JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Took middle daughter to soft play today, she can't climb through all the tunnels and up the steps to get to the slide at the top so it was into me and daddy to do it for her haha,

    Anyone have any idea what I should log that as?

    I need to log as many burnt calories as possible because we went to burger king for lunch. I was about 3 bites from finishing when I said to my partner "*kitten* babe I'm on a diet remember!!" All he could do was laugh and say good luck burning that off :sweat_smile: he's such a t!t

    Anything I'm not sure how to log, I put as "however" many minutes as a slow pace walk. I figure it's at least movement and counts for something.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member

    I truly don't like the gym, all those people, so many of them so fit! Parts of me know, that they don't care about me, what I'm doing, or how I look doing it, but all of those childhood taunts come back in my head.

    Why at almost 50 years of age does what others think still rule my life so much? I care what everyone thinks about every aspect of my life. I try very hard to meet my goals because I don't want to look like I failed in front of anyone. I know in my head that other's people opinions of me is not my concern, that most of the people I think are judging me aren't even aware I exist. I need to start figuring out a way to believe this and get these thoughts out of my head.

    This group has so truly helped me understand that if I'm trying I'm succeeding, I don't have to be perfect. I will forever be grateful that I have found you all.

    I could have written most of this myself. Feel the same way at 58 years old. I was teased and picked on most of my life. I've fought hard to become who I am today and build up some self-confidence. I worry about what others think all the time. I think you are an insightful, inspiring and strong person, and I'm so grateful you joined our group. We CAN and WILL reach our goals. :heart:

    Thanks. It sucks how cruel kids can be and how truly damaging it can be for your whole life.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @mytime6630 I have watched My 600 LB Life many times. I find it really inspirational to see the transformation and the motivation and drive that they have is truly amazing. I'm always so darn happy for them! My husband doesn't understand what I see in that show, but I really do find it inspiring.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Evidently, I have a "stuck" SI joint and that is what is causing the hip and lower back pain. It's radiating down my leg and is so annoying!!! I did still take my 15 minute walk in the sun Wednesday night and it was wonderful @mytime6630! I listened to the birds singing and it was just some really nice "me" time! I only walked around a two block radius so I wouldn't get too far away from home and have to call for a ride! LOL. I will be going to physical therapy to get the SI joint unstuck and the muscles strengthened, and then I should be good to go again. I'm pretty happy about that!

    Yesterday I didn't get out for my 15 minutes sunshine activity. I didn't do much of anything "good" except eating pretty healthy most of the day. But then all heck broke loose between me and my 19 yo GD who lives with us. I got angry and blew up. I don't normally do that. I am the "fixer". I will go out of my way to make sure everyone else is happy. I will go without, to make sure they have what they want or need. So, I just feel terrible about it today. I think I'm just past the point in life of being able to deal with teenage hormones and drama. My patience is running thin. I have to find a way to recharge because I don't like myself when I allow myself to do that. I'm thinking 15 minutes of activity in the sunshine might be just the trick! I think I am going to leave work early today and dig my bicycle out of the garage. I need to get away and get my thoughts in order.

    ANY-WHOOoooo, it's a brand new beautiful day and I will just start fresh and hope it is a more pleasant ending this time! :smile: Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, one of the outcomes of the blow-out byesterday is that my husband says I must cancel both of our memberships to the gym since we rarely go and it is a waste of money. So, inside my head, I'm thanking her a lot for getting that topic brought up too... *sigh* <deep breaths...>

    Just for Friday
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Drink 64+ oz of water
    3. Tiny Habits (on weekends I will still pre-log and set aside my planned food)
    4. Sunshine activity for 15 minutes
    5. Practice patience. Don't match anger with anger. Try not to take it personally...many times it is not me that is the underlying issue--it just feels that way. Grow tougher skin.
    6. Lymphatic massage arm tonight, and have DH wrap it
    7. Sit Less Boot Camp challenge - get caught up!
    8. Research Keto & low carb ways of eating and see if it's doable FOR ME (Keto vs. 17 Day Diet food plan) just to help me kick-start sugar detox.
    9. Brainstorm goals. Break them down into small steps (not just weight loss but life in general seems to be overwhelming) Scribble ideas in notebook when I have them and I can put it all together later!

    3 New Tiny Habits:
    1. After I finish dinner, I will pack tomorrow's B, L and snacks.
    2. After I pack tomorrow's food, I will pre-log my food for tomorrow.
    3. Whenever I see a commercial come on TV, I will get up off the couch and move or stand until it is over.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~Thomas Edison

    I had that happen to my hip as well, it didn't take long when I started physio to get it working again. I still have to do some of the exercises or it tries to get stuck again. I consciously think how I walk to ensure I'm using my hip and not my back. Hopefully you get fixed fast too!

    I don't know how I would do raising a 19 year old girl at this age. I know I had some "blow ups" with my daughters when they were younger we all survived it, but I felt guilty too. I think they just learned that I was human from it. I'm a fixer too, sometimes it's nice to not have to do it. Maybe your husband will give you time to get your hip fixed and then you can start using the gym again! Hope you have a better day today!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I have my phone back!!!
    And my tablet :D
    I love that my partner is good with electronics!

    The tablet when he prised the back off was a mess!! So many wires had detached themselves?! So he just reattached them and it was all good!
    We had a quote for £30 for my iPhone charge port to be fixed. He found the part online for £6 with all the tools to dismantle the phone, the screws are TINY. But he fixed it!

    Ah I love him so much :)!

    I need your husband. I had given my grandson an older model iphone to use for his Stickbots and to watch Netflix and You Tube on. It was free to me from my employer. He had it about 2 weeks, when he brought it back to me, put it on the counter and in a very dejected voice said "you might as well take this back, it doesn't work" I asked him what happened and he said he didn't know, the screen just remains black. I googled and it seems like it's probably a loose wire somewhere. Every time my GS comes out, he asks me if I've taken his phone to the Phone Engineer yet. I hate the thoughts of paying to have this fixed.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So many posts! Have read them all but super tired tonight. Am thinking of you all though. Had a good day. Slightly anxious about the bank holiday weekend approaching. My girls are with their dad and I’m on my own so want to try and stay positive over the next few days. Have made some plans with friends so hopefully this will help.

    Friday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Sort stuff for nephew’s bday ✅
    - 12k+ steps ✅
    - 2ltr+ water ✅
    - 15 mins outside exercise ✅
    - Leave work on time ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout if feel like it (poss rest day)
    - Pack girls for weekend/hairwash
    - Yoga 10:30
    - Aim for 10k steps
    - 2ltr water
    - 15 mins outside exercise
    - Vet at 2:20
    - Coffee with C 4:30
    - Gardening?
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Some pamper time (eyebrows, tan)

    Zzzz time for me. Happy weekend all x
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member

    JFT - Friday May 4th
    2L of Water - Yes
    Stay in Green - Yes
    15 Minutes Outside - Yes
    Plank Challenge rest day
    Walk tonight - Yes
    Write in Journal - Yes
    Have a conference this morning - Yes

    JFT - Saturday May 5
    2l of water
    Stay in Green
    15 minutes outside
    Plank Challenge
    Clean- Laundry
    Swim lesson

    Had a great day! I walked my 5K tonight and cut 23 seconds off my time. Also, hubby wanted Dairy Queen and I refrained!

    Have s great Saturday everyone
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited May 2018
    Posting tonight, since weekends always seem to get away on me...

    Recap 5/4 F ~ raining & gloomy morning & no dog walk before work = sad dog :'(
    1) Weight machine & circuit training before work :smiley: and increased my minutes slightly :smile:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = At 11:15 pm Fitbit at 8,028 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (visiting at check-in table and forgot to get up & move), 29 floors :smile:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / monitor usual = Net calories -273, sodium & sugar red, fiber & protein good, 14c water :/
    4) Complete report draft additions requested yesterday :smiley: finished 4 Conditions & Recommendations and submitted for review... almost final ~ yippee! / remember to pick up seminar checks at Accounting after lunch :smiley: / need gas in car :D almost driving on fumes, but got gas
    5) Evening: volunteering at church directory photo sessions & will be checking people in ~ be there by 6:45 & remember lock-up procedures from K last night :smiley: had a blast since L stayed late and we caught up with each other, several no shows and locked up early / decide on my clothes for tomorrow's photo session w/ hubby (not even sure what in my closet fits anymore... a good problem to have) :/ too tired to care, know what I'll probably wear anyway / youngest brother's bday card :smiley:
    6) FLOSS :smiley: as soon as I finish this post / retainers :smiley: ditto / bed & TV off 11:00 :( nope but no alarm in a.m. either

