JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    JFT 02-15
    P Stay under calorie goal
    P Drink 64+ oz
    P 8K steps actually did 10K
    W Address W2c requests :s got some work done but they are not closed tickets.
    H Schedule weekend (It's going to be busy)

    The DH is away so I get to play for the weekend, BUT I have the cats and dog so I can only play away from the house for so long. Dog has her schedules that must be met.

    I am going to drive to see my Mom and sister on Saturday. We are going to see the Hugh Jackman movie - The Greatest Showman - about PT Barnum. I did not know that HJ was a song & dance man. I only know him as Wolverine and Van Helsing. No idea he had won a Tony. I am looking forward to this. :)

    HJ :love:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Came down sick between Wednesday and Thursday. Nausea and headache. Not sure if I'm dying yet.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @missheidi I hope you dont die! Hopefully, you'll feel better after this weekend!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 2/15/18

    1. Up by 7 :neutral:7:20. The DH demanded cuddles. Lol. Ah the life of the newlywed
    2. Clothes/Coffee/MFP :)Done fairly quickly
    3. Take cash out :)It gave me it all in tens! I guess that's what I get for going to an ATM
    4. Shopping :)Got it all done in 1.25hrs
    5. CALL DOC AND FINANCE GUY :(As you can probably tell, I HATE making phone calls
    6. Gym :)Did an easier workout today. Decided not to push it today because I haven't been feeling all that well
    7. Library :)It was unbelievably hot though! It's like they had the heat blasting even though it was 60F out
    8. Make egg salad/lunch :)Made chicken salad instead because it was faster.
    9. Taxes @ 1 :)Done! And was pleasantly surprised!
    10. Book time :|Decided to look up new recipes and organize my old ones
    11. DH time :)Spent most of the afternoon on the couch with him. Lol
    12. Dinner/Dishes(Turkey Sloppy Joes) :)Glad I looked it up early because I didn't realize it was crockpot meal but I had enough time to get it in and still eat on time...And Holy Crow was it good! We had it on whole grain buns topped with shredded cheddar cheese.
    13. Hockey :)Matt watched the game and I spent the time cuddling and looking up recipes on my phone. Lol.
    Can you say obsessive?

    14. Bed by 11 :|Maybe but doubtful. 11 pm is in 10 minutes.

    Had a good day even though the DH and I had a tiff or two. But all is forgiven. But when I say dinner was good, I mean it was fantastic! One of the best meals I've ever made. It was funny because something told me to double check the recipe at about 2:30. Turns out that it was a Crockpot meal. I had completely forgotten about that part! Lol. But it only needed 3 hours on high so I was able to prep it and get it in so that dinner could be at 6 as usual. Lol. The DH says it is definitely a make again meal! Lol. Not much to say tonight. Onto my list!

    JFT, 2/17/18

    1. Up by 9
    2. Normal morning routine
    3. Text M and R
    4. Breakfast with DH
    5. Prep salads(tuna/egg/chicken)
    6. Lunch
    7. Make wraps for DH for next week
    8. Gym
    9. Library
    10. Look for individual food containers/easy prep meals
    11. Nap(maybe)
    12. Read
    13. Dinner/Dishes(I'm on my own tomorrow)
    14. Hockey or Recipes(I dont know why, but I find get enjoyment in looking up things I will probably never make)
    15. Spend time with DH after he gets home
    16. Bed by 12

    I know it looks like a lot but it's really not. It's stuff I can probably get done pretty fast. Lol. I hope you all have a great night! It's been pretty quiet today.
  • cynhow
    cynhow Posts: 23 Member

    1. Another day with long meetings - 8:30 - 3:00 to be exact. Plan food accordingly. :)
    2. Get to the gym :)
    3. Clean out the fridge (need to do the garbage night purge of ickiness) :)

    Got my 2/16s done too but was super busy so never made it here to share.

    1. Hydrate!
    2. Watch calories!

    Headed to the auto show which actually makes both of my JTFs harder than usual.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @junodog1 Sheesh! That's a lot of things going on on your route! Please stay safe and have an awesome time with your mom!

    @cynhow Cleaning out my fridge is on my to-do list today. Mine isn't too bad because I take care of it fairly regularly but there are a few things that need to be taken care of. Lol

    So I didn't set my alarm this morning, figuring I'd wake up way earlier than 9 am. Well, it turns out I ended up sleeping until past 9:30! Oh well, it hasn't ruined my day or anything. The DH is still asleep and I'm about to start breakfast to surprise him. It's not often that I make breakfast, or that he is home to eat it, so it'll be something nice that I do for him.

    I hope you all are having a wonderful morning!
  • CHAMM014
    CHAMM014 Posts: 10 Member
    JFT Sat
    Eat meal plan
    Walk on treadmill for 30 min
    Drink more water
    Cut down on cigarettes. (want to quit this weekend)
    Grocery shop and package food into portions
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    So the DH and I just got our taxes done and were pleasantly surprised. I have to go back before April and bring in the return from 2014 that I totally screwed up. We'll see if we get something back from that. I learned from that year to never try to do ours on my own again. Lol. The DH and I got into a tiff on our way out the really difficult plaza. I'll admit it, I'm not the best driver. Sometimes I'm really timid and sometimes I'm kind of reckless. Plus, the DH and I have COMPLETELY different driving styles. But all is fine now. He is quick to get frustrated/angry but is also quick to forgive and let go. His anger/frustration has a lot to do with his head trauma, so a lot of the time I just let him get it out and try not to feed into it. He's never violent and our arguments are very rare, so I just let them pass. He always feels really terrible afterward. A lot of the time our arguments are totally justified on his end so I try to reassure him that I dont hate him and that he's not a jerk. I've worked really hard not to hold it against him. Most of the time he can't help it. It's just part of who he is.

