JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member

    @Bex953172 and @Faebert don’t know if you have them there but Snickers is a chocolate bar here.

    We certainly do have Snickers over here - used to be called Marathon when I was a kid but it was changed I think to be in line with the US.

    They don’t have Snickers bars in them but the two giant (30 in each) bags of mini chocolates that my aunt and uncle bought for the kids this week are certainly snickering away at me! My older daughter is going to take one bag in to school today to share with her friends to say thank you for all their help with her broken arm. They have been so sweet - writing cards and carrying her school bag for her. Might have to send the other bag with them to their dad this weekend (especially as he told me he’s trying to lose a couple of pounds >:) )

    @nickssweetheart and @jeschepp - look at all those smilies and ticks!! Way to go!

    Happy Friday all. Finishing a coffee and will workout soon. I’ll see you all back on here later - hopefully with a bunch of ticks of my own. X
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Let's be wise this weekend! Here are some tips that help me when I am going out. Feel free to add to them!

    Log everything you are planning on eating BEFORE eating it! Even if you have to guess it's still better than nothing.
    Get some kind of exercise in, at least one day.
    Eat a portion (1/4-1/2) of your food when eating out. Eat the rest the next day.
    Eat light, telling yourself you can always have more if you are hungry.
    If you want dessert, log it and consider having salad for your entree.
    Google some lighter alcoholic drinks and decide how many you are going to have beforehand.
    Place chips and bread away from you
    Tell your friend/partner what your plan of action is before you go out to eat.
    Choose dessert or alcohol but not both.

    Avoid eating out of anger or boredom!

    Keep being focused and intentional. It's the only way to see progress!!!

    Peace and joy people!!!

    And now for a bit of humor that might hit a little too close to home for some of us, lol
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,093 Member
    Goals for Friday

    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Walk to nursery twice
    - Get some groceries
    - Maybe some light exercise this evening?

    * yaaaaaawn* I am tired this morning.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Let's be wise this weekend! Here are some tips that help me when I am going out. Feel free to add to them!

    Log everything you are planning on eating BEFORE eating it! Even if you have to guess it's still better than nothing.
    Get some kind of exercise in, at least one day.
    Eat a portion (1/4-1/2) of your food when eating out. Eat the rest the next day.
    Eat light, telling yourself you can always have more if you are hungry.
    If you want dessert, log it and consider having salad for your entree.
    Google some lighter alcoholic drinks and decide how many you are going to have beforehand.
    Place chips and bread away from you
    Tell your friend/partner what your plan of action is before you go out to eat.
    Choose dessert or alcohol but not both.

    Avoid eating out of anger or boredom!

    Keep being focused and intentional. It's the only way to see progress!!!

    Peace and joy people!!!

    And now for a bit of humor that might hit a little too close to home for some of us, lol

    Agree weekends can be a real struggle - some great tips for eating out there @toaljasa

    Only thing i would add is to make sure you drink plenty of water during the day before going out for a meal, especially if you’ve eaten a bit lighter than normal to prepare for it.

    And not to sweat the water weight gain after it! X
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Major victory - not overweight anymore! :):):):):)

    So chuffed with this. I've been very successful this week (had a few calories left over the week overall) and as a result a few pounds just dropped off.

    Just 4.5 pounds to go until my goal weight! When I get there, I might decide to lose more, but we'll see. I'll evaluate how my body looks at that point. The main thing is I want to get rid of tummy flab as much as I can. Because of last year's operations, I have a big scar just under my tummy which means that any flab I have kind of hangs over it in a really unattractive way. I'd like to have no/less flab to hang over it! But, I also like eating so I might have to put up with that, as my goal weight might be the lowest I can go without having to eat less than I feel comfortable with.

    What a success! B)B)B)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @slittlemeister You did it! We are all celebrating with you. It's been great to see your journey---you've always been real and honest and your continued efforts, even when you've slipped, have been quite encouraging. You are proof in the pudding to keep moving onward! And the way your smashing this June challenge you will be at your goal weight in no time. Congrats and stay focused!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Let's be wise this weekend! Here are some tips that help me when I am going out. Feel free to add to them!

    Log everything you are planning on eating BEFORE eating it! Even if you have to guess it's still better than nothing.
    Get some kind of exercise in, at least one day.
    Eat a portion (1/4-1/2) of your food when eating out. Eat the rest the next day.
    Eat light, telling yourself you can always have more if you are hungry.
    If you want dessert, log it and consider having salad for your entree.
    Google some lighter alcoholic drinks and decide how many you are going to have beforehand.
    Place chips and bread away from you
    Tell your friend/partner what your plan of action is before you go out to eat.
    Choose dessert or alcohol but not both.

    Avoid eating out of anger or boredom!

    Keep being focused and intentional. It's the only way to see progress!!!

    Peace and joy people!!!

    And now for a bit of humor that might hit a little too close to home for some of us, lol

    Agree weekends can be a real struggle - some great tips for eating out there @toaljasa

    Only thing i would add is to make sure you drink plenty of water during the day before going out for a meal, especially if you’ve eaten a bit lighter than normal to prepare for it.

    And not to sweat the water weight gain after it! X

    Yes, water helps tremendously in getting that full feeling. The other night when we went out I bypassed the alcohol and just had water. I didn't feel deprived and easily ended up with half my meal in a take away box. Thanks for the reminder.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Just for Wednesday report:

    1. Adhere to my food plan (having a light breakfast and lunch so I can feast on Ethiopian food at dinner.) :neutral:
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water :neutral:
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening :smile:
    4. 15 minute yoga routine :neutral:
    5. Computer off, kitchen closed, and brush teeth by 10:30 pm...snack attack got me last night :smile:

    Yesterday was...not so successful. I deviated from my food plan, didn't drink enough water, and skipped the exercise, which I am now feeling this morning. Le sigh. Why do I do that when I know the consequences? You'd think after 43 years I would be less of a puzzle to myself!

    Now the good: I still stayed under my calories even though I deviated, and the scale this morning rewarded me with a lovely number... 2 lbs lower than yesterday. It's not an "official" weigh in and I know it's within the range of fluctuations, but it was a nice number to see!

    Just For Thursday:

    1. Log all food and stay under calories.
    2. Physical therapy morning and evening
    3. Yoga! Doing this right after physical therapy this a.m. No procrastinating!
    4. Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 10:30 pm
    5. Drink 8 glasses of water: 2 down and counting!

    Two is such a lovely number, isn't it! Way to go! Now, dig in and stay the course for today. You are already off to a good start on your water. Stay focused and intentional today. Way to go!!

    Thank you! :blush: Confession: I did not finish my yoga this morning. I was distracted by my cat. Now that I see this, I have to finish! I want to have a focused and intentional day with 5 smiles!

    Good for you! You'll be down another pound in no time---you are working hard at it.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,093 Member
    edited June 2018
    Went shopping with Casey in the pram... why, why did I do that?!


    On a scale of 1 to a billion how many calories do you think I burnt!

    P.s. it was mostly heavy stuff like milk, vimto (3L!), tins (“cans” for the USers :lol: ) potatoes then everything else!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Thursday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :/
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium :/
    5. Clean the house :)
    6. Pack for vacation!! :)

    JFT (Friday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,093 Member
    June challenge: ( better late than never)

    22: not sure what I was feeling, but had 3 biscuits totalling to 120 cals. Following an accident where my partner accidentally kicked my hand, bent the fingers all back and now it feels crippled. Still v sore but not broken.
    I instantly got the biscuits with a cup of tea
    Stopped at 3 though so not bad.

    Tl;dr - hurt my hand, ate biscuits.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    June challenge: ( better late than never)

    22: not sure what I was feeling, but had 3 biscuits totalling to 120 cals. Following an accident where my partner accidentally kicked my hand, bent the fingers all back and now it feels crippled. Still v sore but not broken.
    I instantly got the biscuits with a cup of tea
    Stopped at 3 though so not bad.

    Tl;dr - hurt my hand, ate biscuits.

    Oh no! I hope you're okay! And I bet you burned a whole lot of calories with all that food! It's like walking with weights! Good for you! And three cookies isn't too bad! At least you had the willpower to stop at three!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Major victory - not overweight anymore! :):):):):)

    So chuffed with this. I've been very successful this week (had a few calories left over the week overall) and as a result a few pounds just dropped off.

    Just 4.5 pounds to go until my goal weight! When I get there, I might decide to lose more, but we'll see. I'll evaluate how my body looks at that point. The main thing is I want to get rid of tummy flab as much as I can. Because of last year's operations, I have a big scar just under my tummy which means that any flab I have kind of hangs over it in a really unattractive way. I'd like to have no/less flab to hang over it! But, I also like eating so I might have to put up with that, as my goal weight might be the lowest I can go without having to eat less than I feel comfortable with.

