Reaching goal weight in June 2018



  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member

    I hope you get back on the path to your goal soon as well.

    Thanks, and I hope you enjoy your vacay!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    SW: 195.4
    GW: 140
    LW: 173.2
    TW: 171.6

    Loss of 1.6 lbs this week. Phew, thought I was glued to 173 - 174 forever...

  • ssyydd
    ssyydd Posts: 21 Member
    Starting Weight:141.4 lbs Jan 11, 2018
    Final Goal: 134 lbs June 28, 2018

    End of January Goal (140.4 lbs)
    Jan 11 - 141.4 lbs
    Jan 18 - 140.8 lbs
    Jan 25 - 140.3 lbs

    End of February Goal (138.9 lbs)
    Feb 1 - 140 lbs
    Feb 8 - 140 lbs
    Feb 15 - 140 lbs
    Feb 22 -

  • janc277
    janc277 Posts: 89 Member
    Starting Weight: 146.5 lbs Jan 1 2018
    Final Goal: 130 lbs June 1, 2018

    Weigh-in on Mondays

    End of January Goal 142.5 (-4)
    Jan 01 - 146.5
    Jan 08 - 144.3
    Jan 15 - 143.6
    Jan 22 - 143.8
    Jan 29 - 143.0 Progress, but not as much as I had hoped.

    End of February Goal 139.5 (-3)
    Feb 05 - 144.4 dang. Sliding backwards.
    Feb 12 - 145.3 stop this now!
    Feb 19
    Feb 26

    End of March Goal 136.5 (-3.5)
    Mar 05
    Mar 12
    Mar 19
    Mar 26

    End of April Goal 133 (-3)
    Apr 02
    Apr 09
    Apr 16
    Apr 23
    Apr 30

    End of May Goal 130 (-3)
    May 07
    May 14
    May 21
    May 28
  • madmomack
    madmomack Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
    Sw 205
    CW 185
    Goal weight 150
    Goal is to keep eating high protein, low carb diet. Working out 5 to 6 days a week and weights. If I can lose 2 pounds a week, I will be to goal in June!
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Jan - Oct 2017 Loss 13lb - very very up and down, not motivated at all and hardly any gym due to illness

    Came home to UK from Florida 1st October and vowed 30lbs by Xmas and goal by September 1st

    Starting 01/01/2017 298.4lb
    June Goal 200lb
    Ultimate Goal 180lb

    06/10 - 285lb
    13/10 - 277lb
    20/10 - 274lb
    27/10 - 273lb
    Oct Loss 12lb

    03/11 - 273lb
    10/11 - 268lb
    17/11 - 266.5lb
    24/11 - 262.5lb
    Nov Loss 11.5lb

    DEC (goal 260lb)
    01/12 - 268.5lb struggling with all the Christmas social events
    08/12 - 264.7 weighed early as no access to scales tomorrow
    14/12 - 264.3lb
    22/12 - 265.5lb
    29/12 - 266.8lb
    Dec Loss +4.3lb

    JAN (Goal) 255lb
    01/01 - 270.2
    05/01 - 264.3
    12/01 - 259.8
    19/01 - 255.5
    26/01 - 253.25
    Jan Loss 17lbs

    FEB (goal) 245lb
    02/02 - 250.25
    09/02 - 248.00
    16/02 - 247.50 - should be glad no gain after a weekend of partying!!
    Feb Loss 5.75lbs

    MAR (goal) 235lb
    Mar Loss

    APR (goal) 225lb
    April Loss

    MAY (goal) 215lb
    May Loss

    JUNE (goal) 205lb
    June Loss

    Loss to date 50.50lbs
    47.50 to go by end of June
    67.50 to go for ultimate goal
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    Starting Weight June 27, 2017: 255
    Goal Weight for June 27, 2018: 185

    Oct 27: 231.2
    Nov 3: 230.2
    Nov 10: 227.8
    Nov 17: 227.2
    Nov 24: 224.6
    Nov loss: 6.6 lbs.

    Dec 1: 223.4
    Dec 8: 222.4 this was an up and down kinda week :s
    Dec 15: 220.6
    Dec 22: 219 I was stuck at 220.6 for 4 days :/ finally moving some.
    Dec 29: 220.6-- well it's back and this time not for 4 days. Christmas was more or less maintaining.
    Dec loss: 5.6 lbs. with a 1.6 gain back :s

    Jan 5: 219.2
    Jan 12: 217
    Jan 19: 218.4 :heartbreak: was so looking forwarding to being at a 40 lb. loss by now
    Jan 26: 216.6
    Jan loss: 3.8 lbs.

    Feb 2: 215.4
    Feb 9: 216.8
    Feb 16: 213.6
    Feb 23:

    June 27 (My Birthday and goal day):
  • bisonpitcher
    bisonpitcher Posts: 519 Member
    11/3 - 255.6
    11/10 - 255.2
    11/17 - 253.2
    11/24 - 248.2
    12/1 - 250.6
    12/8 - 248.0
    12/15 - 243.8
    12/22 - 241.6
    12/29 - 238.8
    1/5 - Did not weigh, out of town
    1/12 - 239.0
    1/19 - 235.6
    1/25 - 234.0 (a day early since I was going out of town)
    2/2 - 233.0
    2/9 - 229.8
    2/16 - 228.6
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member

    Dec. (Goal 175)
    4th - -
    11th - 180
    18th - 177

    Jan. (Goal 168) Total lost this month=5.1
    1st -
    8th - 174.7
    15th -173.7
    22nd - 173.4
    29th -170.9

    Feb. (Goal 160)
    5th -170.4
    12th - 168.1
    19th -
    26th -

    Mar. (Goal 152)
    5th -
    12th -
    19th -
    26th -

    Apr. (Goal 144)
    2nd -
    9th -
    16th -
    23rd -
    30th -

    May (Goal 136)
    7th -
    14th -
    28th -

    Jun (Goal 132) WEDDING JUNE 9TH
    4th -
    11th -
    18th -
  • bellaesprita000
    bellaesprita000 Posts: 384 Member
    Starting weight - 213.5 lbs on August 13th, 2017
    Goal weight - 155

    12th - 184.7
    19th - 182.9
    26th - 182.7
    January goal - 180 lbs
    January loss - 2 lbs

    2nd - 183.8
    9th - 177.9
    16th - 178
    23rd -
    February goal - 176 lbs
    February loss -

    2nd -
    9th -
    16th -
    23rd -
    30th -
    March goal - 171 lbs
    March loss -

    6th -
    13th -
    20th -
    27th -
    April goal - 167 lbs
    April loss -

    4th -
    11th -
    18th -
    25th -
    May goal - 163 lbs
    May loss -

    1st -
    8th -
    15th -
    22nd -
    29th -
    June goal - 158 lbs
    June loss -
  • kaileek527
    kaileek527 Posts: 18 Member
    Ultimate goal: 115-110lbs

    January starting weight: 132lbs
    January goal: 125lbs
    Jan 19th: 126lbs
    Jan 26th: 127lbs
    Total loss:

    February starting weight: 128.5lbs
    February goal: 125lbs
    Feb 2nd: 128.5lbs
    Feb 9th: Forgot to weight
    Feb 16th: 128lbs (also at TOM so includes bloating)
    Feb 23rd:
    Total loss:

    March starting weight:
    March goal:
    Mar 2nd:
    Mar 9th:
    Mar 16th:
    Mar 23rd:
    Mar 30th:
    Total loss:

    April starting weight:
    April goal:
    Apr 6th:
    Apr 13th:
    Apr 20th:
    Apr 27th:
    Total loss:

    May starting weight:
    May goal:
    May 4th:
    May 11th:
    May 18th:
    May 25th:
    Total loss:

    June 1st weigh in
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Current Stats:-
    Starting 239lb July 17
    Previous 196lb 07/02/18
    Current 195lb 18/02/18
    Weight loss to date 44lb
    Goal 180lb
  • Royal1954
    Royal1954 Posts: 64 Member
    Weekly check-in, weigh-in on Mondays

    End of January Goal 185 (-15)
    Dec 26 - 200.0
    Jan 01 - 196.9 (-3.1)
    Jan 08 - 193.6 (-3.3)
    Jan 15 - 192.1 (-1.5)
    Jan 22 - 191.6 (-0.5)
    Jan 29 - 191.1 (-0.5)

    End of February Goal 177 (-8)
    Feb 05 - 196.3 (+4.8)
    Feb 12 - 190.1 (-6.2)
    Feb 19 - 187.6 (-2.5)
    Feb 26

    End of March Goal 170 (-7)
    Mar 05
    Mar 12
    Mar 19
    Mar 26

    End of April Goal 166 (-4)
    Apr 02
    Apr 09
    Apr 16
    Apr 23
    Apr 30

