Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • springsweet
    springsweet Posts: 184 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    It's gray out here, I'm about to get off work, my hubby won't be home til 8:00, I'm feeling blue and have a headache again, all I really want to do is stop at the store on the way home and get a bottle of red, then plop on the couch with it and zone out on tv... Ugh. Hate this feeling.

    Do you like hot yoga? You can try that or if your gym has a jacuzzi or sauna, that could help. Stay strong

    I tried hot yoga once and hated it. I do love regular yoga though! :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Good morning. Thought I'd check in and lay out my plans for the week. I'm at 13, 11 days AF and 2 days of planned drinking last Friday and Saturday. I'll be out of town this weekend with early wake ups, Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to try and go 2 weeks at least maybe longer without a drink. I feel better and more clearer everyday being able to make this commitment. The week days have become easier to handle because I have been feeling so great at work in the mornings instead of miserable until about lunchtime!

    Great plan! I have a couple of drinks planned with hubs on Thursday for our late valentines. Then I also plan to go two weeks without wine. Cheers! ;);)
  • eddie_fields
    eddie_fields Posts: 55 Member
    islandbeez wrote: »
    Has anyone tried kratom? I have heard good and bad. It has been described as very relaxing. My biggest worry is changing one addiction for another.

    But since someone brought weed thought I would throw this out there.

    I did. I never really cared for the weed buzz but my husband got me some Kratom to try when I got anxious, I kinda felt like it gave me a buzz like the vicodin I had after surgery. That kind of scared me, but I sure was relaxed and it definitely relieved pain. The FDA is trying hard to ban it, some sites say it is addictive, others say not. I figure it's best for me not to find out ;-) Also have tried CBD oil, but noticed nothing.

    Interesting. I should also probably try to avoid anything addictive. I have heard some people swear by it but getting rid of alcohol to add something else addictive sounds tricky.

    Thanks for response.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    rachie590 wrote: »
    I did a dry January with no problems and I felt awesome! Weight loss was steady and I had such clear thinking. This month I haven’t had any binge drinking but I still have 1 or 2 drinks several times a week. Since I’m keto those two beers or glasses of wine hit me extra hard. Also it’s slowing my weigh loss greatly even though I count the calories and mostly stay within my macros. Love this group and I’m late to February but love following everyone’s progress and reading your stories.

    I also found that having a definite Dry month was easier than the mostly dry month - its psychological

    I agree totally!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,294 Member
    eminater wrote: »
    First time wanting a drink since I stopped on Jan 17 - 4 weeks ago. And it was because I had a *kitten* day at work. When I realised that was why I wanted to drink, I decided not to give in to such a stupid reason. Then I didn't know how to cope with fairly "normal" feelings we all get of like *eerrggghhh* *kitten* day. So I think I've been using alcohol just to chill everyday as much job can cause a bit of stress. (we all relate to that I guess). I thought of myself as a casual / social drinker ... but I am beginning to re-think that, and wanting to do something more about it.

    To those saying they want to just "cut down", still drink on weekends etc ... I'm nervous to try this, won't that open the doors again?

    But then again, I don't want to say never also. So I guess I'll focus on Feb for now and decided about March in a couple of weeks.

    Thanks for the space here to vent/off load/process. Feel good I didn't drink but still feeling a little lousy about my stupid "*kitten* day". Ah well, that's life innit.

    I also had a tempting craving today. I was telling my friend about a scotch tasting I went to once, and I went on and on about it. And then, I thought, mmmmmmm that would sound delicious right now! *funny thing is I dont even LIKE scotch.
    I still have booze in two cupboards in our house - one is considered my cupboard and the other is my husband's. I am amazed every time I walk by the usual place I keep alcohol, I never think of pouring one. But I imagine, it would be much better if it werent even in my house!
    Day 44 today- I have no doubt I will make it through a Dry February. I will then be making a big decision come St. Patrick's Day.