JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Recap R 2/8 - Skipped workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime, not feeling quite up to par yet.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 8,575 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 34 floors :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / monitor the usual = Waiting for my appetite & body to catch up...appetite slowly returning. Net calories, sodium, fiber & protein all ok & 14c water. :smile:
    3) Evening: pick up citrus order, choir, grocery shop = 3x done :smiley:
    4) No screens (phone, computer) 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = 4x done...ok, fell asleep w/ TV on, but turned it off 10:30 :D

    JFT F 2/9 - Still recuperating, appetite slowly returning, losing weight way faster than is healthy...maybe overdid things past two days, really dragging this a.m. :s Need to listen to my body, take it easy and eat to recover my strength.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / maybe
    2) Make white chicken chili for supper & eat plenty / don't worry about calories at this point
    3) Pick up 5K race packet...not sure if I'll actually participate tomorrow. Overnight temp predicted to be 4F and based on experience, it's cold standing around for race to start at 8 a.m. Plus, not sure I'll have the energy at this point. Bummed, because I love this event, and there's a Seroogy's meltaway at the finish.
    4) Lots of stuff on to-do list / don't do anything unless feeling better / REST in evening & watch Olympics / bed not too late

    Okay, are you thinking you are the Energizer Bunny??? Rest, lady! White chicken chili is so fantabilicious! Good that you aren't going to worry about calorie intake---and those are good calories.

    Peace, joy, and healing.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    2/9 Friday JFT:

    Awesome morning :joy: ➡️hubby let me sleep in and snuk out of our room and got all the kids up and ready for the day!! So my day is already full of sunshine!! I did my Prenatal Yoga last night then took a shower while everyone was at baseball so I slept really good!! I'm feeling great today :blush:

    ▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ▪OBGYN appt w/ Glucose test
    ▪Run a few errands
    ▪Clean office
    ▪Organize room to store baby items
    ▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ▪Dinner by 6 pm
    ▪All boys and hubby at baseball practice
    ▪Prenatal Yoga
    ▪Bedtime by 11 pm

    Well, we know who gets the husband of the day/month award! Very kind and thoughtful of him. And hopefully he will see the joyous rays of sunshine coming from you and will feel great himself.

    Peace and joy---lots of joy!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone's valued prayers and supportive words and shared experiences as I focused on my son and daughter-in-law. You all uplifted me greatly. Her mom is still with them. She's very good about being available and being helpful without being intrusive. I will go out in a few weeks and put my mama eyes on them to see how they are truly doing.

    While I have not been posting I have been lurking! It helped me to stay on course. I wanted a 5 guys burger and fries so badly that first day. I started to text the hubs and then I forced myself to prelog the food---well talk about a downer, lol! I grudgingly went into the kitchen and whipped up some mushroom soup...it ended up being a wonderfully comforting meal. But one day I'll save up my calories and have at least a half of a 5 guys meal, lol!

    JFT Thursday, 2/8
    I will drink 6 cups of water
    I will log everything
    I will do my online lesson
    I will write out my health journey-inspired memory verse
    I will ride stationary bike 5 miles

    What I am learning: I am on a journey that has a fairly challenging course. I know this because if it wasn't challenging I would be a slim trim gem! So, I should expect times of resistance/obstacles. And for the most part I know and can see these obstacles coming up. Almost every month there is a hurdle of temptation: New Years, Valentines, St. Paddy's, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, etc. Then there are birthday celebrations, retirement parties, baby showers, wedding showers, reunions. (I am not talking about the unexpected obstacles--when emotional eating sets in: health news, death, job loss, separation, illness, etc.) But the ones I do know about...how many passes am I going to give myself? (I'm not going to worry about what I'm eating at this party/celebration. I'm just going to enjoy myself and eat what I want. I will get back on track tomorrow) I consider myself a recovering glutton. If I invited a recovering alcoholic to a party I wouldn't encourage him to go ahead and drink up and get back on track the next day. So why do I give myself a pass to over eat/over indulge when I come to a hurdle/steep hill? To eat seconds and thirds? To have a thick piece of cake instead of being satisfied with a thin one? I'm not conquering the obstacle if I give in (although when I do fall I know it's important to get back up and refocus asap). I am learning that how I react to these obstacles/ how I learn to see them and make my plan of action before encountering them is an important part of this journey...I want to break the strongholds that food has over me.

