JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 44



  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
    So over calories, no workout, and completely aware that I still can binge-eat. Thanks universe, I get it.

    I've been having a version of this experience as well. I'm apparently still addicted to sugar, no matter how many months I stay away from it.

    Thanks for speaking my mind for me @brightresolve !!!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,851 Member
    @no1racefan1 Shivering burns calories!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,851 Member
    @tiabirdie56 I discovered that weighing when I get up followed by my coffee then waiting about and an hour and a half as re-weighing, I weigh about 1.5# less at the later time!

    @brightresolve I’m glad you DIDN’T choke on the cookies!
    And @puddlegoober we all have our demons! I haven’t missed bread really but every once in awhile I crave garlic bread! What’s up with THAT? If that happens I just load up whatever I’m making with garlic. So far, so good!