    Anyway, yay!! Now trying to decide whether or not to reward myself with a sausage sandwich for breakfast... ;)

    Woohoo!!! That's so awesome! Congratulations!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Let's be wise this weekend! Here are some tips that help me when I am going out. Feel free to add to them!

    Log everything you are planning on eating BEFORE eating it! Even if you have to guess it's still better than nothing.
    Get some kind of exercise in, at least one day.
    Eat a portion (1/4-1/2) of your food when eating out. Eat the rest the next day.
    Eat light, telling yourself you can always have more if you are hungry.
    If you want dessert, log it and consider having salad for your entree.
    Google some lighter alcoholic drinks and decide how many you are going to have beforehand.
    Place chips and bread away from you
    Tell your friend/partner what your plan of action is before you go out to eat.
    Choose dessert or alcohol but not both.

    Avoid eating out of anger or boredom!

    Keep being focused and intentional. It's the only way to see progress!!!

    Peace and joy people!!!

    I'm probably going to get a pizza tomorrow night. I will stop myself at 2 pieces. I usually eat half of a large pie on my own! Going to have to remember these tips!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So yesterday was actually turned out to be a decent day. Work was horrendously slow. I did 8 transactions all day! The DH lost his keys at work so after I got out of work I had to drive 20 miles to his store and give him his spare. He's really upset about it because he thinks it means that his memory is getting bad again. I think he'll find them today. But we got to spend the evening together. We watched a couple of YouTube videos from a channel that we follow and ended up falling asleep in the couch watching baseball. Lol. I had a small thing of trail mix late last night but I only went over my calories by like 25. I'm okay with that.

    I love all the smiley faces that everyone had this morning!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    I'm probably going to get a pizza tomorrow night. I will stop myself at 2 pieces. I usually eat half of a large pie on my own! Going to have to remember these tips!

    I'm eating pizza tonight...we usually have homemade on Fridays. I will purpose to stop at two as well, (I'm the same as you, I usually eat four and the hubs gets four) knowing I can still get more if I want it. We can do this!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 6/21/18

    1. Post on JFT <3
    2. Read TMM :|I totally could have but I ended up not. Lol.
    3. Explore 2 work websites <3
    4. Organize 3 work files <3
    5. Research local radio stations for B <3
    6. Do dishes right after dinner <3 Yes but there always seems to be more every time I look. Lol
    7. Shower/teeth/face :| By the time I woke up from my nap I was ready to climb into bed so that's what I did! Lol

    Have a great day everyone!

    JFT, 6/22/18

    Post on JFT
    Read TMM
    Food prep
    Meal plan
    Clean out fridge
    Clean by crock pot
    Get docs ready for DMV
    Print out bill
    Transfer money while on break
    Dishes right after dinner!!

    Have a great night everyone!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    I'm probably going to get a pizza tomorrow night. I will stop myself at 2 pieces. I usually eat half of a large pie on my own! Going to have to remember these tips!

    I'm eating pizza tonight...we usually have homemade on Fridays. I will purpose to stop at two as well, (I'm the same as you, I usually eat four and the hubs gets four) knowing I can still get more if I want it. We can do this! [/quote]

    Yes! And I'm going to take your advice and tell the DH not to let me have more then 2 AND I'm going to get a small pie so that I only have 3 pieces to choose from anyway! Lol. I'll save the last piece got lunch on Sunday. Lol
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,795 Member
    Faebert wrote: »

    @Bex953172 and @Faebert don’t know if you have them there but Snickers is a chocolate bar here.

    We certainly do have Snickers over here - used to be called Marathon when I was a kid but it was changed I think to be in line with the US.

    They don’t have Snickers bars in them but the two giant (30 in each) bags of mini chocolates that my aunt and uncle bought for the kids this week are certainly snickering away at me! My older daughter is going to take one bag in to school today to share with her friends to say thank you for all their help with her broken arm. They have been so sweet - writing cards and carrying her school bag for her. Might have to send the other bag with them to their dad this weekend (especially as he told me he’s trying to lose a couple of pounds >:) )

    @nickssweetheart and @jeschepp - look at all those smilies and ticks!! Way to go!

    Happy Friday all. Finishing a coffee and will workout soon. I’ll see you all back on here later - hopefully with a bunch of ticks of my own. X

    I think the best place for that second bag is given to the ex, it will help his weight loss tremendously :)