Less Alcohol- April 2018- One Day at a Time



  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    lannakin wrote: »
    Might be too late to join but I haven’t drank any alcohol in 3 weeks and quit smoking 9 days ago. Not drinking any alcohol for 2 months

    Good for you! You sure will be saving a bundle, too!
  • wigi41
    wigi41 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone, I am still here, trucking on :) still AF since Jan 1, minus a beer on March 15. I am continuing to follow this thread, and to learn so much from all of you. Thanks to those of you who gave the link to that article "Did drinking cause my breast cancer", it was so eye-opening (and scary!). I agree with what others have said, there continues to be a wealth of information on this thread!

    I finished "This Naked Mind" this week, and also re-read Alan Carr's book "The Easy, Illustrated Way to Quit Drinking", and those resources, coupled with some of those others that you guys have shared, have really helped to cause an internal shift for me, I think.

    I also wanted to let this group know that, after writing and sharing "An Ode to Tea" here, I got the itch to continue writing poems (something I used to do a lot of, but not in many years). I got so into it, that I have been fooling around with a blog of poems (there was lots of technical learning for me to do around this - still have lots to learn!!). I have made a commitment to myself to write a poem a day. I cannot emphasize enough that I really don't think that this is something that would be happening if not for being (mostly) AF! And, if not for this thread, and everything I have learned here. I don't know if I will remain AF forever, but for now, I am enjoying so much of this experience.

    (For those of you who are interested, you can take a peek at it at "your-daily-verse.com." If you do take a peek, 'Shout Out' and 'Erasure' might be of particular interest to people here. :) )

    An ongoing thank you to you all!!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    edited April 2018
    wigi41 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I am still here, trucking on :) still AF since Jan 1, minus a beer on March 15. I am continuing to follow this thread, and to learn so much from all of you. Thanks to those of you who gave the link to that article "Did drinking cause my breast cancer", it was so eye-opening (and scary!). I agree with what others have said, there continues to be a wealth of information on this thread!

    I finished "This Naked Mind" this week, and also re-read Alan Carr's book "The Easy, Illustrated Way to Quit Drinking", and those resources, coupled with some of those others that you guys have shared, have really helped to cause an internal shift for me, I think.

    I also wanted to let this group know that, after writing and sharing "An Ode to Tea" here, I got the itch to continue writing poems (something I used to do a lot of, but not in many years). I got so into it, that I have been fooling around with a blog of poems (there was lots of technical learning for me to do around this - still have lots to learn!!). I have made a commitment to myself to write a poem a day. I cannot emphasize enough that I really don't think that this is something that would be happening if not for being (mostly) AF! And, if not for this thread, and everything I have learned here. I don't know if I will remain AF forever, but for now, I am enjoying so much of this experience.

    (For those of you who are interested, you can take a peek at it at "your-daily-verse.com." If you do take a peek, 'Shout Out' and 'Erasure' might be of particular interest to people here. :) )

    An ongoing thank you to you all!!

    This is so WONDERFUL! I am reading your poems right now. I love them! I love Grateful and Shout Out and will read some more!
    I am impressed and applaud you for these beautiful introspective poems.

    I saw ODE to Tea and smiled! I can relate in so many ways.
    Love these poems!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    jecky74 wrote: »
    Today is 7days AF. Haven’t done that in a long time. It was nice to have my Sunday evening. I normally look at Sunday like my “last chance” before the grind of the workweek and begin earlier in the day, then by 8 I’m sleepy and haven’t done half of what I wanted to get done. No alcohol this weekend at all and I got so much more done. Yay me.

    Awesome!!! I find waking up refreshed and clear is a reward, too. So happy for your success!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    I was at Nordstrom Rack browsing. Not my fav store but I still went. I saw some cute wine glasses with monograms, and next to them was a large clear glass with the word "Sober" on it (it looked like a dictionary entry). So, I bent down to read what it said.

    The glass etching said:
    "Sober" adj. This person is the opposite of playful or drunk. They are possessed of iron will, but often lack a sense of humor. Helpful with doing dishes, finding CD's and lifts home. In need of several stiff drinks!

    I think I stood there looking like I just saw a ghost. First, it was such a ridiculous thing to put on a glass. Second, what was the point of it? Third, who would buy it? Fourth, Huh? I just don't get the humor.

    Am I missing something? Is this a movie quote or reference? I seriously don't get it.
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    I was at Nordstrom Rack browsing. Not my fav store but I still went. I saw some cute wine glasses with monograms, and next to them was a large clear glass with the word "Sober" on it (it looked like a dictionary entry). So, I bent down to read what it said.

    The glass etching said:
    "Sober" adj. This person is the opposite of playful or drunk. They are possessed of iron will, but often lack a sense of humor. Helpful with doing dishes, finding CD's and lifts home. In need of several stiff drinks!

    I think I stood there looking like I just saw a ghost. First, it was such a ridiculous thing to put on a glass. Second, what was the point of it? Third, who would buy it? Fourth, Huh? I just don't get the humor.

    Am I missing something? Is this a movie quote or reference? I seriously don't get it.

    I don't get it. The glass is sitting there--so maybe no one is going to buy that....
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @kittybenn I like your fortitude. Maybe adding that extra day will be easy even. Mondays won't be so bad when you wake up with energy.

    I don't think anyone every woke up and said "I wish I drank last night." But we sure have waken up wishing we didn't. LOL
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    edited April 2018
    @Skyweigh What do you think your daughter meant by asking that? That's so interesting that she texted you that question.

    I like the "stop drinking expert" too. He has a good one about Monday morning hangovers. When you mentioned his name I thought about it.
    True about the benefit or payoff when you drink. It's so short lived how good it makes you feel for a little while, but the after effects, the anxiety, depression, lethargy , etc. just aren't worth it.

    Funny typo! "Impatient program" haha
    Yes, I can see that type of job really takes a toll and drug/alcohol would be a mighty tempting outlet for the counselors.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @salleewins Good luck with your goals for weight loss. What is the event at the end of June? Or just a date to shoot for? I enjoy seeing your comments on this thread. Insightful.

    @WinoGelato How did the weekend go? You were looking forward to a quiet weekend.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I won a photography prize yesterday, and I also finished studying a 6 week course I'd been doing... still didn't have a celebratory drinkie. Wanted to enjoy the moment.

    Now I'm kind of stuck with having changed my plan to only drink when I celebrate something.

    I don't want to switch to only drinking to cheer myself up! :smiley:

    Hmmm. When exactly WILL I drink?

    Congrats on the prize, the course, and deciding just because you allow yourself doesn't mean you have to actually do it.

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    It was an easy week to get through without drinking, was happy with my mocktails at Happy Hour, but i blew it and had 3 beers last night at a concert. On one hand, i’m impressed that i only had 3, because normally i would have had 5 or 6, but i’m pretty disappointed with myself because i slept in, was too lazy to work out, made poor food choices today... anyways, 14 days without drinking is something i haven’t done probably since i was 18 years old, so i’m proud about that!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    @salleewins Good luck with your goals for weight loss. What is the event at the end of June? Or just a date to shoot for? I enjoy seeing your commepnts on this thread. Insightful.

    @WinoGelato How did the weekend go? You were looking forward to a quiet weekend.

    Aw, thanks for asking. Quiet weekend on the social front after a happy hour Friday. Family time, a little shopping, some cooking. 2 glasses of vino each day, but just what I planned and nothing more, not even tempted to pour more. I’m still on the mindful moderation plan that I set out to achieve back in January. Two of my shopping stops today were World Market and Trader Joe’s - both would have been previously very tempting and very expensive on the wine front. At World Market I bought a small box of wine - it sounds tacky but I think those are going to be the perfect size for my weekends. They have 3 glasses in them, tonight I used a cup of Cabernet in my short rib recipe, had a glass with dinner, and am going to have one more after I get the kids in bed. But the open wine is all used up just like @kittybenn said, and I shouldn’t have any more the rest of this week.

    Welcome back Norm! You’ll get back on track... I had a similar situation after my vacation, and it was fun and I have no regrets, but now that I’m back in the routine I feel much more grounded.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi friends! I haven't posted in a while, but I read every one of your posts. You are so inspiring, I'm ashamed that I'm not doing as well as you. I'm going to N.Y. for the month of May to babysit the grandkids, so for sure will be under goal. Hubby got me some NA beer today ( I asked), will either drink less a few nights or AF one. Hopefully this week.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    I'm not good at this open communication about drinking (shame), but I really am trying. Thank you all for being here.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Since none of us know each other, it is such a safe place for us. I have shame too. I sometimes think why can everyone else drink and moderate but not me. We all hide little secrets and even pain. But each morning , we wake up and say I'll try again today. So proud of you ! We all do the best we can. Be gentle to yourself too. I'm sure your doing better than ever. Xo
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Hello Community, so many new faces eh! I have not been AF since my vacation started and ended. I drank every day and I havent been able to get back to AF after I returned. It actually makes me lethargic and sick to be drinking. I know I will get AF starting tomorrow, or try my best to be. Being AF for so long really made good things happen in my life. And I want to get back to that feeling. I am still stuck in that special place and I believe I got there because everything before led up to it.

    Hey @NormInv I'm sorry you are having the vacation blues :( , but your pictures are stunning! For some reason, I decided to have a damp weekend :# so I will start with you today. <3<3<3
  • DerpfaceKillah
    DerpfaceKillah Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all....being the super derp that I am I posted and followed last months saga not realizing a new thread happens every month. Swell. :smile: Anyway. Hi! I'll be lurking around. Did my first AF week in a while last week. I learned I can stop blaming alcohol for not getting things done on the weekend. Turns out, i'm just lazy. :smiley:
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,498 Member
    Welcome back Norm! I was asking Julie where you have been. We missed you and your humor here. I'm sure you will get back on track. Speaking of shame (someone was in above comments) I blew my "AF April" and had 3 glasses of Sangria on Saturday. I am really pissed off at myself. They were 2$ with brunch and they had the big jars of them sitting there tempting me and I caved. So now not only have I lost 0 lbs for April, I drank. So much winning! Anyway, back in the saddle today.