JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • CHAMM014
    CHAMM014 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been watching weight loss programs while I work out, the type where they follow a person's transformation for a year, any of y'all do that? I'm finding it really motivating :)

    I do this, too. Have my DVR set to record Extreme Weight Loss and watch it while I am walking on the treadmill. Learning from their mistakes and successes....

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    callriter wrote: »
    Going to Disneyworld tomorrow. I'll get a good walk in

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Friday, 2/16/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 30 min treadmill) :)
    5. Finish 1 order from my shop :)
    6. Laundry :)

    JFT (Saturday, 2/17/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Work on orders from my shop
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    "Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better."

    1) cook my cabbage lentil dish
    2) log everything
    3) drink water
    4) Make ravioli for kids lunches
    5) get laundry done
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Friday
    1. Water LOTS :)
    2. Laundry :)
    3. Studio time :) yes but discovered the backing for my quilt was short an inch and I've misplaced the extra/leftover/matching fabric.
    4. Walk with hubby :/ nope
    5. Pool :)
    6. Dinner at Subway :)
    7. Read :)
    8. Brush and floss :)
    9. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water LOTS :)
    2. Groceries :)
    3. Fabric store :) found something to extend backing :(
    4. Pick up Miss Thea :)
    5. Read :)
    6. Brush and floss :)
    7. Bed by unknown time as we've had a family issue :|
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water
    2. Laundry
    3. Work
    4. Brush and floss
    5. Bed by 10:30
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 2/17/18

    1. Up by 9 :DDidnt set the alarm, figured I'd be up way before...wrong! Got up a bit after 930
    2. Normal morning routine :)I bounced back after a slight weight gain!
    3. Text M and R :)Done. Seeing Godmommy on Monday afternoon
    4. Breakfast with DH :)Had a good breakfast. Scrambled eggs and turkey bacon
    5. Prep salads(tuna/egg/chicken) :)Done. Tried a new way to boil eggs and it did not work AT ALL.
    6. Lunch :DHad a pear. Lol. Not much of a lunch
    7. Make wraps for DH for next week :)Did this before I made the salads
    8. Gym :)Had a good time. Work up a really good sweat. I also spent more than two hours cooking and prepping food. I helped my Dad make a surprise dinner/dessert for Mom. It's was pretty awesome. Some good quality time with Daddy
    9. Library :/Nope. I think I might skip this today. It's already almost 1130.
    10. Look for individual food containers/easy prep meals :)Looked up easy prep meals but didn't really find anything I liked. Did not look up storage containers
    11. Nap(maybe) :/Spent time with Daddy instead
    12. Read :)Read while at the gym
    13. Dinner/Dishes(I'm on my own tomorrow) :)Had a BLT salad and a beer. It was pretty nice
    14. Hockey or Recipes(I dont know why, but I find get enjoyment in looking up things I will probably never make) :)Did both at the same time. The game was fantastic! Got a win too!
    15. Spend time with DH after he gets home :)Doing this now!
    16. Bed by 12 :DHopefully but not likely

    A good day I think. Only two things didn't get done. I didn't even look at my schedule much today either. I've had an idea to turn a short story I wrote about 4 years ago into a novel or novella. I think I am going to reread the story and look at what I have for notes and things and see if it's possible. I also have an idea for a story about something that happened in my past kind of rolling around in the back of my head. We are currently in the middle of a rain/sleet/snow storm. I dont know what it's supposed to look like in the morning. I'm a little concerned but we'll see. So onto my list!

    JFT, 2/18/18

    1. Up at 8
    2. Morning routine
    3. Church
    4. Gym
    5. Lunch
    6. Nap
    7. Laundry
    8. Clean
    9. Chicken in Crockpot
    10. Read
    11. Write/look at short story
    12. Hockey
    13. Make mashed potato
    14. Dinner/Dishes
    15. DH time
    16. Bed by 11:30

    I hope everyone has a great night!

    @missheidi I hope you didn't die today!

    @OConnell5483 @joan6630 I hope you are both well! I miss you!
  • cynhow
    cynhow Posts: 23 Member

    1. Hydrate! :)
    2. Watch calories! :( ate some junky stuff too late.

    Tomorrow's another day!

    1. Laundry ... all the way done!
    2. Prep breakfast for the week
    3. Get nails done...I need something for me!
    4. Grocery shop

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited February 2018
    Changed my quilt picture - but its still me!

    For some reason, I just can't seem to get my head in the game here, and stay on track for more than a few days. I was doing great again, until Valentines day. Now, struggling to get back on track again. It seems like I can have 3-4 really good days, then get off track, and have awful days. I won't even list all that I ate today -- but it was my own fault -- I was the one that threw granola bars, easter peeps, M&Ms, cadbury eggs, etc in my grocery cart today. So no one to blame but myself. Why do I do this! Why do I give in to impulse buying in the store -- saying it is for my daughter, when I am the one that eats it (she ate the cadbury eggs, but sad to say, not the rest of this junk!). SO mad and upset with myself tonite .... not to mention I feel awful!

