JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member

    @Faebert I just want to give you a great big hug. But I'm so glad to see you are up today and approaching your day as positive as you can. I really think it is everything going on in life that makes up probably 75% of my health and wellness (or lack of...) decisions.

    Thank you - I needed that! You’re right - the mental affects the physical so much x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @Snowflake1968 That's awesome! You go girl!

    @Bex953172 Good for you! I'm so glad you got to go to the gym! Did you enjoy it? I need to sit down today and discuss changing our routine a little bit so I can go to the gym after work. He's a creature of habit and has dinner ready every day at 5:00 pm, and I'd like to be able to go straight to the gym from work at 4:30 and then come home for dinner. We'll see how that chat goes later today.

    @Faebert I just want to give you a great big hug. But I'm so glad to see you are up today and approaching your day as positive as you can. I really think it is everything going on in life that makes up probably 75% of my health and wellness (or lack of...) decisions.

    I did enjoy it. My partner has a tub of “pre-workout supplement” and basically is has a lot of good stuff in to help but also a LOT of caffeine so it pushes you further. You basically have to work out lol or you’ll probably end up a jittery mess!!

    Anyway, my partner helped me with all the machines, it’s not like I haven’t used them before but having him there help gave me confidence and I wasn’t so self conscious as I haven’t been to the gym for 4 years.

    My legs though, wow. I can’t walk, my legs hyperextend (bend slightly backward at the knee) and that’s the only relief I have but it’s not possible to manoeuvre like this!
    My partner says it’s called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) it’s agony lol!
    Apparently it gets worse by day 2 then gets better.
    Atleast I know I’ve pushed myself to my limit.
    I pushed 75KG on a leg press :open_mouth:
    Cardio was lacking though.
    I did 3 minutes on a stair master and 5 minutes on a Cross Trainer. Appalling effort lol!!

    Going again Tuesday evening, my parents agreed to have the three girls almost every week on a Tuesday and they will give them dinner.
    And my parents or my partners parents have them atleast 1 weekend a month, so that’s once a week and 2 weekends a month :)
    Not bad!

    Really need to get my diet in check though.
    No point in doing all that to eat rubbish!

    Any help on that one? Need some serious motivation!!!

    Also, COMPLETELY off topic and just throwing it out there, but are any of you fans of Lord of the Rings?
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Friday
    1. Log accurately. Dinner - Plated 1? Prelog lunch. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run. Mocha smoothie?
    2. Meet with department to set up scaffold. UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. Print grammar, practice & upload. Print diagnostics. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Akata Warrior. HONORS NOMINATIONS.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 5k; aim for *7*.
    4. Grade & input reflections 27 & 28. Sophomores work on reading. Update WM project; check notes. Freshmen elements of literature / review for exams. Talk to principal about music during work time. Write postcards. Send costume pics to be printed. UPLOAD DOCUMENTATION FOR GOAL 1.
    5. Boxing gym. Work on jewelry for prom. Download DMB "Space Between" karaoke. Check on location for jeweler and hair salon.
    6. Update JFT by 8:30. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:30; set alarm for 5:00.

    Overall, did really well. Now I've GOT to get my work done for my masters class tonight!

    JFT Monday
    1. Log accurately. Dinner - Plated 1? Prelog lunch. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run.
    2. Grade & input reflections 27 & 28!! UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. Print grammar, practice & upload. Print diagnostics. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Akata Warrior.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 5k; aim for *7*.
    4. Sophomores work on reading. Update WM project; check notes. Freshmen elements of literature / review for exams. Talk to students about music during work time. Write postcards. Send costume pics & prom pics to be printed. Email principal about conference.
    5. Download DMB "Space Between" karaoke. Download Garrix "Animals." Grocery shopping immediately after school. Kickboxing 6:00.
    6. Update JFT by 8:30. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:30; set alarm for 6:00. TAKE EXTRA MED. NO FOOD OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So I’ve managed to have a good recovery day. Can’t say I feel better about all the stuff going on, but I definitely feel more in control about my response to it. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point I will not allow the actions of others to affect my health.

    Sunday goals
    - morning workout ✅ and hip was ok!!
    - Get out in the sunshine ✅
    - 10k steps ✅
    - Sort post ✅
    - Coffee with N ✅
    - Stop in at baby shower ✅
    - Get everything ready for new week at school ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - Confirm parent meeting
    - 12k steps
    - 3ltr water
    - Gift for A
    - Call lawyer
    - Call E
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Early night

    @Bex953172 have read the book and seen all the films. Been a while though!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited April 2018
    Holy cow, 27 posts since I looked Fri evening! I'll read all posts later, for now want to catch-up my goals. Need to find my last weekly w-i post and update too.

    Recap F 4/20 ~ Day is sunny & temps may reach 50F ~ snow is melting fast ~ yay! B)
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,341 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 38 floors :smiley:
    2) Walk dog after work = 3.45 miles 58:41 pace 16:59 / happy dog & happy me B)
    3) Make WW shepherd's pie for supper / net calories green / monitor usual = net calories -88, sugar -11, sodium green, protein & fiber ok, 14c water :smiley:
    4) Evening: laundry :smiley: / wash dishes :D took easy way out & loaded the dishwasher / bake power muffins (hubby already ate up last batch!) >:) oven acted weird & I inadvertently started self-cleaning feature... oh well, oven needed it :#
    5) Unplug 10:00 : :( / floss :( / retainers :( / bed & TV off 11:00 :( = just in a mood after oven misbehaved, plus late supper, plus late laundry, plus foot issues >:)

    Sat. I noticed my left foot hurting, fear I may have start of stress fracture on upper foot. Also noticed right foot hurting, may be plantar fasciitis (had it in 2004). Ack!!! >:) Will be reducing my walking pace and distance a tad for the near future. :'( Very sad me with real spring weather finally arriving. :'( Plus I'm participating in workplace step challenge, and upcoming 10K on June 9 I'm registered for. But I'd rather be pain-free. So I (and dog) will adjust. :|

    Recap Sat. 4/21
    1) Walked dog 2.32 miles 43.02 pace 18:32 / happy dog & happy me B)
    2) Net calories -27, sodium & sugar ok, protein & fiber good & 12 or 14c water (not sure) :)
    3) Fitbit 10,849 steps, 20 floors & 250+ steps 14/14 boom! = surprised b/c I woke up early w/o alarm on weekend & even got up :D

    JFT Sunday 4/22
    1) Bible class :smiley: / church :smiley: / so happy b/c hubby went with me :smile: <3
    2) Brunch at Denny's (hubby's suggestion <3) & I ordered loaded veggie omelette :smiley: / supper will be low calorie-ish leftovers / try to keep net calories below -200
    3) Keep drinking water ~ only 6c so far
    4) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (maybe short dog walk before work in a.m.?)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories. My weaknesses: I love food... my sweet tooth, especially chocolate... portion control... FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). I weigh myself daily and log weekly / posting my Saturday a.m. weigh-in here. [My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.]

    Age 60, 5'4" (lost 1/2" somewhere)
    GW #1: 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    GW #2: 145 normal BMI
    UG maintain: 140 - 145 [anything less is probably unsustainable]
    April Goal = 152.0

