50 pounds by dicembre 1st 2018



  • brimom19
    brimom19 Posts: 78 Member
    Wanting to join. Needing as much accountability as possible.
    Hw: 295
    Cw: 254
    Goal by dec1. 199. Want to be in onederland
    Ug: 150
  • Dash90
    Dash90 Posts: 1 Member
    I am At my highest weight of 170 right now and would love to join! I am ready for an exciting journey and success.
  • CooperLove8984
    CooperLove8984 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in! 50 pounds by Dec 1! Scared to step on scale but will in morning
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    That's great!I love the enthusiasm, weigh ins are on thursday. We will be doing mini weekly challenges(t help us get to the 50 minus pounds by december, 1st , this weeks challenge (ends Thursday) is to have lost 2 pounds of the starting weight (not current weight). Mini challenges got to be posted on the challenge page, let's mark hugs for all those whom completed the challenge and for those whom didn't complete the challenge recommendations and or tips to help keep on track.
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    Tomorrow thursday the 14th please post weighs and comment if you lost 2 pounds from starting weight. Please give hugs and likes to those in the challenge whom lost 2 pounds to motivate them.
    Here some info about steps. I use Google Fit synchronized to my fitness pal. Have a great day everyone.
  • davina_2502
    davina_2502 Posts: 16 Member
    Joining! Trying to lose 95lbs.
    SW: 220
    GW: 125
    CW: 217.2

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend for accountability I would appreciate it!
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    spent most of the day on the road so fingers crossed wont effect tomorrows result too much, hi Davina/ clover how do you invite friends on here. redrob
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I would like to join you guys!

    SW: 217
    GW: 140
    CW: 211.6
    50-pound challenge goal: 161 pounds
  • davina_2502
    davina_2502 Posts: 16 Member
    redrob1966 wrote: »
    spent most of the day on the road so fingers crossed wont effect tomorrows result too much, hi Davina/ clover how do you invite friends on here. redrob

    I just friended you. If you are on the app, you have to go under the friends tab on the main left panel where you see diary, progress etc. You need to know the name of who you want to friend. If anyone knows and easier way, please let us know!
  • smmmcgill7705
    smmmcgill7705 Posts: 6 Member
    I would greatly appreciate joining your challenge for 50 by Dec, 1. My starting weight on 6/10/2018 was 207.4. 50 lbs is my goal. Hopefully joining all you guys will increase that motivation.
    I have a friend that introduced this to me on Sunday because I was whining about how I "wish" I could lose. No wishing...start working.
    I am doing the 1200 a day and am so far staying under the amount of calories.
    Started parking further from the door everywhere and walking my 2 dogs individually to double the impact.
    I love the weekly challenge idea of 2 lb by Thursday. Since I started Sunday, I could get in on that.
    If you accept me in your challenge
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    good morning here we go first Thursday check in
    sw 280
    hi davina thank you i have clicked all going well we are now linked
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    SW 224 (6/10/18)
    GW 174
    CW 218.2

    Just wanted to share that I will be trying to reach my goal with the keto diet that I started on Monday.
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    Well I had 2 slices of pizza and beer yesterday, but weighing in today has motivated me to get back on track, i've lost 9 pounds so far.
    Starting Weight 258
    Goal Weight 209
    Current Weight 259
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    redrob: Congratulations
    280 to 265 that's great! we can do this! Congratulations

    Ahelgers: Congratulations on your progress
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    Davina and redrob add me as friends i really can't figure it out :)
  • davina_2502
    davina_2502 Posts: 16 Member
    CloverPR wrote: »
    Davina and redrob add me as friends i really can't figure it out :)

    Just sent a request.
  • davina_2502
    davina_2502 Posts: 16 Member
    Weighed in yesterday thinking it was Thursday!
    GW: 125

    This weekend is going to be difficult for me as I am going to a friend's cottage with a bunch of girls. Generally lots of food and drinks. Going to get low/no calorie beverages and just try to not go crazy with food. Will probably go over calories but will still track. Going to make sure to get 12000 steps each day.

    I have been failing at losing weight for years. My plan this time is to make gradual changes. I set my Cal's at 1400 for now because 1200 just has me hungry and thinking about food nonstop. Once i go down in weight I will lower it. I am also not as concerned about what kind of food I am eating. I just want to log everything and stay on track. Once i get that under some control, will work on expanding my diet to include more healthy food.

    What are your current plans on losing weight?
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Davina how do you send a request keeps asking for emails I maybe in wrong section I think I need a coffee my head hurts now
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    I found it :)