May 2018 Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Visiting family down in Houston for graduation. Had stomach ache all night long. Thought I was better this morning, but still bothered me a little on the run. Didn't help that it was so hot and humid here (75F and 88% humidity @ 6am). Managed to find a 10 mile route. Actually felt best on the last mile doing strides.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    5/1/18 2 miles
    5/2/18 1.8 miles
    5/3/18 1.85 miles
    5/4/18 2 miles
    5/5/18 2 miles
    5/6/18 6 miles

    5/7/18 rest
    5/8/18 2.35 miles
    5/9/18 2.15 miles
    5/10/18 2 miles
    5/11/18 rest (weights)
    5/12/18 2.15 miles

    Total 24.3 miles out of 75ish.

    I learned that when you put in a workout and use repeats you cannot double tap to get back to your usual Garmin screens. I skipped past 2 of my repeats this way. So I just did them during my 5 minute cool down and then added another 5 minute cool down after workout completed. I need coffee before speed work apparently. I can't get my *kitten* together for it.

    I was struggling with breathing this morning and could not push myself for the 1 minute intervals to get to Zone 5. I spent my Z5 time in Z3 or Z4. First 2 repeats weren't bad but the last 3 were a struggle to keep running. I was a bit surprised seeing as in my 5 minute warmup and 5 minute in zone 1 were hard to keep my heart rate down where it needed to be. It was just a tough workout for me. I would guess air quality since I slept well and for like 7.5 hours!

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @greyparks206 It's still a race! You don't need to be competitive for placement. I know I consider myself to be competing against myself!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I had to get back home to make a doctor appointment for my sad, sick, strep-throat kiddo so I just did a "quick" one-mile jog this morning. I wasn't able to go quite the whole mile without a short break in the middle to catch my breath, but I guess I ran it about a minute-per-mile faster than I normally do. I'm not sure which is better to work on at this point, pace or distance. I did all this "preliminary" working out on a treadmill the last time I tried to get myself in running shape and I'm not a great judge of how fast I'm going, other than how my breathing feels. I was definitely breathing hard, lol...I sounded like an asthmatic freight train!

    Anyway, this makes mile 5.5 out of 10 (14 miles walk/run) for the month

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    5/1 6miles
    5/2 9.92miles
    5/3 6miles
    5/4 12miles
    5/5 6miles
    5/6 rest
    5/7 6.5miles
    5/8 6miles
    5/9 7miles
    5/10 8miles
    5/11 5miles
    5/12 14.11miles!

    Yesterday, I did 5 miles as fast as I could because I had to be back at my daughter's school for her poetry cafe. I had a small window between dropping her off in the morning and getting back in time, about 1hr and 10minutes. I did the 5 miles, showered, and made it back with 5 minutes to spare! Phew!

    This morning I was dreading my long run of 14 miles because I knew it was going to be hot... I decided to head out first thing and made it out there a little after 8 am. It was over 70 and sunny already. Oh man it was HOT! I took 40oz of water and at 10 miles I stopped at a 7-11 and added ice to my camelbak. I finished, but I was SLOW. Just over 10 minute miles, but I was happy I didn't stop to walk at all. So glad I'm done with that! Time to enjoy the rest of the weekend!! (And catch up on the thread. I'm terribly behind!)

    Happy mother's day to all the moms out there!

    3/18/2018 Shamrock half marathon
    3/24/2018 Don't Sit on Colon Cancer 5K

    5/28/2018 Run to Remember 5K
    10/7/2018 Crawlin Crab half marathon
    10/13/2018 Joggin for Frogmen 5K
    11/18/2018 Norfolk Harbor half marathon
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    @sarahthes If Friday the 13th has taught me anything it is to stay away from abandoned camp grounds...
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    May Running Totals (miles)
    5/1 – 5.69 warm up + speed work
    5/2 – 6.21 group run
    5/3 – 7.08 warm up + speed work
    5/4 – rest day
    5/5 – 15.02 group run + solo miles
    5/6 – 5.01 trails & grass
    5/7 – rest day
    5/8 – 6.11 MP with hills
    5/9 – 7.07 group run without group
    5/10 – 6.38 warmup + speed work
    5/11 – rest day
    5/12 – 11.76 group run + solo miles

    May running total to date – 70.33

    Nominal May mileage goal: 180 miles

    Real goals: Stay healthy. Build base. Maybe run some trails. Have fun.

    Today's notes – Still in the interim between pacing sessions, so I ran with the group from a competing running store. There were 3 of us for an 8:00 pace; the pacer barely spoke, and the young guy didn't say a word. To be fair, I wasn't terribly talkative either.

    Forecast was for temperatures in the mid to upper 40s, with showers or light rain. We got light rain to start, so I wore a jacket. The planned routes were 5 + 7 miles, for 12 total; after the first 5 (about 5.25) the other two people quit. So I set out to run the second loop on my own. It featured a road I hadn't run before, but I was thinking I could just run the familiar Riverway Trail and add some distance.

    Well. About 7 miles in, I began to feel a bit of intestinal distress. By the time I got to the road I hadn't run, it was an easy decision to take the unfamiliar but shorter route back to the store. I missed some fine points of the planned route, since I didn't have a pacer to show me and I left the tic sheet in my pocket rather than have it out to become illegible in the rain. Ended up getting back to the store at 11 and three quarters of a mile. If the rest room had been another quarter mile further away, I would have got 12 miles; bu there was no way I was running around to get 12 miles before stopping when I was at the store!

    I'm thinking I'm a wuss. Not even 12 miles, and I'm pretty wiped out. Take care of the gut issue, stretch, feel better; but don't feel up to running another segment. Later, it hit me: In March, my doctor had told me to go get a Shingles vaccination, but wait till after Boston. "After Boston" turned out to happen yesterday on my rest day. Got a sore arm, like someone punched me real hard, but that's expected. And maybe, just maybe, my energy level wasn't everything it could be a day after the vaccination.

    I'll go with that. I have a half marathon to run on June 3, and it wouldn't do for me to think of 13 miles as a challenging distance.

    2018 races:
    February 17, 2018 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY) finished in 54:48
    February 24, 2018 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 4.4 mile) (Webster, NY) finished in 28:46
    March 17, 2018 USATF Masters 8K (Shamrock 8K, Virginia Beach, VA) finished in 31:55
    March 24, 2018 Spring Forward 15K (Mendon, NY) ran at MP, finished in 1:10:47
    April 16, 2018 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:28:43
    April 29, 2018 USATF Masters 10K (James Joyce Ramble, Dedham, MA) finished in 41:33
    May 20, 2018 Lilac 10K (Rochester, NY)
    May 26, 2018 Sunset House 5K (Rochester, NY)
    June 3, 2018 USATF Masters Half Marathon (Ann Arbor, MI)
    June 9, 2018 Ontario Summit Trail Half Marathon (Naples, NY)
    June 17, 2018 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    June 30, 2018 Charlie's Old Goat Trail Run 5 mile (Victor, NY)
    July 28, 2018 Battle at Bristol 10K (Naples, NY)
    September 30, 2018 Wineglass Marathon (Bath, NY)
    November 11, 2018 Syracuse Half Marathon (Syracuse, NY)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @weat0043 There were too many birds singing for it to feel creepy. Now had they all stopped...
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    edited May 2018
    sarahthes wrote: »


    Looks like a fly place to run! And girl, Love the cap. It rocks! :smiley: