
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Woke up with a runny nose, scratchy throat. Added lemon zest and cayenne to am tea, all better now. Thanks Anna from T'ai Chi for the recipe and the home grown lemon!

    Knees, grr. Last night my left knee wanted to play tricks at line dancing. Tried doing just one more dance and that worked for awhile, then it gave out and I nearly fell. Changed shoes, got ready to leave while class continued, but they played a song I really like so danced in my street shoes with no knee pain. Now what the heck is with THAT? last night and this morning after meditation did two of the knee exercises from long ago. Time to build a daily habit, chain to meditation.

    Annieguz sitting in traffic 2 hrs/day? Yuck! Do you do shoulder stretches to keep the road rage down? :}
    Becca love "eat like a healthy person" may copycat you. Dang, you are cute! 3 cats in a box made me smile BIG.
    Pam in WA, Welcome! Zumba 5 days/week, class or DVD?
    Wendy Super blue blood moon hospital weirdness indeed. Cannot imagine waiting for surgery in a hallway. ;{
    Sharon "Hudson Bay Store" hahahaha ! The image in my mind was of the SF Bay when it was like silk. :) Loved the bunch of bananas idea, maybe it can be your parting gift... with a snap of him as the "top banana". What a jerk.
    Welcome Ann. "hard time getting motivated" me too sometimes. The gals on this thread are the most motivating.
    Kelly love "less in body, more in spirit"...at first I mistyped "less in booty" which is true too. So jealous of your therapy pool, I loved the one back in Idaho.
    cowgirl and CC, welcome
    Cheryl so very sorry for the loss of your horse, what a horrible thing to happen.
    Allie I can just see Alfie watching "Puppy Bowl" So glad you have this joy in the midst of all the sadness.
    Sue in WA ((hugs)). Sorry for your losses and that your DH is not taking good care of himself. Terry is right, PT it is crucial for good knee surgery results. Belated Best Birthday wishes. Hope you can pamper yourself a little. New puppy kisses are good medicine for aching hearts.
    Diana in TN welcome. Any hints on the hula hoop would be welcome. I could do it as a kid but can NOT get it to stay up now.
    Martha welcome back! You've got this.
    Rachel Welcome. Good for you for working with a trainer, logging in mfp, moving in new ways. It's bound to have good effect.
    Amy in Az welcome. That's impressive lifting in just a few months. Wow!
    pip OMG what happened? Lanette mentioned accident, it must have been a doozy?
    Kate Grateful your DD's ulcer can be treated with antacids. . . tho' it seems odd to be grateful for an ulcer ;)
    DrKatybug When I had Mohs (on my face) I was back to work the next day. Looked like a pirate that had been beaten in a barroom brawl, but was able to work. Hope you'll be able to continue walking, strength etc. Even better would be a benign result from additional samples...
    cathy Beautiful cruise dress!
    Lenora glad to hear from you even though you've been struggling. How did you break your wrist?
    Janetr "filling our cups..." well said!
    Theresa You are not a wimp! Recovering from pneumonia always takes longer than you want. Take it easy and keep warm until you are completely well. Relapses stink.

    Blew the max 20 mins per pc session . . . again. :(

    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    on Kirby's bday on 7-10-15 we were in Vegas and I fell down stairs while going over the strip on some of those overpass stairs from excalibur to the other side, don't remember a thing, then maybe about.a month or so later, Kirby got hit by a car while driving his bike home on his usual route. spent 17days in the hospital. that the real short story of it :0)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Beth ~ Prayers said that it will work out for the best for your family.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth, so sorry I can only imagine the anxiety and concern your family is facing. It just not easy and no viable solution at this point it seems, Big (((Hug)))

    Janetr OKC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Can't believe it but last night I forgot to drink the half beer saved from lunch. SMH and amazed.

    eminator great goals! Take it easy until you are completely well.
    NYKaren Rome! I'm excited for you too!
    Allie Brava! Instead of curling up and hiding, you take steps every day to do what needs doing. Brava!
    DrKatiebug Ouch! Sending thoughts of good traffic karma your way.
    Lisa ditto what Barbie said so well, and Heather's genetic component comment. Does he have access to any kind of mental health/suicide prevention care? Would he go?
    kmcdonnell welcome!
    pip O M G you two are survivors!
    Beth Appalling that people have to wait so long for disabled but independent living housing. You'd think some bright entrepreneur would see the market and start converting or building. Perhaps the profit is just too high for non-adapted construction?

    Way past time to get up and move. Flunking the 20 min limit, but get so interested in what's going on in all your lives... nope can't blame it on you... my life, my choices, must live with the results.

