who is YOUR favorite Author?



  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Amy Bloom, Alice Hoffman, Fitzgerald, David Sedaris, Tom Robbins, Steinbeck, Lewis Carroll, Michael Chabon, John O'Hara, Alice Munro, Amy Hempel, Tolstoy, Zola, Anais Nin, Lorrie Moore, Mary Gaitskill, Salman Rushdie, Colum McCann......I'll stop now, there's just so many!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I love JRR Tolkein. I re-read LOTR every summer...probably makes me a bit of a geek, but I can't get enough of that story!

    I re-read LOTR every winter. I take pride in my nerd/geek-ness.

    I love Anne Bronte. Tennant of Wildfellhall is my favorite. I also like Grisham for 'junk reading' and I re-read King Lear every summer to 'cleanse' after reading a shelf of Grisham...
  • msbeavert
    My short list right now includes;

    David Eddings
    George RR Martin
    JRR Tolkien
    Kim Harrison (The Hollows series)
    Weis & Hickman (Dragonlance series)

    I'll also read just about anything related to the US Civil War (our youngest daughter was named after historian Shelby Foote) and The Tudor's.

    Oh...I also have a thing for graphic novels, or as some would call them "comic books". LOL
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    James Fenimore Cooper, Stephen Ambrose, G.K. Chesterton, Ayn Rand
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    LM Montgomery. I first read Anne of Green Gables when I was 8 or 9 and have gone through I don't know how many copies of that and several of her other books. I'm reading the Anne series from the beginning again now. They're just beautifully written, full of wholesomeness and love. Sounds pretty cheesy, but read them. They're transportive.

    JK Rowling. I held out for a bit - didn't want to become part of the herd. My college roommate convinced me to read the first one and that was it. :)

    Stephen King. I don't like everything he's done but am pretty passionate about the stuff I do like. IT - genius. Bag of Bones - ditto. Of the ones I've read, I like those two the best. The Long Walk, written as Richard Bachman, is right up there as well. On Writing is a nice piece of nonfiction.

    David Eddings - so glad to see him get a nod here! I've only read the Belgariad/Mallorean, but they're great.

    Shakespeare. Hamlet gives me chills every time.
  • msbeavert
    LM Montgomery. I first read Anne of Green Gables when I was 8 or 9 and have gone through I don't know how many copies of that and several of her other books. I'm reading the Anne series from the beginning again now. They're just beautifully written, full of wholesomeness and love. Sounds pretty cheesy, but read them. They're transportive.

    JK Rowling. I held out for a bit - didn't want to become part of the herd. My college roommate convinced me to read the first one and that was it. :)

    Stephen King. I don't like everything he's done but am pretty passionate about the stuff I do like. IT - genius. Bag of Bones - ditto. Of the ones I've read, I like those two the best. The Long Walk, written as Richard Bachman, is right up there as well. On Writing is a nice piece of nonfiction.

    David Eddings - so glad to see him get a nod here! I've only read the Belgariad/Mallorean, but they're great.

    Shakespeare. Hamlet gives me chills every time.

    If you get a chance pick up David Eddings "Belgarath the Sorcerer" and "Polgara the Sorceress". They both sum up most of the other books and are great reads.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    It’s so hard to pick just one!:happy:

    Dean Koontz: Odd Thomas Series

    Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series
  • Chunkabutt83
    ive never met so many Dean Koontz fans in my life! I have like every book now, happy to see others like him!
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Elie Wiesel
    George R. R. Martin
    Orson Scott Card
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My current favorite is Christopher Moore. Man is a GENIUS. I actually got to meet him, too. He's as funny in person as he is on paper.

    I agree. At Comic Con last month, I went to the Books vs. Graphic Novels and Comics panel. Christopher Moore, Jim Butcher, Amber Benson and a couple other people were on it. Moore was so funny, I decided to go to his spotlight panel a couple days later. I went to the signings after both panels. He got to the signings early and just stood around talking to the people in line.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Tom Perotta- Wrote Little Children, Election, The Wishbones
    Christopher Moore-warped and hilarious
    Yann Martel-has only written 2 so far but they are both fantastic
    Wally Lamb-he rips my heart out and throws it across the room
    Dennis LeHane-a master at the twist ending

    Edited to add Jon Krakauer. He writes the best nonfiction. I highly recommend Where Men Win Glory about Pat Tillman.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Lisa Gardner, Lisa Scottoline,

    maybe i have a "Lisa" fetish...:wink:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Could never pick just one:ohwell:

    Stephen King- I am a collector of his, and aim to own EVERYTHING he has done...one day....
    Sylvia Plath
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Dorthy Parker
    Anne Sexton
    Chuck Palahniuk
    Hunter S Thompson
    JK Rowling
    JRR Tolkien
    Dean Koontz (His old stuff, hate the new stuff)
    Stephanie Meyer (Books were awesome, movies REALLY suck)
    Lemony Snicket
    Lewis Carroll
    Anne Rice (except for her new ones about Christianity)
    Susanna Kaysen

    I could seriously go on and on...but will stop there♥
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Jodi Picoult <3
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    James Rollins
    Daniel Sylva
    Lee Child
    David Baldacci
    Brad Meltzer
    Terry Goodkind
    Colleen McCullough
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    Stephen King for sure
  • kateistoned
    Ayn Rand
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    My current favorite is Christopher Moore. Man is a GENIUS. I actually got to meet him, too. He's as funny in person as he is on paper.

    My absolute favorite is Ray Bradbury. He's been a strong influence in my own writing over the years.

    gonna have to friend you. Chris is a genius, "Lamb" is in my top 5, and I met Mr Bradbury, :)

    Ill have to be friends with both of you! Christopher Moore is by far the most brilliant writers ever! A guy that can write a book that makes me chuckle or bust up laughing ALL the way through the book! And yes, I LOVE every book, but Lamb is by far his best!
  • flutterqueen04
    Sandra Brown....and of course J.K. Rowling will always have my :heart:
  • flutterqueen04
    double post...gah.