thread I posted the things to do each day. I need to get back to doing these things myself again!

    But the response cards are just index cards ... where you write down all the reasons you want to lose weight. You are suppose to keep these cards where you can look at them several times a day ... to remind us of why we want to lose weight and become more healthy.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,264 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    @Joan6630 Wow! You did fantastic with your January goals. Fantabulous! You inspire me to do my best. Remember: Operation Red Cup!!!

    Thanks for the reminder -- I love the Operation Red Cup LOL!! Now everytime I see that red cup, I will think of that. I've been slacking again. .... so need to keep this up until it becomes a better habit!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,264 Member
    MamaKaz79 wrote: »
    I like the idea of daily commitment. I was doing great staying on track and getting my workouts in them wham....Monday it was like I had an elephant on my chest. Still I get winded so easily, my heart keeps doing odd things. Plus some other symptoms, I dont think it’s the flu cause I have none of those symptoms. The nurse in me kept going back and forth, but I’m waiting on a appt. as I type this. So fingers crossed.
    But I’ve tried hard to still log my food even though I’ve been out of sorts. Since the walk to the mailbox winds me I haven’t done much exercising

    Hope you feel better! There seems to be so much flu going around! Luckly hubby and I have escaped getting it so far!