    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    BETH so sorry to hear about the situation with your son, you must be so anxious hopefully something good will happen Hugs

    Kate UK <3
  • HandiCrafter
    HandiCrafter Posts: 56 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Lisa - First, way to go on the weight loss! :)<3 So glad you have found what works for you. That's what I love so much about this group, we all have different needs and paths to health. Second, how sad about your son. I hope he can find some help and get back on an even keel. Third, thank you so much for letting us know about a week's worth of free British TV on Amazon Prime. I'm looking at the Acorn offerings right now, trying to figure if we'll watch $4.99 worth of shows per month. Think I'll clear my busy schedule and sign up for the free week.

    - I am sure you have considered every possible solution, but hopefully, given a little time and space, something suitable will surface. I don't blame you for being miffed. Seems like the needy seniors and disabled, like the vets, become invisible to the legislators. Happens in our state, too, and is maddening.

    Barbie - I hope your water is back on! Smart thinkin' getting showered and having some water in reserve. Unless there's a main break somewhere that's going to take some big digging, they should be able to get it back on within a reasonable amount of time.

    Heather - it will be interesting to see if you get an offer from your first viewers! Or surprisingly, even your second viewers.... stranger things have happened.

    Barbara in S Oregon - I get so tickled at you trying to limit your time checking the happenings with this group. I am getting worn out by the internet it seems and all the blah blah they think I should read and be interested in. But, this group is a priority!

    - glad you are having a good time! What day are you arriving back home?

    - hope the antacids do the trick for your DD's ulcer.

    - sorry about your daughter's accident and the cancelled spring visit. And your knee giving you a little grief. So frustrating when our "walking parts" aren't working right.

    I made an appointment with the foot doctor for Tuesday. I want to know if the swelling and pain behind my toes is arthritis that I just have to deal with and if so, are there insoles or orthotics I can put in my shoes so I can walk/run again without limping the rest of the day. I have a hunch it might be related to a cortisone shot I had there a couple years ago. :s We'll see. In the meantime, rubbing some ointment from the "green store" helps the pain, but not the swelling.

    Have a good Saturday everyone!

    Warm and showery SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Pip - What a fantastic row of medals! :D

    Beth - You must be tearing your hair out! Maybe there is a home out there that isn't "one size fits all". I have no idea, of course, but my heart goes out to you. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Lisa, so sorry to hear of your son's issues. You are right, you can't fix him, but hopefully knowing that he has you and his dad to give him support will help. I don't mean that you should send him a bunch of money, that sounds like it would be a bad idea, but just being there to talk to him. Or listen to him. Interesting question, would he go to counselling? Would he be able to get that paid for from his time in the Air Force? {{{HUGS}}} Not an easy situation.
    Congrats on the weight loss!
    Beth, so sorry about your son also. Keeping you and him in my thoughts, sure hope a solution can be found. I totally understand your hubby's reluctance to have him at home, what will happen when one or both of you pass on? Will he be back in the same situation? Is there some kind of housing available where he could just have someone come in to make his meals and do any personal care that he needs? Or is that what you're looking for now? Could a regular apartment or condo be adapted for him? I'm just thinking about some of the options we have in Canada, don't know what's available where you are.
    Heather, good luck with the showings! Most annoying that the people were running late.
    We live in a townhouse, there are 10 units in total. We have no on "street" parking, we all have two car garages and are expected to use them. The only time our vehicles are allowed on the "street" is if we are cleaning them or are right there. This is because this is also an emergency lane, so if an emergency vehicle needs to get in there, the way can't be blocked. So, our neighbour across the way has put his unit up for sale. His realtor comes by a few days ago and parks right in front of OUR garage! Not in front of the unit that he's trying to sell, which would make more sense, but ours! Hubby had an appointment, so he went over and told the guy that visitor parking is "over there". His reply? "Oh, I didn't see it". Really?? We have 6 visitor spaces, they all have "visitor parking" painted in them and the paint is pretty new, so it's pretty visible. Hubby and I have made note of his name and will NOT be recommending him to anybody, ever! Twit..... I do feel compelled to also point out that the potential buyer of the property managed to find the visitor parking, so it's just the realtor that's an idiot. Okay, rant over! Thanks for listening!
    Pip, that's quite the collection of ribbons you two have! Thanks for the info about your injuries, I heard a bit about them shortly after I joined, but having some of the details now helps. And may I just say WOW! You two certainly are a couple of tough cookies to come thru all of that!
    Katie, I would definitely look into the schluter stuff (not sure I spelled that correctly), new stuff is coming out all the time, and the old school stuff isn't always the best stuff. Might be worth the extra expense.
    Allie, good for you for going to the Al-anon meeting and for persevering thru. Sure hope you can find a will, I suspect that would make things a lot easier for you. Too bad your brother is being a pill. Glad you have Alfie to cuddle up with!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island