Serial Starters



  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    hi everyone! welcome to the new faces. :)

    I've been so swamped I haven't even had time to stop by.

    birthday and anniversary dinners were great... but then again eating out mostly is...

    the scale is still at 190.2... but at least it's not going up either. I've been back on my treadmill, 3 mi every night after work (only skipped my birthday), plus I've been walking about 1.5 every day at lunch. started logging my food again yesterday. I know that's what turns it all around for me. too much Easter candy still floating around everywhere.. *blush*

    i have 32 days until our vacation to the canary islands. (there might be cabana boys there...?) we will spend 10 days on the island of gran canaria. I am sooooo excited. and while I know the numbers don't matter, I love to tan and do so in a two piece, and I need to be at least somewhat ok with what reflects in the mirror.

    we lived in southern california for 20 years and I miss the beach and the ocean (not too much of that here in germany) so I very much look forward yo my vacation *grin*

    on another very positive note - it's Friday!!! what do you all have planned for the weekend?

    enjoy the sunshine (if you have some)

  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    forgot to say thanks for all your inspiring and uplifting words. it's what I need.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Birgit I knew of someone who sold plants on a boat that traveled around canary islands.... that is my only connection ... but you are right the "beaches" in Germany are few and far between and not quite the best for sunbathing......brrrr. Keep up the good work with exercise.

    TGIF - my last one off for awhile. Appointments and errands with any luck will not take all day, but at least it does not involve me going to the Dr (next Dr apt is in May).

    Time to jump back under the covers for with any luck more sleep.

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Scale up slightly. Blaming it on the chinese food and high sodium for dinner last night. Rough day at work and after dinner snack included a cinnamon roll and a good amount of pineapple rum. (amazingly, only 68 cals in the red)

    Sara - enjoy that day off!

    Birgit - Weekend plans include taking off in our Jeep!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Oh I think we all need to go with Birgit to the Canary Islands!!!!

    Yesterday I let things get WAY out of control. I don't know why. Feeling "deserving" or "needy"? *Kitten*

    Time to scramble some eggs.....



    239.0 *Kitten*
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited April 2018
    Almost done with appointments, lunch (enchilada with broccoli on side) in toaster oven. Waiting for shuttle to take me back to car place - then bank (2 items to do there) and maybe a trip to my favorite asian market???

    Seems I have a hair cut (I wrote but, what is a hair but??) that does not require parting. We shall see if force of habit continues.

    Will hang out at my free coffee/ tea place after all my errands and read/ knit.

    Kathryn - cinnamon and pineapple - hopefully not at the same time.....

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    In solidarity with Sara, I have today off as well but alas, I do have medical appointments- my annual physical with my doctor and #1 Kitty’s annual visit to the vet. One of us cried all the way there and back, creating quite a racket. Guess which one....

    Great NSV for me - I no longer have to take blood pressure medication! Woo HOO!

    BBL for the happy hour and C-boys.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Tess - must be difficult to drive and cry at the same time hehehehe - great NSV by the way!! How is cat did cat pass her physical?

  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 2018
    tess - yay for being off blood pressure meds!

    Kathryn - enjoy your jeep time!

    seems everyone had a day off... the weather is gorgeous but I had to sit at my desk all day :(
    enjoyed my lunchtime walk though. spring is so beautiful over here.

    jumped on the treadmill after work. 3.2 miles. after dinner I convinced my DH to walk downtown with me where they are having a big "spring awakening" event. all of downtown is set up with booths, food, crafts, beer and wine bars... live music at every corner... very crowded but nice. had a beer, listened to some Irish folk, moseyed back home. love living in a small town with lots of stuff going on all the time. all within walking distance.

    chilling on the couch now. managed over 19,000 steps.

    oh and we had dinner at home so I wasn't tempted by any of the yummy foods and smells.... right :wink:

    going to bed now. good night all!


    190.2 current
    206.9 highest
    170 goal
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Happy Friday all,

    Welcome to all new comers...Brigit & Kiomami!

