June Self-Care Challenge



  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,845 Member
    Heading to Florida for a trip with my friend and daughters. Will be relaxing and full of exercise - we like to power walk on the beach and ride bikes. I also may try something new and go on a dolphin cruise. So, it will be five days of self care in a row. Xo

    So jealous! Enjoy!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,942 Member
    Heading to Florida for a trip with my friend and daughters. Will be relaxing and full of exercise - we like to power walk on the beach and ride bikes. I also may try something new and go on a dolphin cruise. So, it will be five days of self care in a row. Xo

    Have a wonderful time! That sounds like so much fun.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,845 Member
    Going to bed early for my care today
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    sat with an older neighbor and chatted for a bit about her flower bed. her garden makes me happy every time i walk past it, so i let her know, and thanked her! she was pumped!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited June 2018
    @JulieAL1969 have a great trip!

    I had so much fun over the past weekend I didn't really need to delegate special time for self care. Back to my normal routine now! Lifted Monday, ran yesterday, lifting today.

    I'm still doing 5 minutes of handstand practice every day, and it is making a difference - I can wall plank 60 seconds now, and do an L wall stand with one foot pointed up. I'm starting to feel more confident with weight on my shoulders and less like my head is going to explode.

    Cleaned out and sorted my closet so now it only has clothes I like, which fit me, organized so I can find them.

    I mentioned earlier buying silly special effects press on nails for my birthday. It turns out I am addicted to press on nails. These are seriously the best thing since sliced bread. I got so many compliments and no one would believe they weren't my real nails. They take about a minute to apply and lasted five days before one started to get loose, and that was with me cleaning house, peeling oranges, and doing stable work. The way I use my hands, I've never had a real mani last more than three days! Definitely going to do this again, and I bought some more of the kind I wore this time - purple/green chrome - for wearing on race days. Plus some more normal looking ones for when I don't necessarily want my fingertips to look like they belong to a space princess. Doing my fingernails is a thing I started as an alternative to rewarding myself with food, but I'm not very good at it, and it takes an annoyingly long time. So this is great!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    June 19
    walked uphill & then down - enjoying my music on the way up & the gorgeous views on the way down!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    June 20: relaxed with a fun movie after a very busy day

    June 21: cancelled 2 things & took care of myself...went to a bookstore & browsed happily, found a book I had regretted not purchasing a month ago at a more distant bookstore...relaxed, watched a tv show & had some delicious cherries & strawberries. Self-care is SO necessary.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,183 Member
    Bike ride to the beach and then a 50 min. Walk along the ocean. (I'm on vacation)
    Lots of lounging by the pool and beach. Reading a book. This whole weekend will be self care. Xo
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Been working on a blog every spare minute this week.

    Really pleased with my efforts. My son (aged 25, graphic designer) says he loves my writing and its clean design. Looking forward to "releasing" it. Have done 7 posts so far.

    Today, Saturday, I did parkrun as usual, and planted some garlic (it's Winter here in Australia).

    It's such a nice feeling having a whole "crop" of garlic to look forward to in Summer.

    Look at it; its green shoots of potential! :smile: :smile: :smile:

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    June 22: fun movie, relaxing & saw a friend!

    June 23: had a picnic in a park with friends!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Stressful day today, storm took out power and by the time it came back on we had lost a fridge full of food, plus my husband's work computer wouldn't start. (Seems to be damaged memory - we have an uninterrupted power supply but it seems to have failed to protect the system.)

    My self care plans include playing Centipede on a hand held retro game I bought at Walmart - brings back memories of 8th grade! - painting my fingernails denim blue, and actively working not to let my husband stress me out while he works on the computer. Does anyone else have a spouse who just cannot deal with problems without trying to make everyone in the immediate area as miserable as possible? My dad used to do that - he would say to my mom, "I'm not yelling at you, I'm yelling at (car engine, boat motor, spackle brush, whatever he was working on)." To which my mother would reply, "I'm here and I have to listen to it!" And my husband is the same way, even when repairs are going as well as could be expected, they are punctuated by explosions of shouting. The cats are hiding somewhere upstairs and I am working on my stress relief skills - just because someone else is freaking out next to me doesn't mean I need to join in!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Got myself to church Sunday morning for the first time in a while. I have been bad about it lately. For me it's definitely self-care, it recharges my batteries!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    June 24: watched a movie & took a rest day. Read some of a book on writing & had breakfast in backyard with hubby.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,183 Member
    Went for a 9,200 step power walk after I got home from vacation today. I ate loads of calories over the weekend but told myself don't wait until tomorrow to exercise , do it now. So i did and felt good.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,042 Member
    June 25
    Called son after his interview- awesome chat!
    Visited with a former colleague I had not seen in 5 years. So good!
    Took things more moderately, as I think I might have been over-exercising.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,183 Member
    @rheddmobile That is very stressful to lose power and food and then computer troubles. All lumped together along with a frustrated husband. Hope today is a little better. It isn't always easy to stay up and positive when others around you are not. Wishing you a peaceful day. Xo
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @rheddmobile That is very stressful to lose power and food and then computer troubles. All lumped together along with a frustrated husband. Hope today is a little better. It isn't always easy to stay up and positive when others around you are not. Wishing you a peaceful day. Xo

    Thank you! I hope your trip went well.

    Computer turned out to be fried memory, expensive but easier to replace than lost work. No big deal in the grand scheme of things. It is nice having a husband who can diagnose computers even if he feels the need to curse while doing it.

    We ran, ran, ran around the park on Monday morning at the crack of dawn. Weather was a little bit like running in a sauna, and since we were the first out on the trails I broke through about two dozen spiderwebs with my face! But it felt so good to be out and running trails again. First trail run since my injury, since I was afraid to catch my foot and twist my knee while it was swollen. We saw an indigo bunting, which is the first one I've ever seen, and a family of kites.

    I'm still doing wall planks - can hold 60 seconds now without feeling like I'm going to die. Working on walking back my hands to a wall handstand, but I'm not yet strong enough to support myself one-handed.