    End of May Goal 163 (-3)
    May 07
    May 14
    May 21
    May 28

    End of June Goal 160 (-3)
    Jun 04
    Jun 11
    Jun 18
    Jun 25
    Jun 30

    Starting Weight: 200.0 lbs Dec 26 2017
    Challenge Goal: 160.0 lbs Jun 30 2018
    Final Goal: 142.0 lbs Jun 30 2019
    Current Weight: 187.6 lbs Feb 19 2018
    Loss so far: 12.4 lbs Feb 19 2018
  • getfitnow81
    getfitnow81 Posts: 1 Member
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Start 221.5
    Feb. (Goal 219)
    12th - 221.5
    19th - 221.5
    26th -

    Mar. (Goal 215)
    5th -
    12th -
    19th -
    26th -

    Apr. (Goal 211)
    2nd -
    9th -
    16th -
    23rd -
    30th -

    May (Goal 208)
    7th -
    14th -
    28th -

    Jun (Goal 205)
    4th -
    11th -
    18th -
    25th -

    Total loss for challenge: 0
  • MelissaMeyer27
    MelissaMeyer27 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in!!!
    Current weight: 181lbs
    Goal weight: 125-130lbs
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I will join this thread because I wanted to reach my goal by June. This way it makes me more accountable. I will come back each time I lose weight and at the first of the month. Best of luck, happiness, and blessings for the new year for everyone here!
    My goal is around 115 lbs.

    December 1: 150
    January 6: 139--11 lbs as of today...24 lbs. to go...almost half way there...
    January 18: 137--13 LBS. lost with 22 LBS. to go.... :)
    January 20: 136--21 lbs. to go- 14 lbs. lost
    January 21: 133---18 lbs. to go- 17 lbs. lost. I have been on a cleanse and it is great!
    January 23: 132--17 lbs. to go- 18 lbs. lost.
    January 25: 131--16 lbs. to go--19 lbs. lost.
    January 26: 130--15 lbs. to go--20 lbs. lost.
    January 28: 128--13 lbs. to go--22 lbs. lost. So nice to be in the 120's. YAY! :) Bought a new Inversion table for my reward!!
    February 3: 127--12 lbs. to go--23 lbs. lost. Just received my inversion table and will put it up today.
    February 10: 126--11 lbs. to go--24 lbs. lost. Love my new gym dvd's and workout machines! :)
    February 20; 124--9 lbs. to go--26 lbs. lost so far. :)
    March 1:
    April 1:
    June 1
  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    Start weight 163 lbs February 3 /18
    Goal weight 143 lbs for June 23/18 ( my birthday)
    Goal weight 135 lbs for December/18

    Feb 3 - 163
    Feb 10 - 159
    Feb 17 - 153
    Feb 24 -
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 165 Member
    February 16 UPDATE:

    Starting Weight: 207 lbs Jan 1 2018
    Final Goal: 175 lbs June 2, 2018

    Weigh-in on Mondays

    End of January Goal 195 (-12)
    Jan 05 - 207.4
    Jan 12 - 201.2 (Dr reports my measured body fat has decreased and muscle mass increased)
    Jan 19 - 200.4
    Jan 26 - 201.6

    End of February Goal 190 (-5)
    Feb 02 - 198.6
    Feb 09 - 200.4
    Feb 16 - 200.2
    Feb 23

    End of March Goal 185 (-5)
    Mar 02
    Mar 09
    Mar 16
    Mar 23
    Mar 30

    End of April Goal 180 (-5)
    Apr 06
    Apr 13
    Apr 20
    Apr 27

    End of May Goal 175 (-5)
    May 04
    May 11
    May 18
    May 25

    Jun 01 - >>>> GOAL???
  • janc277
    janc277 Posts: 89 Member
    Starting Weight: 146.5 lbs Jan 1 2018
    Final Goal: 130 lbs June 1, 2018

    Weigh-in on Mondays

    End of January Goal 142.5 (-4)
    Jan 01 - 146.5
    Jan 08 - 144.3
    Jan 15 - 143.6
    Jan 22 - 143.8
    Jan 29 - 143.0 Progress, but not as much as I had hoped.

    End of February Goal 139.5 (-3)
    Feb 05 - 144.4 dang. Sliding backwards.
    Feb 12 - 145.3 stop this now!
    Feb 19 - 145.5
    Feb 26

    End of March Goal 136.5 (-3.5)
    Mar 05
    Mar 12
    Mar 19
    Mar 26

    End of April Goal 133 (-3)
    Apr 02
    Apr 09
    Apr 16
    Apr 23
    Apr 30

    End of May Goal 130 (-3)
    May 07
    May 14
    May 21
    May 28