
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Rye ~ What does it mean to be insufficiently nasty? I admire any one who is able to acquire such a degree.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    Oh man, headache went away, but sore from too much sleeping. I'm such a lazy butt. Went to sleep at 5pm last night, and woke up at 8am this morning! Husband and I are trying to fit in here, but right now we feel "off". I am telling myself, time is all we need. Adapt, and adjust. With every place we visited, whether it was the laundromat, or our pizza place, or at the grocery store, we felt like we belonged. People knew us. It will take time to get that back.
    Ok I have something funny to admit to.... I haven't shaved my legs in months! There I said it. My leg hair is cool though!!! It has a pattern to the way it grows, like a cheetah. When I wear my Capri pants, I feel my hairs move with the wind! It's liberating. Ok, I know I'm an odd bird, and dear husband said last weekend, " wow your leg hair is getting long"! But he didn't say anymore. Please tell me I'm not the only gal that doesn't shave their legs......
    Well I've decided to look for old ladders for my Sun room. I could either buy two and connect them with a plank of some sort, or buy two and just have them slanted in corners. It's an easy solution to getting the maximum places to put plants, and not have lots of tables and such.
    Take care my tribe of Powerful Amazon Women!
    Love Rebecca
    Of Island County
    ( Really, our county is called Island....We are just that special!)
    My husband's first rock find!

    i really don't shave BUT i don't grow hair either. my legs are smooth as silk.. lucky me
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    evening ladies~
    home from work, long day but well.. Alfie is bouncing around like a crazy dog... going to go to bed and read, ordered 2 Tony Robbins books from Amazon..
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Oh man, headache went away, but sore from too much sleeping. I'm such a lazy butt. Went to sleep at 5pm last night, and woke up at 8am this morning! Husband and I are trying to fit in here, but right now we feel "off". I am telling myself, time is all we need. Adapt, and adjust. With every place we visited, whether it was the laundromat, or our pizza place, or at the grocery store, we felt like we belonged. People knew us. It will take time to get that back.
    Ok I have something funny to admit to.... I haven't shaved my legs in months! There I said it. My leg hair is cool though!!! It has a pattern to the way it grows, like a cheetah. When I wear my Capri pants, I feel my hairs move with the wind! It's liberating. Ok, I know I'm an odd bird, and dear husband said last weekend, " wow your leg hair is getting long"! But he didn't say anymore. Please tell me I'm not the only gal that doesn't shave their legs......
    Well I've decided to look for old ladders for my Sun room. I could either buy two and connect them with a plank of some sort, or buy two and just have them slanted in corners. It's an easy solution to getting the maximum places to put plants, and not have lots of tables and such.
    Take care my tribe of Powerful Amazon Women!
    Love Rebecca
    Of Island County
    ( Really, our county is called Island....We are just that special!)
    My husband's first rock find!

    i really don't shave BUT i don't grow hair either. my legs are smooth as silk.. lucky me

    Oh my Pip, I am like a hairy shade of emerald GREEN !!! *Cackling like an old Wise woman now". Ackkkkaaahhhhaaaa!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    Heather - I started your book today. I am amazed at your detailed memory of childhood experiences. Even though I lived a continent away, we shared so many things during the early-mid 50's except for your experience with your dad. The ice cream brick at Christmas was a special treat. My grandparent's puffy satin comforter and the vanity with the 3 sided mirror. The hedge smelling like cat pee. You make it all so real. I hate to put it down to fix supper.

    I can't wait to re-read it <3B) Want to hurry to finish it but yet, I don't!!!!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Carol, my Mom admitted to me once that she stopped shaving. Her hair was very fine, and you couldn't even see it. Same as in her underarms. I don't know if it could have been from medicine she took, or what.
    You are a lucky duck. Me well, I'm gonna just turn into Mrs. Sassquash! You know the state of Washington is their birthplace!!

    Today husband and I walked the neighborhood for an hour. Found a field that only the homeowners can go into. Hopefully when we acquire a machete, we can access it directly!

    Hairy Rebecca merry on
    my island
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2018
    18 holes! Wow Sue! Part of golfing is lugging around a bag, and walking the course! Good on ya! As long as you don't frequent the 19th hole too many times!I