    Anyway! Lol. I've run my errands and gone to the gym and library. My writing is done for the day. So I have very little to do for the rest of the day and it's only quarter after 3! I'm going to dive into a new book and maybe look for some recipes. Lol. I hope everyone has a great night! I'll be back later!

    Good to hear about the taxes! Hope it works out in your favor.
    My heart goes out to you with regards to your DHs head trauma. I never would've realized how a brain injury can trigger responses that are beyond that person's control had I not witnessed it in a doctor's office. A man was verbally abusive towards his wife in the waiting room and I assumed he was just being rude. His wife & the doctor discussed his situation (practically beside me) and it turned out that his behavior was a result of having a large tumor in his brain that was getting worse. My first response was to look at him with dissaproval but I'm glad I didn't. His wife was so patient with him. You are an amazing lady :smile:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Stayed up late last night so have to get back on track.
    Gym before DD's swimming lesson.
    Housework - set timer.
    Lunch today with DD & a friend and her daughter. Be mindful when ordering.
    Meditate 25 mins
    Drink water-64oz min.
    Track all my meals today-low carb/high protein.
    Packed protein bar & Apple in car.
    Walk with dog at nearby park with DD (who strolls)
    Read this evening "New Book Of Lifting for Women".
    Light supper tonight-may have leftovers from lunch.
    Have supplies ready for Sunday school art class.
    Reorganize/declutter desk-continue.
    Possibly take DD to movie tonight.
    Plan some day trips next week as the kids are out on school vacation.
    Try to limit exposure to FB today. I'm getting sucked into all the discussions about the FL shooting. So heartbreaking.

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    Todays goals were:
    stay within KJ limit - gotten better at finding healthy snacks but still need improvement :)
    watch out for sugar and sodium limits :)
    avoid dairy and gluten :)

    1hr on the exercise bike. Enjoyed this so much I'm planning to add another workout session in the other end of the day - 30mins additional on the bike

    I've been watching weight loss programs while I work out, the type where they follow a person's transformation for a year, any of y'all do that? I'm finding it really motivating :)

    stay within kj limit but eat to the kj limit today
    have protein and carbs at breakfast - you'll need it to kick in early today
    watch out for sugar limit
    avoid dairy, gluten and coffee

    1hr on the exercise bike
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Not dead.
  • callriter
    callriter Posts: 84 Member
    Going to Disneyworld tomorrow. I'll get a good walk in
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @junodog1 Sheesh! That's a lot of things going on on your route! Please stay safe and have an awesome time with your mom!

    @cynhow Cleaning out my fridge is on my to-do list today. Mine isn't too bad because I take care of it fairly regularly but there are a few things that need to be taken care of. Lol

    So I didn't set my alarm this morning, figuring I'd wake up way earlier than 9 am. Well, it turns out I ended up sleeping until past 9:30! Oh well, it hasn't ruined my day or anything. The DH is still asleep and I'm about to start breakfast to surprise him. It's not often that I make breakfast, or that he is home to eat it, so it'll be something nice that I do for him.

    I hope you all are having a wonderful morning!
    Our fridge gets wiped down weekly. It’s practically empty every week on shopping day so a quick wipe is easy before we fill it all up again
    missheidi wrote: »
    Not dead.

    I was starting to wonder :wink:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Our fridge gets wiped down weekly. It’s practically empty every week on shopping day so a quick wipe is easy before we fill it all up again

    I try to clear mine out every Saturday. Saturday or Sunday I usually use most of our leftovers to make my DH wraps for his lunches for the upcoming week. That helps to clear out a lot of the fridge. I also make Tuna/Chicken/Eggs salad in advance for me for the next week's lunch. I think it's the beer and the chicken I haven't yet frozen that takes up the most space. Lol
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    Recap F 2/19 - posting late morning but daily goals just the same
    1) Walked 2 miles on treadmill before work / 33:52 / remembered to stretch after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 10,941 steps, 250+steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 32 floors :smiley:
    3) Leftovers today / net calories green / monitor the usual = Net calories red 7, sugar red, protein & sodium good, fiber ok & 15c water :smiley:
    4) At least 2 items on to-do list = Yep :smile:
    5) Try this again: floss / retainers = Yep / Yep :smiley::smiley:

    JFT Sat. 2/20 - slept in, think it's going to be lazy day at home with hubby <3
    1) Walked dog 3.08 miles this morning in single digit wind chills, had my winter layers on so not so bad. Happy dog! :smiley: Icy stretches on roads, could see clear spots to step on so no slip and falls. Now it's snowing again, and all the clear spots look exactly like the icy spots. Back to treadmill next week. Sad dog & sad me.
    2) Usual breakfast / leftovers for lunch / not sure about supper / net calories green
    3) Wash sheets
    4) Floss & retainers