    My SIL made a good comment, and something I need to think about. She said she does eat desserts and carbs, but she knows that when she does, she will have at least a week of cravings. But if she can make it through that week, then the cravings go away. I seem to keep giving in ..... and then I don't record food .... and then I don't weigh myself ..... a vicious cycle.
    I lost weight last year- consistently until Halloween --- I just need to really buckle down, plan my meals, and get those last 15 pounds off to get out of the overweight range .... and get into the healthy range.

    So here goes again, for just one day

    Sunday, Feb 18
    1. log all food
    2. stay away from carbs --- don't give in
    3. work in the yard and bag up the rest of the leaves I raked up. It is suppose to be close to 60 out --- then a week of rain, so need to get this done
    4. start pinning the huge quilt I made!! WHAT WAS I THINKING!!! This quilt is 120" x 115"!!! YIKES! I wanted it to hang down the sides of our bed, but I've never done a quilt this big in my little machine. @bcTRAI - have you ever pieced the batting when quilting a quilt, so as not to stuff the entire quilt in my little machine? I am going to try that , but figured I may have to piece it in 4 pieces.
    5. plan and write out the weeks menu's to help me get through the week
    6. concentrate on drinking water. I've been even slacking on this!!!
    7. Don't let the past dictate the future.
    8. read some success stories
    9. get out my bullet journal - need to start using this. Journal 5 things I am grateful (one of them being my health, but if I don't change how I treat my body, someday I will regret not taking care of myself better)
    10. get back on here - be accountable
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    3. Studio time :) yes but discovered the backing for my quilt was short an inch and I've misplaced the extra/leftover/matching fabric.

    Don't you just hate when that happens! Hopefully you found something to match it nicely!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @joan6630 I only have a small sewing machine myself so I do the quilt as you go type quilting with 1/4 of the quilt at a time. I've never tried quilting portions and then adding another section of batting, quilting, adding, quilting. Sounds interesting. Let me know how it goes. I often do piece the batting inside my quilts to make up a full batt though, using a wavy line basted together.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday, 2/17/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Work on orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Sunday, 2/18/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Work on orders from my shop
    5. Groceries
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    CHAMM014 wrote: »

    I do this, too. Have my DVR set to record Extreme Weight Loss and watch it while I am walking on the treadmill. Learning from their mistakes and successes....

    Yeah that's the name of the show :)
    The participants are on there, doin' crazy stuff like running up a mountain of steps or swimming the longest pool in the world, the trainer is shouting at them to keep going, keep going... and they do!
    and I'm like: Gosh, that looks like Really Hard Work - I'm just sittin' here peddling, watching TV, I've got it so easy -maybe I will up the intensity a bit :smiley:
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    Change of plans due to weather, so I just went with my usual JFT goals today

    I'll reschedule these more specific goals for tomorrow:
    stay within kj limit but eat to the kj limit
    have protein and carbs at breakfast - you'll need it to kick in early to do all the gardening work today
    watch out for sugar limit
    avoid dairy, gluten and coffee

    1hr on the exercise bike
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT Sunday
    1. Accurate logging. Gonna go for Panera today because at least I can GUESS at those calories :p
    2. Finish week 7 plans. Outline week 8. Daily 5-min meditation. Update websites. Add links to blogroll. Comment on WTC. Reply to HP.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2.
    4. Gym for day 1 strength; steps to 6k.
    5. Groceries. Fold and put away laundry. Put away books and papers on desk. Bibimbap for lunch? Dinner at Panera with B.
    6. Afternoon walk with D. Steps to 12k. Meds 6 pm. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:30.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Feb 1 weigh-in: 173.6
    Feb 28 goal: 169.6

    Today: 177.6. Fingers crossed that I can do a better job of sticking to my plans.

    Here's the Panera Bread nutritional info: https://panerabread.com/content/dam/panerabread/documents/nutrition/Panera-Nutrition.pdf
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm at day 17 of this journey and I'm feeling good about it all but I just want to call my 2019 self to make sure that all this effort pays off, ya know?
    (it'd be nice to actually SEE some changes, where is the pill I can take to wake up fit tomorrow! :mrgreen: )

    It's time consuming and I feel more than a bit selfish dedicating so much of my time to me, which I know is a silly thing to say but the issues that brought me to this unhealthy place can only be dealt with solo and it's taxing,

    I did want to dedicate 2018 to reeling back in all the things I've let slide, I simply didn't think it would take sooo much of my attention... and that no one around me would understand,

    anyway, thank you all for being here, I know you get it :blush: