Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    Thank you! I took a peek at the scale today and I was back down! SOOOO CLOSE to reaching the high 140's, maybe next week...
    As for the dog, I think I'll pass haha two kiddos keeps me busy enough! wink wink

    I bet they do!!! Kids are a handful. I hope you do see the 140's next week. That would be awesome!!!! I am hoping to get there before the end of the month. I still cannot believe it!
  • angelaoxford77
    I want to join in!

    SW July 7 - 187.5 lbs
    August 5th - 180.0 lbs
    August 12th -
    August 19th -
    August 26th -
  • MaggieP86

    I hate having to decrease my speed during it also so I understand. That is definitely one benefit of doing it outside because you just naturally pace yourself! But if I do have to slow things down, I just remind myself that it is better to slow down than stop or totally quit the program. (By the way, these are from my experiences of C25K last year because I am just now getting back to it again and am at W1.)

    I am so happy this time around because I did the running intervals at 5.0 on the treadmill vs. the 4.0 I did it on last year. Dmg on the other hand started right off at 5.0! Everybody is different. I also found that I run much slower on the treadmill than outside. From looking at other forums and websites, it seems a lot of people do... while a lot of other people run faster on the treadmill than outside, and others experience no difference. One website recommended covering up the display on the treadmill (but knowing where the increase and decrease speed buttons are!) and just go at the pace that feels right to you.

    I think the program says something about keeping an even breath throughout your running intervals. Well, that never happens for me because I am totally out of shape!!! But it does suggest that taking it slowly is just fine. I do not think you are expecting too much but just thinking too much about it!

    I hear ya about working out outside. I'm a small town girl who is a bit scared of running the trails/tracks around Seattle alone. My boyfriend is currently working on getting running shoes -- he should be joining me in a week or two :) I'm thankful for the extra time, since I'm going to really need it to be able to keep up with him! He has weight to lose too, but unlike me he seems to have always been a natural athlete.

    I find I run faster on the treadmill because I don't have the 'option' to run slower at will. It takes time to slow the tread, but I know I'm forcing myself to run faster if I don't slow it down.
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in, if its not too late :)

    Lose 5lbs in August Challenge:
    SW: 191.1

    08/01/2011: 189.9
    08/08/2011: 188.4

    Goal weight = 184.0
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Maggie, right now, I am walking at 3 mph and running at 5 mph, and slow down to 4.5 mph if I am feeling tired. Everyone is different - it's whatever speeds you feel most comfortable with. The trick for me is to remember that the walk is to recover, so really try to 'rest' during that break, and don't push yourself to walk too fast. This is probably my 3rd time around doing the C25k, so I'm not completely new to running (I just keep giving it up for long periods and have to start over). If this is your first attempt, and you are comfortable at 3 and 4 on the treadmill, then start there. One of the things I've done in the past is this: on D1 run at 4.5, on D2 run at 4.8, and on D3 run at 5. You can adjust these numbers as appropriate, but you get the idea. Run the first day slower, then go faster and faster, until you get to where you want to be. The other thing I've seen a lot of C25k'ers do, is complete the program at a slower speed to build their endurance, then as soon as they finish, they start over but do it at a faster speed. Do NOT get disheartened about slowing down. Lower your expectations, then if one day you're feeling good, and you can go faster, then you will feel strong and proud! Whatever the speed, keep at it! Trust me: when you hit Week 5 Day 3 and find yourself running for 20 minutes straight for the first time in your life, you will be amazed and thrilled with yourself. I'm sure the other C25k'ers on this thread will back me up on this.

    Jenn - learn to change a flat tire? I'd rather get a triple-A membership - ha ha!! You're going to have to take back 1/2 of your praise on my double workouts. I did workout twice yesterday, but the plan to workout twice today didn't happen. My walking buddy couldn't make it at lunch for our walk, and although I could have gone on my own, I didn't... We did still get to Zumba after work. You're not the only one peeking at the scale. I'm low-150's... Come on, 140's... I think you're right about us all being successful at making it to the 140's this month!

    Amanda, I will trade you some of our rainy days for some of your dry days! In fact, I'll give you a 2 for 1 special. It has been soooo wet this season that it is mid-Aug and my mom's backyard still has not dried out enough for her to drive her camper van over to the driveway from across the yard where she parks it for the winter. The water literally comes up over your shoes when you walk on her back lawn. It has rained almost every day for at least the last 2 weeks (and even when we do have a nice day, it seems to rain at night). We're supposed to have a nice weekend, fingers crossed! Ok, C25k discussion time. When is your D2? I need to run tomorrow, since I ran yesterday and did Zumba today. And LSAT - how many prep exams have you done?

    Talk to you again soon!
  • AmandaB4588
    Amanda, I will trade you some of our rainy days for some of your dry days! In fact, I'll give you a 2 for 1 special. It has been soooo wet this season that it is mid-Aug and my mom's backyard still has not dried out enough for her to drive her camper van over to the driveway from across the yard where she parks it for the winter. The water literally comes up over your shoes when you walk on her back lawn. It has rained almost every day for at least the last 2 weeks (and even when we do have a nice day, it seems to rain at night). We're supposed to have a nice weekend, fingers crossed! Ok, C25k discussion time. When is your D2? I need to run tomorrow, since I ran yesterday and did Zumba today. And LSAT - how many prep exams have you done?

    Talk to you again soon!

    That is totally different than what we are getting here--- which is cracks in the ground!! I will gladly trade. We need the rain so bad!

    I did W1D2 today and all was good! I kept it at 5.0 and might even try it a little faster for D3 like you suggested to Maggie. You will have to let me know when you do W4D1. I have a feeling you are going to breeze right through it!

