Do we go nowhere ?

Avocado_Angel Posts: 2,362 Member
Actually intrested to get an atheist view on life. Do you think when we expire that's it? What can your views on life possibly be if that's the case? I am very intrigued by this.


  • jaycanchu
    jaycanchu Posts: 265 Member
    We live, we die, we decompose eventually
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Actually intrested to get an atheist view on life. Do you think when we expire that's it? What can your views on life possibly be if that's the case? I am very intrigued by this.

    I'm not of atheist belief. Although I believe in the scientific evidence. I was raised Presbyterian. And a Private Christian School. My Dance Mom taught us Pagan. And I also have Buddhist beliefs. "The mind is everything. What you think. You become."

    Some think our souls are the passengers, and our body's are just the ships. That the shipsbreak down
    & get replaced numerous times. Until your end destination.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited April 2018
    Actually intrested to get an atheist view on life. Do you think when we expire that's it? What can your views on life possibly be if that's the case? I am very intrigued by this.

    I think when die we are no more. No sprit/soul/afterlife.
    I don't think there is a grand design, point or purpose to life except what we decide for ourselves.
    I don't believe in a god because it does not make sense to me.
    I went to church as a kid. Started questioning as a teen and young adult. Attended private college affiliated with a religion. Studied world religions. Concluded I do not believe these things.
    I am not bitter or filled with anger or hatred. My lifestyle or behavior is no worse than my neighbor who goes to church every week.

  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    i think the soul goes on to the next life i have no faith
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    SabotageinStilettos is my new hero for patiently explaining things here. yes.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, if it is the end, we won't know any better. So I guess it won't matter. If we do go on, we'll eventually find out when it happens...or not, since you won't have awareness if it is really over.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good thread... I'm glad it took off. I was fully expecting it to be locked / deleted by now.

    My answer? I ain't got a clue. And I'm ok with that. I don't lose any sleep over what might or might not happen a week or a month or a decade from now. Additionally, I don't need the idea of heaven or afterlife or whatever to reconcile death.

    It might sound corny or cliche, but I try to live in balance with the people and the environment around me. Within that context, I make decisions to increase my own happiness.

    To me, that's just common sense and sensible living. I don't need a book or a building or a whatever else to tell me that's right. I've decided that's what's right for me based on my life experiences.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    denny_mac wrote: »
    sarahbums wrote: »
    yep. I think being dead is just....nothingness. The same as before we're born.

    to me the point of life is just to try to leave the world a little better off than you found it. and that can mean something different for everyone.

    But what's the point if we all disappear? Why would a dead person care if the world is better?

    Why would a soul in heaven or in hell care if the world is better than it was with them in it?

    But it gives some meaning to the world, a reason to be here, a lesson to be learnt. Without pain there wouldn't be reliefe. Without hate their wouldn't be love. Opposites. Lessons to be learnt, choices to be made, roads to go down. Why don't you just go and become a drug addict and throw your life away ? Or become a thief and rob people? Maybe it wasn't your destiny or maybe, you just don't chose to go down that path but maybe, it was because your chose not to. Why did you chose not to ? Probably cos you know your a good person. Where does that goodness come from? We are in a world full of hate so where does that hate come from ?

    Are you suggesting that pain, relief, love and hate only exist in gods world? That lessons can only be learned through god? These are not condescending or confrontational questions. Just as there are questions in your life that don’t have answers, you simply rely on blind faith and therefore you don't question them. There are questions in my life that I just don’t question. I respect your beliefs but I don’t necessarily feel as though your life is more valuable or has more meaning in it than mine.

    You are misunderstanding me I never said my life has more value or meaning than yours. I am simply trying to understand yours.

    We all live here, we all die here, we pay our taxes. I question if there is more to it than simply being born, paying taxes and dying.

    Oh no, no, I wasn’t implying that you had suggested that, I was just saying I still feel like you and I, and every other person for that matter, are on the same level. I just meant that because I didn’t fall out of faith and instead was just not raised with it, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on something.

    So really, you can't comment on something that you know nothing about. :wink:

    How would I know nothing about it? I live it.

    Because you said that you think we just die. You offered nothing beyond that.

    I offered that there is nothing beyond that. How can you ask people that don’t believe there is anything beyond death, what is beyond death?

    I'm simply trying to see your reasons for living. It's seems you have some, loosley built on Christian morals etc and take them as your own and justify your life that way. And you seem to hope for the best without any direction.

    You’re coming off as a bit judgmental here. Please don’t accuse me of borrowing morals from the Christian faith, my morals are based on common sense. I don’t steal because I have no right to take something that I haven’t earned or doesn’t belong to me. I don’t need a set of rules to tell me it’s not ok to murder, common sense tells me not to murder. So on and so forth. It has never occurred to me to justify my very existence nor have I looked for justification for anyone else’s. If by living my life with no direction, you mean I’m not living my life in hopes that at the end, the doorman at the pearly gates deems me good enough to enter the club, then yes, I am directionless. I don’t hope for the best, that’s about as useful to me as looking up to the heavens and asking someone else to grant me the best possible outcome. Instead of take life as it comes and if I’m looking for a particular outcome, I plan and work towards said outcome. I don’t push my fate into someone else’s hands and say “here you work this out for me and I’ll just be grateful that you have blessed me with any outcome.” I directly responsible for my own outcomes. I cannot and will not look at a child’s death, an infant born with a disability, a young father taken too soon or any other human tragedy or suffering as gods will be done. I refuse to believe that me carrying and delivering twins only to find out that only one made it, was part of some bigger plan for me or my child laid out by some bearded guy wearing a dress.

    It seems to me that, certainly not all, but every person of faith in my life, has taken this set of guidelines laid out for them and contorted them to suit their own lives. My body is a temple but not on Friday nights when drinks are two for one. Premarital sex is a sin but I’m horny and we live together so we’re practically married anyway. I know only god can judge but those people don’t believe in god so I am superior and I better explain to them how and why they are wrong. Was supposed to go to church this morning but I’m hungover as hell and I’ve got atomic beer farts. I can’t seem to get pregnant after all the years of trying but certainly this wasn’t part of God’s plan so I’m going to intervene with science and medicine because I’m entitled to be a parent and that’s the desired outcome for me.

    Take your beliefs and by all means, live happily with them. But please don’t waste any energy pitying me and my meaningless and directionless ways. I’m quite pleased to live in my own truths as opposed to living someone else’s charade.
    CatsIvuE wrote: »
    denny_mac wrote: »
    sarahbums wrote: »
    yep. I think being dead is just....nothingness. The same as before we're born.

    to me the point of life is just to try to leave the world a little better off than you found it. and that can mean something different for everyone.

    But what's the point if we all disappear? Why would a dead person care if the world is better?

    Why would a soul in heaven or in hell care if the world is better than it was with them in it?

    But it gives some meaning to the world, a reason to be here, a lesson to be learnt. Without pain there wouldn't be reliefe. Without hate their wouldn't be love. Opposites. Lessons to be learnt, choices to be made, roads to go down. Why don't you just go and become a drug addict and throw your life away ? Or become a thief and rob people? Maybe it wasn't your destiny or maybe, you just don't chose to go down that path but maybe, it was because your chose not to. Why did you chose not to ? Probably cos you know your a good person. Where does that goodness come from? We are in a world full of hate so where does that hate come from ?

    Are you suggesting that pain, relief, love and hate only exist in gods world? That lessons can only be learned through god? These are not condescending or confrontational questions. Just as there are questions in your life that don’t have answers, you simply rely on blind faith and therefore you don't question them. There are questions in my life that I just don’t question. I respect your beliefs but I don’t necessarily feel as though your life is more valuable or has more meaning in it than mine.

    You are misunderstanding me I never said my life has more value or meaning than yours. I am simply trying to understand yours.

    We all live here, we all die here, we pay our taxes. I question if there is more to it than simply being born, paying taxes and dying.

    Oh no, no, I wasn’t implying that you had suggested that, I was just saying I still feel like you and I, and every other person for that matter, are on the same level. I just meant that because I didn’t fall out of faith and instead was just not raised with it, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on something.

    So really, you can't comment on something that you know nothing about. :wink:

    How would I know nothing about it? I live it.

    But what about ghosts?

    Well it's not like she would actually talk about ghosts or the like since she doesn't believe in them. Oh wait. She has.

    But she also thinks we just end up in jars, a little bit contradictory isn't it. She probably has an explanation...

    I owe you an explanation for nothing but speaking of contradictions aren’t you planning on converting your boyfriends extra room into something else when you move in with him? Remember that thread you started where you got so hammered drunk that the only person who could tolerate interacting with you was sweet and patient barefoot? That was fun. What did god think about that?

    You are quite possibly the greatest person... ever. Ah lub ya.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    So what's the point in living if that's your opinion?

    Repopulate I gues
    s. I’m not so deep that I need a point to live for. I’m just here trying to enjoy it while I can.

    This is what I think too...but I never wanted kids...which makes me think I'm damaged DNA...good reason to not "re populate" I guess
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    The idea of an afterlife terrifies me. My Sunday school teacher when I was a kid always described it using a power cord. The small plug was this life, the infinite cord is the afterlife. Never ending. I think a lot of people come to religion for the wrong reason such as being afraid of making the wrong decision and be doomed to an eternity of torture, but that was never what religion was supposed to be about. That kind of discussion isn't allowed so I digress, but yes I believe in the afterlife. Ultimately nobody knows except the dead, and dead men tell no tales.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    denny_mac wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    No one has said why they don't believe ...

    Is there a reason to why you don't want to believe .

    Are you mad at God ?
    Do you feel you are not worth is love ?

    That's a different question for a different thread.

    Surely one needs a reason to believe in somethign - you don't need a reason to NOT believe in something.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    The idea of an afterlife terrifies me. My Sunday school teacher when I was a kid always described it using a power cord. The small plug was this life, the infinite cord is the afterlife. Never ending. I think a lot of people come to religion for the wrong reason such as being afraid of making the wrong decision and be doomed to an eternity of torture, but that was never what religion was supposed to be about. That kind of discussion isn't allowed so I digress, but yes I believe in the afterlife. Ultimately nobody knows except the dead, and dead men tell no tales.

    Is that the difference, or one of the differences, between religion and faith?
  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    When we die, we stop existing. Thats it. Religion for me is an accepted form of insanity that lets people cope with the fact that we arent special or "gods chosen creatures". And the fact that there is no point to anything beside the one you create for yourself. Me im still looking for a purpose and hope one day i will find it, untill then im just doing the best i can^^ Tbh though, i wish i could believe in a religion so i wouldnt have to feel the angst i do when i think about non-existance.
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member

    In this video Sam Harris explains it better than I ever could.