    In 14 days friends are coming for a week. We love to eat, drink, and be merry! I know it's coming. It's a big 'ol hurdle. I am the chief cook/baker at our gatherings. I know I am not strong enough (yet) to have cookies, cakes, bread, cinnamon rolls laying around. I am planning some ways so I can leap over the hurdle/crash through the resistance and be both pleased with my out come and still have a merry ol time! I'm putting it on here to be held accountable. I've already decided that all sweets will be made with coconut---all three are gaga over coconut--I dislike it. So, I won't be tempted and I will be satisfied with my two pieces of decadent dark chocolate and even a lowfat hot cocoa! Frittatas instead of quiche for breakfast. Roasted, savory veggies instead of buttered mashed potatoes and cheesy rice. I hope I push through this resistance and enjoy the taste of winning...

    Peace and joy! And I'm thankful for coconut!!!

    This post really hit me today. Thank you for sharing your insights. Your paragraph about what you are learning is fantastic. I think your term of "recovering glutton" and comparison to recovering alcoholic put things in a different light for me. So insightful and so much truth in one paragraph. I am actually going to make a few signs for myself to place around my house that actually say "Recovering Glutton".

    I also think your plan for cooking for your guests is a really good one! I would have to use something other than coconut because I love coconut! LOL! It would be very difficult to find something I don't like dessert-wise actually. But I'm going to start thinking about that for future get-togethers.

    Blessings to you and your family.

    Sending you hugs...I hope you can feel them.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    chemjenny wrote: »
    ReporT 2/6
    Log :)
    Don’t fast :)
    Rest :(
    Drink fluids :(

    It’s been a crappy couple of days, with being sick and being slammed at work. Just trying to stay afloat. And to top it off, my son did not get into his first choice college, so he is mad at the world.

    I don’t know what to set for tomorrow, but here goes.

    JFT 2/9
    Start planning packin*list for vacation!
    Walk at work
    Eat sensibly, as I’m not fasting while sick
    Weigh in
    Drink lots of water. At least 4 mugs at work.

    Oh, I'm so sorry your son did not get in his first choice. It's tough and I hope his second choice is a good fit for him. Oooh! vacation! Lists always make it seem like it's really going to happen!
    Drink up today! You might consider joining the red cup club, lol---get a red or colored cup to help remind you to drink drink drink.

    Peace and joy.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    This is what I keep trying to do ..... go low carb, and more protein. But I have a hard time giving up fruit ... which I know has a lot of carbs. But good for you! Your dinner sounds really good. I just found a book on protein meals, so I am trying to find meals to get more protein and less carbs. The few times I did do keto, I did lose weight pretty quickly, but for me, once I started back on carbs. I gained it back.

    Fruit is good for you! I would be concerned about any diet that means you have to cut it out. Yes, you might lose weight faster - but you'd lose the vitamins and minerals that are important for your health! And that's what's important.

    I find myself cutting out fruit as well because it is quite calorific, but I know that's not a great thing to do - fruit is really important for a healthy lifestyle.

    Not meaning to lecture you - just trying to look out for your well-being!

    I think my post was misunderstood. In the past, I have tried low carb, and I can lose weight quickly doing it ... with no fruit. But I would gain it right back, and I do love fruit. So no, I am not even attempting to do entirely low carb. I want this to be a lifestyle change. But thank you for your input - I agree totally with you.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Journal all intake :(
    2. Increase water to at least 64 oz :)
    3. Focus at work at get caught up on vetting all outstanding project requests ;)About 50% done. Hoping to finish the older ones before leaving today.
    4. Be grateful and look for the positive in all things and all people I encounter today :)
    5. Hit my step goal. :)
    6. Get my hair colored tonight! (Yea! No more gray!) :)
    7. Log back on and be accountable. :)

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and congratulations! It certainly was a happy day! I haven't been that worried about a follow-up in all six years after treatment, so that was definitely not fun. What it did teach me is that I need to now take that happy news and move forward with getting healthy. Get rid of that inflammation on my chest wall. Get rid of the extra fluid causing issues in my arm. GET HEALTHY and enjoy life. So, although you must be sick of me starting over with a new resolve 100 times a year, here I go again! :wink:

