
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    SO tired! Having a cup of coffee right now during the kids naptime. Two nights of up late (for me) and up early in the morning have run it's course. I took a walk with the kiddos and for once was really glad we move at a snails pace. Perfect for today. We stopped at every crack in the sidewalk, looked at the moss growing, the crocus and snowdrops in the woods along the bikepath, looked at bark, picked up a large quantity of pinecones (their favorite things), picked up some trash, petted a couple of dogs, and stopped to talk to a nice older gentleman who was out walking using his walker. The kids were fascinated by that. He showed them how he keeps his water bottle and phone in the little seat compartment. They want one now. lol Short distance (about 3 miles) long time to cover it (about an hour and a half).
    Felicia <3<3<3 Love the picture of your son and his prom date. And I just love your love for them. This is how it should be. Love shouldn't come with exceptions.
    Heather-It is always wonderful to hear some one say that they love you. I don't remember saying it much; until I started losing people I loved. I love you are not good words to hoard and keep to yourself. Those three words can make some one's day, and I am so glad you have people telling you that! Love you, dear friend!
    Pip- Does your winter bike also have a wider tire? That is the big difference around these parts. Maybe because we get more snow?
    Machka- You are still in my thoughts and prayers daily and always close to my heart. Sending you and your DH much love!
    Janet- Was it you that posted the pic of the pretty girl in the pink prom dress? She is just darling! I wish for her the confidence in herself to see the beauty and wonderfulness of being a smart, healthy young woman! I remember those teen years filled with low self-esteem and would never want to go back and relive that time in my life!
    Dana- HI! <3
    Meg- You looked and sounded absolutely amazing in that news clip! Wonderful volunteers!
    Lanette- Envy you and your ability to grow things! Maybe I will attempt to do a few container gardens this year.

    Well, I hear the baby waking up. He will need a diaper change and a bottle. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    they are but not really much bigger, you can't tell if you didn't know
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hello ladies, im new to this group and would love to be a part of it - if possible! I am on another journey, its hard and hate to do it alone.


  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Katla, I'm pretty sure my hubby has realised there is a new horse but he hasn't said a word about it, so neither have I! Maybe he hasn't figured it out. Or maybe he has finally realised that the argument is not worth it so just get over it. She is such a smoochy horse and easy to deal with, that I am happy every time I see her and know that she is mine. I have future plans for her! She is going to be my "Costume" horse. I've ordered a book on making Arabian horse costumes and I will make or get one made, just for her. I know with her cruisy horsanality that she would not mind wearing tassels and bells. Re: My son in law asking me to join him on a race: He is a thoughtful and sensitive young man, a teacher and a great father to my two grand children. I have encouraged him to get back into running and now he has set a goal to do his first half marathon. It feels good to know that I have inspired someone and set an example for them.

    Heather, well I have been trying to get your book for awhile but the first time I looked on Amazon the kindle option didn't come up and then my kindle app on my computer refused to open and wanted me to put a password in. I tried all my passwords but it wouldn't open and I couldn't even get an option to reset the password. I did not want to download a new kindle app as I have fifty to a hundred kindle books in my kindle library and I didn't want to lose them.. So I've finally found a "back door" into my kindle app that didn't need a password and I am at last, reading your wonderful book. What a rich, detailed memory you have and it brings my childhood back into focus too. And there is that sense of dread, of foreboding about not wanting to go upstairs...I will definitely review it on Amazon when I'm finished. I am really enjoying it and I am very fussy about what I read. If I'm bored I have no qualms about dropping a book like a hot potato as there are too many other potatoes in the pot. Your potato is delicious! <3 Wendy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I just finished a big report, and it's almost time to go home, and since we were talking triathlon earlier, I decided to look back at some pictures -- when I was so tan and super fit!
    k1das27iak2d.jpg 750m lake swim -- I'm the one holding her goggles and reaching up to take off her cap.
    vs3a0s4n3399.jpg mini tri (different tri than the other two pictures, which were sprints.)
    91vyowefoy91.jpg 5k run after the 750m swim and 12.5 mile bike ride. I had to stop to give my little guy a hug.

    And just for fun -- a backwards picture of my beautiful bike. <3

    I really miss doing this, but it took a lot out of my family. I had to train twice and sometimes three times a day and took only one day rest a week. My longest tri was an Olympic distance -- but the swim was cancelled because of storms, so it ended up short -- just 26 mile bike and 10k run. The swim would have been half a mile in a lake -- I had a wet suit and everything, already to go, but the lightning wouldn't let up.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    You should get into it again!

    M in Oz