

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    Welcome 88 days and Lisa.

    Michelle - sorry I misunderstood. In my experience, that last little roll is usually the final 5-7 pounds that I needed to lose. It always went last.

    I finally got my whoosh! Down 2.2 lbs since Monday and we all KNOW that wasn't fat. The darn water finally went away. Now I can breathe a little and not feel like I am stuck at the same low calories forever for maintenance.

    We are supposed to get rain all morning, actually thunderstorms. We'll see. We were supposed to get storms for the last 4 days and the rain passed around us. We joke that our neighborhood is in a vortex that prevents rain from getting us. You can watch it on the radar go around our little area. It's a good thing with the scary damaging storms, but frustrating when we need the rain. We did get some rain overnight. Thunder woke me up at 4 and I've been up since. They have taken the rain out of tomorrows forecast so we will probably congregate outside. We do our best visiting on all the neighborhood patios :wink: . I was thinking about it yesterday. When it is 100 degrees we are on the patios, when it is 40 degrees, we are on the patios.

    Hub wants to clean the patio and patio furniture tomorrow while he is home. I guess we should since we will be using it next weekend for guests. I need to look at it as an opportunity to burn off a bunch of calories so I can eat more at the party tomorrow night. We will also power wash the front porch since it looks like the killing fields (from dead bugs). After I do that, I will want to repaint the front porch rocker and glider (I have the paint, just need to do it) so they look re-freshed also. It will be never ending.

    Machka - prayers continue for you and your hub. I hope you are able to get some sleep this weekend. Only getting your sleep in 2-4 hour stretches has got to be so frustrating.

    Barbie - I don't think I ever said I love the fence. It looks fantastic.

    I can't remember who has the greenhouse, but it is beyond gorgeous!

    Hugs to those that need them, prayers to those with concerns, high fives to those with accomplishments!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Well took a 45 min nap around 5:15 and then brought Alfie to Tom's..going to go get my granddaughter on the bus ,pick up a tea and start the drive up..will stop at the cottage to check on things and then at the store.for few things and even though it will be cloudy will take the beautiful drive along 1a through North Hampton,Rye and New Castle before heading to Portsmouth and on to Maine .
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Karen - Good luck!

    Allie - Have a great weekend! You deserve it. So glad your friends husband was able to go home.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    It's Friday! It's Friday! Wahoo! I shouldn't be this excited, but I am. I haven't heard from the new family that is supposed to start tomorrow (with the little 1 1/2 year old wild child). I should probably be upset about that; but I really am not. We need more $$ coming in, but I am loathe to give up my weekends. Anyway, I am thinking this will give me time to get some yard work done, and maybe a couple weekends to get my house painted and reorganized for my daycare (using the grant $$). I am just going to sit tight and trust that God, destiny, fate will line everything up at just the right time. Right families, right hours, right timing. It will all work out!
    Wendy- lol Sometimes I feel like my house looks like that one! Maybe with a different living room layout, that would be possible....hmmmm... Loved your horse/water pic! Looks like a wonderful escape to me!
    Social anxiety sufferers- This is my DH. He has not always been like this; but it gets worse as he gets older. Relatives find it funny that we arrive at functions separately (the ones that are close by, anyway). But doing so, allows him to arrive later, stay for a bit, and leave; while it allows me to arrive early (bc I am usually helping with set up or food), stay all day, etc.. I have never forced him to attend anything, because if tables were turned, I would be mad as a hornet if he forced me to do anything.
    Kylia- Ugh! Hope you are feeling back to normal soon! So awful to get sick just as the weather is getting more bearable!
    Margaret- Love the art in bloom works! The Chihuly work! The arrangement compliments his style very nicely!

    More of you I wanted to respond to, another early arrival this morning; text from mom that her two year old daughter left the house screaming. lol Could be a long Friday if this is how they are all waking up! Luckily, we should be getting some sunshine today! ttfn xoxoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Cheri, love the haircut! You look great and paid tribute to your niece! Prayers! She is lucky to have such support.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Hi Sisters, thank you for all kind comments. I need encouragement on this never-ending journey of staying healthy and staying strong, so that I can contribute and help others as well.

    Michele, I wish I knew how to deter bees because sometimes (often!) when my husband is feeding, he mixes up the syrup and then spills it, and the bees swarm for days to get every last drop of it. Yesterday before I went for my beach ride, I had to hook the ute up to the horse float, and there were probably a thousand bees covering the ute, his work truck. I was afraid they would sting my horses and cause them to fear getting into the float. I tried to hose them off before I hooked up but our power was off (all day for scheduled maintenance) so the water pump wasn't working. I tried to drive them off, and some of them left, but as soon as I parked at home again, they swarmed in. I made my hubby hook it up, then worked as quickly as I could to load the horses and drive to the beach before anyone got stung. Luckily, the bees don't sting when they are out gathering food. It's only if you squash them accidently or put your hand or foot or arm on them that they sting you as they die. It's not in their best interest to sting you. Even if it hurts you bad, it hurts them worse. It's only the guard bees at the entrance to a hive that will chase you to sting you. If you do get stung, put vinegar on it. Takes the pain away quickly. So, my suggestion to you, is to make up some sugar water, 50/50 mix and put a jar of it at the far end of the property to draw the bees away from where you want to sit or swim outside.

