TEAM PURPLE! *Lose 10lbs in August*



  • Shells77
    Shells77 Posts: 22
    Mon. 96 oz. water and 40 min. cycling --> 414 cals. burned
    Tues. 96 oz. water and 31 min. aerobics --> 223 cals. burned
    Wed. 104 oz. water and 35 min. cycling, walking --> 292 cals. burned
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Is everyone eating the calories they are burning off?

    I am curious about this too. I just adjusted my daily intake bc I had lifestyle too active in my profile and now my exercise calories mean a post workout snack.

    HECK NO!!! I might use a few but no more that 25, to me I do not see the point in burning the calories if I am just going to eat then back. Kinds defeats the purpose of burning calories I think.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Have I mentioned I hate water?? I got about 6 glasses yesterday and 30 mins and 149 calories. Today is crunch time to make up from lack of exercise this week so far today I have done 1 hour and 463 calories. but only 1 glass of water. I am going to try putting some crystal light in it to drink more. Does that even count??
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    No loss for me this week :(

    I start the challenges on Tuesdays since I'm in Australia and ahead of you guys. So:

    Tue - 80oz / 55 mins: 519 cals
    Wed - 64oz / 43 mins: 285 cals
    Thurs - 80oz / 42 mins: 249 cals

    I don't know how I've not lost anything. My weight's jumped around all week, I've been pretty damn good about my eating and exercising, but to no avail. Is it possible I'm in a plateau? Wahhhh!
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    How's my team? From the looks of it -- you are all doing very well!!! I'm seeing lots of water drank -- calories burnt -- and minutes movin!!!

    Tomorrow is weigh in day -- it's time to send me your numbers in a message.

    Remember to send how much water you drank -- how many minutes you exercised -- and how many calories burned. I'm just adding those up so we can see the total lol -- it was pretty cool to see how many calories we burnt last week!!!

    Also -- it looks like we'll be sending out the new challenge tomorrow -- and run them till next Friday -- weigh in day will stay the same. I know alot of you don't weight in till Monday or Tuesday and I'm totally ok with that.

    Again -- if there are blanks by your name and youknow you sent me your info -- shoot me a message -- we'll get all your information caught up.

    Best of Luck Guys -- I know you've been working really hard!!!

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    August 10 LB Challenge
    Week 2

    Mon/ water~ 80 ozs / exercise~ 65 mins / cal burn ~ 615
    Tue/ water~104 ozs / exercise~50 min / cal burn ~ 232
    Wed/ water ~ 88 ozs / exercise~ 95 min / cal burn ~ 889
    Thu / water ~ 120 ozs / exercise ~110 min / cal burn ~ 644

    water 392 ozs
    exercise 320 mins
    cal burn 2380

  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Day 4:

    Monday: 65 min of exercise and 80oz of water
    Tuesday: 40 min of exercise and 88 oz of water.
    Wednesday: 85 min of exercise and 96 oz of water
    Thursday: 50 min of exercise and 78 ounces of water
    Friday: 40 minutes of exercise (so far) ....

    I weighed in this morning and I have lost nothing this week. I am trying not to be disappointed since I am coming off of 3 weeks in a row of losing, but its a little discouraging. I am keeping it very strict this weekend and see if I can't get a good number next week!
  • Wahooo! Lost 3 pounds this week. That's 9 pounds for August so far.

    Go Team Purple!
  • Shells77
    Shells77 Posts: 22
    Mon. 96 oz. water and 40 min. cycling --> 414 cals. burned
    Tues. 96 oz. water and 31 min. aerobics --> 223 cals. burned
    Wed. 104 oz. water and 35 min. cycling, walking --> 292 cals. burned
    Thurs. 104 oz. water and 61 mins. hiking, walking --> 411 cals. burned.

    Friday is my rest day and I weigh myself on Monday morning, but I'll still be logging in to see how awesome everyone is doing, over the weekend.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Wahooo! Lost 3 pounds this week. That's 9 pounds for August so far.

    Go Team Purple!

