JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    is it possible to import a recipe from pinterest directly, or do i have to copy the whole thing over?
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    is it possible to import a recipe from pinterest directly, or do i have to copy the whole thing over?

    nevermind, it was actually in the database! just took a while to find it.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    JFT recap 2/7
    logged :)
    stayed green :)
    drink 80 :)
    yoga :(
    knit crochet group :)

    JFT 2/8
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    tonight, just hang out with my boyos.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks to everyone's valued prayers and supportive words and shared experiences as I focused on my son and daughter-in-law. You all uplifted me greatly. Her mom is still with them. She's very good about being available and being helpful without being intrusive. I will go out in a few weeks and put my mama eyes on them to see how they are truly doing.

    While I have not been posting I have been lurking! It helped me to stay on course. I wanted a 5 guys burger and fries so badly that first day. I started to text the hubs and then I forced myself to prelog the food---well talk about a downer, lol! I grudgingly went into the kitchen and whipped up some mushroom soup...it ended up being a wonderfully comforting meal. But one day I'll save up my calories and have at least a half of a 5 guys meal, lol!

    JFT Thursday, 2/8
    I will drink 6 cups of water
    I will log everything
    I will do my online lesson
    I will write out my health journey-inspired memory verse
    I will ride stationary bike 5 miles

    What I am learning: I am on a journey that has a fairly challenging course. I know this because if it wasn't challenging I would be a slim trim gem! So, I should expect times of resistance/obstacles. And for the most part I know and can see these obstacles coming up. Almost every month there is a hurdle of temptation: New Years, Valentines, St. Paddy's, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, etc. Then there are birthday celebrations, retirement parties, baby showers, wedding showers, reunions. (I am not talking about the unexpected obstacles--when emotional eating sets in: health news, death, job loss, separation, illness, etc.) But the ones I do know about...how many passes am I going to give myself? (I'm not going to worry about what I'm eating at this party/celebration. I'm just going to enjoy myself and eat what I want. I will get back on track tomorrow) I consider myself a recovering glutton. If I invited a recovering alcoholic to a party I wouldn't encourage him to go ahead and drink up and get back on track the next day. So why do I give myself a pass to over eat/over indulge when I come to a hurdle/steep hill? To eat seconds and thirds? To have a thick piece of cake instead of being satisfied with a thin one? I'm not conquering the obstacle if I give in (although when I do fall I know it's important to get back up and refocus asap). I am learning that how I react to these obstacles/ how I learn to see them and make my plan of action before encountering them is an important part of this journey...I want to break the strongholds that food has over me.

    In 14 days friends are coming for a week. We love to eat, drink, and be merry! I know it's coming. It's a big 'ol hurdle. I am the chief cook/baker at our gatherings. I know I am not strong enough (yet) to have cookies, cakes, bread, cinnamon rolls laying around. I am planning some ways so I can leap over the hurdle/crash through the resistance and be both pleased with my out come and still have a merry ol time! I'm putting it on here to be held accountable. I've already decided that all sweets will be made with coconut---all three are gaga over coconut--I dislike it. So, I won't be tempted and I will be satisfied with my two pieces of decadent dark chocolate and even a lowfat hot cocoa! Frittatas instead of quiche for breakfast. Roasted, savory veggies instead of buttered mashed potatoes and cheesy rice. I hope I push through this resistance and enjoy the taste of winning...

    Peace and joy! And I'm thankful for coconut!!!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone's valued prayers and supportive words and shared experiences as I focused on my son and daughter-in-law. You all uplifted me greatly. Her mom is still with them. She's very good about being available and being helpful without being intrusive. I will go out in a few weeks and put my mama eyes on them to see how they are truly doing.

    While I have not been posting I have been lurking! It helped me to stay on course. I wanted a 5 guys burger and fries so badly that first day. I started to text the hubs and then I forced myself to prelog the food---well talk about a downer, lol! I grudgingly went into the kitchen and whipped up some mushroom soup...it ended up being a wonderfully comforting meal. But one day I'll save up my calories and have at least a half of a 5 guys meal, lol!

