2018 Lose 52 Pounds In 52 week’s Challenge



  • hawk1105
    hawk1105 Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Joe
    Age: 69
    Height: 5' 10"
    Starting weight: 257 on 3/10/18
    Goal weight: 215 on 12/31/18

    3/24 GOAL 256
    3/24 WEIGHT 254.0
    DAYS USED MFP: 1/7
    Steps per day/goal

    Started using mfp about three times but did not finish out those days.

    This week's challenges:
    > Start AND FINISH DAY with MFP to log calories. Stay within my limits.
    > increase workouts
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 214lb
    Goal weight for end of 2018: 154lb
    Current weight: 202lb
    Total weight lost: 12lb
    This week's successes: Been getting to bed on time and getting an average 7hr a night (usually 5.5hr)
    This week's challenges: I've lost my calorie deficit and food logging discipline in recent weeks, am getting better but need to find that motivation again!
  • hannahruth64
    hannahruth64 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting weight: 192
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 188.3
    Total weight lost: 5.7
    This week's successes: Exercising consistently. See a difference. Feel a difference. Back pain is less.
    This week's challenges: Crackers. LOL
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    2017 Challenge lost 30 pounds!

    2018 Challenge:
    Start date: 1/1/2018
    Start weight: 131.0
    Goal weight: 120
    Current weight: 131.8
    This weeks loss: 0
    Total loss this year: +.8

    No loss this week. Running and upper body weight training. Feeling stronger this week. 7 more days till my 1st 5k. Already thinking about my next goal....improved time.....longer distance...

  • Ekrauss13mfp
    Ekrauss13mfp Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2018
    Age: 43
    Height: 6'4" / 1.91 m.

    Current "Live Style Change" (Not a DIEt): 1650 kcal a day.
    Currently three times a week at the Gym, program of 123 minutes Cardio/Strength 40/60.
    Every fourth-night a 60 minute session with a Personal Trainer.
    Every workday a three mile walk.

    Motivator: losing weight for 2nd kidney transplant in 2019(-ish?).
    Being a kidney patient makes me fluctuate in weight very bad.
    I can loose or gain 3 pounds or more in 24 hours on fluids alone.

    Original start weight: 396.8 lbs / 180 kg (januari 01 2000)
    Starting weight for this year: 270.1 lbs / 122 kg (januari 01 2018)
    First goal set at: 240.4 lbs / 109 kg (getting on the transplant list)
    Ultimate goal, also Deadline: 198.0 lbs / 90 kg (december 31 2018)

    Weigh in time: 0600 Hours.

    Here we GO!

    Starting at: 270.1lbs / 122 kg
    01/01 - 270.1
    01/08 - 267.2
    01/15 - 267.6
    01/22 - 265.4
    01/29 - 259.5
    01/31 - 258.1
    Total loss for January = 12.0 lbs / 5.4 kg

    Starting at: 256.6 lbs / 116.4
    02/01 - 256.6
    02/08 - 254.2
    02/15 - 253.7
    02/22- 250.6
    02/28 - 248.7
    Total loss for February = 7.9 lbs / 3.6 kg

    Starting at: 250.4 lbs / 113.6 kg
    03/01 - 250.4
    03/08 - 249.8
    03/15 - 246.7
    03/22 - 248.0
    03/29 -
    03/31 -
    Total loss for March = 2.4 lbs / 1.0 kg

    Starting at: lbs
    04/01 -
    04/08 -
    04/15 -
    04/22 -
    04/29 -
    04/30 -
    Total loss for April = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    05/01 -
    05/08 -
    05/15 -
    05/22 -
    05/29 -
    05/31 -
    Total loss for Mai = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    06/01 -
    06/08 -
    06/15 -
    06/22 -
    06/29 -
    06/30 -
    Total loss for June = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    07/01 -
    07/08 -
    07/15 -
    07/22 -
    07/29 -
    07/31 -
    Total loss for Juli = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    08/01 -
    08/08 -
    08/15 -
    08/22 -
    08/29 -
    08/31 -
    Total loss for August = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    09/01 -
    09/08 -
    09/15 -
    09/22 -
    09/29 -
    09/30 -
    Total loss for September = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    10/01 -
    10/08 -
    10/15 -
    10/22 -
    10/29 -
    10/30 -
    Total loss for October = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    11/01 -
    11/08 -
    11/15 -
    11/22 -
    11/29 -
    11/30 -
    Total loss for Novembre = lbs

    Starting at: lbs
    12/01 -
    12/08 -
    12/15 -
    12/22 -
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/29 -
    12/31 -
    Total loss for December = lbs

    Total Loss January 01 - December 31 = 22.1 lbs / 10.0 kg.

  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Great challenge!
    Starting weight:185
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight:175
    Total weight lost:10
    This week's successes:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,178 Member
    edited March 2018
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 140 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 98-105 lbs
    (I'm 4'10" & sm. boned).

    Starting weight this challenge: 12/31/17: 160.2
    Week 1: 158.8
    Week 2: 162.9
    Week 3: 160.6
    Week 4: 159.6
    Week 5: 159.2
    Week 6: 159.2
    Week 7: 158
    Week 8 158.7
    Week 9 160
    Week 10 160.6
    Week 11 158.8
    Week 12 157.9

    Weight Loss so far 2018: 2.3 lbs

    Felt good to have a loss this week & last week.
    Holiday week coming up. 3 guests staying at my house for the next couple weeks. Really motivated to stay under in calories, anyway. Having trouble getting exercise in. Have had more headaches than usual the past week. Staying up too late. That will continue to be a challenge for me for the next couple weeks.

    Linda (Elbee1)
  • zonnebloem69
    zonnebloem69 Posts: 29 Member
    2018 Starting weight: 99Kg (218)
    Goal weight: 75Kg
    Current weight: 92
    Weight loss last week: 1kg
    Total challenge weight lost: 7kg

    Yes I did it and still on track with a pound a week.
    To me it sounds a lot but can hardly feel it.
    I felt great and went to the hair salon to cut of my long hair.
    She asked me 3 times are you sure, sure, sure. I replied Yes lets go for it.
    So refreshing.
    Lets go for another amazing week everyone!
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Name: Karyn
    Age: 35
    Height: 5' 5"

    Highest weight: 275(ish)
    Starting weight: 228.6 (July 22, 2017)
    Goal weight: 145
    Current weight: 195.4 (January 1, 2018)
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Week 1: 192.2 lbs
    Week 2: 190.4 lbs
    Week 3: 188.9 lbs
    Week 4: 188.9 lbs
    Week 5: 186.9 lbs
    Week 6: 185.9 lbs
    Week 7: 184.9 lbs
    Week 8: 185.5 lbs
    Week 9: 184.5 lbs
    Week 10: 185.6 lbs
    Week 11: 184.1 lbs
    Week 12: 182.4 lbs

    Total lost 2018: 13.0 lbs
    Total lost since July 2017: 46.4 lbs
    Total lost since highest: 93(ish) lbs

    This week's successes: Kept a deficit every day this week
    This week's challenges: getting back into my gym routine
  • cabman
    cabman Posts: 81 Member
    Week 12

    Starting weight: 88.1kg (194.2)
    Goal weight: 65-75kg (143-165)

    Current weight: 82.7kg (182.3)
    This week loss: 0.4kg (0.9)

    Challenge weight lost: 5.4kg (12)

    This week's successes:
    Completed 4 x 7km+ runs, with a 10km treadmill run in 1hour today.
    Ate good and logged food 6/7 days

    Next week's challenges:
    Continue logging food.
    3 x 10km runs.
    Start participating local Parkrun.
    I tend to lose weight Mon-Thur, and put some back on Fri,Sat and Sun. This comes down to routine. Good routines during the week, Poor routines on the weekend.
  • Gimme2017
    Gimme2017 Posts: 44 Member
    Week 12

    Starting weight: 178 1/1/18
    Goal weight: 144
    Current weight: 158
    Total weight lost last week: 1 lb

    Total weight loss for this challenge 20 lbs
    Total weight loss since Sept 2017 31 lbs
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Starting weight: 196.6
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 178.0
    Total weight lost: 18.6
    This week's successes: Stuck with the meal plan fairly well :smiley:
    This week's challenges: I have company from out of town staying for a few days so we'll be going to lots of touristy places. Need to really plan ahead!!
  • hopiemama33
    hopiemama33 Posts: 52 Member
    Highest Weight Ever 234
    Starting Weight August 2017 212
    Goal weight 150
    Weight 1/1 189.2
    Weight 1/8 186
    Weight 1/15 (on vacation, didn't weigh)
    Weight 1/22185.6
    Weight 1/30 183.2
    Weight 2/5 185.4
    Weight 2/12 184.0
    Weight 2/19 - I didn't get to weigh because not at home.
    Weight 2/26 184.8
    Weight 03/05 186.6
    Weight 03/12 183.4
    Weight 03/19 183.8
    Weight 03/26 184.4

    Sigh... back up. I've been doing calorie counting instead of low carb, but not successfully. I really need to get back to low carb. It short circuits my bingeing. I really want to have french fries once a week, but if I don't wait until Sunday for them, I end up eating them two or three times on the weekends when I go out. I can still say, however, that I have not had any potatoes in my house since Thanksgiving! I feel pretty good about that.

    Today has been a good day so far. I am going out to a friend's house this evening and he is making Cuban food. I don't know what it will be like. I have made some lower carb cheesecakes and blueberry topping for dessert, so I have that under control!
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Starting weight: 225 (1/1/18)
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 195.4
    Total weight lost: 29.6lbs
    This week's successes: Managed exercise for all but one day while on trip
    This week's challenges: Nutrition

    3/26: 194.2
  • vivalavida82
    vivalavida82 Posts: 108 Member
    Starting weight: 173.5
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight: 161
    This week's loss: -0.1
    Total weight lost: 12.5

    This week's successes: tracked even though I was traveling for 5 days to visit my aunt. Made better choices than I would have if I hadn’t tracked. Maintained my weight.

    This week's challenges: my aunt is the best cook and makes all the food I love. I declined the French toast until the last morning, so I got to enjoy it in moderation. It's now been a month without a proper loss now. Got to eat better and stay away from evening beverages!!

    Have a great day you bunches of losers!
  • SavannahS2016
    SavannahS2016 Posts: 350 Member
    Name: Savannah
    Age: 26

    Starting weight:188
    Goal weight:136
    Current weight: 189

    16th January: 187.3
    26th March: 189
    Monthly loss:

    Total weight lost: + 1lbs
    This week's successes: Started food logging and doing the diet and exercise thing
    This week's challenges: Easter holidays!
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Starting weight 11/1/17: 278
    Challenge starting weight 1/1/18: 259
    Current weight:226.4
    Weight loss this week: -1.2
    Challenge weight loss: 32.6lb
    Total Weight Loss: 51.6 :):)

    1/1 259 (after very much enjoying the holidays food wise :wink: )
    1/8 249.8
    1/15 246
    1/22 242.4
    1/29 239.8
    2/5 238.4
    2/12 234.6
    2/19 231.4
    2/24 230.4
    3/6/18 240.2 (yikes)
    3/12/18 229.8
    3/19/18 227.6
    3/26/18 226.4

    This week's successes: not much
    This week's challenges: didn't necessarily binge, but ate out especially fast food a lot. Need to regroup myself.
  • Mz2nd2No1
    Mz2nd2No1 Posts: 14 Member
    My first weigh in is tomorrow...Super anxious cause I've been working hard.