    Just for Friday
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Increase water to at least 64 oz
    3. Focus on doing next steps or finishing last week's project requests
    4. Catch up on work email
    5. Treadmill or Body Groove workout tonight
    6. Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily podcasts today
    7. Think about something to do tomorrow...take a day trip somewhere!
    8. Start researching a replacement for my FitBit Flex. It's biting the dust quickly.
    9. Read today's Simple Abundance and next week's chapter in 52 Small Changes...
    10. Create Post-It notes to place strategically around the house "Recovering Glutton"
    11. Hang my favorite summer outfit where I can see it to remind me of my goal
    12. Enjoy the evening with husband, relaxing and watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics

    HAPPY FRIDAY my friends!! :heart:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Sorry to hear you've been sick, but glad to hear you are on the mend. I always know I'm on the mend when I start washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. I agree with @toaljasa ... there is something soothing about it to me also. Maybe I'm nesting (although that's really not like me. haha)? My husband and I are going to get a new birdbath and pick up a heater for it this weekend. Does yours actually come with a heater in it? Seroogy's Meltaways are the bomb! OMG. I might even consider running if they'd give me one of those! Hang in in front of my face like a carrot with a horse and watch me go! Bwahaha! :mrgreen:

    @Saragirl2 20,000 steps! Oh my goodness! I have difficulty hitting 6,000 with my desk job! My dream is to be able to set mine to 10,000. You go girl!

    @HGSmith0920 Thank you for checking in on me with pm's and for thinking of me during this scary time! So sweet!

    @cynhow and @toaljasa I agree with cranking the tunes and dancing and moving around, stretching, bending, twisting... What better way to get some movement in and have fun at the same time! :blush:

    @slittlemeister I go up and down every single day. I'll get all excited because I dropped a pound, only to find the next day that I gained 2. Drives me crazy. Hang in there, you're doing great! I was really happy to see the smiley face by leaving work 10 minutes early! <High Five or Fist Bump -- whichever is done in the UK! LOL>

    @acrylicfox Did you check out eatthismuch.com yet? I'm intrigued!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited February 2018
    Ahh I can’t keep up with you all!

    @toaljasa your comparison with an alcoholic is an amazing one! It really does put it into perspective!!

    @OConnell5483 I did see your posts about your good news I’ve just been so busy to reply And I’m so glad it’s nothing serious!

    @joan6630 is it you and your husband who just had procedures too? I hope you’re both resting up and taking care of each other!

    Also someone said something about a pancake race the other day when I mentioned pancake day...

    Just to clarify... I don’t race. I just eat the damn things lol!!! :sweat_smile:

    I walked to nursery today, on drop off and collection.
    It’s kind of funny, walking there was very slow as a 4yo can only go so fast. But naturally I’m a fast walker so coming home was quick but I had slowed down considerably by half way from a fast walk to a waddle :lol:

    I also missed my consultant appt on Thursday and I’m in a bit of a panic now as I don’t have an elective induction confirmed!!!
    So got to ring Monday and bug the life out them
    Until I get an appt!!
    So close now guys!

    Also so close til all of you start kicking my butt into gear!
    I’ve had 9 months of freedom and I must say I’ve enjoyed it all, every last chocolate, cake, biscuit (this became my third trimester craving and I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you all!) actually had biscuit withdrawal hahaha o couldn’t NOT have one!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    losing1tdb wrote: »
    Just found this thread as I was searching for help with accountability. I feel like I've been on and off the wagon so many times it's ridiculous. I started 2018 at 232 #'s at 5'5" with about 50% BF according to FitBit scale. Those numbers have not changed in the last 40 days.

    I have no idea what my measurements are or were, but know I'm a size 18-20. I am 46 but feel like I'm older. I have a stressful job but I love it. I need to set some boundaries at work and at home, and I need to start putting my needs at the top of the list.

    For today I commit to thinking about my needs, eating the healthy lunch I brought to work and to take 5 minutes to count my blessings.

    Thank you!

