Keto and Intermittent fasting is working!



  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    Welcome to the MFP forums!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    Welcome to the MFP forums!

  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So, I am not an expert. I do not think that I am smarter than anyone else. Shoot....I *KNOW* that I am not the sharpest tool in the tool shed! :-)

    But, I can - and will - say the following:

    *I have higher A1C so I tried Keto - and loved it (maybe I will write a song about this).
    *I did indeed combine Keto with IF.
    *I absolutely love Carbs!
    *I also absolutely love Fats!
    *My training sessions SUCKED big time while doing Keto.
    *I recently stopped doing Keto (see the above as to why).

    So, if the OP is doing Keto and it is working then let's all celebrate! Hey, whatever works, right? And, since everyone knows that we are all different, we *should* all know that what works for me might not work for you.

    Anyway, I am not 100% done with Keto. I truly did THOROUGHLY enjoy the Keto way. I am not done with it. Not yet. My contention is that we should be supportive of anyone and everyone who is having success. Just because that success looks different for him or for her does not mean that it is wrong.

    I will say it - there are a lot of ignorant people out there who try this and that without any reason other than "Brad Pitt does this....and look at him". Or, they read the rags in the Grocery Store as they check out and see all of the Head Lines - loose weight with the <insert diet name here> Diets, fast and easy. Total and complete sheep and super ignorant! And, folks - not being ugly with that. Just being honest.

    My contention is that MyFitnessPal forums can educate and reduce that level of ignorance and stop some of the 'blind sheep following' that we humans are seemingly so good at doing. And do that in a non-judgemental way. Sure, we all judge. All the time. But let's help each other.....not cut each other down (very general comment).

    Anyway, not sure if this adds any value. Keto is super awesome and very useful for people with certain issues. It becomes a life-style for them. See that? Life-style....not "diet". So, for some people it is really a very useful and necessary thing. But it is VERY restrictive (no carbs is harder than you think....) and can prevent challenges for folks and since adherence is important for anything to be successful it might not be the right choice for most people.

    Anyway, let's support people and their victories! As long as they are not doing anything that is short-term good and long-term bad......
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    @thecalidiva try the low Carber daily or Keto MFP groups. The discussions are more about support and info rather than a debate on why do Keto. Most Keto threads go this way. Lol ;)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator

    Hey folks - this is not the debate section. If you want to debate the merits of keto, take it there. Further attempts to debate keto in THIS thread (which, I'll remind you, is in the Food and Nutrition forum, not the debate forum) will result in warnings for trolling if they come to my attention. It's Friday. I'd like to chill and be kind and gentle. Don't make me angry.

    If you feel a post is in violation of community guidelines, please use the Flag/Report feature at the bottom of the post in question to report it to the moderation team.

  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    edited May 2018
    I think (for any woe) if it's practitioners don't claim things that are untrue and stick to either opinions or facts actually supported by the balance of scientific evidence, nobody (or very few people) has an issue.

    It's when they make claims not supported by science that they push as fact that people disagree. This goes for any woe, but is doubly true for whatever way of eating is the current most talked about one (which at the moment is keto). It's no different, really, than people who say metabolic damage is real getting challenged (even in the food and nutrition forum).
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    Sorry that your enthusiasm for Keto was nearly extinguished. As someone said, most Keto conversations do go this way. I did Keto, loved it, my gym performance suffered, am now doing something different *BUT* absolutely loved the Keto way. There is a lot of "funny information" out there about Keto and a lot of incorrect notions. Anyway, there is a Low Carb group (I am a part of it) and a few other more Keto-friendly (not sure that is the way to put please give some latitude on that phrase) places.

    I have still not decided if I am going to follow a modified Keto and do something different. But, not the point here. If Keto works for you and you are interested, lots and lots of good information out there. Problem is, it is really hard to find (because of the shear volume of info). I will provide a link to the low carb group....brb!
  • NGentRD
    NGentRD Posts: 181 Member
    JustSomeEm wrote: »

    Hey folks - this is not the debate section. If you want to debate the merits of keto, take it there. Further attempts to debate keto in THIS thread (which, I'll remind you, is in the Food and Nutrition forum, not the debate forum) will result in warnings for trolling if they come to my attention. It's Friday. I'd like to chill and be kind and gentle. Don't make me angry.

    If you feel a post is in violation of community guidelines, please use the Flag/Report feature at the bottom of the post in question to report it to the moderation team.


    yeah it's friday..a darn good one too. Let's all just eat and be happy and get along.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    @thecalidiva - here you go (as promised):
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Good for you, I hope you reap the rewards of a healthy eating diet with health benefits! Ignore the negative or sarcastic posts. We all know keto helps you eat in a deficit intuitively! Hopefully you will feel the benefits of cutting back on oxidising foods and high inflammatory foods. Good luck

    Ooh, ooh, are we playing woo bingo??
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Wow... I was so excited to search this community and find others embarking on a Keto journey. This is the first thread I opened and I really hope that not every thread is like this.

    If Keto isn't your thing, why don't you just move on to a thread that aligns with YOUR goals and YOUR ideas of nutrition.

