JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited April 2018

    Hi @PrincesseAly23 - I'm new here, but your post really struck me as inspiring! I saw myself in a lot of your words - so welcome back and look forward to encouraging one another!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member

    Had a rough day yesterday, the hubby and I were just bickering all day when we spoke to each other. We will be married 31 years in June, we know which buttons set the other off. Why do we still insist on using them? Why do I have to become a nag because he can't remember to do something, then I'm the bad guy? For the last 12 years we have struggled, we keep fighting for us and there are more good days than bad the last couple of years, but I'm tired. I feel we should have this all working well at this stage of our life.

    My weight was up when I weighed in yesterday and again this morning, probably from the full day of carbs on Saturday. It had been down to 194 one day last week, so that's a plus.

    Have a great day everyone, sorry for venting.

    Venting is what this thread is for ... it is all part of becoming more healthy. I am so sorry you and your hubby are going through a rough time.
    I, like you, have problems... but mine are more with my kids. And, like you, I have to turn around this way of thinking, and concentrate on the positives in my life. It is so easy to see only the negatives, and overlook all the good that God has given us.
    I hope you have a better day today, and are able to just walk out of the room rather than argue with your hubby. (easier said than done, I know!).
    But something to look forward to ... the 5K with your daughter!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Hey everyone! I used to be so dedicated to this forum and then I ditched it and MFP for the past 4 months and everything has gone sideways. So I’m going to try to recommit again. I’ve browsed other forums and nothing compares to the positive atmosphere I find here. You guys are amazing and were a HUGE emotional support to me while I was going through some tough work and family times a few months back.

    To recap:

    Last year I began posting to this forum and in 5 months I lost about 15lbs. I was extremely dedicated and proud of myself and I wish I had kept up that trajectory, but instead i gave up at Christmas and I’ve gained it all back and more. So my new highest ever is 209 lbs.

    In the past 5 months I’ve changed jobs twice and took a 5 week break from work due to mental illness (severe anxiety, some mild paranoia and depression symptoms) which I’ve never had to deal with before in my life. I'm also dealing with an ailing father in law, and an immune system that has crashed due to overwhelming stress (so I had a couple of WICKED flus, not to mention UTI and ear infections... basically I’ve been constantly sick forever).

    My husband has been my rock and I also depend heavily on God for the strength I need to get up and push forward every day.

    I’m in here right now because I have 2 really important weddings coming up... one in 4 months and the other in 4.5 months. Ive decided that I cannot be in the 200’s for those weddings. I have an important part to play in one of them and don’t want to see any pictures of me I’ll regret later on. Some close friends/family have been really trying to pressure me into the keto diet to jumpstart the loss but I do NOT want to diet that way. I just want to get healthy without being on a specific diet.

    What they don’t understand is that I only just managed to conquer my self-depreciating thoughts and bing-eating/yo-yo dieting behaviours a few months ago. I do NOT want to return to obsessing over food the way I have for most of my life. So I have no set calorie or carb goal in place. Just make healthier choices and be more active now that the weather is nice.

    This forum should help keep me accountable.

    Right now my goals are to start slow:

    1. Hit my daily step goal
    2. Drink lots is water
    3. Keep portions small

    Omg welcome back!!
    I always have this feeling that someone’s missing but I can never figure out who it is :lol:

    Don’t do keep if you don’t want to, if you don’t WANT to it won’t work for you really!
    It’s good to start slow!

    I’ve had the baby by the way lol! She’s 8 weeks today! By now I should be getting somewhere with this but I’m just not!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member

    I also depend heavily on God for the strength I need to get up and push forward every day.

    I’m in here right now because I have 2 really important weddings coming up... one in 4 months and the other in 4.5 months. Ive decided that I cannot be in the 200’s for those weddings. I have an important part to play in one of them and don’t want to see any pictures of me I’ll regret later on. Some close friends/family have been really trying to pressure me into the keto diet to jumpstart the loss but I do NOT want to diet that way. I just want to get healthy without being on a specific diet.

    God gets us through a lot doesn't he?
    I have friends that keep pushing Keto, cleansing, Plexxus, the list goes on and on. For that reason I have immersed myself more in the MFP community than in telling my friends and family what I'm doing. I don't want opinions on what their idea of a life change is. If that works for them great, but it's not what I want. I especially don't want to hear what I should do from people that don't want to change themselves. Some of my friends remind me of the peer pressure of teens in trying to get me to do drugs and drink. I just don't need it.
    Welcome back, I love this group!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    @PrincesseAly23 Welcome back! So glad you found JFT again, and we're here for you. <3 Love your attitude for this change!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    pizzafruit wrote: »
    I battle depression and it is true, the more you sit the more depression takes over. I see my doctor tomorrow and we'll talk. There is no down side to exercise. For me it's a matter of getting off my cushion and just doing it.

    So JFT/Monday
    1. Get up and move every time my alarm reminds me.
    2. NO "I'll have just one treat" between meals.
    3. Practice what I preach.

    Depression is a terrible disease, hope you have a good day
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    A terrible day for me yesterday. I was just down in the dumps I think. We heard from disability for our daughter, and they want more about her work history, so not feeling good about that.
    And then I have tried 5 times in the past week to call my son-- just to hear his voice. I know he is busy, with going through the divorce, watching his kids every other week, and the week he does not have his kids he travels for work. But still.... is it that hard to make a phone call just to say hi to your mom.

    So yesterday was a day of feeling sorry for myself .... and binging on eating whatever was in the house. All I hear is how wonderful and close other families are ... and it is something I always dreamed of. A close family. Well, that is something I don't have. My husband thinks our son keeps his distance because of his mentally ill sister, but it is still hard. But then ... he did come to see us over easter. I think I just need more spring weather, and sunshine. (yesterday was a gloomy rainy day, as is today)

    So today is a new day. I have to get back to focusing on all the positives in my life .... not the negatives.

    JFT, MOnday
    1. stay positive. While I do not have a close family like I always dreamed of, I have a wonderful husband of 41 years. Be thankful for that, and realize that my son is just super busy, and my daughter has her own issues she has to deal with.
    2. concentrate on water today. It is not hunger ... it is thirst... or frustration, or sadness .... not hunger
    3. be mindful of what I eat,and eat slowly
    4. get out that gratitude journal, and start journaling again.
    5. get back on here ... be accountable.

    I am not trying to make excuses for your Son, but does he live in a different time zone? I used to get a guilt trip from my Dad for not calling more often. I had unlimited long distance he didn't. I live three hours behind them, by the time I got home from work, made supper, ate and cleaned up it was bedtime for them. We made a deal every Sunday without fail we talked. When my Dad was sick, I called him every night while I cooked supper. It was something I just made myself do. I wish I would have done it for all the years I lived away. I hope your Son finds out how important those calls are to you before it's too late.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    But I stayed with in the 1-3 lb range the 5-6 weeks I was away. So, I will take that as a victory.
    That's a great victory!
  • meganhirschi
    meganhirschi Posts: 18 Member
    Day 1 for the millionth time... Trying to figure out how to make it my last day 1...
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    edited April 2018
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    The little guy has arrived!! I have been in the hospital from March 22 - April 11 with pregnancy complications and a baby in NICU. I went into labor early because I developed a kidney infection which caused my water to break. Luckily everything went well with the natural birth so my healing process has been slow but good. He was born at 34 weeks and 5 days, which is premature but he did weigh 6 lb 10 oz. Due to his known lung mass, extra precautions were taken. Unfortunately he has not successfully been able to breathe without the assistance of oxygen. Therefore, they released him from NICU with oxygen and monitoring equipment for home use. We are following up with a cardiologist (for a heart murmur) and the pediatric surgeon for the planned surgical removal of the lung mass. I am unable to breastfeed directly because it exhausts the little guy, so I am pumping exclusively and bottle feeding. Needless to say, we are busy caring for our little guy!! I've posted a picture of the little guy on my home feed. Moving forward, I am committing to returning to a routine. I will have a high caloric intake due to producing breast milk but I am able to begin a modified exercise routine. I would love to catch up with all the posts but there have been over a 1000 since the last time I logged on. So if there is anything specific I should be aware of, please let me know! Otherwise, I will just "jump" back in as before.

    I'm excited to be back!! I'm definitely going to need some support getting back into the swing of things, LOL!!

    Monday 4/23/18 - JFT

    - Increase water intake!! today's goal --> 72 oz.
    - Revise pumping schedule
    - Complete Cozi App "To-Do-List"
    - Kiddo to baseball game
    - Yoga
    - Post pregnancy 15 min. workout
    - Dinner by 8 pm

    I’m so glad your back!
    I pm’d you not long back as I knew he’d be making an appearance soon!
    So glad he got here okay! Well, as okay as he can be! Casey is 8 weeks old today and I’m still not in any sort of a routine regarding eating and exercising!

    **edit** posted too early!

    So yeah it’s amazing your back and setting goals especially with all that’s been going on!

    Take it easy though, I found I did too much too soon!
    Although that was just me, you might be alright lol x
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @MLHC1 Congratulations! You have had a go of it, haven't you? I am so excited to see your post, to see you back! You have been missed! And being the "worrier" I am...well, I was worried about you. I will be sending healing thoughts and prayers to your little guy, as well as peace and wellness for you too.

    Welcome back! I just want to hug you up!!! xoxox :heart:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal and stay in the green :)
    2. Goal is to stay <75g carbs, < 29g added sugar :)
    3. 64+ oz of water :)
    4. Finish Activate phase of 17-Day-Diet book for some ideas on nutrition and snacks :wink: Ended up going to stepson's house. He and his wife bought an old farm house with barns and land. I hadn't seen it yet. When we got there, the grandkids were so excited to see us. They took me on tours of all the barns and outbuildings and their house and introduced me to the barn cats. Was so much fun, time got away from us! So, no I didn't get this done, but I'm okay with that! :wink:
    5. Meal plan after reading Activate and make grocery list :neutral:See #4.
    6. Prep healthy snacks into serving-size baggies :|Again, see #4
    7. Find healthy ideas for raw veggie dips, i.e. guacamole, hummus, peanut butter? :|Again, see #4
    8. Laundry and pick out next week's outfits to make mornings smoother :)
    9. Activity of some kind. 25 minutes yesterday....try to beat that by even 1 minute :)
    10. Bills - must do today :)
    11. Evening routine - Simple Abundance, Gratitude Journal, wash & moisturize face, pack tomorrow's lunch, set out tomorrow's outfit :)
    12. Get up without hitting snooze tomorrow! :sI swear I am going to turn this into a habit if it kills me.
    13. Also, need to think of 3 new Tiny Habits. The first ones have pretty much become routine now. I'll add those tomorrow. :p Still thinking on these...

    @slittlemeister Two week holiday?! That sounds like heaven! Are you going to be traveling?

    I have to run to a meeting but hugs to @mytime6630 and @Snowflake1968.

    Welcome back to @PrincesseAly23 and @toaljasa ! You were both missed!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you so much for the support everyone!!! It feels so good to be back. And Congrats to our recent mamas!!! So happy for you all!

    It feels so good to be on here with people who understand the food issue. I feel that sometimes the people closest to you can be more of an obstacle than a support. They want me to get better as quickly as possible and everyone has a different idea on how I’m supposed to do that. So for now, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and try to keep checking in here to keep me mindful and on track. Xo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal and stay green
    2. WATER: 64+ oz
    3. Under <75g carbs <29 added sugar
    4. Meal Plan for week so DH can go shopping tomorrow
    5. Go to grandson's Rugby game after work if I can get there in time
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    7. Do hip stretches
    8. If hip allows, do Body Groove workout for 20 minutes
    9. Pack lunch and set out tomorrow's clothes.
    10. Evening routine. Simple Abundance daily reading, 5 items I'm grateful for today in my Gratitude journal. Unplug 9:00 p.m.

    3 New Tiny Habits:
    After I clean dinner table, I will change into my exercise clothes.
    After I hang up from a conference call, I will walk to the break room for water.
    After I eat lunch, I will take a 10 minute walk
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    @MLHC1 Welcome back! Congratulations on the arrival of baby Noah! <3 (Did I remember the right name?) Have kept you and entire family in my thoughts and prayers, and will continue to do so. JFT start s-l-o-w. I also remember your long lists in the past. :D
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Not a bad day. Managed to achieve most of my list although I’m feeling very flat. Weather has changed from glorious and sunny back to cloudy and a bit chilly. Has such an impact on my mood! Ah well, onwards!

    Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Confirm parent meeting :| must chase M tomo
    - 12k steps ✅
    - 3ltr water ✅
    - Gift for A :|
    - Call lawyer :|
    - Call E ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Confirm parent meeting
    - 12k steps
    - 3ltr water
    - Gift for A
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Arrange play dates
    - Early night

    Am wiped so heading off to sleep ridiculously early! Have a great end to your Monday all x