May 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    You may be able to shuffle and probably walk, but anything that resembles running is likely out the window. More than likely you’ll feel dizzy or light-headed (a result of your brain not getting the glycogen it needs) and some runners feel nauseous

    This little bit stood out from me in the article @7lenny7 posted. That is exactly how I feel when I push myself lately, even in short races. After my last trail race I was sooooo nauseous. I could walk. And forced myself to run across the finish line but that was probably a mistake. Once I eat real food (not gu or other mid-race fuel) it starts to diminish.

    Have you had your blood sugar levels tested? LIke an A1C or doctor controlled glucose challenge?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @PastorVincent I have a doctor's appt on June 1st. It's been over a year since I've had all my blood tested. Nothing came up but will try again. It seems to be ok if I keep my heart rate low which is why I switched to the HR training. I've also been trying to eat healthier and not let my.blood sugar get low because I've always had issues if I don't eat every few hours.

    5/1 - 2 miles
    5/2 - 1.8 miles
    5/3 - 1.85 miles
    5/4 - 2 miles
    5/5 - 2 miles
    5/6 - 6 miles

    5/7 - rest
    5/8 - 2.35 miles
    5/9 - 2.15 miles
    5/10 - 2 miles

    Total 22.15
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Managed 5km this morning at a steady pace. Half marathon is 3 days out and will be the first time I have ever entered anything running related, so this is somewhat new to me. If anyone has any last minute advice or words of wisdom, I would be very grateful to hear them.

    Just run your own race. Very easy to get caught up in all the excitement of all the runners and spectators at a race and go out way faster than what you trained for. So try to keep it controlled in the first few miles, then will have enough left in the tank to finish strong.
    But don't ignore the cheering spectators. That really does give you the extra boost to sprint to the finish.
    Good Luck, and HAVE FUN!!!!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @bradcharlessimmons good luck on your half marathon! I would just echo what @Scott6255 said. Start easy, but know that the adrenaline and excitement of race day will be a big help in getting you through. Make sure to take in enough water and fuel. Enjoy the experience!

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    05/01/18 :::: 3.5 :::: 3.5
    05/02/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 6.1
    05/03/18 :::: 2.5 :::: 8.7
    05/04/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.7
    05/05/18 :::: 7.5 :::: 16.2
    05/06/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 18.8
    05/07/18 :::: 3.8 :::: 22.5
    05/08/18 :::: 3.3 :::: 25.9
    05/09/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 29.1
    05/10/18 :::: 2.0 :::: 31.1

    A very slow 2 miles this morning with Stella. It was cool out (expected to rain a little later and we had a few sprinkles) so I thought it would be a chance to give it another try. As usual she was not really into it, although she did much better with the leash. At least the run is done and it was time on my feet.

    Tomorrow I will take a rest day and then I have a 19k race on Saturday, which I'm planning to just use as a long run and enjoy - although the forecast sounds dreary with steady rain all morning. That sort of puts a damper on the enjoyment part but maybe the forecast will improve.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    giving the ankles a few days of rest

    thank you for all the well wishes on my dog. she's a recovering and is her normal sassy self

    5/4-0mi (but we hiked 4+mi)
    5/5-13.13 mi
    5/6-1.78 mi (5+mi hike+porcupine)
    5/9-0mi (2 hours of aerial yoga)
    5/10-maybe get a few in tonight, getting itchy. outer ankles still hurt


  • bradcharlessimmons
    bradcharlessimmons Posts: 134 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »

    Just run your own race. Very easy to get caught up in all the excitement of all the runners and spectators at a race and go out way faster than what you trained for. So try to keep it controlled in the first few miles, then will have enough left in the tank to finish strong.
    But don't ignore the cheering spectators. That really does give you the extra boost to sprint to the finish.
    Good Luck, and HAVE FUN!!!!

    Thanks so much!! I will try my best, no doubt the adrenaline and excitement will get to me somewhat!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,022 Member
    Bling :)

    (In the voice of that lady in Napoleon Dynamite referring to the model ship) "I WANT THAT!"
    It will probably be 2020 until I'm back in the area, though.
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    @girlinahat - I think it is a travesty that you have never eaten a s'more. They are my absolute favorite food especially when camping.

    Walking more than running but staying moving this month. My Mom goes back to the doctor on Monday and hopefully they release her to drive so I can go back to running in the mornings. I am all caught up at the moment on the posts.

    My race Saturday turned into a walk with my aunt. The person that agreed to walk with her got competitive and took off running, so I walked the 5K course with her.

    Upcoming races (Question marks are races not yet registered for):
    Louisiana Marathon Quarter Marathon - 01/13/2018 - Done
    Mardi Gras Mambo 10K - 02/17/2018 - Done
    Q50 Races Sunset Gulf - 6.5 miles 3/24/2018 -DNS
    Fat Boy 5K - 04/14/2018 - Cancelled due to Tornado Warning
    Active for Autism 5K - 05/05/2018 - Done - Walked
    AKA CANN 5K - 06/02/2018 -?
    BIG EASY BIG HEART 5K 7/21/2018 - ?
    WHOA Racing Cane Field Classic 2018 (Machete 7 – 1 mile/4 mile/2mile) 10/13/2018- ?
    St Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend 10K - 12/01/2018 - ?
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    May 2 – 5.2 miles
    May 6 – 13.3 miles
    May 9 – 6 miles
    May 10 – 4.65 miles

    Nice morning for a run. It had just started sprinkling rain when I came out from my shower at the gym afterwards. Bootcamp this evening. Only 3 classes left in this round and it seems most of them have been when the ground is saturated from rain. I think the instructor delights in having us get down on the ground for exercises when it is so wet!

    @polskagirl01 – Good luck with your marathon on Sunday!
    @kevaasen – Congratulations on your marathon. Awesome time! I’ve done the 3-way challenge (5K, 10K and HM) at the Pig but never the full marathon.
    @ddmom0811 – That’s a sad and scary story about the bear and dog.
    @bradcharlessimmons – Trust your training plan. Remember that no matter how you do, it will be a PR! Good luck!
    @katharmonic – Good luck to you also on your race on Saturday. Maybe the weather forecast will improve by then.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    bride001 wrote: »
    @girlinahat - I think it is a travesty that you have never eaten a s'more. They are my absolute favorite food especially when camping.

    I don't think there's anywhere in the UK that sells Graham Crackers, and the closest description I can find is 'a combination of Digestive and Rich Tea biscuits. I guess I could try one of each on the top and bottom next time.

    someone else somewhere mentioned Timtams. I was sent a massive box by an Australian friend, and told to bite off the opposing corners and then drink coffee through them for a flavour hit.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    May Goal: 85 miles

    5/1: 6 miles
    5/2: 5.75 miles
    5/4: 5.6 miles
    5/6: 12.5 miles
    5/8: 4.1 miles
    5/9: 4.1 miles
    5/10: 3.2 miles

    41.25/85 miles completed

    It was a really pretty morning for a run. I just ran 3.2 miles since I am tapering. It's funny, I still remember when running 3 miles seemed like it would be impossible. Today I really felt like I was just getting started and it was time to stop. At least when I have a shorter run in the morning I can get my yoga done before work.

    @bradcharlessimmons Good luck on the HM this weekend! I'll be running my first HM next weekend so I don't really have advice other than trust your training and know that you've got this. And since it will be your first it is an automatic PR!

    @polskagirl01 Good luck on the marathon Sunday! You are ready!

    @katharmonic I hope that the weather is better than expected for your race.

    @ddmom0811 That is so sad about that poor dog. I can only imagine how bad the owners feel.

    And I am glad to hear that your pup is on the mend @mbaker566 That looked really painful.


    Upcoming races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • greyparks206
    greyparks206 Posts: 165 Member
    I’m so behind this month! There’s no way I’m going to make my goal, but hopefully I can at least get back on a regular schedule soon. I did a short run this morning, trying to do a little speed work to see where I stand there. I went out WAY faster than I planned in the beginning and couldn’t maintain anywhere near my goal pace by the end. I’ve got to get better at that!

    April goal: 40.0 miles
    Today: 1.5 miles
    Total so far: 7.5 miles
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Managed 5km this morning at a steady pace. Half marathon is 3 days out and will be the first time I have ever entered anything running related, so this is somewhat new to me. If anyone has any last minute advice or words of wisdom, I would be very grateful to hear them.

    May 2018: 46km/150km = 30.6%

    2018 Races:
    13th May: Leeds Half Marathon
    14th October: Yorkshire Marathon

    Make sure you have a clear goal in mind for the race. If shooting for a certain time, then come up with a pacing plan, and stick with it. If shooting just to finish in good form, then slow and steady is the way to go.

    If you've never run 13 miles at race pace before, do not be deceived by the fact that your training, adrenaline, and the crowds will likely make it very easy to run the first 10K way too quickly. You'll allow yourself to go faster than you planned simply because you'll feel awesome and think you can go on forever at that speed.

    Trust me when I say this isn't the case. 13 miles is pretty long all things considered. If the first 10K doesn't feel dead easy, you'll likely be hurting pretty bad by mile 11.

    One 'standard' way of pacing the race is to run the first three miles 10 seconds per mile or so slower than your target pace. Run miles 4-12 right at target, and run the last mile with all you have left in the tank.

    Also, it's a little late to do much about it now, but consider if you'll need a fueling strategy. I was fooled by my training because I did all of my longer runs at an easy pace and was able to manage those in pretty good form with no fuel during the run. Long run at race pace was a different story altogether. I totally ran out of gas in the last two miles to the point where I'm fairly certain that a gel before the race and again halfway through would have helped me immensely. Though you definitely don't want to take a long run at this point, you might want to check how your stomach reacts to gels, or considering carrying a banana or something to eat on the way.

    Good luck - I know I wrote a ton but above all else enjoy the race! It really is a great experience.