    Welcome! I am the same way ,,,, my weight goes up and down. I am 67, and last year, I weighed 217 pounds. My doctor had me listed as obese! Just seeing this word scared me. I was able to lose almost 29 pounds last year, but gained weight back between Halloween and Christmas. I am now in the "overweight" category, and still need to lose about 15-20 pounds to be in the healthy weight.
    I think for many of us, myself especially, I stress eat. My husband and I work out of our home, and some days it gets so crazy busy, that I eat out of stress. Also, to have a daughter with challenges adds to that. So I am trying to learn, and make new habits of dealing with emotional eating.
    You are off to a great start --- eating healthy, and taking the time to count our many blessings.
    We are so happy to have you join us. As I am learning, it is not easy .... but it is taking it one day at a time!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    losing1tdb wrote: »
    Just found this thread as I was searching for help with accountability. I feel like I've been on and off the wagon so many times it's ridiculous. I started 2018 at 232 #'s at 5'5" with about 50% BF according to FitBit scale. Those numbers have not changed in the last 40 days.

    I have no idea what my measurements are or were, but know I'm a size 18-20. I am 46 but feel like I'm older. I have a stressful job but I love it. I need to set some boundaries at work and at home, and I need to start putting my needs at the top of the list.

    For today I commit to thinking about my needs, eating the healthy lunch I brought to work and to take 5 minutes to count my blessings.

    Thank you!

    Welcome! I am the same way ,,,, my weight goes up and down. I am 67, and last year, I weighed 217 pounds. My doctor had me listed as obese! Just seeing this word scared me. I was able to lose almost 29 pounds last year, but gained weight back between Halloween and Christmas. I am now in the "overweight" category, and still need to lose about 15-20 pounds to be in the healthy weight.
    I think for many of us, myself especially, I stress eat. My husband and I work out of our home, and some days it gets so crazy busy, that I eat out of stress. Also, to have a daughter with challenges adds to that. So I am trying to learn, and make new habits of dealing with emotional eating.
    You are off to a great start --- eating healthy, and taking the time to count our many blessings.
    We are so happy to have you join us. As I am learning, it is not easy .... but it is taking it one day at a time!

    Many years ago we had some houseguests from...oh...I've forgotten the country, but it was in Africa. (We had not met them before...just arranged to house them a few days) Anyway, I mentioned I was trying to lose weight. She looked intently at me and said, "No, you are not trying to lose weight. You ARE losing weight. This is what you must say." I have never forgotten those words. Even the many times I've fallen off the track and it's been a long long journey, I AM getting healthy. So I want to say to you: You are not trying to learn, trying to make new habits. You ARE learning and you ARE making new habits! (kind of reminds me of Yoda: Do or Do Not. There is no try, lol---but I liked her way better!!)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ahh I can’t keep up with you all!

    @toaljasa your comparison with an alcoholic is an amazing one! It really does put it into perspective!!

    @OConnell5483 I did see your posts about your good news I’ve just been so busy to reply And I’m so glad it’s nothing serious!

    @joan6630 is it you and your husband who just had procedures too? I hope you’re both resting up and taking care of each other!

    Also someone said something about a pancake race the other day when I mentioned pancake day...

    Just to clarify... I don’t race. I just eat the damn things lol!!! :sweat_smile:

    I walked to nursery today, on drop off and collection.
    It’s kind of funny, walking there was very slow as a 4yo can only go so fast. But naturally I’m a fast walker so coming home was quick but I had slowed down considerably by half way from a fast walk to a waddle :lol:

    I also missed my consultant appt on Thursday and I’m in a bit of a panic now as I don’t have an elective induction confirmed!!!
    So got to ring Monday and bug the life out them
    Until I get an appt!!
    So close now guys!

    Also so close til all of you start kicking my butt into gear!
    I’ve had 9 months of freedom and I must say I’ve enjoyed it all, every last chocolate, cake, biscuit (this became my third trimester craving and I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you all!) actually had biscuit withdrawal hahaha o couldn’t NOT have one!

    Do you feel better now that you've been to confession, hahahaha!!! You enjoy the last of your decadent delights. And look forward to joining us as we all kick each other in to gear! You are a beautiful Mama. Soon you will be holding a sweet bundle of miracle. We are all excitedly awaiting for the big day!

    Peace and Joy!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    This post really hit me today. Thank you for sharing your insights. Your paragraph about what you are learning is fantastic. I think your term of "recovering glutton" and comparison to recovering alcoholic put things in a different light for me. So insightful and so much truth in one paragraph. I am actually going to make a few signs for myself to place around my house that actually say "Recovering Glutton".

