JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    @OConnell5483 So glad to hear that!!

    JFY (Thursday, 2/8/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/ (made it to 7)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Clean up the driveway :)
    5. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 10 min treadmill) :)

    JFT (Friday, 2/9/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 30 min treadmill)
    5. Laundry
    6. Vacuum
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    My goal is to be out of the 190s by the end of February.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think my DH keeps forgetting to feed the cat before he comes to bed so about 5am the cat becomes totally obnoxious demanding food. And of course, the DH is such a heavy sleeper that he never wakes up so I'm the one that has to get up. Lol. But I woke up with a headache today. I'm hoping a cup of coffee helps. It usually does.

    Okay onto my list!

    JFT, 2/9/18

    1. Up by 7:30/Morning routine/Shower
    2. Run to the bank
    3. Run to 1st food store
    4. Leave for appointment by 10:30
    5. Gym while DH is at appointment
    6. Run to 2nd food store/Walmart/Kohls
    7. Call Financial Planner
    8. Lunch for me and DH
    9. Pay Bills
    10. Make mashed potatoes
    11. Get laundry together to wash tomorrow
    13. Time with the DH
    14. Party for DH's coworker!

    Kind of a long list but a bunch of them can be done fairly quickly. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    It was a hot one today (in the 40's) and though I anticipated it, I'm bummed that I got no exercise in. All day I could only motivate myself to do what was absolutely necessary :(
    Feeling so grown up and responsible for making myself eat when not hungry because I know if my diet is too low in kj for a few days I spend the next week overcompensating every time I see something decadent, I'm really trying to avoid that yoyo this time 'round.
    I know it's good to have a stable diet but it still makes me feel crappy to eat food I don't want, I'd much rather save the calories up for the sugar coma that is homemade apple pie with ice cream :smiley:

    Goals Next:
    stay within KJ limit -make sure you're over 3500kj
    watch out for sugar limit
    eat chia for breakfast
    avoid dairy and gluten

    complete 30mins on exercise bike - you'll feel better for it!
  • cynhow
    cynhow Posts: 23 Member
    1. Stay within MFP calorie goal :)
    2. Eat some fruit! :)
    3. Up water intake :)

    1. Stay within calorie goal. (I'm working at home today so this will be a true test of my ability to make good choices consistently.)
    2. Find ways to move. (Another downfall of working from home - no commute and no meetings means less activity)
    3. Water water water

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    ALL CLEAR!!!! Scar tissue and inflammation showed up on the MRI so will be going to therapy to try to get lymphedema under control. Hopefully that will lesson the irritation on the chest wall. But nothing that looks like the return of cancer!!!! SO GRATEFUL! SO RELIEVED! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. <3

    Such good news @OConnell5483 :)
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just browsing the net for meal ideas for tomorrow and came across this site/app called eatthismuch.com
    seems like it generates meal plans to specification, it also creates shopping lists and keeps track of useful stuff.
    has anyone used this?
    Tomorrow I'm going to sign up for a free account and investigate further :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    Recap R 2/8 - Skipped workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime, not feeling quite up to par yet.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 8,575 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 34 floors :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / monitor the usual = Waiting for my appetite & body to catch up...appetite slowly returning. Net calories, sodium, fiber & protein all ok & 14c water. :smile:
    3) Evening: pick up citrus order, choir, grocery shop = 3x done :smiley:
    4) No screens (phone, computer) 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = 4x done...ok, fell asleep w/ TV on, but turned it off 10:30 :D

    JFT F 2/9 - Still recuperating, appetite slowly returning, losing weight way faster than is healthy...maybe overdid things past two days, really dragging this a.m. :s Need to listen to my body, take it easy and eat to recover my strength.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / maybe
    2) Make white chicken chili for supper & eat plenty / don't worry about calories at this point
    3) Pick up 5K race packet...not sure if I'll actually participate tomorrow. Overnight temp predicted to be 4F and based on experience, it's cold standing around for race to start at 8 a.m. Plus, not sure I'll have the energy at this point. Bummed, because I love this event, and there's a Seroogy's meltaway at the finish.
    4) Lots of stuff on to-do list / don't do anything unless feeling better / REST in evening & watch Olympics / bed not too late
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bah, weighed myself this morning and I'd put on a pound. I'm pretty sure this is part of just normal fluctuation, as my calories across the week balance out as they should. But it's still annoying!

    Oh well, will carry on! Will try hard to stick to foods where I know what the calories are - this week I ate out a couple of times and although I estimated the calories by logging similar options from other restaurants (as these ones didn't have calories), they might have been incorrect.

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :| I added cheese to my potatoes and had an extra G&T. Was still well within my calorie as I went to the gym, but I didn't need to.
    - Be in the green :smile:
    - Gentle gym workout at lunch (still suffering from cold) :smile:
    - Drink 3 water bottles :smile:
    - Stop work by 6.30 latest :smiley: 6.20!!!!!!

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Be in the green
    - Drink 3 water bottles
    - Leave work by 6 latest

    Happy Friday everyone!

    I was up two pounds earlier this week---completely unprovoked, I might add! I thought, "Hey, I've focused on the process so I'm not going to despair or beat myself up." As of today I am back down three pounds. It sounds like you have the same attitude. Your focus is fantastic---I see all those smilies! And wow! so glad to see that smiley on your stop work. I hope your evening was peaceful and relaxing.

    Happy Friday to you to!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    February goals
    Under 168
    Medication on track. I tend to forget a dose when unscheduled things pop up and then don't feel well.
    Studio twice+ /week
    Finish bags
    Work on pink/blue quilt, hopefully borders finished quilting
    Declutter entry

    Weekly weigh-in
    Starting weight Jan 3, 2018: 176.0
    Aiming at 150ish
    Progress so far:
    Feb 7 171.6 Salty food yesterday?
    Jan 31 170.4
    Jan 24 172.2
    Jan 17 175.4
    Jan 10: 174.8
    Jan 3: 176.0

    Thank you for sharing your weight loss results. It's very encouraging to see your success. You are well on your way to your 150ish weight! Cheers to staying focused on the process.

    Peace and joy.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    cynhow wrote: »
    1. Stay within MFP calorie goal :)
    2. Eat some fruit! :)
    3. Up water intake :)

    1. Stay within calorie goal. (I'm working at home today so this will be a true test of my ability to make good choices consistently.)
    2. Find ways to move. (Another downfall of working from home - no commute and no meetings means less activity)
    3. Water water water

    Great job meeting your JFT goals! While you are home today, crank up the tunes and get moving! Do all kinds of reaches, arm circles, cherry picking and cotton picking. March and jog in place. Dance! This is what I do after I ride my stationary bike. 30 - 45 minutes really gets my heartbeat going and I feel those stretches the next day! And then I'm soooo smug with myself that I did did did it, lolol!

    Peace and joy!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    Have to catch up on posts tonight-running out the door!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Drink water-64oz min.
    Track all my meals today-low carb/high protein-done.
    Pretracked all meals/snacks except supper.
    Pack protein bar & apple in bag.
    30 min walk at my favorite park-actually ran at some parts yesterday....I know, crazy! I look hilarious when I run :smiley:
    90 ab crunches.
    Read today's Simple Abundance.
    Meditate 25 mins. I've missed this for 4 days-has to happen.
    Read this afternoon "New Book Of Lifting for Women".
    Roasting the large quantities of vegetables has paid off. This am I made scrambled eggs and threw some on instead of a cup of cheese.
    Scouting event-need to plan my meal. Lots of leftovers from last night available.
    Early bedtime.
    Planned out 3 months worth of Scouting activities.
    Grateful to be getting my health back and also for having this wonderful, supportive group.

    So sorry my list is repetitive but I need to establish these healthy guidelines in order to succeed.

    Remind myself:

    If not now, when?

    Love the quote, and it is truth. Now is the time. Now is today. You sound full of joy---and it's great about your walking/running.

    Peace and joy.