May 2018 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @PastorVincent I've always gone by the "dress like it's 20°F warmer" rule. If you tend to run hot you may go 30°, if you run cold you may do 10.

    I do agree with @MobyCarp on the suggested attire.

    But, if you suspect it's going to be a cold 60°, maybe wind, drizzle and cloud cover add the arm sleeves that u can pull down (maybe a long sleeve tech t), gloves you can pocket, and/or warmer socks depending on what gets cold on you. I'd personally forgo any head gear that wasn't cool.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    @PastorVincent yep, shorts and short sleeves would be my suggestion. Also deal with Raynaud's. Anything under about 55F makes my fingers turn white. So a pair of gloves would be necessary for me at the start. The throw-away long sleeve for before and first few miles is what I usually wear also for colder races.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Holy heck, how could I forget to mention this! My wife told me she thinks she's going to sign up with Moms On The Run!

    I found out about the group and suggested she try it out. She had many reasons she didn't want to do it but ultimately I persuaded her by finding articles and info which convinced her that it was not only young, fit moms in the group. You don't even have to be a mom to be in the group. Part of the deal, though, is that I can't talk about her running unless she brings it up first. Fair enough. I think her first session is next week. It will be pretty hard not asking her about it though.

    @7lenny7 I love that rule!

    My husband was in the army (special forces) when he was young (many, many, many years ago - lol). When I started running he would always tell me about his accomplishments and PRs. They were impressive for someone in their 20s. I realize he was just trying to be supportive of my new hobby. However, we were both in our 40s and a long way from that kind of thing. He didn’t mean to be a jerk about it but that’s what it felt like when I was mega struggling through C25K.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Holy heck, how could I forget to mention this! My wife told me she thinks she's going to sign up with Moms On The Run!

    I found out about the group and suggested she try it out. She had many reasons she didn't want to do it but ultimately I persuaded her by finding articles and info which convinced her that it was not only young, fit moms in the group. You don't even have to be a mom to be in the group. Part of the deal, though, is that I can't talk about her running unless she brings it up first. Fair enough. I think her first session is next week. It will be pretty hard not asking her about it though.

    This post is awesome. And that bolded part is just plain funny :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Holy heck, how could I forget to mention this! My wife told me she thinks she's going to sign up with Moms On The Run!

    I found out about the group and suggested she try it out. She had many reasons she didn't want to do it but ultimately I persuaded her by finding articles and info which convinced her that it was not only young, fit moms in the group. You don't even have to be a mom to be in the group. Part of the deal, though, is that I can't talk about her running unless she brings it up first. Fair enough. I think her first session is next week. It will be pretty hard not asking her about it though.

    @7lenny7 I love that rule!

    My husband was in the army (special forces) when he was young (many, many, many years ago - lol). When I started running he would always tell me about his accomplishments and PRs. They were impressive for someone in their 20s. I realize he was just trying to be supportive of my new hobby. However, we were both in our 40s and a long way from that kind of thing. He didn’t mean to be a jerk about it but that’s what it felt like when I was mega struggling through C25K.

    @amymoreorless that's the case here. In my desire to be supportive I'd relate it to my running and go overboard and she'd feel like I was comparing. We're both pretty competitive, which is usually not a problem unless we're doing the same thing. And Lord knows she hears enough about running as it is. I know if I continue to talk about her running, it will just drive her away from it.

    We actually had the conversation a couple of weeks ago and I told her at the time that I wouldn't bring it up again. She had to come to her own conclusion without me pushing. Since she hadn't mentioned anything since then, I figured she decided she wasn't interested. I was sure surprised when she told me about calling them up for more info, and deciding to try it.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    3 miles on the treadmill and some strength work, shoehorned in between conference calls.

    May tally: 10 miles
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    @7lenny7 yes, I definitely think the tendonitis could've affected my stride. At this point, I just need to humble myself and back off on the running until I start to feel better. In the mean time, I will cross train. I love to swim laps, and that's a lot easier on the joints. I'll keep strength training as well. I have a PT appointment set up for the 18th. So far away! Or it feels that way to me.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    edited May 2018
    May Goal: 85 miles

    5/1: 6 miles
    5/2: 5.75 miles
    5/4: 5.6 miles

    17.35/85 miles completed

    5.6 miles this afternoon in my new shoes. I'll have my long run on Sunday and then start my 2 weeks of taper before my HM on the 19th. I'm getting really excited about it!


    Upcoming races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    5/1: ST, 1 mile dreadmill
    5/2: 3.7 miles
    5/3: 2 miles intervals
    5/4: ST

    Total: 6.7/70

    Upcoming races:
    Wineglass Marathon 9/30

    Today was a scheduled strength day anyway, but I had hoped to maybe squeeze in a short run. Well, my office’s air conditioning is not working, and it was so hot that I took my shoes off while in my office. When I put my shoes on later, my feet were so swollen! I did a dumbbell routine and skipped the run. Hopefully, my feel will be back to normal tomorrow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Oh @girlinahat What horrible losses. I think there's a statistic that goes around at work that the average retiree lives 6-18 months after retirement. So I guess it not all that uncommon to get short changed on the golden years.

    @CMorning99 haha! Glad you made it over! Where are you living now? I gathered you were out of the states, just had probably missed where. Cookie problem? Lord you're in the right place. I love pie.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    MAY GOALS, REHAB SMART, 10 hours of activity for the month. Work up to 3 minutes of running.