    I also think your plan for cooking for your guests is a really good one! I would have to use something other than coconut because I love coconut! LOL! It would be very difficult to find something I don't like dessert-wise actually. But I'm going to start thinking about that for future get-togethers.

    Blessings to you and your family.

    Sending you hugs...I hope you can feel them.[/quote]

    That is very kind of you---and I certainly do feel the hugs. I am taken aback sometimes at how supportive we are and how we give each other the gift of thoughtfully written words to encourage, lift up, even commiserate when needed.

    I am so going to print out "Recovering Glutton!" I've often said the words but have not thought to write them...ooh...that's going to be really soul baring for me. "I am a recovering glutton" on my fridge. I think it will make me avoid going near it, lolol!!!

    I'm so sorry you like coconut. My husband loves the stuff, too. So I make him date balls and instead of powdered sugar I roll those babies in gobs of coconut. He's delighted and I am not the least bit tempted---win win!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Sheesh! I'm gone for 4 hours and there are 23 posts! Lol. I got A LOT done though. I've gotten the DH to a doc appointment, gone to the gym for a half an hour, went to the bank, took a shower, went to four different stores, had lunch with the DH, visited my parents and made a phone call! All in 5 hours!

    I can see that everyone is having a great day! I hope that it continues to get better!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @joan6630 Seems like I did misunderstand you - we seem to be on the same page!

    I need to sort out my own diet really, my overall calories are going ok but my fruit/veg intake is often pretty appalling! Last weekend I think I only had one portion :s

    @OConnell5483 I was happy with that too! It was partly because I forgot what time I said I'd stop and remembered it as being 10 minutes earlier... But I'll take it!

    @toaljasa Thanks for your support, it's reassuring to hear that others fluctuate too! The behaviours are going fairly well at the moment - I don't think they're habitual yet though so need to keep persevering!

    The next couple of weeks are going to be a bit challenging - I'm going to be away for nearly a week staying in hotels and with friends, with all the temptation that brings. I will need to come up with a plan to keep myself in check!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Okay, well, I've been so busy "chatting" with y'all I have not posted my JFT's! I think yesterday my body just went "slump" for the emotions of the last week. Headache/no energy. I wasn't going to exercise but then I said, "Self, get on and just start peddling. Doesn't matter how far or how fast." Well, I got on and never broke even a glisten of sweat. But I got to my 5 miles.

    Friday 2/9
    I will drink 8 cups of water (That is an increase for me but I have already chugged/slurped 6 cups so I think I can do this! @Joan6630 : I'm challenging you!!!)
    I will ride my stationary bike 5 miles
    I will log all my food/prelog when I can
    I will stop eating by 830 pm

    "Accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory."--George Patton

    All this chocolate and sweet/sour candies invading my senses as I enter the stores!

    I accept the challenge of not buying bags of Valentine's candy before or after Valentine's Day. I accept the challenge to not eat individually sold Valentine's candy. (I thought about writing, "unless I log it and can stay in the green" but I decided to up my self-challenge.) Alright! Play the Rocky Theme...NOW!!!

    Have a fantastically joyful and victorious weekend, y'all!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ahh I can’t keep up with you all!

    @toaljasa your comparison with an alcoholic is an amazing one! It really does put it into perspective!!

    @OConnell5483 I did see your posts about your good news I’ve just been so busy to reply And I’m so glad it’s nothing serious!

    @joan6630 is it you and your husband who just had procedures too? I hope you’re both resting up and taking care of each other!

    Also someone said something about a pancake race the other day when I mentioned pancake day...

    Just to clarify... I don’t race. I just eat the damn things lol!!! :sweat_smile:

    I walked to nursery today, on drop off and collection.
    It’s kind of funny, walking there was very slow as a 4yo can only go so fast. But naturally I’m a fast walker so coming home was quick but I had slowed down considerably by half way from a fast walk to a waddle :lol:

    I also missed my consultant appt on Thursday and I’m in a bit of a panic now as I don’t have an elective induction confirmed!!!
    So got to ring Monday and bug the life out them
    Until I get an appt!!
    So close now guys!

    Also so close til all of you start kicking my butt into gear!
    I’ve had 9 months of freedom and I must say I’ve enjoyed it all, every last chocolate, cake, biscuit (this became my third trimester craving and I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you all!) actually had biscuit withdrawal hahaha o couldn’t NOT have one!

