why were people so skinny in the 70s?



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    No. it isn't 'all the chemicals' in our food. Semi-accurate calorie and exercise burn counting for a fairly typical person now tells the entire story pretty clearly.

    [1] weren't sedentary AF. People walked places a lot. More people did physical labor than now. Even desk jobs involved ferrying paperwork around to and from place to place back in the days before email and electronic files.
    [2] They weren't constantly eating out. (Calorie count a typical restaurant trip, even if you box up 2/3 of the entree and split a dessert 2-ways, and compare to a home meal if you don't think this is a factor).
    [3] I doubt they were sitting on their *kittens* watching TV -while simultaneously snacking the entire time - remotely as often as many people do now. Ever look at the serving sizes and calorie counts on a bag of crisps or dip, etc?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    edited February 2018
    To the person who claims people in the 70's were not scared their child could be abducted. The very first time I took my daughter out in the pram to the local shopping centre, I refused to go into any shops I could not take the pram into. In another part of the UK a child was taken from its pram out side some shop and was never found. This was 1969, mid to late October! I got home to hear of the abduction on the radio news bulletin.

    That fear has never left me to the extent I did not leave 4 granddaughters I'd taken to holiday cottage though one was 16 yrs old! That was the day a much younger child was abducted from a holiday destination in Spain. She definitely has not been found.

    I don't know about anyone else but a young life, any life has never been something I have taken chances with.
  • OatmealBowl
    OatmealBowl Posts: 82 Member
    the grapefruit diet
  • grammagrape
    grammagrape Posts: 27 Member
    moms still cooked, or we kids did, so imagine that homemade nutrition. Tv dinners or going for hamburgers at the 1 McDonald's in town, were just once in a while, so the overload of fats/sugars in processed foods was rare. And we played outside, we were outside most of the time even through high school. Soda was not the drink of choice- water really was. Compare to today when processed food is devoid of nutrition, few people cook, sugary drinks in giant sizes are pushed, and nobody is outside. And there are 6 McDonald's in the same town that used to only have 1, not to mention the same number of multiple other fast food franchises.
  • Liquidskin1
    Liquidskin1 Posts: 2 Member
    I was born in 1970, and growing up I was never overweight or fat. I graduated hs at about 120 and at 5'8" I was quite skinny. I grew up eating what my grandparents grew in the garden and the fields. There was no microwaves or processed foods and not a whole lot of candy and junk foods around. I was always outside playing. A horrible punishment for me was not being allowed outside. I rode my bike, ran, swam, climbed trees and worked on the farm. It wasn't until the mid 90's and my second child that I started gaining weight. I was in the military for almost 10 years so I was able to keep it off running and staying active. I also developed hernias that were persistant and non healing. I have had 6 hernia surgeries over the years and have had 5 kids. Each hernia coinsided with each kid. I can't really even blame my weight gain on my kids as I gained most of this weight in the past 10 years and my youngest is 13. I love food, period!!! I love to eat, and all the wrong stuff. I can eat a lot, too. I don't do fast food anymore, or soda's, and I have narrowed it down to how much I'm eating. I have been running for the past year and have dropped about 40 pounds and am still working my way down to 135. I was anorexic in hs and have a disorder that makes all mirrors into circus mirrors, and I know that is working against me. When I was in hs I had a fear of getting fat and thought I looked fat and needed to work out. I did and I put myself in the hospital at 104 pounds and I STILL thought I was fat. So, I blame the weight explosion on processed food and lack of exercise and all that goes with it. It also seems to me that every invention is this world anymore seems to be geared towards laziness.