

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    MMMMhhhh. Hiding under the house with the cats could be my Plan B.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited February 2018
    langman22 wrote: »
    Heather, I keep my jewelry in individual plastic bags. This will keep them from tarnishing. If you have something that is already tarnished I use a polishing cloth. You can also get from a jewelry store a liquid jewelry cleaner that you dip the jewelry in which works pretty good. I use something by Connoisseurs. I’d ask at a good jewelry store in your area.
    Terry - When Heather asked how you keep the jewelry clean, I thought not so much about keeping it shiny, but more about how to get lint and dirt out of all those holes and crevices. As a former lab-rat m0204.gif I would suggest using an ultrasonic cleaner. You drop whatever you want to clean into a little chamber full of ordinary tap water, zap it with ultrasound for a few minutes and it comes out squeaky clean. All the grime is gone. People use them for jewelry, glasses, dentures... I wouldn't be one bit surprised if most jewelers have them on hand for when customers come in and want things cleaned.

    Heather - I'm with you on the earworms. I can get stuck on a catchy but trivial tune for days on end. But I've also learned I can counterattack with the baryton aria "Betrachte meine Seel" from Bach's St. John Passion. I love that aria, so it easily exorcises any mere earworm, but it also has the decency to leave me alone after I've hummed through it a couple times. Any chance you could find an exorcist of your own?

    Becca - Ever since we lived in Miami for my husband's post-doc, I've been a fan of pink grapefruit. In my childhood home we also had pointy grapefruit spoons, and a couple decades ago, my husband bought a set of four grapefruit spoons with serrated tips. But I'm lucky enough to enjoy the physical process of segmenting and de-membraning grapefruit, so I always do my own. For me, it's a double treat!

    I'm in the process of finalizing — er... hmm... trying to finalize — the annual report I'm editing so the layout person can take over. About 10 days ago I sent out the edited articles to their authors and gave them today as a deadline for any comments and corrections. Most responded right away, but as always, some let it slide. I'm still waiting for responses from seven of them. Worse, I'm still waiting for translations of three or four articles — I haven't even begun to edit those.

    Meanwhile, we're in the throes of a humdinger of an arctic snowstorm. Soon I've got to walk down to the grocery store and replenish my supply of veggies. I'm a bit reluctant, but I know as soon as I venture out into the fray, all I'll feel will be exhilaration. I do love me a good storm, yes indeedy! As long as it isn't dangerous.

    /Penny at the t07190.gif
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Monday -- back to work, and will also need to devote a rather significant amount of time later today to studying for my final exam.

    M in Oz

    My head just doesn't feel ready to study yet.

    In regular semesters, the class ends and we've got a full week before any possibility of exams. In these intensive courses, I've got 3.5 days.

    So I've got to remain in intensive mode ... no short breaks to catch my breath.

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Wendy - sounds like you have a really good handle on why these people come to visit you.

    I'll need to post answering people on each page because we shut down the servers last night and I can't get to my Word document.

    Joyce - that trailer sounds horrible! Bet the previous owners were so happy when it was sold. So glad that now they have a good place

    Michele in NC going to FL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Last night it wasn't so great that the football game ran late. I wanted to see the season finale of "This is Us". This sure answered a lot of my questions.

    Oh, how I love pink grapefruit. When our friends go to see her grandson and usually stay at the condo, they many times bring me back a bag of grapefruit. Honestly, I need to limit myself to one/day or else I'd just pig out on grapefruit.

    Penny - stay safe

    Heard Vince was up so cut my exercising short this morning. I still did Shape's Bikini Body DVD. I'll probably do some HIIT tomorrow since I don't do that for as long and I'll need to run to the store, sign up to use the gym, lots of other things. I just want to be sure I have enough time for everything.

    Well, we'll most likely be on the road soon (yeeaaa!)

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,439 Member
    Sharon - thank you for sharing pictures of Keira's birthday. She is adorable! Good that Jason is in NA and hope he has a good sponsor. I once had an alcoholic boss who was out of control, finally joined AA and it changed his life. As I recall, I think he went to 30 meetings the first 30 days and I'm glad it was there for him. Working for an alcoholic was almost like being married to one and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings myself.

    Wendy - know that if any of us came to visit you, we'd be perturbed if you went out of your way and bought new towels and sheets, lol. We'd even clean the toilet if it needed it-just show us where the cleaning supplies are!

    Your guests do sound like interesting people and I'll bet she's looking forward to spending time with YOU - otherwise she'd find a reason to stay home. If your house isn't clean enough or the sheets aren't new enough, c'est la vie.

    I don't think our DH's understand how much trouble and worry we go through having female house guests. There was a time my DH loved to have his guy friends visit - easy to entertain, just make sure there's plenty of beer and snacks. Girls are more picky!

    Barbara- thank you for sending those pictures! I agree with your DH, what a lovely place to be - even though it's off the beaten path. Do you have any close neighbors nearby? Anyhow, I'll visualize myself there when I need a break and that will have to do until the Teleporter gets out of the shop.

    Michelle - have a safe trip!

    This laptop is acting strange so I'd better hit the post button before I lose this.

    SW WA State
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    That said; after my knee "popped" last Friday and the majority of the pain went away.
    Penney-Arctic Storms! I can just see you dressed in your arctic gear headed to the store. I guess you don't have to worry about your ice cream melting!
    Kelly - When I read your first description I wondered if your knee might have been slightly dislocated. Hurts like a sumbitch but once it's back in its proper place, the pain subsides immediately. Just a thought.
    And when I go shopping for veggies there is NO ice cream involved :noway:
    /Penny, now lunched and ready to venture out at the t07190.gif
  • sdjm62
    sdjm62 Posts: 72 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,439 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Heading home today. I got sick during the Super Bowl program—stuffed myself with a bean dip that goes on crackers, something I would never normally eat. DS & DH thought I had too much alcohol. I had a little, but not enough to make me sick. I was sick enough to keep me barfing in DH is mad at me today.

    Katla who is ready to fly home.

    sounds like you both are getting a touch of vacation burnout. Different food, different beds, different time zones, different weather, different schedules.

    There's no place like home and hugging your pup again.

    Have a safe flight <3

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Michelle The Good Place is my favourite current TV show. Season One might very well be my favourite season of any TV show ever. It is streamable from pay services like Amazon Video and Netflix but I don’t know of any free streaming.
  • ktps898
    ktps898 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone - I just joined and am glad to find this forum. Seem to be gaining weight from HRT, and trying to kick the daily red wine habit. Wish me luck!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited February 2018
    Wendy ~ I stressed for you describing the upcoming visit. Whenever I know there will be folks coming, I have anxiety attacks. As everyone else has said, the lady probably just enjoys being away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate world. I would make her help with the dishes. If she is a gourmet cook, there probably are a lot to wash. Also, as someone else mentioned, let her go food shopping by herself. She might just enjoy being able to shop alone without any expectations made of her.

    Barbara ~ I love the fir trees and the view you must have.

    Terry ~ My husband cleans silver/gold with a liquid called "TarnX". And, of course he has a polishing cloth.

    Katla ~ So sorry you are ill. It was probably the beans. Have a safe trip home.

    I would love to declutter but am too lazy! :'( I need to go through my closet and drawers and throw away about 80% of my clothes. You can imagine how old some of them are if you remember Bobby Brooks and Misty Harbor. After I do that, I need to make myself go to a shopping center and buy some new decent things. I hate to try on clothes but everything I have ordered online never fits and gets put in the Goodwill pile. I have wasted so much money doing that.

    Got to go walk the POM!

    Carol in GA