    Do you feel better now that you've been to confession, hahahaha!!! You enjoy the last of your decadent delights. And look forward to joining us as we all kick each other in to gear! You are a beautiful Mama. Soon you will be holding a sweet bundle of miracle. We are all excitedly awaiting for the big day!

    Peace and Joy!

    Haha I do!
    I see all of you working so hard to achieve your goals and I’m just here literally scoffing my face with biscuit after biscuit.
    Can’t even blame the kids because they’re too small to reach the cupboard hahaha

    Tbh I’m excited just so it’s over! Been a rough one this but so near the end now, but it is my last pregnancy soooo I do need to cherish the moments because I won’t feel kicks or anything after this!
    But I’m also looking forward to what I can achieve with my body!

    I think when I come into some spare cash I’m gonna buy myself a set of weights :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    @cschmitz110515 My husband and I are going to get a new birdbath and pick up a heater for it this weekend. Does yours actually come with a heater in it? Seroogy's Meltaways are the bomb! OMG. I might even consider running if they'd give me one of those! Hang in in front of my face like a carrot with a horse and watch me go! Bwahaha! :mrgreen:

    We have several birdbaths: the heated one was gifted to me by a former neighbor when they were downsizing. It's plastic, with a built-in heater that plugs in; see image (hope this works). We have it on our patio only in winter, on a wrought-iron plant stand, and plug it in with extension cord. In summer, we have a ceramic birdbath because it's so pretty. But ceramic will break if too cold / water freezes, so that goes in storage shed during winter. We also have a cement birdbath that stays out year round, but I only fill it during summer.

    I know what you mean by the meltaway bars! I'm a total glutton around those, so it's good not to have any around.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Recap R 2/8 - Skipped workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime, not feeling quite up to par yet.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 8,575 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 34 floors :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / monitor the usual = Waiting for my appetite & body to catch up...appetite slowly returning. Net calories, sodium, fiber & protein all ok & 14c water. :smile:
    3) Evening: pick up citrus order, choir, grocery shop = 3x done :smiley:
    4) No screens (phone, computer) 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = 4x done...ok, fell asleep w/ TV on, but turned it off 10:30 :D

    JFT F 2/9 - Still recuperating, appetite slowly returning, losing weight way faster than is healthy...maybe overdid things past two days, really dragging this a.m. :s Need to listen to my body, take it easy and eat to recover my strength.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / maybe
    2) Make white chicken chili for supper & eat plenty / don't worry about calories at this point
    3) Pick up 5K race packet...not sure if I'll actually participate tomorrow. Overnight temp predicted to be 4F and based on experience, it's cold standing around for race to start at 8 a.m. Plus, not sure I'll have the energy at this point. Bummed, because I love this event, and there's a Seroogy's meltaway at the finish.
    4) Lots of stuff on to-do list / don't do anything unless feeling better / REST in evening & watch Olympics / bed not too late

    Okay, are you thinking you are the Energizer Bunny??? Rest, lady! White chicken chili is so fantabilicious! Good that you aren't going to worry about calorie intake---and those are good calories.

    Peace, joy, and healing.

    Thank you for reminding me that I cannot go, go, go...even when I really want to. You made me laugh with the Energizer Bunny comment. I really thought I was taking things slow, but unsuccessfully, apparently. And I am a big fan of Yoda. I used to have a sign on my wall with Do or Do Not. There is No Try.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    2/9 Friday JFT:

    Awesome morning :joy: ➡️hubby let me sleep in and snuk out of our room and got all the kids up and ready for the day!! So my day is already full of sunshine!! I did my Prenatal Yoga last night then took a shower while everyone was at baseball so I slept really good!! I'm feeling great today :blush:

    ▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ▪OBGYN appt w/ Glucose test
    ▪Run a few errands
    ▪Clean office
    ▪Organize room to store baby items
    ▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ▪Dinner by 6 pm
    ▪All boys and hubby at baseball practice
    ▪Prenatal Yoga
    ▪Bedtime by 11 pm

    Well, we know who gets the husband of the day/month award! Very kind and thoughtful of him. And hopefully he will see the joyous rays of sunshine coming from you and will feel great himself.

    Peace and joy---lots of joy!!!

    Thank you!! I'm very blessed :blush: He truly is the love of my life ❤