    As for prep exams, I haven't done any timed like I said I would in the video. It is part of the bigger plan I didn't want to bore everyone with, but I am working through an "About the LSAT" book first. It breaks down every section and gives strategies. I finished the part on logic games (which is the hardest section for most people) yesterday and will finish the rest this week. Next week begins the practice, practice, practice! I will eventually be taking PTs with 5 minutes shaved off of each section so I do not feel rushed on the real thing. Or at least I hope so!

    Thank you for checking on me! <3 I appreciate your support so much!! I think I will put a picture or some footage or something of all of my LSAT prep material in the next video just so you can see the ridiculousness of it!
  • matticrew
    I AM IN
    8/1 : 180.2
    8/8: 182.0
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in again starting weight; 179.8#

    late weighing in this week - I have been busy and have been nursing a sick cat.

    8/11 - 178.4
    8/18 -
    8/25 -
    8/31 -
  • MaggieP86
    I did W1D2 today and all was good! I kept it at 5.0 and might even try it a little faster for D3 like you suggested to Maggie. You will have to let me know when you do W4D1. I have a feeling you are going to breeze right through it!

    I didn't do c25k tonight, but I did get a mile walk and mile elliptical as a warm up to an hour long Zumba class.

    I need to keep it a bit slower than you two, but can't wait to be running at 5! It's hard on my knees and shins to go above about 4.5, although on high energy days I go 4.8 for the first bit of the workout.

    Thanks for all the advice!
  • StanziMasaki
    08/01/2011: 144.0
    08/05/2011: 143.7
    08/12/2011: 141.5

    2.2 Pounds lost this week while bed-ridden. I'm still extremely sick and booked to see the gastroenterologist this coming 17th. I'm worried about the appointment though because the doctor has horrible reviews online. Hubby says not to go to her, but I'm so tired of being sick that I'm desperate! I don't know what to do. :( The only thing positive to come out of this whole being sick thing is that I've lost so much weight!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    5lbs a month August
    Start Wt: 172
    August 5: 169
    August12: 170

    Up a pound -sigh. I don't even want to post this but maybe it'll keep me from quitting if I have to prove that I can get back on track. I still hve time to hit the 5 pound goal so no more nachos this month LOL soooo bad. =(
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    5lbs a month August
    Start Wt: 172
    August 5: 169
    August12: 170

    Up a pound -sigh. I don't even want to post this but maybe it'll keep me from quitting if I have to prove that I can get back on track. I still hve time to hit the 5 pound goal so no more nachos this month LOL soooo bad. =(

    It's really good that you have posted it - and you still have time to lose 5lbs in August, you've still lost 2 net. Keep going :-D
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    IM IN !!!
  • MaggieP86
    8/01: 216.7
    8/05: 217.3
    8/12: 215.4

    Losing weight finally! I started at 255.5lbs, so this takes me over 40lbs since last year :)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Amanda, thanks, we finally had some sun today... Did you get the rain I sent your way? I was planning to run tonight, but I am sooo tired, that I think this is quickly turning into a rest day, and I will have to do it tomorrow. But please, make sure I do, ok? I don't want to get off-track this early in the game!

    Maggie, on your high energy days, you may want to hold back on your first few intervals, and save your energy for the second half. If you're still feeling high energy, then up your speed. You don't want to wear yourself out in the first half! Congrats on seeing the scale go down today!! Keep workin' it!!

    kannakin, sorry you're sick! I hope you start feeling better soon. Don't put too much thought behind the online reviews. Go see the doctor, and decide for yourself. Now you just have to KEEP the weight off when you're healthy!

    chella, as Fran said, you are still down 2 pounds from the beginning of the month, so keep it up, girl!! You still have time to reach for the sky!

    My hubby is away for the weekend, so my MIL and I brought the girls to McD's for supper... no cooking + play park. I had the Tuscan Salad with grilled chicken, which even with the whole packet of dressing is probably about 1/2 the calories of what I would normally eat. And it hasn't triggered my cravings. I really have to watch my sugar / carb intake, because I can't seem to stop once I start.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Getting really frustrated with my weight. It just seems like I can not lose weight past what I'm at now. I lost 20 pounds in a short few months then kept getting sick and worked out/dieted sporadically until about two weeks ago. Now I'm tracking calories and exercising and still haven't lost weight. I am very very frustrated. :(
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    'tree, don't despair... I've also been stuck in the 150's for literally years now. But I've decided that this is my time. I'm going to do it. Make healthy food choices - more fruits, veggies and protein; make your exercise a real challenge (i.e. be sure you are getting sweaty!)... Eventually it WILL come off. Maybe not this week, maybe not this month even, but it WILL if you keep at it.

    My girls each had their soccer parties today. NSV for me: I threw out the cupcake that my daughter licked the frosting off instead of eating it, and I said no to the cake and other treats (except for a clementine and some watermelon). So far, so good. Weekends are always harder for me, but I really want to have a good weigh-in on Monday, so I am trying very hard to be extra careful...
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    The weight will defo start moving if you keep at it. I was stuck lower end 150's for months, changed nothing, but out of the blue it started coming off really fast again. I have a feeling I am about to stick again though :(
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    The weight will defo start moving if you keep at it. I was stuck lower end 150's for months, changed nothing, but out of the blue it started coming off really fast again. I have a feeling I am about to stick again though :(

    Thanks guys. It's good to know that it happens to other people too. I do sweat when I work out too. It's hard not to, doing 30 DS. :) I'll keep on keeping on.
  • shevanity
    shevanity Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in for losing 5 pounds in August.

    CW as at 01/08/11 = 133
    08/08/11 = 132
    15/08/11 = ?
    22/08/11 = ?
    29/08/11 = ?