Less Alcohol- April 2018- One Day at a Time



  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,500 Member
    @JulieAL1969 you continue to inspire me! This thread is a lifeline for so many of us. I'm on day 6 too and by God I am going to get to 30. I already look so much better. My skin and eyes are brighter and most importantly, my thinking is clearer. I was worried about my forgetfulness. I am feeling so much sharper. All positives.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    I am on day 3 of Annie Grace's Alcohol Experiment and I am really learning from it. It is so helpful for me. I hope I can stay AF for a while after the 30 days..maybe 60 days total maybe more. I feel less stressed which is weird as I drank to deal with stress.

    @salleewins I took a selfie of myself day one after drinking and I looked old and crappy. Going to wait to do another but I already feel like I look better...My face bloats up when I drink.

    donimfp I can relate to the better sleep. I woke up this morning not feeling exhausted. So amazing.
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    "I feel less stressed which is weird as I drank to deal with stress. Yes, I feel that way, too.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    I agree @JenT304, I seem to be able to remember the finer details better as well in conversations. I don't find myself asking a person, "Did I tell you this before?".

    @JulieAL1969 , I was in the tea shop the other day and was talking with the owner and an employee. We were talking about this and that and then ages came up. The employee looked at me dumbfounded and could not (honestly) believe my age. NOW that is getting to be where I used to be instead of so old looking that alcohol was making me. Now if I finish getting the rest of the weight off, I hope it will even help my appearance even more......!!Thank you for the lifeline of this thread!!!

    Ahhh thanks so much. I am so happy you are seeing the rewards in the mirror of being AF. I notice that too! Also, have you noticed when you see people at work for example, you can tell if someone had a rough night - maybe too much wine (or not). I love on youtube that video of people who gave up drinking- their before and after pictures. Some of them are amazing and so improved. Keep up the good work!! You are reaping the rewards in so many ways. Xo
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    AF last night! My goal was to go AF one night in April and I actually did it! I slept like crap, but putting that down to the couch.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @snoo61 Hooray! Awesome xoxo
    @JenT304 I am enjoying the 30 day experiment. I am listening to day 5 video (but I am on day 7 AF) on Annie Grace's alcohol experiment site. She says, ask yourself , "Are you less stressed with alcohol your life?" Of course, the answer is no. I am more stressed when alcohol is in my life.
    She says, "Alcohol is a depressant. During alcohol withdrawal , cortisol levels rise and cause anxiety. It takes 10 days for the alcohol to leave your body." So for any of us who drink even a few days a week, your cortisol level is always higher because of the body trying to get rid of alcohol. It will take ten days AF in a row to feel less anxious.
    @mskg20 You rock! The month is almost over. You've done so well. I bet you feel and look much better. Keep it up! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    "I feel less stressed which is weird as I drank to deal with stress. Yes, I feel that way, too.

    You're totally right. Drinking makes us more stressed. It is a depressant and when the alcohol is leaving the body, cortisol levels rise.
    I also know that we gain belly fat when cortisol levels rise.
    Keep up the great work!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    I posted this morning in the hotel breakfast room but think I neglected to actually post it. Anyway, I woke up from amazing sleep so grateful I didn’t drink in response to the day from hell. Also thankful for those angels-in-disguise friends who said I looked “lost” last Sunday. Today is Day 6 and I already see and feel a big difference. Apologies if this posts twice. Hope everyone is having the weekend you want.

    Today is your day 7 , I think. I'm so happy for you. And you are even more empowered because you didn't turn to drinking to deal with the day from hell.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @kittybenn Hooray! Two weeks AF - you're on a roll. Stay strong!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @erikNJ You're in a tough spot. Your job does involve alcohol. That has got to be hard to abstain when it's there in your face , always. But you're making great strides; you're more aware and cognizant of what you want for your own personal health. Stick to your goals. You're amazing!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @wigi41 Great quote! Keep them coming as you read, I love to hear more.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    edited April 2018
    donimfp wrote: »
    @snoo61, I always sleep like crap a few times early in the AF process, but then that great restful sleep kicks in. Melatonin helps, too.

    Day 7 for me, too. Funny, the “One drink when I get home today won’t hurt” thought hit me as soon as I awoke in my hotel. Alcohol lies!! And I am way too often willing to believe the lies. I look forward to the 4-hour drive home enjoying the Texas wildflowers on this beautiful day. “Normally” I’d be fighting a miserable headache.

    Oh how I wish I could get back those Sundays spent with hangovers. Now, you'll drive and your senses will be so clear. Like you said, you'll enjoy the beautiful day. Have a safe trip.
    Yes, alcohol does lie!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Went to a friend’s last night and we opened and drank a bottle of red while catching up, which would have been “on plan” for me but we were in the middle of some heavy topics and so I opened a second bottle (not on plan!) and we each had another glass. When I got home and got the kids to bed I really wanted one more glass. My drinking brain was playing the “you already overdid it why not just keep going since this day was supposed to be AF, does it really matter if you have one more glass?” But my abstinence brain said “there’s no wine open in the house and if you open a bottle you’ll feel like you need to drink the whole thing in the next few days and that’s not the plan”. I got a big glass of water and some popcorn and fell asleep (passed out?) watching NetFlix. I don’t feel great about it, but I guess it could have been worse.

    Today is a wine event with friends - Rose All Day. It’s going to be sunny and 70 and it’s in my neighborhood and we paid quite a bit for the tickets. I had been really looking forward to it but I’m still mad at myself from last night. I know it will be fun when I get there I just need to pace myself and remind myself that I can enjoy the company and the beautiful weather without pounding back the rose (my weakness)! Sigh.