JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,502 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy May Day!

    Recap 4/30 M
    1) Complete report draft for never-ending audit & submit = So happy! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 14,230 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 38 floors :smiley:
    3) Walk dog after work = 3.08 mi 55:21 pace 17:59 :smiley: & stretched after... this is really helping w/ my foot :smile:
    4) Net calories green / monitor usual = Had a beer (& logged) to celebrate work project. :D Net calories -80, sugar & sodium green, fiber & protein ok, 14c water. :smile:
    5) Evening: pick up prescription cat food :smiley: / mail bills :smiley: / boil eggs :smiley: / water houseplants :smiley: / Antiques Roadshow Green Bay part 2 :smiley: / time or energy for anything else on list? ;) Nope!
    6) Unplug 10:00 :smiley: / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:30 :smiley: (T is planned rest day)

    JFT 5/1 T ~ planned rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / monitor usual
    3) Update monthly JFT goals post for April & May
    4) Evening: call Mom & Dad to chat / Cancer Prevention Study survey (30 - 45 min.) / laundry / bake power muffins / wash dishes / dog food from bag into bin / update perpetual calendar / 1 other to-do?
    5) Unplug 10:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 (W a.m. workout before work)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited May 2018
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    ✔▪Power pump
    ✔▪Every 2 hr pump schedule today
    (my milk supply dropped due to an inconsistent pumping schedule)
    ✅▪Get back on regular diet➡️dinner was take-out
    ❌▪Yoga (45 min.) ➡️ took a nap
    ❌▪Prepare ALL meals at home ➡️ ate take-out
    ❌▪Drink 96 oz of water ➡️ 48 oz
    ✔▪Clean master closet

    Yesterday wasn't too bad. My nap took up some productivity time so I was unable to exercise or prepare dinner in a timely fashion. However, things are slowly getting back to normal at home.

    Tuesday 5/1 JFT:

    ▪Regular morning routine with kids
    ▪Pump schedule - every 3 hours
    ▪Organize a few things around the house
    ▪Drink 96 oz of water
    ▪45 min. Nap
    ▪Elliptical - walking pace ~ 15 min.
    ▪Yoga (45 min.)
    ▪Prepare dinner in early afternoon bc little one tends to cluster feed in the evening.
    ▪Pick up kiddos from after-school program by 5 pm
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm

    This is a little ambitious bc my little one's feeding schedule and my pump schedule (and all that entails). However, I'm going to at least try to get most of this done. :lol:
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. Track water today to see how many oz. you are actually drinking :) about 100 oz. at work and another 12 or so at home.
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Stop eating when you are full - eat when you are hungry :)
    4. Cook dinner without snacking :)
    5. Two, ONLY TWO, pieces of dark chocolate for dessert :)
    6. Finish job sheet :| Oh my LANTA, this NEEDS to be finished!!!
    7. Give dog meds :)
    8. Meds AM and PM :)

    JFT Tuesday
    2. Track water
    3. Make a smart lunch choice
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Give dog meds
    6. Log all food
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,502 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    When I was a young child, my mother and I used to make little May Day baskets for me to sneak on a few neighbors doorknobs.

    Happy May Day


    We did that too! :D
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Monday
    1. Track water today to see how many oz. you are actually drinking :) about 100 oz. at work and another 12 or so at home.
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Stop eating when you are full - eat when you are hungry :)
    4. Cook dinner without snacking :)
    5. Two, ONLY TWO, pieces of dark chocolate for dessert :)
    6. Finish job sheet :| Oh my LANTA, this NEEDS to be finished!!!
    7. Give dog meds :)
    8. Meds AM and PM :)

    JFT Tuesday
    2. Track water
    3. Make a smart lunch choice
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Give dog meds
    6. Log all food

    I see all those smiley faces! That is great work. I bet you savored your two pieces of dark chocolate...I always do:)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    When I was a young child, my mother and I used to make little May Day baskets for me to sneak on a few neighbors doorknobs.

    Happy May Day


    I did the same, as a little girl. By the time I was 11, few people were keeping the tradition. When we lived in Europe our neighbor gave me lilies-of-the-valley, picked from his garden, on May Day. Apparently, it is a French tradition to give this particular flower on May Day.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    May Challenge:

    Are you guys up to another challenge? I did so much better with water using the April challenge, so I would love to start another challenge for the month of May.

    For the entire month of may ....... try to walk outside for a minimum of 15 minutes. Not only is the exercise good for us, but more than that .... the sunshine..... helping with the mental state of mind. Even when it is dark, I go outside and just walk around the block, and I feel better.
    The days are getting lighter. The weather is getting better. So no excuses!!!!

    I didn't see this post yesterday on my phone, but saw Bex and responded to hers LOL I'm in!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    JFT - Monday April 30
    2L of Water - :) 2.5L I was thirsty
    Stay in Green - :) Yes, but I had to work at it. I was so hungry all day yesterday, I had to take a walk to burn calories to get this to work
    Walk - :) 5K at 11.22 pace, which is my fastest yet
    Plank Challenge - :) 20 Seconds - boy that seems like a long time when you're doing it
    Write in Journal - :)
    Try to come up with a schedule for fitness - :) Hopefully, this is something I can stick to.
    Work on manual after payroll and interviews if there is time - :) Yes and it was a crazy busy day yesterday finally!

    JFT - Tuesday May 1
    2L of Water
    15 Minutes outside
    Plank Challenge
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal
    Work on manual after interviews and writing status letters
    Mail Mom's birthday card!!!!!

    Well today is my Mom's birthday and her card is still sitting on my craft table. Need to get in there tonight to get her envelope made and get Mother's Day cards done!

    I have created a schedule for my fitness, I figure if I can make it a routine I may be able to stick to it better.
    Monday - Wednesday - Walk 5K
    Tuesday - Friday - Gym, focusing on strength and 20 mins cardio
    Thursday and Saturday - Swim
    Sunday - depending on activity level when kids are with me, either rest day or walk

    2 challenges this month - plank and get outside for 15 minutes. I am hoping the 15 minutes outside I can do at lunch time during the week. Saturday's I'll do a lap around our park alone. Sunday's I'll take the kids with me.
    I am also keeping up with the water challenge, that has become a habit now I think!

    I flipped my calendar today, this is the quote for the month. I love it!

    Goal for May is to lose 5 pounds, this will put me at 189! 1 pound less than when I started MFP the first time in 2012. That time it took me from April to August to get to 170, then life started imploding. I can't let anything derail me this time. I would be happy if I was 170 by September as that is my long term goal right now.

    Happy May everyone!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Oh I forgot - my husband got called back to work this morning. He starts Monday and is going to work days! Last year he did the evening shift and we didn't have a day off together from May 24 to Sept 1. On weekdays we saw each other for maybe 20 minutes. On weekends we had 3 or 4 hours. I am so excited, maybe we can actually do something this year!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member

    I have created a schedule for my fitness, I figure if I can make it a routine I may be able to stick to it better.
    Monday - Wednesday - Walk 5K
    Tuesday - Friday - Gym, focusing on strength and 20 mins cardio
    Thursday and Saturday - Swim
    Sunday - depending on activity level when kids are with me, either rest day or walk

    2 challenges this month - plank and get outside for 15 minutes. I am hoping the 15 minutes outside I can do at lunch time during the week. Saturday's I'll do a lap around our park alone. Sunday's I'll take the kids with me.
    I am also keeping up with the water challenge, that has become a habit now I think!

    I flipped my calendar today, this is the quote for the month. I love it!

    Goal for May is to lose 5 pounds, this will put me at 189! 1 pound less than when I started MFP the first time in 2012. That time it took me from April to August to get to 170, then life started imploding. I can't let anything derail me this time. I would be happy if I was 170 by September as that is my long term goal right now.

    Happy May everyone!

    You and I have so similar goals!!! I am also hoping to get out of the 190s the month of may! And 170 is my long term goal. (I am 5'11" - so hoping the get there!!).

    We CAN do this!!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    Looking forward to seeing you below 190. I'll join you in doing the happy dance!!!


    Thank you so much for the burst of encouragement!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    Happy May Day


    LOVE THIS!!! Brings back childhood memories of walking up to the neightbors house (which was 1 mile away since I lived on a farm), and picking a bunch of her violets, and placing them in front of her virgin mary stature! Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Reminder of the May Challenge --- minimum of 15 minutes of walking OUTSIDE!!! The fresh air, sunshine, etc not only helps us mentally, but good exercise. Even if it is dark ... walk up and down your street if you can!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    I have created a schedule for my fitness, I figure if I can make it a routine I may be able to stick to it better.
    Monday - Wednesday - Walk 5K
    Tuesday - Friday - Gym, focusing on strength and 20 mins cardio
    Thursday and Saturday - Swim
    Sunday - depending on activity level when kids are with me, either rest day or walk

    2 challenges this month - plank and get outside for 15 minutes. I am hoping the 15 minutes outside I can do at lunch time during the week. Saturday's I'll do a lap around our park alone. Sunday's I'll take the kids with me.
    I am also keeping up with the water challenge, that has become a habit now I think!

    I flipped my calendar today, this is the quote for the month. I love it!

    Goal for May is to lose 5 pounds, this will put me at 189! 1 pound less than when I started MFP the first time in 2012. That time it took me from April to August to get to 170, then life started imploding. I can't let anything derail me this time. I would be happy if I was 170 by September as that is my long term goal right now.

    Happy May everyone!

    You and I have so similar goals!!! I am also hoping to get out of the 190s the month of may! And 170 is my long term goal. (I am 5'11" - so hoping the get there!!).

    We CAN do this!!

    We sure can! I am only 5'4" so my long long term goal is 140 by next July. I'm breaking it down in increments. I figure the winter will be hard so my goal is to lose 10 pounds from September to February, then 20 from February to July again.