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Vegetarian vs. Vegan vs. Eating meat..to lose weight?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Yaaaaaawn. Knew I didn't want to get involved and I was right!

    1. Look at your teeth...humans were not designed to eat meat.
    2. So you've been a veggie longer than I have been alive, that doesn't make you more educated.
    3. Put a freshly picked vegetable on the side for 3 days then put a fresh dead animal on the side for 3 days...see which one seems more appealing to you then.

    The post isn't about morals. End of. I won't be replying again.

    Others addressed the other points, but I really wish my strawberries could read your post and behave themselves. Without proper storage, they're off within a few hours.

    Yes, my strawberries, which I grow myself, organically, would be completely inedible in three days. Yuck.
  • OliverRaningerVegan
    OliverRaningerVegan Posts: 349 Member
    Vegn people here?
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    Rabbit1295 wrote: »
    Heyo! Hope everyone is well :)

    Something I've been wondering about. What form of diet do you think is better to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight? I'm really curious about REAL (hopefully unbiased lol) testimonials. Do you have to switch diets and commit to it for the rest of my life or what?

    I personally LOVE my meat and fish. Especially ocean caught fish and organic chicken. But let me know what you guys think.

    I think you can still lose weight whilst eating meat so it would have to be a lifestyle change which works for you. Don’t deprive yourself of any food because you can eat what you like in moderation. Fish is great, chicken is great, red meat is something I would maybe eat once a week as it’s quite high in fat .. plant based foods are always going to be healthy so getting lots of veg and good carbs like sweet potatoes and whole grains is ideal.
  • echoresco
    echoresco Posts: 57 Member
    Maybe someone said this already but is it weight loss or fat loss?
    I did the keto thing and lost fat and muscle but the result in the mirror was unpleasant to me but people called me skinny hahah yeah but I was skinny fat
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I don't think vegan vs vegetarian vs meat eater really makes a difference for weight loss. I'm vegan, but I don't think it really offers any weight loss advantages. Meat isn't particularly calorically dense.