    4---30 minutes stationary bike.
    4---68 minutes, 3.46 miles walk double duty today. tomorrow bike and run.

    Upcoming Races
    October 14th Spirit of Survival Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I went for a walk round the neighbourhood last night. My leg felt good and I'm definitely planning on going for a run at the weekend. Had the fright of my life when I turned a corner and came face to face with a very large coyote. He was enormous. He looked at me and nonchalantly trotted off down the road and into someone's garden. @Orphia - I think I would rather have dealt with a bee.

    Yikes, @BruinsGal_91 !!! Nope, I'm not trading places! :smiley: xo
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited May 2018
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    ctlaws44 wrote: »
    Goal: To reverse time with the speed of my feet. (AKA Superman II) AKA^2 The best superman.

    Secondary Goal: Let everyone know I fight with depression and bi-polar disorder. Total High/Low personality.

    @ctlaws44 I gave you a hug for that. :heart: I've been having psychological counselling for my anxiety. It's really helped. Sympathies from someone constantly battling with their brain. :smile:

    Good to hear you are making progress @Orphia I know you have struggled of late with medication so finding something that seems to be helping is really important for you.

    You're thinking of @RespectTheKitty. I wonder how she is. Thanks, though. xo

    I'm not on medication for the anxiety. I don't have anything against medication; I've just been doing well thanks to the counselling and challenging my thoughts.

    girlinahat wrote: »

    @ctlaws44 . We’re here for you. We don’t judge.

    I think this might be my first post in the May thread, and we’re on page 14. April kind of fell apart towards the end as after my dance weekend in Vilnius I struggled to get back into things.

    I’m now about 8 weeks from my first marathon and am seriously under-trained. I still want to do it, but need to start making a decision. I was never going to run the whole thing anyway. I too have been suffering under a cloud. I thought it was just tiredness, but I’ve had a massively busy week this week AND limited sleep yet am feeling more positive, so I can pretty much discount that as the sole cause. But I’ve got out for a few runs to get myself back on track. Yesterday I did 7 miles before heading into London for a four hour meeting, finally made it home after delayed trains then fell straight into bed. I figured the long run was a good plan, but then walked another five miles in heels, so now all kinds of muscles in my legs are hurting.

    I’m off camping for the bank holiday weekend. It’s with a group of people I’ve never met, whose stated aim is to Say Yes More to things. I’m hoping this will be the kick up the backside I need. Sunday we are doing a walk, but I am going to run, sheepdog back, and do it my way to get another run in.

    Monday is for sleeping.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    5/1 = 6 hot and humid lunch miles
    5/2 = 3 miles and 30 minutes strength training
    5/3 = Vinyasa yoga class and 3 slow miles with my dog
    5/4 = 6 miles

    Has anyone ever done a Tough Mudder race? Experiences? I have a crazy friend trying to convince me to register with her for one in November.

    May Goal Miles = 140 / May Miles to date = 18

    Yes, I have. In fact, that’s what got me started with this running lark. I started c25k to ‘train’ for it, did the Tough Mudder and was shocked about how much I needed to run at the start, got through the 12 miles of the event four hours later and figured I ought to train more if I wanted to do another. Could barely move after.
    It’s very much a team event, and there are some obstacles where you CANNOT do them without help. Everyone will help you though, even if you don’t have your own team. You’ll be fine on the running side, as the running is broken up by obstacles, but what you’ll want to work on is upper body strength. You’ll need that. And a gritted teeth mentality. The live wires electrifying you is not pleasant. I say that as someone who was hit several times, in the buttocks and kidneys, and after getting finally clean towards the end, was mightily annoyed to then get faceplanted by ten thousand volts and a mouthful of mud.
    That said, it WAS fun. I’ve done a different obstacle race since, and preferred it, as the obstacles were more of a ‘challenge’ than out to get you. There is nothing so malicious as electrocution. A couple of the obstacles were mind issues too – swimming a tunnel under a cage with barely enough room to get air springs to mind.
    If you like a challenge, go for it. They’re not cheap events though!!!

    @girlinahat Thanks! I went ahead and registered. I have been thinking about it for a few months.

    One of my coworkers passed away yesterday morning a month after she retired - massive heart attack. She had planned and waited for all the things she longed to do until retirement. Her passing made me realize that tomorrow is not a promise. :(

    A colleague of mine kept his head down and waited for retirement. Six months later he was diagnosed with a brain tumour and a few weeks late he went into a hospice. He died about a year after he retired. What felt particularly unfair was that another friend was diagnosed with a fast growing brain tumour, and lasted eight YEARS before succumbing shortly after my colleague.

    At the time I told myself I’d run a marathon for both of them. Because I could. (I started trying to be healthier because of my sisters MS diagnosis). This is why, even undertrained I want to do what I promised to do at the graveside of a friend.

    Tomorrow is a gift if we wake up to it. And tomorrow will be easier on us all if we take care of the body we inhabit. We are amazing beings. We are capable of so much. We just need to remember to try.

    Beautiful words. :heart:

    There are always other marathons.

    The main thing is to think things through and do what's best for your health and body.

    It doesn't matter if you don't tick off one event that you may have only spent a moment's thought in selecting a date for.

    You can do what you can in the next few weeks and see how you feel. Keep thinking things through and letting us know how you go.