Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • boggsy320
    boggsy320 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone!! Has anyone had experience with WW versus MFP?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2018
    boggsy320 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!! Has anyone had experience with WW versus MFP?

    I do believe that many of us had. There is even a private group and open threads about it. I have done both, but not the latest version of WW since I've been using MFP since 2014 non-stop.

    The differences I find is:
    MFP does not tell you what you should eat. It just records what you say you ate and spits back the nutritional value of that serving (read as portion, not actual serving size of the food as you would find on labels).

    WW is a good place to start if you don't have any experience in eating healthy because it does recommend certain foods and places high points on the foods it thinks you should avoid and low points of foods it thinks you should be eating more of.

    PS ...
    MFP gives you a calorie goal based on what you stated you wanted to lose in a week ... and if you stay within that amount every day (for the most part), you will lose weight ... and it doesn't much matter if the food you ate was healthy or not, kept you satisfied for hours or 20 minutes ... you make the choices and reap the benefits or not.

    WW makes you pay for a membership and has you attend group meetings ... and some people find they need that, some people need it so badly they attend a group meeting almost every day.

    So ... you choose what you think will work best for you. If you then find it isn't working as you expected, you can always move on to an other platform.

    PPS ...
    MFP does not sell food. WW does.
    MFP does have a market now, but I think it's mostly for sports apparel.
    MFP has videos and blogs that you can look at anytime you want.
    MFP has us.

    Oh ... am I now sounding like I have a preference? Well, yes, I do. B)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey you guys, is it too late to be a part of this 100+ journey? It's quite daunting indeed. I'm in my 40s and am not doing a specific plan other than trying to stay within my limits on here. I've recently found some Youtube videos that show modified exercises such as squats which helps quite a bit.
    Thanks in advance. Would love to be a part of such a supportive group.

    Hi, I see by your profile info that your first visit to MFP community pages (or MFP in general) was in 2014 ... that's about when I first found this thread and hopped on.

    PS .. It would be great if you updated your profile with a photo or some image that we can associate with you ... those anonymous male/female profile shots that MFP provides when you haven't provided one leave me feeling bleh. ...

    That said, you are certainly welcome to jump on this open thread in the Motivation and Support section of the community pages. If you have at least 100 pounds (~50 kilos, don't know how many stone :D ) to lose now or since you started your weight reduction program, you will fit right in.
  • Jessec80
    Jessec80 Posts: 5 Member
    Still chugging along. Lost over 20 lbs since the start of the year. So 80 more to go. I’m already starting to think 60 more would be fine. Puts me in the “healthy” BMI just barely.

    Been going to the gym and dropping my one year old off at the gym child care. It’s tough because she has really bad separation anxiety. Half the time they have had to call me in to get her because she won’t stop crying. Eventually she’ll get used to it, right?
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Karen
    Age: 57
    Height: 5'7"
    Highest Weight: 280ish was my highest weight ever but my MFP starting weight on Jan. 18/18 was 274.2
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 257. 8
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 247 (I changed my goal from 20 pounds down to a more reasonable 10.8 pounds)

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 257
    Mar 16: 255.2
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
    Apr 06:
    Apr 13:
    Apr 20:
    Apr 27:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -2.6
    Total weight lost: 19 pounds since January 18/18

    I hope Everyone has a great upcoming week!
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »

    This morning My Progress Ticker ...

    That was to reach 20% down from my high starting weight. Tomorrow is my 73rd Birthday and my gift to myself will be to set the new goal on the ticker. For today, I want that status to stay as is so I can savor looking at it every time I log on to record a meal.

    The next goal in another 25 to go
    PS ... I set old ticker to lose from where ever I was from the 20% mark when I joined a weight reporting challenge ... it was after a long stall that had me feeling like I was never going to get there. These weight reporting challenges keep me going!

    Congratulations!!! What a wonderful milestone to celebrate your birthday tomorrow!
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    @Jessec80 Congrats on your progress so far this year!! I'm so sorry you're dealing with some separation anxiety with your little one. Stress City! For the longest time my youngest would cry every single week we dropped him off at church nursery. He finally went willingly with little/no tears but it took like half a year! I never worried too much because I felt confident in the workers to love on him (even with the wailing, maybe especially because of it) and I knew what I was doing was worthwhile. He's 4 now and is a perfectly happy, hilarious, snuggly kiddo who has no separation issues at all. He was actually pretty upset to have to miss his little class of friends this week because of illness. Now, a lot of people have different theories about attachment and if it's damaging to ever let your kids cry. So, I can tell you my opinion and personal experience but others will be the complete opposite opinion and experience, so in the end you have to do what feels right to you. No matter what, you're a great Momma!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Ooops, math correction to my Spring Challenge. My Weight +/- this challenge should be +0.50, not 0.75. Every little bit counts, right? :smile: Please correct when you enter your stats.
  • Jessec80
    Jessec80 Posts: 5 Member
    @Birder165 congrats on 19 down since the start of the year!

    @kbeyer23 half a year! Oh man, I was hoping more like a week or two to get used to the new people. Did you take your LO a lot? I’m trying to drop her there 4 days a week.
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    @jessec80 Every Sunday. :) And he cried for awhile every time at dropoff (but eventually stopped after several minutes) so it wasn't like he was screaming for an hour. He was/is a stubborn kid, though- it took that long to sleep train him, too! Maybe your daughter will give in after awhile- just because it took Nolan that long doesn't mean it will take your little sweetie that long! I just meant to encourage you that if she's safe and you trust her caregivers, it's ok to make time for yourself even if she's upset. Because in the end, a healthy, happy mom is what's best for kids.
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Cyndy Payo
    Age: 60
    Height: 5'3
    Highest Weight: 252
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 206.8
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 190

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 209.5
    Mar 16: 209.5
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
    Apr 06:
    Apr 13:
    Apr 20:
    Apr 27:

    Weight -/+ this week:0
    Weight -/+ this challenge: +2.7
    Total weight lost: 42.5

  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Jessec80 wrote: »
    Still chugging along. Lost over 20 lbs since the start of the year. So 80 more to go. I’m already starting to think 60 more would be fine. Puts me in the “healthy” BMI just barely.

    Been going to the gym and dropping my one year old off at the gym child care. It’s tough because she has really bad separation anxiety. Half the time they have had to call me in to get her because she won’t stop crying. Eventually she’ll get used to it, right?

    She will eventually, but it won't be all the sudden. More like a three steps forward, two back. Separation anxiety is normal and at its peak at this stage. I found that getting my daughter interested in an activity took the edge off. Mine liked painting even though she was just scribbling on the paper with the brush.
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Robin’s Thread
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Deb
    Age: 52
    Height: 5’8”
    Highest Weight: Ever? Do I have to type that? How about this round: 295
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 273.4
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 257.4

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 271.0 I will be out of town for the next two weeks, but I will eat to plan. I won’t have access to a scale at a predictable time or date, but I am still working my plan and in on this challenge.
    Mar 16: 267.0 I am using a borrowed scale and I don’t completely trust it.
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
    Apr 06:
    Apr 13:
    Apr 20:
    Apr 27:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4.0
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -6.4
    Total weight lost: 28.0