    JF Sat. 5/5
    1) Walk dog / maybe a little farther? my foot is feeling much better / remember to stretch
    2) Log all food / not sure about supper / nothing fried (health assessment in 10 days & don't want skewed readings from blood draw) / keep net calories in vicinity of green
    3) >10c water (harder on weekends when out and about)
    4) Smile pretty with hubby at photo session
    5) Not too late to bed / choir at church 7:20 a.m. Sunday
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Friday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :/
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Finish 3 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Saturday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Go for a walk
    6. Finish 3 orders from my shop
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Kullerva wrote: »
    Just for today, I promise not to let the weekend get me off my game. :)

    That’s a good goal, I think the weekend gets a lot of us.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Seems like lots of us struggle with keeping to our goals at the weekends. I find it really hard when I have lots of socialising to do. So far this weekend I’ve only had coffee with a couple of friends so no meals out. Am still planning a treat (of sorts) for tomorrow as have tried out a recipe I saw on here for a low cal high protein cheesecake. It’s chilling overnight and I’m hoping it’s tasty.

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout if feel like it (poss rest day) ✅
    - Pack girls for weekend/hairwash ✅
    - Yoga 10:30 ✅
    - Aim for 10k steps ✅
    - 2ltr water ✅
    - 15 mins outside exercise ✅
    - Vet at 2:20 ✅
    - Coffee with C 4:30 ✅
    - Gardening? :| tomorrow maybe
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Some pamper time (eyebrows, tan) ✅

    Sunday goals
    - sleep in! Rest day from workout
    - Yoga @ 8:30
    - 12k+ steps
    - 15 mins outdoor exercise
    - 3ltr+ water
    - Buy masonry paint
    - Gardening/jet washing
    - Early night
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Today
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Drink 64+ oz of water
    3. <40 g carbs <29 g sugar
    4. Sunshine activity for 15 minutes
    5. Practice patience. Be kind and empathetic.
    6. Lymphatic massage arm tonight, and have DH wrap it
    7. Sit Less Boot Camp challenge - get caught up!
    8. Research Keto & low carb lifestyle
    9. Brainstorm goals and scribble ideas in a notebook as I think of them.

    3 New Tiny Habits:
    1. After I finish dinner, I will pack tomorrow's B, L and snacks.
    2. After I pack tomorrow's food, I will pre-log my food for tomorrow.
    3. Whenever I see a commercial come on TV, I will get up off the couch and move or stand until it is over.

    Have a great weekend JFT Peeps! :smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,596 Member
    Posting again tonight for tomorrow, since day will start pretty early...

    Recap Sat. 5/5 ~ Beautiful spring day & daffodils in front of house are finally starting to open... they make me think of little sunbursts! B)
    1) Walk dog / maybe a little farther? my footsies feeling much better / remember to stretch = 3.57 mi 1:05:01 pace 18:11 (right foot still little iffy) ~ happy dog & happy me B) Fitbit at 12,472 steps so far, 250+ steps 9/14 & 22 floors :smiley:
    2) Log all food / not sure about supper / nothing fried (health assessment in 10 days & don't want skewed readings from blood draw) / keep net calories in vicinity of green = Decided to change MFP setting to lose 1/2 lb. per week, since I've been so hungry lately and weight loss stalled for 3 months ~ means more net calories ~ woohoo! Day started by sleeping late, with very late breakfast after dog walk, then hubby & I had photo session, so we ate late lunch after at Olive Garden. I decided to try new "lighter" menu option of Chicken Giardino (it was delicious) and only ate half. Of course, that was after tons of salad & 2 breadsticks & water. Ate light, late supper at home. But net calories for Sat. are w/i new limits! :smiley: Unfortunately, sodium is way high, will have to flush that away tomorrow. :D
    3) >10c water (harder on weekends when out and about) = Drank water before leaving home, took water bottle to photo session, ordered water along with lunch and more water at home ~ 13c. :smiley:
    4) Smile pretty with hubby at photo session = Got some great photos, really happy with choices! :smiley:
    5) Not too late to bed :wink: winding down already & alarm all set / choir at church 7:20 a.m. Sunday

    JF Sunday 5/6
    1) Choir at church 7:20 a.m. to sing in 2 services (have to miss Bible class)
    2) Usual breakfast & snacks / leftovers for lunch & maybe supper... otherwise pick from 10 day meal plan / net calories green
    3) Drink at least 12c water to flush sodium
    4) Grocery shop w/ hubby (list mostly done) & have patience while he selects his cereal... honestly, he's like a little kid!
    5) Walk dog
    6) Yardwork with hubby: put out rain barrels / depoop back yard / unfence rose garden / haul leaves from rose garden & hostas out to curb / get out patio furniture
    7) Unplug 9:15 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15

    Have a blessed Sunday everyone!