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    1/10/17 = 185.5 clearly not a regular on MFP / joined JFT, best group ever! :smiley:
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations / committed to posting weekly weigh-in
    06/03 = 177.5
    06/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    06/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    06/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    07/01 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    07/08 = 177.5 oops
    07/15 = 176.5
    07/22 = 175.0
    07/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    08/05 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking
    08/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins
    08/19 = 173.5 had couple of high calorie days
    08/26 = 172.0 kind of a surprise
    09/02/17 = 170.0 Woohoo! Officially overweight, not obese :smiley:
    09/09 = 171.5 backsliding, ack!
    09/16 = 169.5 yay, the middle number is a six!
    09/23 = 168.5 have lots challenges in upcoming week
    09/30 = 167.0 met Sept goal to stay under 170
    10/07 = 166.0
    10/14 = 166.5 dined out 2 days with adult beverages plus wine & cheesecake at spa
    10/21/17 = 166.5 dined out 2 days plus food day in office / no gain is good [joined Just Give Me 10 Days challenge (daily w/i)]
    10/28 = 164.5 very active week & watched CICO / reached October goal of 165
    11/04 = 163.0 wow, really surprised at this, daily fluctuations very up and down this week
    11/11 = 164.5 this is temporary b/c very high sodium yesterday
    11/18 = 162.0 big surprise, especially b/c I weigh myself daily and didn't see this all week
    11/25 = 163.0 no surprise after 2 no-logging-food days (parade day and Thanksgiving), just glad not worse
    12/02 = 161.0 Jingle Bell 5K day / 44:37 chip time & ave. pace 14:22 & very happy!
    12/09/17 = 158.5 surprised to say the least / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything! :love:
    12/16 = 158.0 no work parties or food days & stuck with CICO
    12/23 = 157.5 no "workouts" but shoveled snow & snowshoed, busy with Christmas preparations
    12/30 = 159.0 Christmas Day no food/beverages logged
    01/06/18 = 159.0 New Year's Eve hubby & I splurged on treats & beverages (at home), and I did not log...totally worth it!
    01/13 = 157.0 big surprise! Yesterday evening, walked in Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19. Very happy with my time, wore layers of clothes in 10 degrees & NNW 12 mph wind, fun event.
    01/20 = 156.5
    01/27 = 156.5 maintaining / not a bad thing
    02/03 = sick / no weigh in
    02/10 = 152.5 unhealthy loss due to illness / I know weight will go back up & I'm totally fine with that
    02/17 = 153.0 thrilled with annual physical on 2/15/18: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:
    02/24 = 154.0 little out of control last week, but at goal for the month
    03/03 = 155.5 oops / still lower than before I was sick
    03/10 = 153.5 back on track
    03/17 = 152.5
    03/24 = 153.0 evening snacks & two days straight of 8 hr seminars (+ lots of sitting)
    03/31 = 153.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before / Badger State Brewing 10K 1:30:28.82 and average pace 14:35 :smiley:
    04/07 = 154.5 ack ~ ate Easter candy most evenings
    04/14 = 153.5 Day 1 of record-setting blizzard ~ yuck! Followed by day 2 of blizzard, then snow day (no work / still shoveling & plowing) on Monday ~ in APRIL ~ yikes! :p
    04/21 = 153.5 after such weird week & daily weight fluctuations, happy to maintain

    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 I love the Lord of the Rings movies! I have never read the books though. :smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    @Bex953172 I love the Lord of the Rings movies! I have never read the books though. :smile:

    I have had the whole series of books for years. Only read The Hobbit so far. Maybe when I retire? :D
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water :)
    2. Meditation :)
    3. Drop Miss C at home :)
    4. Work :#:)
    5. Groceries :)
    6. Walk if there's time :| no time
    7. Brush and floss :)
    8. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Monday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Work
    4. Walk after work
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    @OConnell5483 I suppose it would be a lap (50x50"). I'm excited to work on a new project. :) I'm thinking it may end up for sale but we'll see.
    @mytime6630 That's a nice woven look on your new quilt.
    @Snowflake1968 You should be so proud of yourself, we sure are!
    @bex953172 Way to go hon. I'm missing the gym but doing my best to make sure we get walking in. Lots of hills here no matter where we walk so we get cardiovascular and muscles in.
    @faebert Life certainly does happen. I get how rest can sometimes feel like laziness. I'm saying to you right now... it's NOT.
    @sarah74_vt yay birthday parties but, even better, yay sun! We've had the same over here.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Sunday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay as close as possible to "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    5. Groceries :)
    6. Do some yard work :)

    JFT (Monday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay as close as possible to "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Go to the gym
    6. Complete 3 orders from my shop
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. Log accurately. Dinner - Plated 1? Prelog lunch. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run.
    2. Grade & input reflections 27 & 28!! UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. Print grammar, practice & upload. Print diagnostics. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Akata Warrior.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 5k; aim for *7*.
    4. Sophomores work on reading. Update WM project; check notes. Freshmen elements of literature / review for exams. Talk to students about music during work time. Write postcards. Send costume pics & prom pics to be printed. Email principal about conference.
    5. Download DMB "Space Between" karaoke. Download Garrix "Animals." Grocery shopping immediately after school. Kickboxing 6:00.
    6. Update JFT by 8:30. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:30; set alarm for 6:00. TAKE EXTRA MED. NO FOOD OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT.

    Because I'm a fool and forgot things:

    Send grocery list to DH so he can go while I have the meeting.
    Write post for Masters class.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Aw dangit - I missed my JFT Sunday. Checked in over on Just Give me 10 Days Thread for Sunday and then spaced it. But being in this thread did help me to set the same goals for myself yesterday; took all meds, drank more water than usual, made lower carb choices (until ice cream), logged my food, and didnt beat myself up over anything. Also got a bunch of food prep done for the week; hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken breast, quinoa and bean salad, smoothie fixins for the week, carrot snack bags portioned out. Busy day Saturday, but it was my first weekend day with a changed mindset and it went well. Took a walk at bowers Sunday; weather is changing to spring finally - moving more! Progress, not perfection!

    JFT Saturday/Sunday Check in
    1. Stop eating when you are full >:) Dang cheese plates
    2. Log all food :)/ >:) Just remembered I had regular coffee creamer on Sunday, so sugary! Will add now
    3. Be kind to yourself :)
    4. Meds AM and PM :)
    5. Eat within calories, worry less about the macros today - experiment to see if I can make good choices on the fly today. :/ Well It was a good experiment! I ate lots of proteins on the fly when I was not sure what to eat - thats a good fail safe for me when I'm struggling, keeps me full and its a number I typically struggle to hit so I know I can usually fit it in the macros. Struggled when a cheese plate appeared and when schedule conflicts made timing off, ate ice cream for dinner Saturday but its an improvement overall!

    JFT Monday
    1. Stop eating when you are full
    2. Log all food
    3. Be kind to yourself
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. 1082 Sheet finalized
    6. Skip dessert of any kind this evening, have tea if you are struggling
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @Bex953172 I love the Lord of the Rings movies! I have never read the books though. :smile:

    I have had the whole series of books for years. Only read The Hobbit so far. Maybe when I retire? :D

    The books are wonderful! I've read them three times.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Sunday April 22
    2L of water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Write in Journal - :(
    Hopefully get a walk in - :(
    Get groceries - :)
    Do laundry - :)

    JFT - Monday April 23
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal
    Work on Manual
    Do 10 Something's
    Call for Dr's appointment
    Go for walk tonight

    Had a rough day yesterday, the hubby and I were just bickering all day when we spoke to each other. We will be married 31 years in June, we know which buttons set the other off. Why do we still insist on using them? Why do I have to become a nag because he can't remember to do something, then I'm the bad guy? For the last 12 years we have struggled, we keep fighting for us and there are more good days than bad the last couple of years, but I'm tired. I feel we should have this all working well at this stage of our life.

    My weight was up when I weighed in yesterday and again this morning, probably from the full day of carbs on Saturday. It had been down to 194 one day last week, so that's a plus.

    This morning we found out hubby's EI ran out, he should have been called back to work to start this week, but because of the late spring it's delayed. If he had tried to enter his reports on Saturday morning like he was supposed to, I would have known this and not spent the money I did on Saturday and Sunday.

    I have to turn this mood around, it's hard to stay positive and upbeat and know God has a plan when things keep piling on. These are such minor things when so many in the world suffer I shouldn't let them get me down.