    JFT Thursday, 2/8
    I will drink 6 cups of water
    I will log everything
    I will do my online lesson
    I will write out my health journey-inspired memory verse
    I will ride stationary bike 5 miles

    What I am learning: I am on a journey that has a fairly challenging course. I know this because if it wasn't challenging I would be a slim trim gem! So, I should expect times of resistance/obstacles. And for the most part I know and can see these obstacles coming up. Almost every month there is a hurdle of temptation: New Years, Valentines, St. Paddy's, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, etc. Then there are birthday celebrations, retirement parties, baby showers, wedding showers, reunions. (I am not talking about the unexpected obstacles--when emotional eating sets in: health news, death, job loss, separation, illness, etc.) But the ones I do know about...how many passes am I going to give myself? (I'm not going to worry about what I'm eating at this party/celebration. I'm just going to enjoy myself and eat what I want. I will get back on track tomorrow) I consider myself a recovering glutton. If I invited a recovering alcoholic to a party I wouldn't encourage him to go ahead and drink up and get back on track the next day. So why do I give myself a pass to over eat/over indulge when I come to a hurdle/steep hill? To eat seconds and thirds? To have a thick piece of cake instead of being satisfied with a thin one? I'm not conquering the obstacle if I give in (although when I do fall I know it's important to get back up and refocus asap). I am learning that how I react to these obstacles/ how I learn to see them and make my plan of action before encountering them is an important part of this journey...I want to break the strongholds that food has over me.

    In 14 days friends are coming for a week. We love to eat, drink, and be merry! I know it's coming. It's a big 'ol hurdle. I am the chief cook/baker at our gatherings. I know I am not strong enough (yet) to have cookies, cakes, bread, cinnamon rolls laying around. I am planning some ways so I can leap over the hurdle/crash through the resistance and be both pleased with my out come and still have a merry ol time! I'm putting it on here to be held accountable. I've already decided that all sweets will be made with coconut---all three are gaga over coconut--I dislike it. So, I won't be tempted and I will be satisfied with my two pieces of decadent dark chocolate and even a lowfat hot cocoa! Frittatas instead of quiche for breakfast. Roasted, savory veggies instead of buttered mashed potatoes and cheesy rice. I hope I push through this resistance and enjoy the taste of winning...

    Peace and joy! And I'm thankful for coconut!!!

    coconut is gross.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    edited February 2018
    so i figured out the other day that i'm doing the keto plan. i actually wasn't aware of that. huh. the nifty thing is that i feel like my eating plan is completely maintainable long term. i'm not saying things like 'oh, i can't wait until i'm done with this diet and can go back to eating normally' or anything like that. I'm just finding more fun things to make, like last night was low carb taco cabbage skillet. hamburger, cabbage, cheese, taco seasoning, and salsa. then we added avocado on top and threw in some spinach that needed used up. it was yummy.

    anyway. i'm changing my plan for today. not going to yoga tonight. i'm just exhausted, been gone every night this week and all i can think about is a nap, and my throat hurts. so perhaps after I nap a bit after work I will do a yoga video or Leslie Sansone or something, but if not, it is what it is.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    ALL CLEAR!!!! Scar tissue and inflammation showed up on the MRI so will be going to therapy to try to get lymphedema under control. Hopefully that will lesson the irritation on the chest wall. But nothing that looks like the return of cancer!!!! SO GRATEFUL! SO RELIEVED! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. <3

    Yea!!! Oh, I am so relieved to hear this news. It makes my heart glad. Teary-eyed thinking about it. So, so glad and thankful. We are all celebrating with you!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Yay! I'm so pleased for you. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Oh yeah.......Coconuts Rock!!!! :sunglasses:

    (They have amazing health benefits!! I didn't like the flavor at first but I adapted so I could benefit for their nutrients.)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Good that your hub's procedure went well. So sorry you have not been feeling well. Perhaps you had a mild case of the flu.

    I am looking forward to seeing those smiley faces on your daily goals! OPERATION: RED CUP. Drink up! That has been my biggest fail since I was focusing on my son and d-i-l. I just could not remember. But today! I thought, "Okay, I'm going to start up on the water intake again and get it done." I'm chugging---hopefully you are chugging along with me :)

    So you fell off the track---all of us fall down. But we don't stay down, right? We fall down, we get back up again. You, my dear, have not only gotten back up again, you are up and swinging and moving! You are back to focusing on the process again. Yea for you! That is really a big thing...I think about how many times over the years I've fallen off and have taken months and several/many pounds later to get back on track.

    Peace and joy---

    Thank you so much for your post - you are so right ... we all fall off track, but the trick is to not stay down! All day I thought of your Operation Red cup!! Thanks for being such a great motivator to so many on this thread!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT, 2/8/17
    1. Morning routine :)Yup! Actually got up a few minutes earlier than I planned because of the cat. The DH had a tough time getting up though.
    2. Fix vacuum/vacuum bedroom :DI think it's died and gone to vacuum heaven. It was a pretty cheap little dirt devil my DH got me. I only have a very small like 10-foot piece of carpet I have to vacuum but with a cat and sand for my driveway, it's very hard to keep clean. Gonna see if mom will let me use hers for the time being.
    3. Write 1 poem :/Was too busy doing other things. Although I sat there with my computer in my lap for about 15 minutes staring at this one thing on my to-do list and just couldn't bring myself to. Going to try something different tomorrow
    4. Send out 2 resumes :/Too busy reworking my entire budget for the month because we got a rather large bill that HAS to be paid tomorrow.
    5. Clean bathroom :)Took me about 5 minutes. I love having a tiny bathroom
    6. Print out three hard copies of my resume :)Done. Going to pick up a folder for them tomorrow
    7. Go through old computer files on harddrive :)Backed up a lot onto my 1T External Harddrive and deleted a large portion from my laptop and google drive
    8. Back up TV series I have on my Google Drive and delete from Drive :)A 1T Harddrive can hold A LOT of stuff.

    9. Meal Plan :)Done.
    10. Revise shopping list :)I now have three and one of them I dont need anymore since I did that stores shopping online so all I have to do is go to the store and pick it up.
    11. Set up bills to pay on Fri :)Stupid new bill is making everything hard. I hate when MD's dont tell you that you have to pay them even when you ask about a co-pay!
    12. Gym :)Went first thing in the morning since I felt like I was about to go back to sleep and I had way too much to do. So I got it out of the way and gave myself a whole lot of energy
    13. Make DH lunch :)He always seems so happy when I do. Lol. And this way he is less likely to eat crap.
    14. Dinner/Dishes :)Was watching a live stream of a Youtube channel that the DH and I like to watch and I passed out completely forgetting about the frying pan soaking in the sink! Thank God I went to go turn the light off and saw it! Lol. I would have been so disappointed in myself if I had woken up to that!
    15. Pick up Kohls order :|By the time I was ready to go I knew that traffic was going to be horrendous downtown so I'll just stop by in the AM and get it when I'm running other errands
    16. Weigh-in AM :|Done. Am up .8 of a lb! Not happy at all!
    17. Night time routine :)Almost didn't do it because I woke up so groggy but the washing the frying pan woke me up a bit
    18. Bed by 11 :DConsidering it's already a quarter after 12 this is definitely not going to happen

    Well, yesterday was kind of okay. Got a lot done but also a lot didn't get done. I have another full list tomorrow. But honestly, I'm too tired to go out into the living room and grab my planner and come back. So I'm going to sign off now and worry about it in the morning. Have a great night everyone! And @OConnell5483 I'm still smiling about your nondiagnosis!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    so i figured out the other day that i'm doing the keto plan. i actually wasn't aware of that. huh. the nifty thing is that i feel like my eating plan is completely maintainable long term. i'm not saying things like 'oh, i can't wait until i'm done with this diet and can go back to eating normally' or anything like that. I'm just finding more fun things to make, like last night was low carb taco cabbage skillet. hamburger, cabbage, cheese, taco seasoning, and salsa. then we added avocado on top and threw in some spinach that needed used up. it was yummy.

    anyway. i'm changing my plan for today. not going to yoga tonight. i'm just exhausted, been gone every night this week and all i can think about is a nap, and my throat hurts. so perhaps after I nap a bit after work I will do a yoga video or Leslie Sansone or something, but if not, it is what it is.

    This is what I keep trying to do ..... go low carb, and more protein. But I have a hard time giving up fruit ... which I know has a lot of carbs. But good for you! Your dinner sounds really good. I just found a book on protein meals, so I am trying to find meals to get more protein and less carbs. The few times I did do keto, I did lose weight pretty quickly, but for me, once I started back on carbs. I gained it back.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    February goals
    Under 168
    Medication on track. I tend to forget a dose when unscheduled things pop up and then don't feel well.
    Studio twice+ /week
    Finish bags
    Work on pink/blue quilt, hopefully borders finished quilting
    Declutter entry

    Weekly weigh-in
    Starting weight Jan 3, 2018: 176.0
    Aiming at 150ish
    Progress so far:
    Feb 7 171.6 Salty food yesterday?
    Jan 31 170.4
    Jan 24 172.2
    Jan 17 175.4
    Jan 10: 174.8
    Jan 3: 176.0