    That is awesome!!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    So this weeks challenege got the best of me :(

    Monday: 35 and 225 calories and 5 cups (40 oz) of water

    Tuesday: 30 mins 149 calories and 5 cups (40 oz.) of water

    Wednesday: 1 hour 15 mins and 216 calories 7 cups (56 oz.) of water

    Thurday: 2 houra 15 mins 809 calories and 6 cups ( 42 oz) of water

    I am scared to weigh myself :( I hope yesterdays workout paid off.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hi All Purples! Hope you are doing well meeting your challenges! Here's this week's stats for me:

    Mon: 70 minutes, 68 oz.
    Tues: 30 min, 68 oz.
    Wed: 45 min, 68 oz.
    Thurs: 40 min, 68 oz. (I drink the same 2 bottles of water every day, so this is a low estimate)

    Totals: 185 minutes of exercise and 272 ounces of H20. Also, 789 calories burned.
    Today's weight: 155.2 lbs. I can't believe I lost another little bit!

    This challenge has been really been motivating for me!!
  • for those teammates having trouble with drinking enough water: i bought a refillable water bottle that hold the recommended daily value of water 8 glasses/175 oz at Rite Aid. i know they sell them at k-mart too. I fill the bottle every morning and do my best to finish what it holds by the end of the day. it makes it a lot easier for me becuase i wasn't too good at keeping track just by glasses. drinking a lot of water helps SO MUCH when trying to lose weight even before this weeks challenge i had been trying to drink 8 glasses on a daily basis. good luck & go team purple!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down 1.4lbs this week! Hope everyone is doing good with the challenge this week.

    So far this week I have burned 4818 calories but I still have tomorrow and worked out for a total of 679 minutes. Made sure to get in my 64oz of water everyday and some. Congrats to everyone who loss this week. Keep up all the hard word! Go Purple Reign!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    for those teammates having trouble with drinking enough water: i bought a refillable water bottle that hold the recommended daily value of water 8 glasses/175 oz at Rite Aid. i know they sell them at k-mart too. I fill the bottle every morning and do my best to finish what it holds by the end of the day. it makes it a lot easier for me becuase i wasn't too good at keeping track just by glasses. drinking a lot of water helps SO MUCH when trying to lose weight even before this weeks challenge i had been trying to drink 8 glasses on a daily basis. good luck & go team purple!

    Totally agree. I bought 2 water bottles from WalMart that are 32oz. You get to drinking and don't even realize you've downed 64 oz in the first few hours of the morning. I tend to drink 96oz per day. Better than drinking 5 million glasses/bottles of water every day LOL
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    This Week:

    Loss: 2lbs
    Water: 392oz
    Cals Burned: 2364
    Minutes: 145

    Hellz yea!!! Rocked it this week. I have one more day to exercise to go. Yay!
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    Down 2 pounds this week! Yay!
    Did a total of 240 Minutes of exercise
    Total burn of 1416 calories
    Not sure on the water intake-to me that's a challenge and I don't think there was 1 day where I met that goal.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    I think I lost 2 lbs. I used my moms scale (which is off) but last week it said 162 and this week was 160 :) but really it translates to 163.

    As far as the week challenge goes. . . did not do well :( ( mins and calories reflect actual working out not cleaning and cooking)

    Monday: 35 mins 225 calories5 glasses of water

    Tuesday: 30 mins 149 calories 5 glasses of water

    Wednesday: 45 mins 141 calories 7 glasses of water

    Thursday: 1 1/2 hours 715 calories 6 glasses of water

    Friday: 20 mins 158 calories and 6 glasses of water
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    8/8- --2.54 miles
    68 minutes ----591 calories burned
    8/9- --3 miles
    75 mins
    628 calories burned
    8/10--2 miles
    60 mins
    526 calories burned
    30 mins
    256 calories burned
    8/12--4.1 miles
    78 mins
    571 calories burned
    Total 11.64 miles
    311 minutes exercised
    2572 calories burned
    Other exercises were done besides walking/jogging......
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    CW= 161.2 for a loss of 2.8 lbs

    8/6 - 150 mins - 868 cals - 16 cups
    8/7 - 280 mins - 1450 cals - 12 cups
    8/8 - 75 mins - 288 cals - 8 cups
    8/9 - 100 mins - 837 cals - 9 cups
    8/10 - 50 mins - 309 cals - 12 cups
    8/11 - 195 mins - 1133 cals - 8 cups
    8/12 - 120 mins - 439 cals - 8 cups

    TOTAL week 2: 970 mins - 5324 cals - 73 cups (584 oz)

    You guys ROCK!!!! Keep up the great work!!