    You go OP - and hopefully you are on a thread where we can share successes and ideas without others wasting our time.

    @thecalidiva - here you go (as promised):

    Here's the other group. :)
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    My friend swears that eating keto and Paleo helped him get rid of his double chin.
    I tried explaining that a calorie deficit is what caused the double chin to disappear but he swears it was magical. Do you have any input on the double chin debacle?
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    100_PROOF_ wrote: »
    My friend swears that eating keto and Paleo helped him get rid of his double chin.
    I tried explaining that a calorie deficit is what caused the double chin to disappear but he swears it was magical. Do you have any input on the double chin debacle?

    Generally speaking, weight loss is Calories in Calories out. You find your maintenance caloric intake and you either reduce or increase (depending on your goals).

    Generally speaking, if you want to cut (loose weight, loose body fat - there is actually a difference) you would decrease your caloric intake about 500 calories a day (or, 3,500 calories a week) to loose one pound. Or, increase your caloric intake about 500 calories a day (or, 3,500 calories a week) to gain one pound.

    That is how things go - for most people.

    Generally speaking, this is all that matters for weight gain | weight loss: Calories in Calories out. No matter the macros. It is all about calories. Very general comment.

    Now, for some people there are additional things to consider. Again, very general comment. We are learning a lot more about metabolic compensation and metabolic syndrome. I am not an expert so those with more knowledge and experience may disagree.

    So, does Keto or Paleo provide some magic bullet that *MAKES* you loose weight? No. For most people. Maybe it strongly contributes for some. But, very likely the answer is eating in a caloric deficit.....and maybe those two lifestyles assisted HIM/HER. I would suggest this....we are all different and if something works for someone then cool! As long as it is sustainable for HIM/HER......

    But, no - not likely any magic bullet there. Generally speaking.

    For full transparency, I am playing with the Keto lifestyle as I have high A1C. So, there is a medial reason for this.

    And, please please please let's not turn this into a "bash on this" or "bash on that" post. There are lots of options out there. Keto and Paleo do work for some. Let's celebrate their success!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    100_PROOF_ wrote: »
    My friend swears that eating keto and Paleo helped him get rid of his double chin.
    I tried explaining that a calorie deficit is what caused the double chin to disappear but he swears it was magical. Do you have any input on the double chin debacle?

    Generally speaking, weight loss is Calories in Calories out. You find your maintenance caloric intake and you either reduce or increase (depending on your goals).

    Generally speaking, if you want to cut (loose weight, loose body fat - there is actually a difference) you would decrease your caloric intake about 500 calories a day (or, 3,500 calories a week) to loose one pound. Or, increase your caloric intake about 500 calories a day (or, 3,500 calories a week) to gain one pound.

    That is how things go - for most people.

    Generally speaking, this is all that matters for weight gain | weight loss: Calories in Calories out. No matter the macros. It is all about calories. Very general comment.

    Now, for some people there are additional things to consider. Again, very general comment. We are learning a lot more about metabolic compensation and metabolic syndrome. I am not an expert so those with more knowledge and experience may disagree.

    So, does Keto or Paleo provide some magic bullet that *MAKES* you loose weight? No. For most people. Maybe it strongly contributes for some. But, very likely the answer is eating in a caloric deficit.....and maybe those two lifestyles assisted HIM/HER. I would suggest this....we are all different and if something works for someone then cool! As long as it is sustainable for HIM/HER......

    But, no - not likely any magic bullet there. Generally speaking.

    For full transparency, I am playing with the Keto lifestyle as I have high A1C. So, there is a medial reason for this.

    And, please please please let's not turn this into a "bash on this" or "bash on that" post. There are lots of options out there. Keto and Paleo do work for some. Let's celebrate their success!

    A couple of questions regarding the bolded. Based on your user name, I'm assuming you are working out with intensity multiple times per week? What is your weight status compared to goal? Overweight? At goal?

    I ask because I was prediabetic at one point. The counsel of my D.O. (Osteopathic Doctor), was weight loss and intense exercise. He suggested lower carbs some but not to keto levels. Worked like a charm! 6 month and 14 lbs later, ideal BG and A1c numbers. Have kept the weight off and stayed on the exercise path.

    I never and still don't eat keto but I tend to naturally eat lower carb. Eg. around 100 to 150 grams per day. Sometimes more, rarely less. It just my preference but I recall seeing some research that was indicative of lower carbs can help BG and A1c. Didn't need to be to keto levels though. Also, higher fiber.

    So, I am curious about the details of your situation if you are comfortable sharing them.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited May 2018
    100_PROOF_ wrote: »
    My friend swears that eating keto and Paleo helped him get rid of his double chin.
    I tried explaining that a calorie deficit is what caused the double chin to disappear but he swears it was magical. Do you have any input on the double chin debacle?

    You’re right a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight.

    But if keto or paleo was the tool which your friend used to get to eating in a deficit and losing their double chin, why piss on their parade? Why not just be happy for them and support them?

    We all know how the science works, why can’t we accept it takes different approaches to achieve it?