
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- from my experience with my keto diet which is very similar to what your DH is on you do have more energy and you do go through times called "hangry" hungry and angry combined. I think without even realizing that we feel restricted from eating our normal diet we go through withdrawals and criticizing or getting mad easily happens during that time. I can now recognize when it is happening to me. It is a very real thing and people that are on this type of diet which is very similar to your husband's knows all about this behavior. I would mention it to your husband and talk to him about his behavior towards you.


    Mary from Arizona
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Lenora As Rita mentioned the Do Not Call registry might help. In case your number isn’t on it, here is the link: https://www.donotcall.gov/register/reg.aspx

    I had it handy as we just put my MIL home phone on there last week.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Rebecca -- Heard this story on OPB on my drive to work this morning, and thought of you. Best line: "It's hard to be mean when you're naked."


    Felicia, not a nudist, but LOVED this story
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    lisas118 wrote: »
    hello Ladies. i'm 56, married with two grown children. i'm not working due to health issues.

    i've been on MFP for quite a while but just recently chose to start reading and writing on boards here. i was originally here for Keto when i was diagnosed with stage four small lymphocytic lymphoma (no treatment as of yet - as this cancer is a wait and watch type, diagnosed in Dec 2016), and lost 17 lbs on that diet. now i'm officially low to moderate carb and am still somewhat able to maintain my weight of 133 (i'm 5'7")

    i have other health concerns too, currently bad lower back pain which i've been rushed to hospital for a few weeks back. i try to keep as active as i can but sometimes i get back into sugar etc again out of emotional eating, and i know it's so bad! i'll eat small amounts of fruit sometimes like blueberries and honeydew melon when i'm feeling righteous, but when i'm not, the icecream my husband and son eat call to me when i'm feeling a little low ! ugh.

    any support and chat and sisterly cameraderie is most appreciated - xo Lisa~

    Hi, Lisa. Welcome!

    I have Celiac Disease, so I know the feeling of having food all around that you can't (or shouldn't) eat. Over time, I have learned to resist, and it hardly bothers me any more.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    ryenday wrote: »

    Machka, like you I love to travel but I am certainly an introvert.

    Rye -- That's one reason I love swimming so much. You have to be comfortable with yourself in order to endure that time under water alone. And with goggles and ear plugs (I can't tolerate the water in my ears), I really can't talk to anyone. Bliss. :smiley:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Only problem with the Federal "Do Not Call" List is that you have to have both the name and telephone number that someone is calling you from. If you tell them NOT to call you again or to put your number on their 'do not call list' they just roll over to the next person to harass you. I never ever say 'yes' to anything, 'such as can you hear me'. NO! Hang up! But, I just don't answer them, I've called Windstream no less than 3x to change the number of rings before my voicemail picks up from 10 down to 3. THAT hasn't been done yet, so if not today; will call this afternoon. I think they might have fixed it because while the phone has run, I haven't seemed to get nearly as irritated about it. I delete about 36 - 40 calls a day! That is ridiculous. Now, they seem to be calling cellphones. My GYN was talking about it the other day because I told him that we no longer even answer the phone, if someone wants us enough, they'll leave a message. He said that someone told him that for $2 a month; you can stop the robocalls. He said that he can't just 'ignore' his phones because of women calling to say they are in labor or the hospital calling that they are admitting a patient. I'd think that would really sux.

    My most desired exercise is walking in the pool. I work up to where I can walk around it 45x each way; and 45x across twice. Trey's step-brother-in-law is going to get our spa and then trade out fixing Trey's pool (maybe even a 'new' filter system ... it depends. He is trying to talk them into going ahead and replacing the liner at the same time and let him dig it deeper in the middle (leaving a shelf around the perimeter at the present depth. I guess it will all depend on how much work he has to do on the spa. I know it needs 5 new filters which are terribly expensive; and it has been sitting up for a year after a hailstorm damaged the top. I will just be happy to get it out of here.

    Traffic in Atlanta makes me happy that we moved; traffic in Jacksonville same reason, traffic in Macon and Albany; but, even around here you have to deal with running up on or into a tractor driven slowly with the wings out and a farmer in the 'air-conditioned' cab not paying the least bit of attention to what is coming up (front or back). Normally, they sit sideways so they can watch the road; and, the ones that are driving one that doesn't have a cab can hear you coming up behind or ahead of them and they will pull over so you can go around them. I usually come up on one when I am already running late to an appointment.

    I'm feeling better now that I am not taking the Nexium; but, still having issues with my esophagus (Barrett's Esophagus). They will do one more test on me before doing something a little more invasive; but, the MD says they had very good luck with it.

    Hi to all the Newbies - sorry that I have not been addressing every post that I would like to. Trying not to spend too much time on computer.

    Have a great weekend!