    On a plus side, I have been asked by my youngest to walk a 5K with her on Sunday. Her fiance is running the 10K. It is to support First Responders and raise money for the Canadian Mental Health Association. So many are affected with PTSD. I just need to find a way to come up with the registration fee now.

    My oldest just texted that she is on the way with Michaela for me to watch so she can go to the gym. That will put a smile on my face.

    Have a great day everyone, sorry for venting.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Recap Sunday 4/22
    1) Bible class :smiley: / church :smiley: / so happy b/c hubby went with me :smiley: : <3
    2) Brunch at Denny's (hubby's suggestion <3) & I ordered loaded veggie omelette :smiley: / supper will be low calorie-ish leftovers / try to keep net calories below -200 = Net calories -229, sodium & sugar ok, protein & fiber low / not the greatest :/
    3) Keep drinking water ~ only 6c so far = 12c :smiley:
    4) Unplug 9:00 :( / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 : :((maybe short dog walk before work in a.m.?) Instead, Sun. evening organized basement area & weight machine so I could start working out again & rest my footsies. :smile:

    JFT M 4/23 ~ Beautiful sunny warm day & lots of blizzard snow has melted! B)
    1) Light weight workout before work / tried to remember my old "routine" ~ it's been too long :D
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green ~ again, it's been too long
    4) Evening: Schwan's delivery / bake power muffins (oven working now) / Antiques Roadshow Green Bay / maybe short dog walk?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Hey everyone! I used to be so dedicated to this forum and then I ditched it and MFP for the past 4 months and everything has gone sideways. So I’m going to try to recommit again.

    . I do NOT want to return to obsessing over food the way I have for most of my life. So I have no set calorie or carb goal in place. Just make healthier choices and be more active now that the weather is nice.

    This forum should help keep me accountable.

    Right now my goals are to start slow:

    1. Hit my daily step goal
    2. Drink lots is water
    3. Keep portions small

    WELCOME BACK!!!! We missed you. And you are so right --- just learning to eat healthy foods is a life-style change. While eating low carbs takes off the weight quickly, it will never last, unless you commit to eating that way your entire life.
    I remember you and I are about the same weight, with the same goals. My weight has also creaped back up to 196. It is frustrating, but we can do it! It just takes commitment and hard work.
    We are so happy to see you back!
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    I battle depression and it is true, the more you sit the more depression takes over. I see my doctor tomorrow and we'll talk. There is no down side to exercise. For me it's a matter of getting off my cushion and just doing it.

    So JFT/Monday
    1. Get up and move every time my alarm reminds me.
    2. NO "I'll have just one treat" between meals.
    3. Practice what I preach.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    A terrible day for me yesterday. I was just down in the dumps I think. We heard from disability for our daughter, and they want more about her work history, so not feeling good about that.
    And then I have tried 5 times in the past week to call my son-- just to hear his voice. I know he is busy, with going through the divorce, watching his kids every other week, and the week he does not have his kids he travels for work. But still.... is it that hard to make a phone call just to say hi to your mom.

    So yesterday was a day of feeling sorry for myself .... and binging on eating whatever was in the house. All I hear is how wonderful and close other families are ... and it is something I always dreamed of. A close family. Well, that is something I don't have. My husband thinks our son keeps his distance because of his mentally ill sister, but it is still hard. But then ... he did come to see us over easter. I think I just need more spring weather, and sunshine. (yesterday was a gloomy rainy day, as is today)

    So today is a new day. I have to get back to focusing on all the positives in my life .... not the negatives.

    JFT, MOnday
    1. stay positive. While I do not have a close family like I always dreamed of, I have a wonderful husband of 41 years. Be thankful for that, and realize that my son is just super busy, and my daughter has her own issues she has to deal with.
    2. concentrate on water today. It is not hunger ... it is thirst... or frustration, or sadness .... not hunger
    3. be mindful of what I eat,and eat slowly
    4. get out that gratitude journal, and start journaling again.
    5. get back on here ... be accountable.