    Lanette, I am very curious as to how much Queens are selling for in the states. Can you ask your friend?

    <3 Wendy

    Wendy - Friend Alan says he used to be able to get queens for $5 to $7, now they are about ten times that! He lives in Central Oregon.

    Wow, that was something with bees on your DH's truck.... are they at the stage now where they are getting ready to hunker down for the winter and desperate to grab any sugar they can before winter? Maybe they always act this way?

    I have made up sugar water to lure the buzzers away.... I did that a couple years ago. It wasn't honeybees I was luring though, it was bald faced hornets (theoretically the meanest like African Honeybees!) who were taking over our grapes. My thought was to get something even sweeter to draw them, so mixed up the sugar water, put it in a dish about 20 yards away on a shaded side of the house (this was HOT September weather) and it worked. I piled little rocks and pebbles in it so they'd have something to land on and feed and not slip into the stuff. And I managed to pick a lot of grapes at dawn before the hornets were stirring.

    I saw a couple honeybees on the apple trees yesterday. Hooray! Even if only a fraction of the blossoms are pollinated, that will be plenty.

    Have a great Friday ladies!

    Cooler SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    :) good morning!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Thank you for the insight into the British legal system. It seems complicated, but the law is complicated everywhere. Here in the US some attorneys are what I'd call general practitioners, and others are specialists. :flowerforyou:

    Wendy: I can't imagine any soul wanting an empty life, but your DH's comment makes me wonder if he is tired and feeling a bit burned out. :star:

    88_days0504: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Stop by often. :smiley:

    Yoga today and I'm looking forward to it. I'm up and at it, but not well rested. We had sea lions barking on the docks in front of our house for hours last night. We replaced our front windows a couple of years ago. Next time I buy new windows I want them to be sound proof. If I ever buy or build another house, I'm putting that on my list. :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Live simple, love well, and take time to smell the flowers along the way." Mark Twain
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    I noticed a few comments earlier about Nexium. IMO Nexium is a horrible, evil drug.

    A Dr put me on it and told me I'd have to be on it for the rest of my life. 7-8 months later, I was a mess and couldn't figure out what on earth had happened. Then I did some research on Nexium, and made so many discoveries that explained why I was feeling the way I was feeling, and it set off so many warning bells.

    Getting off Nexium is a big challenge. You can't just quit. It took me about 4 painful months to wean off it, but by the time I was nearing the end of the weaning process I already noticed a difference and once I was finally off, I was a new person!!

    At that point, I joined MFP and lost my weight ... and part of the reason I was able to do that is because, once again, I had the energy and enthusiasm to do it! I was no longer weighed down by the drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, depression, disorientation, dizziness, muscle spasms and twitching, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, etc. which I was experiencing on Nexium.

    Never again!

    Machka in Oz
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Oh the cut up jeans I saw had the rear pockets; you do need them for reasons unknown, maybe to help cover your @$$; but, maybe dayglow orange would be better (wearing the Grannie underwear) when I cut up Louis' hunting attire that way I could safely walk in the woods. He'd just have to wear a 'jockey strap' so that his "Johnson" would not 'hang out'. I'll have to take a picture of the first 'idiot' who pays that amount for the air-conditioned jeans.

    Michelle - We get carpenter bees because our house is cypress; they drill holes everywhere and the bug spray man sprays them; but, it just cuts down on them a little. They stay about 2 1/2 months around here. He told me that like spiders they are difficult to spray and kill them. They will get killed if he sprays one that is already in the hole; but, spraying the holes gets a few. Spiders on the other hand have pads on their feet and unless they spray them on their body it is impossible to get any but a few.

    Rye - and, maybe it was Lanette who also commented - See above comment. When I laugh, Louis thinks I need to take an extra Clonazepam. Especially, if I laugh at something he does not think is funny. Like a few days ago, someone posted a little boy trying to pour something into a cup and then saying, 'Ut oh, got to clean that up'; gets paper towel and cleans it up. Then stops in the doorway and drinks the little that had hit the first cup. Then he goes into another room and pours out something else to drink, spilling it and saying again, 'Ut oh, I've got to clean that up'. Goes out of the picture and comes back and has a paper towel in his hand to clean up his last spill. However, this time he takes the path where he had spilt the juice and not cleaned it up and his feet fly out from under him and he hits the floor. It was so like our Will; but, he did not see the 'funny' in the clip. He also was NOT happy that evening because a lot of what was getting posted were funny to me. He asked me 'if I was spiraling again' and I told him 'no'; but, if it would make him happy, I'd take the extra pill. I then stopped laughing - I wasn't prepared to have him call my doctor. Hope you read this when you're not at work. They might think you need an extra pill, or something.

    I guess I must start using a Word document so I won't forget those that I wish to respond to.

    My DDnL#1 has still not sent me a FB "Friend Request" ... I'm certainly not going to grovel and send her one. For all I know my DOS has again blocked me. Then my DDnL#2 had blocked me and I asked her the same question, 'had I said or done anything to be blocked'. She told me 'no, I must have hit the wrong button'. I guess I have to believe her. I certainly have not been doing anything much other than putting in an emoticon.
