August Walking Challenge - Don't sweat it!



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    2 more miles down

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    did 2 more miles with leslie sansone i love her lol
  • kristyvere
    kristyvere Posts: 13 Member
    Bump - great idea!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Wednesday 35 minutes. brisk pace.
  • I will not walk today but did about 2 miles yesterday and will do 2 miles today.
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey everyone!! I've been seriously slacking on here lately sorry. Hopefully will be back to regular posting next week but for now here's what I've got so far this month.
    08/01- 4.75
    08/02- 4.5
    08/03- 4.25
    08/04- 5
    08/05- 3
    08/06- 5.25
    08/07- 4.75
    08/08- 3.25
    08/09- 2.75
    08/10- 2.5
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    10 mins to and from lunch today. It all counts.
  • benjfam
    benjfam Posts: 7 Member
    I think I'll give this a whirl! Starting tonight!
  • xnissax
    xnissax Posts: 40
    A total of 80 minutes today!

    I'm closer to my goal then I thought I'd be and it's only the 11th. I might up my goal :)
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    4.66 miles today
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    30 more minutes today.
  • kls79
    kls79 Posts: 34 Member
    6 miles today
    4 miles outside, 2 miles at home w Leslie.....3rd day of Couch to 5k :)
  • 20 solid minutes!!

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    just did four more miles feels so good !!!!!!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Added 1.5 miles yesterday, up to 20.75 miles for the month.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will try and walk tonight if I can. I think I pulled a muscle in the top of my leg.
    It is sore to walk. Maybe take some Aleve today and get relief.

    Have a great day everyone and keep walking !!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    6 miles
  • amie031182
    amie031182 Posts: 27 Member
    I feel a change in my mindset-I came home from work yesterday and rather than think about eating dinner right away, I started planning my walk! Yay, me:)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i just came across this thread...can i still join...i have been walking and spinning(i am in a challenge for the biking) would love to have a walking challenge...i will post my miles walked so far(after checking the exercise notes in my diary)......good luck to all<smiley face>
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i just came across this thread...can i still join...i have been walking and spinning(i am in a challenge for the biking) would love to have a walking challenge...i will post my miles walked so far(after checking the exercise notes in my diary)......good luck to all<smiley face>

    miles for the month not including todays: 31.617