    Hope everyone is doing well, sorry I am really behind on the posts & will catch up some day. :#

    Well I have not quite been myself lately, I took my dietitians advice and cut out one (morning) workout for almost 5 weeks and have gained about 3 lbs...feeling really upset bc my bday is next week (Tues)...I am getting older & still not where I envisioned myself being at my husband (I do have a wonderful bf tho) kids...still overweight & wondering what is the point of any of this!! :'(:(

    So once I had enough of my "poor me" moment I decided to start my morning runs again on Wednesday & felt so good getting back into my routine, by Wednesday evening my right knee didn't quite feel right kind of spongy when I put too much pressure on it, Thurs morning (5am) my alarm goes off & my thought was no I am not doing my workout because my knee is sore...fell back asleep had a dream that my mom o:) was asking me why I wasn't working out so I told her my knee is sore, she poked it with her finger & said you have worked out when your knee was more sore than this...then my snoozed alarm went off & woke me up so I lugged my butt out of bed and did my workout then walked during my lunch, by bedtime my leg was really sore & knee was swollen. I went to the dr today he said I may have aggravated or torn my ACL & suggested I see a physiotherapist, so I booked an appointment for tomorrow as I couldn't even run on the treadmill today :/ so we will see how things go...fingers crossed it is just aggravated.

    I am excited for the Jets game tonight (NHL)...I am not really a Jets fan (more of a Flyer's fan) but live in Wpg so should support the home & my bf is really big into sports so tonight should be fun considering the Jets win!

    Puppies have been kind of good, less accidents in the house & I even tried taking them for a walk on Wednesday but it was still too wet out and they collected so much sand from the street I swear I could've made a sandbox by the time I was done walking & bathing them...need to come up with some kind of under the belly guard to protect against water & sand but still allow them to pee....hmmm...any who...might try again next week as the weather has been nice here & should dry up the leftover puddles they always seem to find.

    Dawn~hope your ankle feels better.

    Lana~good job on the wl, keep up with the walking as best as you can bc it is working!! You will be surpassing me in no time! B)

    Tess~I take it those were tears of joy while driving...hahaha :D Congrats on being able to drop the BP meds!!

    Ash~Good luck with Mr. Man & make sure he treats you right you deserve nothing less!

    Sara~You inspire me with how well you prep your meals & they always sound so good! Good luck finding new affordable shoes. I am also looking for a good pair & refuse to buy online as I can't try them on to see how they feel.

    Waves to all who stop in & have an awesome weekend!! <3

    ~Saltine~ >:)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Post says happy 300th "days" on tshirt of lady, but ignore that part........

    Happy 300 pages - did we think we would get there?? Maybe not.

    Someone from my past is looking to live near me - she was all light and "gay" and I threw "light and gay" back at her. She can live where she wants, that does not mean she can stop by....... Long story short there was a guy and she made sure she got him and his $$$$ job income. Will see what happens, she might not even move in.....

    Waiting for fried rice to thaw - not that patient- so I may just add frozen veg and heat all together.

    Getting corn tortillas to make more cheese/zucchini enchiladas tomorrow.

    Saltine - knees are not something to mess with - glad you saw dr . Short term loss long term gain....

    Hope to fly by before lights out.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    HAPPY 300! Seems not that long ago, we were excited about 100...I used to be part of many groups, but this is the only one that I've stuck with... the others were good groups, but too time consuming... glad I stuck it out here...

    Sara - hope day off went well, especially hair "but" hehe... people from past are not always fun to run into... another reason I am thankful I moved away... maybe, she won't move close... or, just don't answer door if she comes knocking...

    Saltine - good to see you! Glad puppies are doing good, despite the sand and puddles... they may just need to get into a routine... sorry about ACL, that is no fun for sure...we have seen that a lot in dogs at work.. feel so bad for them, but they usually bounce back fairly quickly... hope the same for ankle is ok... not great, but better than it was... thanks

    Tess- hope you survived the crying... how was your visit and kitty visit? All good I hope...

    Birgit- that sounds like a fun evening...I live in a small town, but not much goes on... except, summer when tourists are here... usually includes lots of drinking, tho...hehe

    Lana - you are doing good... just a little hiccup... keep doing what you've been doing, you'll be heading back down...

    Well, today was the kinda day that I wished I wasn't an adult...I'm trying so hard to get ahead, financially... not working so well.. but, trying nonetheless... yesterday, went to leave and had flat tire...SO aired it up, took it to shop, had a hole which meant getting new tire... he has somehow caught a tummy bug, much like the one I had recently... so, I had to drive truck I'm not comfortable with to work... he was bringing car to town at lunch, didn't make 4 miles and tire went flat... which, made him very grumpy... longer story short, spent $80 I truly didn't have to be able to get to work... blah...I don't know how my parents managed, I really, really don't... adulting is no fun...
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy 300!

    Saltine, so good to hear from you, although sorry you are experiencing knee pain. Fingers crossed that it’s nothing more serious than a strain/sprain.

    Yes, it was the kitty who cried, although my the end of the trip, I was ready to cry Friday from listening to the poor tyke meow round trip. She received challenging news from her doctor - she’s gained too much weight so we need to more closely monitor her food intake and encourage more exercise or she will end up with diabetes. (Coincidentally, it was that same fear that pushed me to MFP back in January 2017!).

    The rest of my own doctor’s appointment was fine. This is a new-to-me PCP, and I liked her. She appreciated my goal of being “medically boring.”

    Dawn, so sorry for your crummy day. Hope tomorrow is better for you. Adulthood just sucks sometimes.

    Sara, that story from your past sounds interesting... Hopefully it won’t be awkward if the woman in question moves closer.

    Birgit, sounds like a fun evening, and glad you had an enjoyable anniversary.

    Saltine, good luck to the Jets! My Caps are so in the playoffs (so I will not comment on you also being a Flyers fan!).

    Lana, one minor setback will not stop you or your progress, you woman-of-steel you!

    Waves to all who lurk and welcome to those who are new.

    Sweet dreams,

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Tess - thank you... I'll survive... just had to whine...I don't typically push any kind of food...we just had a meeting about Science Diet (sold at my clinic) and, a big part of the discussion was about weight loss and diabetes...I know, Science Diet isn't cheap, that's why I don't push it... but, if you would be interested, they recommend Metabolic food...the Rep said it is best for losing weight... I will be honest, I don't feed Science Diet as I can't afford it... that's why I don't push it... but, I want to help fur babies anyway I can, so I pass along my knowledge (however little it may be)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited April 2018
    Options says that standing burns 50 calories per hour more than sitting. When I had a standing desk at another employer, I happily logged it as .75 calories per minute, which is only 45 per hour.
  • jbutterflylove
    jbutterflylove Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am going to start dieting again. Just focusing on eating less. I've tried so many different things in the past 4 years and always end up giving up. I would like to loose almost 100 pounds. I have a treadmill and exercise bike so I'm going to try to start out doing 10 minutes at a time at first. I always say I'm going to start Monday....But Monday I'm like maybe tomorrow. So, Im actually starting first thing tomorrow and going to focus on getting healthier. Another issue is that I work from home so I'm always sitting on my laptop working. I work 14+ hours most days. So that doesn't help. I need to make a goal of getting up more and walking around as well. I look forward to joining the journey with you guys. I'm going to go back and read a few pages :smile:
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    good morning, happy Saturday, happy 300, and hello to the new faces.

    IT'S THE WEEKEND!! *doing a little happy dance*

    jbutterflylove - welcome. and yay to really starting today! I'm looking forward to hearing how your first day went. do tell.

    Saltine - really sorry about your knee. I'm curiuous: what kind of puppies do you have?

    Sara - we moved close to my hometown and I had a couple of questionable encounters from my past... definitely awkward.

    dawn - I just had a conversation with my daughter where she was telling me she didn't think she'd want to be a permanent ... she's 25 and experiencing life... the good, the bad, and the ugly. hang in there.... crummy days pass, too.

    my Saturday will be mostly laundry, cleaning, and shopping. a couple of towns over at the church my DH works there'll be a biker worship on Sunday morning and tonight they'll have a little "country music" event going on with a live band... think we might stop over there for some food and a couple of beers.

    tomorrow we will have my birthday bbq with the whole family... so there'll be some food prepping, lots of eating, and drinking. I have a bunch of fruits and veggies left from my office birthday celebration... so maybe I'll just serve a veggie tray and fruit salad. we bought lots of steak, and mom is bringing a huge bowl of potato salad (the German style doesn't have as many calories)... all in all shouldn't be too bad caloriewise.

    but first I need to get busy cleaning.

    oh, and weight still didn't budge :(

    Happy day to you all. B)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning.

    Birgit - how do you feel in your bikini? Scale # is only one way of measuring success - You got me hungry reminding me of true German Potato Salad - too much Mayo in american version.

    Spring cleaning here today as well. Temps into the 80 finally- 20 degrees warmer than last week - but easier to open windows.

    Story of lady moving nearby, she doesnt stay long anywhere and I am keeping an eye out for less expensive living options but she can keep it all to herself - she burned her boat and spent her lifetime savings account.

    Back for more zzzz- bbl
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hi there everyone~~

    I'm tired from hacking through the Do List. I am confused after reading all of your posts, so I must send big hugs all around to everyone and then flop on my lounge chair.....

    *ringing little bell for Cabana Boy to bring something for headache*

    239.0 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal